Your Best Advertising Medium ?hr Harnut IRprord Your Best Advertising Medium VOLUME 66 Subscription Price $3.00 a Year 10c Per Copy WARRENTON, COUNTY OF WARREN, N. C. FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1962 NUMBER 9 Seven Men In Coroner's Race Wilh the filing of two more candidates for me position of coroner of Warren County this week, the field of candi dates for this position was in creased to seven. Wiley G. Coleman, chairman of the Warren County Board of Elections, said yesterday that A. C. Fair of Warrenton paid his filing fee as a candi date for coroner in the Demo cratic Primary of May 25 on Monday, and that Luther .T. Walker of Littleton filed for the position on Tuesday. In addition, Coleman said, W. E llamm of Warrenton has filed for the position of War renton Township Constable, a position for wnich Douglas Vaughan had previously filed. Seeking the coroner's spot, in addition to Fair and Walk er, are Jack Dowtin of War renton, Frank Ray Vaughan of Warrenton, Thurston Brown, Negro mortician of Warren ton, N. I. Haithcock of War renton, encumbent, and Wil liam H. King, Jr., of Warren ton. With the exception of Wal ker, all of the. candidates to file for the coroner's position so far are from Warrenton. the county seat. October Date For Filling Reservoir 1 With the target date for fill ing the Gaston reservoir only seven months away, W. J. Schneider, assistant real estate department manager for Vir ginia Electric and Power Com pany, has closed his office at Hotel Warren and been tem porarily assigned to Roanoke Rapids. P. N. Little, chief office en gineer for Stone and Webster, engineering firm in charge of the construction of the Gaston dam and reservoir, will retain his office here for some time. Schneider, who came here some two years ago, closed hi* office here on Tuesday. He said that his stay at Roanoke Rapids would be only tem porary while he completed his job 011 the reservoir. Schneider said that the pres ent target date for the begin ning of filling of the Gaston reservoir has been set for Oc tober. While rainy weather has slowed down the clearing of the reservoir, it is expected that additional crews will be added as soon as the weather clears, and it is still hoped that the target date will be; met. While Mr. and Mrs. Little and family have been making their home in Warrentcn for the past two years in the Moseley home on North Main Street, Schneider, unable to find suitable quarters here, has been commuting from Roa noke Rapids. . Ann King Is WifinCf In Sewing Contest A John Graham High School p. sophomore was first place win ner in the Fashion-Sewing C9J1 ~ test" for "the "Home "Economics girls held on Friday afternoon in the Home Economics De partment. Ann King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G>. W. King of Oak ville, was awarded first place in the contest sponsored by the Warrenton Woman's Club and the Vogue Pattern Service. As winner she received a $5.00 cash prize from the Woman's Club,- the dress of her choice from Leggett's Department Store, and a box of candy from Hunter Drug Company. As winner of the local contest, Miss King was scheduled to represent John Graham school and the Woman's Club in the district contest at Littleton last night (Thursday). Brcnda Cottrell, a senior, and daughter of Mrs. W. B. Neal, was second .place--winner,-She received a corsage from Odom's Flower Shop and a pocketbook from Marguerite's Style Shop. Other contestants were Sarah Ann Fuller, Becky Ellis and Patsy Harmon. Miss King was first place winner with her dress-up cos tume of white brocade satin dress, blue taffeta clutch coat, lined with white taffeta, and accessories of blue shoes and blue bag. She changed to white shoes and white bag for a see and costume. Miss Cottrell won second place with her evening dress of white nylon net over white taffeta, and white accessories. Mrs. Leonard Daniel, fine arts chairman of the Woman's (See WINNER, page 10) vnmnais? Abb JUaji left, was Ant place winner in the fashion-sewing contest held st John Graham School last Friday. Cottrell was second place winner. , (Staff Photo) P W SINGING ANGELS ? Angelic young voices are finding numerous persons with enthusiast ic ears at Norlina nowadays. Youths of the Norlina Methodist Church, who have labelled them selves "singing angels", are currently In demand at various civic events. Here the youngsters sing one of their selections at the annual Norlina FFA Father and Son Banquet (see page 2). Shown above, left to right, are Mary Dowell Taylor, Nancy Carter, Ray Traylor, Susan Allen, j Lynn Clark, Wayne Carter, Brenda Paschall, Chvi a Hecht, C. A. Hicks, Lee Burrows and Wav erly White. A number of the young singers were absent when this picture was made. (Staff Photo) Tobacco Acreage Upped nopcs oi increased income among Warren County tobacco farmers rose here this week with the announcement of a 4 3 per cent increase in flue curerf tobacco acreage allot | meats. "The incresWvJs equal to five per centJb"the base al | lotment." C iS