HOME DEMONSTRATION CORNER CULT BALLXNGER, County Home Economics A((kl ANN RACKLET, Asst. Home Economics Agent The home agents announc* the following schedule: Monday, February 26: T h i Shaw Springs and Enterprisi Home Demonstration Clubs an< the Epworth Enterprise Com munity Club will meet at 7:3< p. m. at the Epworth-Enter prise Clubhouse. Tuesday, Feb. 27: Th< agents will attend an all-da; training school in Wilson. Wednesday, Feb. 28: Thert will be an Agricultural Foun dation Meeting at 7:30 p. m in Henderson at the Count; Courthouse. Thursday, Man?h 1: 4gents will attend an all-day training school in Wilson. Paschall Home Demonstra tion Club will meet at 2:00 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Albert Perkinson. The foods and nu trition leader will give the demonstration. Friday, March 2: Embro Home Demonstration Club will meet at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Claudia Stallings. The foods and nutrition leader will give the demonstration. Last month in the Home Demonstration Clubs the dem onstration was "How To Stretch Your Food Dollar." In study ing this subject several things about food packages were call ed to the attention of the wom en seeing the demonstration. You too may be interested in some of this information. What's behind the package? Wrapped in today's package are services and convenience not even dreamed of ten years ago.?New complete food din ners, instantv puddings, minute products. Short cuts that make tasks like cake making, jelly making and home laundering quicker. The modern package holds a better product than ever be fore. The quality is more uni form, the home preparation easier and more sure of suc cess. Todays directions are sim ple to follow. There's accurate information about uses and number of servings. The pack age is handy, too, practical in size. It gives new kind of pro tection, yet it is simple to Store and appealing to look at. All these modern values are part of today's living, within the reach of every food shop Der who looks for them. WHAT SHOULD A PACKAGE TELL YOU? You can check? The Quality The first ingredient named must be in the greatest pro portion, Uie second-in--Hie-next greatest proportion and so on. The package size may not be a true indication of the actual amount inside as the product may have settled during ship ment, it may enclose a smaller package for better protection, or it may be fairly large to help prevent breakage and pQferage. A familiar package may be reduced in quantity. Frequent ly an increase in product costs to the manufacturer is com pensated by P reduction in quantity rather than a raise in price. "Sale", items may not be what they seem. A package says . . . "Regular $1.00 size for . . The package may ac tually be a smaller size than toe one you recall as the "reg ular size." The Price The larger sizes may be there for your convenience and mean no actual savings per ounce or serving. Compare both seasonal price changes and price differences between quantities and brands. ' Packer's Name and Ad You * may have additional questions or comments on the pmduct, its use or storage. It's good to know? rdsol Thanks for cards of thanks be in this office night, earlier accompanied by SOe cost of insertion. to take this opportun (press my sincere ap to my friends and for Ihf many nets of iwn during my re and since my re 1 wish to especiall) " of Warren Gen ALBERT HIGH! i take this opportin many friends - ? the cards gifts, fruit am recent sta: Each dcot The Foods and Standards D vision of the State Departmei of Agriculture, and the Fe< eral Food and Drug Admin stration are constantly checl ing for mislabeling in regar to quantity and actual eoi tent. Check with these agencie if you have a question coi cerning quality standard: weights or measures. What Should A Package Cost' It depends on what you'r buying, of course. How muc convenience? How much prt tection? In recent years the per pel son per year expenditure fo package materials has bee: about $55. Cost of assembling filling, and handling