<*?*? THE WARREN RECORD wmwmtm. nm cmh. friday, sbpIvmber 28, lm News and Events of Interest To Norlina Readers MRS. IMOGENS ARNOLD, Editor Stephen Read left last week to further his education at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Miss Susie Rooker of Hen derson was a Sunday night supper guest of Mr. and Mis. J. W. Adcock. Mrs. G. O. Stultz, Jr., is a patient at Warren General Hospital. Mrs. Mattie Bishop has re turned to her home in Norlina1 after spending some time, with her sister, recuperating from an accident. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bailey and son, Bobby, of Norfolk, j Va? were weekend guests ofj Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Nance. Mrs. Katie Miller of East Point, Ga., end Mrs. Elizabeth j Simpson of McDonna, Ga., are, visiting their brother, B. A. Thaxton, and Mrs. Thaxton. Mrs. R. C. Watson, Mrs. O. | C. Abbott, Vickie, Robbie and i Kim were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Taylor of Gumberry. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cannon of Jacksonville, N. C., visited, Mrs. Cannon's mother, Mrs. A. S. Wyckoff, last weekend. Mrs. J. C. Pridgen and Mrs. Eva Riggan spent Wednesday j at Grove Hill with Mrs. Lowell Harris and her sister, Mrs. Ruth Davis Harrington of Phil-' adelphia, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. John Adcock spent several days last week' with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Thax-| ton in Goldsboro. Little Donna returned with them for a visit. Mrs. Jack Shearin is spend ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Norvell in Wilson. | Miss Josephine Kelly spent1 several days last week at Maria i Parham Hospital in Hender son. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cole of Columbia, S. C., were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. White, Sr., last Saturday. Mrs. R. M. White, Jr., made a business trip to Richmond last Monday. He visited Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cole on Monu ment Avenue while in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Brauer accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Pipper to Wilmington where they spent Wednesday and Thursday sight-seeing. They visited the U. S. S. North Carolina Battleship and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dortch and Mrs. Carl Brietzke. Mrs. Vivian Philips of Nor folk, Va.. was a weekend guest of Mrs. Ruby Johnson and Mrs. Sue Wiggins. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. None man, Jr., and Mark of Raleigh were weekend guests of Mr. and lbs. F. D. Draffin Mrs. Sandra Sawyer and lit tle daughter, Kelly, and Mr. Joseph Gruebaugh of Norfolk, Va., were Sunday night supper guests of Mrs. Ola Overby. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. None man and Miss Linda Draffin attended the State-Carolina football game at Chapel Hill on Saturday. Mrs. John E. Bobbitt is vis iting relatives in Richmond. I Mrs. Nance Hostess To L. M. Circle Mrs. C. L. Nance entertain ed 12 members of the Lottie Moon Missionary Circle of the Norlina Baptist Church on the lawn of her home on Monday night at 6:00 o'clock. A picnic ?upper, consisting of bruns wick stew, barbecue, stuffed - peppers, potato chips, hot jj&Mfc potato pie, coffee and lemonade, was served. Following the meal the "**"~p was invited into the liv room for the regular meeting. Howard Edmonds, opened the meeting ecripture reading and During the routine session officers were for the coining church prayer was of underprivileged fam Bryson, rpogram gave the lntroduc the ' subject of Com ^Others taking part Myrtle Ayscue Abbott, Ann MuF Currier. Mrs closed the i.?eetinf served vanflli carrot cake, candj home was beau ated with fall potted plants. r, Jr., left la* He hae i seholarshii Circle Meets At Home Mrs. Lifsey The Margaret Mitchell WMS Circle met on Monday morn ing at the home of Mrs. Hal let Lifsey with eight members present. Mrs. A I. Bobbitt presided in the absence of the chairman, Mrs. H. J. Shearin. The program of the month on "Communism" was discuss ed by Mrs. H. H. Foster and Mrs. A. J. Bobbitt. During the social hour the hostess served ham sandwiches, pickle, potato chips, cookies and Cokes. Mrs. H. F. Kelly will be hos tess to the circle at the next meeting. Jr. Woman's Club Has Dinner Meet Mrs. Bill Delbridge, Mrs. John Dryden, Mrs. Irving Hayes and Mrs. Maurice Ed wards were hostesses at a din ner meeting of the Norlina Junior Woman's Club last Thursday evening at the Nor lina Clubhouse. The hostesses served as the decorating committee for the; occasion. On the buffet was placed a tree candelabra made1 of ivy, fruit, yellow mums and, yellow candles. The head ta ble bore a fall flower arrange-' ment in a straw basket. Ivy,| yellow mums and berries dec-1 orated the side tables. The! entire clubhouse was beauti fully decorated with flowers in' the fall colors. At 7:00 o'clock the Norlina | Woman's Club served dinner, to the 38 members of the Jun-| ior Woman's Club and gues . ? Mrs. Glenn Weldon. The menu1 consisted of turkey, dressing, apple rings, snapbeans, con gealed salad, hot rolls, cocoa nut pie and coffee. The club meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Stephen