Agriculturally Speaking Cut Tobacco Stalks And Turn Up Roots By FRANK W. REAMS, County Agricultural Agent COMING EVENTS Sept. 10: Agricultural Work ers Council, Warrenton, 3:45 p. tn. Sept. 10: Inez Community Club, Clubhouse, 8 p m Sept. 17-28: DHIA Supervi sor's Training Course, State College. Sept. 10-20: Sheep Producers, Referendum. Sept. 20: Feeder Calf Sale, Rocky Mount. Sept. 24: Warren County | Fair Opens (Exhibits received' 8 a. m.-5 p. m.). Sept. 30: Final date to apply for state and federal gasoline tax refund. TOBACCO STALKS If you are the best friend j to your future tobacco crop you will cut your stalks im mediately and turn up the roots immediately after the final priming. The lowly but powerful nematodes are the parasites that need to be de stroyed. Up to this date, I have never seen a field free of all nematodoes although some are more heavily infest- j ed than others. Solid disking will not do the job as the roots must be turned bottom upwards for the sun, wind and dry soil, will starve the watery juicy nematodes. After several weeks, brush out the roots with a harrow and your soil is then ready for your fescue-oats rotation. This two to three years rota tion will add needed organic matter which is necessary to I can't recall any two more beautiful days on tobacco mar ket opening than last week. On the average, the old boy averages things out so you can keep your raincoat and over coat handy. On top of this, crop damage from wind and hail is the low est in history based on records in this office. PEACE CORPS We have literature for those, people interested in the Peace Corps. On top of that, we' have the application forms, so. if it's information or action you desire just drop by the office for a conference. Who may apply: Any American citizen over 18 may apply. There is no upper age limit. Married cou high quality and large acreage yields. Nematodes breed fast er than rabbits and you can' imagine what would happen if i the stalks are left standing for an additional generation. EXCELLENT WEATHER The weather has not been perfect this summer but it has been so good one hesitates to say anything but praise. Sev eral of the tobacco producers who make a practice of irri gation have been asked about comparing their 1961 and 1962 yields and quality. In every case, the producers report both years about the same. Irriga tion is not everything by any means but it is a tremendous help when the weather man j cuts off the faucet and turns on the heat. Last week I received a very nice letter from a very nice lady in Rocky Mount. She was concerned about a maple tree in her yard. You may have a similar experience in mind so I am going into some detail for the benefit of all readers. She writes: "Will you please advise me about a maple tree in our yard on which we de pend not only for shade but appearance of our lot. It is a pies without dependent chil dren can be accepted if both can do needed jobs. Parental approval will have to be ob tained by volunteers who are under 21 and who live in states where persons under 21 are legally regarded as minors. Older or retired people can be accepted if they meet other Peace Corps standards and if large tree, which for the past five or six years has, by the first of July, began to shed its leaves. By the first of August hundreds a day are falling and when other maples are in their vivid glory in autumn, this one is practically bare. "We had it profesionally fer tilized in the spring hut al though the leaves came out thickly and large, it is follow ng the same pattern as past they have special skills needed | for Peace Corps projects. How ever, Peace Corps tasks will j be performed under arduous j living conditions, and for this reason it is expected that most volunteers will be from 21 to 45 years old. Older people may serve as instructors at training ienters or as overseas supervisors. years. She sent leaves from the tree, nicely packaged, which arrived in good condition. There was no evidence of dis ease or insect injury which would cause premature defol iation. I suspected root trou ble so 1 wrote and asked some questions which she answered Q. Have the roots been cut on one side of this tree or otherwise damaged? A. "Unfortunately yes. Roots cut on one side of the tree about four feet from trunk 15 years ago." Q. Has any fill soil been placed around the tree? If so, how much? A. "Again yes. About 10 inches of soil in a circle about 2 1/2 feet out from the tree." Q. Is the soil of reasonably good texture and well drained? A. "Hardly reasonably but drains okay." Q. Do you know of any drain pipes, sewer or gas lines that might interfere with nor mal root function? A. "The same side walk and electric wires for which the roots were cut." Q Examine the trunk at the base (soil line) and determine whether or not the bark ap pears to be normal. A. "The bark seems nor mal." While I am not ruling out the possibility of root-rot caus ed by fungi, two answers she gave could cause a steady de cline in vigor of her maple? root cutting on one side and over-burden of fill soil around the tree. Root cutting removes a large number of feed roots which redyces the power of the tree to absorb water and nutrients. This, in turn, results in loss of vigor. Fill soil, over the roots of established trees, excludes an adequate supply of oxygen to the roots which is essential for normal growth functions. Cotton classers determine cotton grades by three factors: color, trash or foreign matter in the cotton, and smoothness of ginning. GARDEN TIME (VK, E . Gardner N.C. St.ili- CoJIo/jt? "4% PAID ON 1-YEAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES" Citizens Bank and Trust Company nXT HE LEADING PANK IN THIS SECTION'' MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION HENDERSON, NORTH CAROLINA "WE INVITE YOUR BUSINESS" n?mrnriifmiiiMBHB?MIMMliMMMlllllliflR ii'i'Hf i['HR|Tfttemm ? where there's BO? SMOKE there's KKs) fire And that it the unique advantage of the flamelett electric heat pump. Since there is no flame, there are no products of combustion such as moisture, soot, grime or smoke. The electric heat pump consumes no oxygen thus insuring a clean, constant, healthful supply of Altered air. It is the truly modern way to "climatize" your home the year 'round. Using no fuel except electricity, the same unit cools you pleasantly in summer?keeps you comfortably warm in winter. If you are wondering how the electric heat pump compares in operating costj just ask your CP&L representative to show you case histories and actual operating records. In this way, you can prove to yourself that this unique cooling and heating system costs no more than competitive systems. Remember?only flameless electricity provides matchless Medallion Living. 1 Ci i ii i i ? ? ? i ????hi ?^ CAROLINA POWER A UOHT COMPANY ) An invcstc -r. ned, taxpaying, public utility company SANDWICH SHOP in the Green Building on Market Street HOT DOGS ? HAMBURGERS BARBECUE ? SOFT DRINKS For Good Taxi Service Call Warrenton 760-1 or Norlina 981-6 EXPERIENCED DRIVERS ALLGOOD BACON POUND PACKAGE 45 t SPECIAL PRICE NIBLETS WHOLE KERNEL CORN 12-OZ. CANS 49 i NEW LOW RETAILS COLDSTREAM PINK SALMON 39-59 73/4-OZ. CAN 16-OZ. CAN JANE PARKER FRESH RAISIN BREAD 21LB LOAVES SERVE WITH CREAM CHEESE STOCK THE PANTRY AT THIS EXTRA LOW PRICE ? A&P FANCY CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 25' SPECIAL PRICE! JANE PARKER LARGE SIZE c ANGEL FOOD RING - 39 A-P FRESH PRODUCE VALUES FIRM ? SEEDLESS WHITE GRAPES 2 lbs. 25? TASTY CALIFORNIA D ARTLETT PEARS 2-lbs. 2S PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY SEPTEMBER ? ? ?- ? ? ? ?. '- v-a-.j v , , --a-.