abou three-fourths more, bringin the total to an estimated $10 per year. Wrapping It Up All packaging problems hav not been solved. Some pack ages are too large, some to< small, too hard to open au< too extravagant. Perhaps it 1 time to ask some serious ques tions. Convenience ... at wha price? The markets are at tuned to your wants and de sires. It is up to you, the con sumer. to make your wishe: known. Announcement By Negro Agent PEGGIE P. DREW County Negro Home Ec. Agent DOROTITY RUTH EDGE Assistant County Negro Home Ec. Agent Phone 204-1 The Negro home agents an-j nounce the following schedule: j Monday, Feb. 26: 12:30 p. | m., Epworth Home Demonstra tion Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Patience Hill. Mrs. Ella Carter, Foods and Nutrition Leader will give the demonstration. 1:30 p. m.. Olive Grove Home Demonstration Club will meet it the home of Mrs. Gertrude Carter with Mrs. Virginia Wil Sins as co-hostess. Mrs. Eliza beth Fitts, Foods and Nutri tion Leader, will give the dem ons tration. Tuesday, Feb. 27: 1:00 p. m., Wisg Home Demonstration Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Ida Baskerville. Mrs. Mil lie Jones, Foods and Nutrition Leader, will give the demon stration. 2:30 p. m., Norlina Home Demonstration Club will meet it the home of Mrs. Mable Sledge, Funds. and Nutrition Leader, who will give the dem onstration. Wednesday. Feb. 28: 12:30 p. m., Bethlehem Home Dem onstration Club will meet. Mrs. Mittie Harrison, Foods and Nutrition Leader( will give the demonstration. Thursday, March 1: 12:30 p. m., Forke Chapel Home Dem onstration Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Ethel Alston. Mrs. Mary Williams, Foods and Nutrition Leader, will -give the demonstration. 7:30 p. m., Liberia Home Demonstration Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Annie Young. The Foods and Nutri tion Leader will give the dem onstration. Friday, March 2: 1:00 p. m., Jordan Hill Home Demon-' stration Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Ida Palmer. Mrs. Helen Milam, Foods and Nu trition Leader, will give the | demonstration. ANNOUNCEMENTS Wednesday, Feb. 28: 1:30 p. I m.. Dr. Lewis Thorpe of the | Boice-Willis Clinic, Park View Hospital, Rocky Mount, will speak in the Assembly Room of the Community Center on the subject of "Cancer." The public is cordially invited to. attend. 7:30 p. m., Vaughan Rural | Community Development Unit | will meet at the school. HEALTH AND SAFETY TIPS' In connection with last week's news article, here are a few staple items that it, would be well to include in j your stock of medicine sup-, plies ... as listed in "Today, Health Magazine." Aspirin ? To get rid of, headaches or the aches and, pains accompanying a cold. Calamine lotion?For minor' skin irritations, inseef bites' and the_early stages of poison ivy. A cough syrup ? containing soothing ingredients and no habit forming drugs. Petroleum for chapped skin and superficial burns, cuts and bruises. | Adhesive bandages, roll band ages, sterile gauze pads and ad hesive tape. An oral thermometer, and a a rectal one for small children. A bulk or mild saline laxa tive for occasional use. Epsom salts and rubbing al ;ohol. Sick room supplies such as' lot water bottle, ice bag, vap irizer, enema bags, medicine Iroppers, tongue depressors, weezers, scissors, a handy ref ;rence poison chart, and a good :irst aid manual. An antiseptic for wounds. 1 Don't bother with antiseptic :or minor cuts. Hot water and map will do a good job A final word of caution: Keep your medical supplies out if the reach of small children. The candy coated aspiran are 'ine for children, but they tlso are tempting and children lometimes will eat the whole >ottle of the small pills with lire results. There are other useful house lold medical supplies and jquipment, but those listed lere will handle most minor 1 tome ailments and injuries. Do jot, try ,tQ treat a more serious : llness or injury yourself. Call j zour doctor. Not His Impression According to The Machinist, 'Cal Calipers says he keeps 'eading in the papers where' Brigitte Bardot is retiring, but le never thought so." Agricultural products are re sponsible for one fourth of all ?xports from the United States.1 As Seen In ... . HOUSE And GARDEN Luxury-Loving Pianos ? for ? Luxury-Loving Homes KOHLER & CAMPBELL Heirloom Quality Piano# Since 1896 WARRENTON FURNITURE EXCHANGE SCOTT GARDNER M?r. *? Miss Ann Rackley 'Honored At Tea t Miss Ann Rackley, Warren County Assistant Home Eco nomics Agent, and March 4th bride-elect of John K. Kilian, was honored at a tea on Tues day afternoon by the Home Demonstration Club Women of Warren County held at the Ar eola Clubhouse. The clubhouse was beautifully decorated throughout in a bridal motif of pink, green and white, Greeting the guests were. Mrs R. M. Shearin of Areola. Receiving with the honoree were her mother, Mrs. W. H. Rackley of Smithfield, and mother of bride-elect, Mrs. John G. Kilian of Ridgeway, Mrs. Willis Fleming of Hender son and Miss Emily Ballinger of Warrenton. The punch table, covered with an imported embroidered i linen cloth, bore a lovely pink flower arrangement in an] epergne used with silver can-] delabra at one end, and at the other end a crystal punch bowl from which Mrs. Carlyle King] cf Littleton poured delicious^ fruit punch. Bridal ices, mints ; and nuts were also served , from the table. Assisting Mrs.: E. E. Hecht of Ridgeway in! serving were club members J from the various home demon-, stration clubs of the county, j Mrs. William Ellington of, Drewry presided at the guest 1 book, and good-byes were said, to Mrs. C. P. Pope of Churchill., ? .^-proximately 100 club mem-, bers from all sections of the county attended Out-of-countv | 1 guests were Mrs. Oscar Patter-]1 son and Mrs. Almond Thomp-j son of Smithfield. |' The home demonstration club | ? county council and the 4-H ' club county council presented j the bride-elect with gifts of. silver in her chosen pattern. Other gifts of silver and cry-! I stal were also presented her (1 bv the various clubs. Marriage Licenses Nancy Jo Paschall. white, of Rt. 2^ Norlina, to Ray Gene ? I.edfo'd of Raleigh Barbara Juanita Flynn. white., < of Boydton. Va.. to William ? Howard Ricketson of Boydtou, 1 \'a. 1 Jeanette Hendricks, colored, 1 of Rt 1. Norlina. to Junious ' Nathaniel Johnson of Rt. 1, ' Norlina Clara Reabie Nicholson, col ored, of East Orange. N J . to ' Ernest I. Johnston, Jr.. of East ? Orange. N. J. ' Margaret Louise Guill. white of Wylliesburg. Va . to Curtis,! Wayne Thorp of Drakes < Branch. Va. |1 Sarah Bettie Minggia, color-] ed, of Rt. 2,-Littleton, to James j* William Thornton of Ports- 1 mouth, V a. . ' Like Humans Just as human beings hold.J hands when they are courting, 11 some birds may hold bills. Puf-,1 fins nibble at each other's bill. ? i Ravens lock bills in a gesture i suggesting a prolonged kiss. You begin to feel your age 1 when you realize that the | beautiful blonde looking your (; way is giving your son the t once over. WARREN WARRENTON, N. C THEATRE TEL. 319-1 SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY GUNK FORD FRANK CAPRA'S ??. KITE QMS ft. PoctotM mm* t- of Mharies f? "SSL Sunday Shows 3:00 Night 7:30-9:30 Matinee 3:15 Night 7:30 - 9:30 WEDNESDAY EFREM ZIMBALIST JR. - ANGIE DICKINSON FEVER m THE BLOOD Matinee 3:15 Night 7:30 - 9:30 THURS. - FRI. - SAT. WBL COlOftfeyOCUMI :15 Night 7:30 - 9:30 Sbowt Continuous 2:00-11:00 . LITTLETON NEWS Mrs. Clarence West visited little Susan Tant in Warren General Hospital on Monday. Joseph Edwin Stansbury, Jr., and Miss Harriet Cheek were in Rocky Mount on Monday jjr and Mrs. Alex Phelps and daughter. Beverly, were in Warrenton on Sunday after noon. , Mr. and Mrs. Horace Palm er and Mrs. Bessie Pritchard ?. * _ r>n er aiia iu*?. - wore in Roanoke Rapids on Thursday. , ? , Mr and Mrs. Herbert Hud son and daughter. Diane, of Richmond, Va? visited Mrs. Vergie Reld and Miss Shirley Reid over the weekend The Senior Clhss of Aurelian Springs High School" attended , dinner at Buck Overton's in Rocky Mount on Monday night. Mrs. Rosamond West spent leveral days last week in Fort lackson. S. C. with her hus land, Pfc West, who has been ransferred to Texas. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Rig 'an were Sunday visitors of dr. and Mrs. Willie Liles, Sr. Willis Liles, Jr., has accept ;d a position with J. P. Stcv ?ns Co in Roanoke Rapids. Mr and Mrs. Willie Jenkins md children of Richmond, Va , risited her parents, Mr. and drs James A Myrick and Mr. md Mrs. Lovd Salmon re-| , I fjJr' and Mrs. Raymond liar is and sons, J R . Phil ?"?? tlvin Parker, were Sunday risitors of Mrs. J B Hamm ind Bennie Hamm in Peters >urg, Va. , Mrs Annie Crawley and -randson. Walter Gray Craw ey and Joe Ed Stansbury | cere in Warrenton on Tues-^ ^Sunday dinner guests of Mr.; nd Mrs. Bernice West were, ?ommy West, Mrs. Cora Mae ohnston. Miss Ruby Smiley, \ 1r and Mrs. Robert West and, hildren. Betty Jean. ?ren^i'', tarv I.ois and Philip. Mrs All lie lee Hilliard and children,) lorothv, Henry F. Jr , and, ternicc. Pfc. Don Peatny and, >vt Fred West of Fort Jaek om S. C.. Mrs. Fred West and ustis West. . Mrs Robert West and chil Iren visited Mr and Mrs. J. Viiie Tharrington in Hollister "MrUIand Mrs. Cleveland Pike nd children spent the week nd with Mr and Mrs. Smith n Wilmington. ? Mr and Mrs. Alvis Fleming nd children. Charles and Jancv, were Sunday night din ler guests of Mr. and Mrs. riTTib GTa? West: , " Pfc. Don Peatny of Fort ackson. S. C? was * Ucst of Pfc. Fred West and Irs West and also visited Mr. nd Mrs. Bernice West on iunday. , _ . Willie Gray West and Rob >rt West were in Petersburg, fa., on Monday. Pfc Fred West, Mrs. West nd Mr and Mrs. Bernice West isited in the home of Mr. and Jrs. M. T. Dickens on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. H. W. Mitchell and Miss Ethel Harrison attended the Methodist District Confer ence in Rocky Mount on Sun day afternoon. Mr. Elliott Isles visited Clif ton Crawley on Sunday. / Miss Emma Lewis Whitaker and Si Hoskins of Warrenton visited Miss-Ethel Harrison on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Car ter and children of Raleigh spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Ed W. Llles and vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pike on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Gard ner of Greensboro spent the weekend with Mrs. Doris Tay lor. Elmo Shearin, Luther Ay cock and Albert Wilcox were in Warrenton on Monday. Mr. Robert T. Hardy of Grove Hill visited Mrs .Milton Overby at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Neal on Monday. Mrs. Overby has recently re turned home from Warren General Hospital. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Perkinson were Mr. and Mrs. George Outland of Littleton and Mrs. William Perkinson and daughters of Newport News, Va. W. T. Threewitts, Jr., of Greensboro visited relatives here on Monday night. Mrs. Charlie J. Shearin visit ed Mrs. Charles E. Lewis on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spain visited Mr. and Mrs. Van Hen ry Spain in Henderson on Sun day. Mr. Charles E. Lewis visited his father, C. R. Lewis, in Louisburg Hospital on Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie J. Shearin, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shearin and grandson, Wayne! Lewis, spent Saturday night in Roxboro with Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Liles. Mr. Willis Idles. Sr., is on the sick list. Miss Sandra Shearin return ed to Louisburg College on Sunday afternoon after- spend ing the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo R. Shearin, Sr. She was ac companied by her parents and Mr. Paul Williams. A1 Liles and Miss Faye The official opening of the Second Southeastern Flower and Garden Show will be a gala event at the State Fair Arena, Raleigh, on Feb. 23. The First I-ady of North Carolina, Mrs. Terry Sanford, will be Honorary Hostess. She will cut a "ribbon" of North Carolina-grown orchids to of ficially start the festivities. Of particular interest will be an enlarged display by the North Carolina State Florists Association which will be plac ed near the main entrance. The N. C. Comercial Flower Grow ers, the N. C. Orchid Society, the N. C. Federation of Gar den Clubs and the N. C. Asso ciation of Nurserymen are the Warren were in Rocky Mount on Monday night. Mrs. Robert West and Mrs. Tommy West visited Mr. Jim Warren in Warren General Hospital on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo B. Shear in, Sr. were in Enfield on Tuesda>. Mrs. Dorothy Shearin and children. Brant and Allen, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pars on Sunday afternoon. Joseph Edwin Stansbury, Jr., was an overnight guest of Ed Harris in Hollistcr on Mon day night. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliford Isles and children were Sunday vis itors of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Isles. Mrs. Clifton Crawley and children spent Saturday night j in Norfolk, Va., with Mr. and Mrs. John W. Heptinstall. Mrs. C. L. Kelly of Aurelian Springs spent sometime last week with her sister, Mrs. Maude Sauls, and niece, Mrs. Herbert Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Isles visited Mr. and Mrs. Pete Har-! ris in Halifax on Monday. Mrs. Harry Landing and Mrs. | Frank Dennis and children of The Wonderful World of (??Qj?ia *4.95 PER WEEK with better than ever rca Victor COLOR ?Tn# Most Trusted Nam* in Color Television First la compatible celsr ^L,ir Now's the time to trade-up tofSCDDd?? TUml/Uta. TV Deluxe Series 212-G-OO-M 260 square-Inch plcturo Space-Saving - Color TV Conaolatto e Hlgt) Fidelity Color Tub* e Powerful "New Vieta" Tuner ? Color-Quick Tuning RADIO TV CENTER Anw. Tue^-c g. m m ~ other participating groups. Richard C. Beel, well-known Raleigh landscape architect, has planned 15 gardens offering a wide choice of themes. The average homeowner will find many new ideas which can be used in home garden planning. There will also be educational displays staged by N. C. State College, and also by commer cial flower growers of this area. A new feature this year will be public demonstrations of flower-arranging by the flor ists. A daily fashion show will be staged by the merchants of Comeron. Village of Raleigh. This presentation last year was one of the daily highlights of the show. Norfolk, Va., and Wheeles Cole of Richmond, Va., were week end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Frailer and children, Kenneth and Francis, of Portsmouth, Va., Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Morris and children, Jimmy and Ron ny, of Goldsboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Baines and children, W. E. and Carolyn Ann, of Portsmouth, Va., spent the weekend with Mrs. Lawrence Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stain back and daughter, Karen, of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Timo thy Stainback and children, Renee and Connie Joe, of Ral eigh, Mr. and Mrs. John Har ris and daughter, Vickey, of Richmond, Va*. and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harris of Littleton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stain back. Mrs. Helen Kooper of Ral eigh spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Mildred Oxen ham. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riggan of Henderson visited Miss Fan nie Moore and Macon Moore, Sr., on Sunday. KELLY TIRF jjjffETY-80-RoSg Every new Kelly auto fir. h DOUBLE OUARANTEEDI t. Against normal road hazards (except repairable punctures) for lenath of tb?0 period specified. Lifetime guarantee en Celebrity Nylon Extra and Air Cere. 2. Against defects in workmanship and material 'without limit at to Hate Of Repairs mode free of charge, or allowance mode on new tire bated upon * * * nd cu * "** ** " remaining original tread and current "Kelly Prke." RIDE THEH KELLY Rjynu m TIRE SERVICE, Inc. (Next To Colonial Store) . ! Phone 90.1-1 I^MIli llllllll. Mfrr. ?W4&JfARRBNT0N, N. YOUR KELLY CAR SAFETY CENTER? 11 " ' "ill' ' ' I. V I T .nil ' ' ml .nil

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