Daniel. Reports were given from standing commit tees. Scrap books for 1961-62, prepared by Mrs. Jimmy Ov erby, were on display. Mrs. Elizabeth Hayes put on a jewelry show for the group, having several people to model her beautiful jewelry. Circle Meets At Home Mrs. Brauer The Annie Armstrong Circle met on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. William Brauer with 15 present and Mrs. A. S. Wyckoff presiding. Mrs. Gus Daeke, Jr., had charge of the program ou "Communism." Those assist ing her were Mesdames T. W. Stallings, C. E. Tucker, John T. Cawthorne and J. W. Ad cock. The devotional was con ducted by the chairman, Mrs. A. S. Wyckoff. Following the meeting the hostess invited the guests into the dining room for refresh ments, consisting of punch, Arabian cake, party sand wiches, stuffed dates and cn coanut macaroons, served from a beautifully decorated table. Brotherhood Holds Monthly Meeting The brotherhood held its regular monthly meeting at the Norlina Baptist Church last Thursday night at 7:30 with 12 attending. President R.' B Lloyd called the meeting to order. The opening prayer was led by Wallace Stallings. During the business. period the following officers were elected: Jimmy Overby, RA leader; Tom Currie, Christian Witness leader; W. W. Shear in, Personal Stewardship lead er; Leon Pridgen, World Mis sion leader. An inspiring program, enti tled "When Christ Controls Through the World," was pre sented by R. E. Eller. Those discussing the subject were Eller, I-eon Pridgen and A. J. Perrono. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mr. Per rone. Rose Is President Sophomore Class Ronald Rose was elected president of the Sophomore Class of the Norlina High School at a class meeting held on September 18. Other officers elected were Mary Coker, vice-president; Angela Robinson, secretary; Lonnie King, treasurer; Patri cia JUacon, historian; Anne Hicks, reporter; Larry Pridgpn, parliamentarian; and Margaret | Perkinson, song leader. ) Business was discussed fol lowing the election.?Anne I Hicks, Reporter. Circle Meets With | Mrs. J. W. Arnold Mrs. J. VV. Arnold was hos | tess to members of the Lola j Sue Circle at her home on I Monday afternoon Mrs. R. II. 1 Fuller presided and opened the meeting with scripture reading | and prayer. Mrs. D. R. Moore, program 'chairman, presented the mis | sionary program on "The Way ?of Life." Those taking part were Mesdames Arnold, Fuller, J. C. Pridgen and L. W. Bow ers. Mrs. G. O. Stultz, Sr., served i as secretary in the absence of Mrs. J. O. Egerton. At the conclusion of the meeting the hostess served pie and coffee to the 11 members] present. Mrs. D. R. Moore will enter tain the circle in October. Norlina High School Menus October 1-5 Monday ? Hamburger on buns ,cole slaw, buttered corn,' cherry pie, milk. Tuesday ? Bolonga, sliced cheese, sliced tomatoes, green peas, apple sauce, raisin cook ies, bread, milk. Wednesday?Meat loaf, rice, gravy, sauerkraut, green beans, peach halves, hot rolls, butter, milk. Thursday?Ham salad on let tuce, pinto beans, beets, fruit salad, crackers, hot rolls, but ter, milk. Friday?Fish sticks, cole slaw, buttered potatoes, Jello, cornbread, butter, milk. Bake Sale The Sophomore Class of the ! Norlina High School will spon sor a bake sale on Saturday. (October 6, beginning at 9 a. m. in front of Traylor's Hardware Store in Norlina. Picnic Served To FHA, Mothers A picnic, furnished by fresh men members of the Norlina FHA. was served to mothers and members of the FHA on Thursday night in the school cafeteria. The delicious menu consisted of ham and pimiento cheese sandwiches, pickle, po tato chips, brownies and tea. Dinah Clark was installed as president during the meeting. Other officers installed were Delores Lancaster, vice-presi dent; Holly May, secretary; Cliffie King, treasurer; Judy Ellington, historian; Linda Draff in, parliamentarian; Mar garet Perkinson, reporter; and Eunice Smiley, song leader. Each officer was dressed in white and carried a candle of symbolization of FHA. Betsy Ellington, officiating president, charged each officer to fulfill her duties in office. A Bingo party for the moth-j ers was held in the Home Ec.; Department while tho FHA members held special activities] in the cafeteria. Prizes of, glassware were awarded to' winning mothers ? Margaret Perkinson, Reporter. Perkinson Named Freshman President Bruce Perkinson was elected | president of tl\e freshman class of the Norlina High School at I a class meeting held on Sep-, tember 24. Other officers chosen were I Alice Moody, vice-president; ] Ruth Mayfield, secretary-treas-1 urer; Becky King, reporter; Eunice Smiley, song leader. 1 Chosen as representatives to Finely Ground Feed Increases Gain By Hop| Recent experiments at North Carolina State College have shown that pigs gain faster on less feed if it is finely ground. Drs. A. J. Clawson and E. R. Barrick, members of the Department of Animal Science, divided 176 pigs?eight to nine weeks old?into eight lots. Four 22-pig groups were fed in confinement and four on pas ture lots. Finely ground ra tions went to two groups un der each system, and coarsely ground feed to the other two groups. Half and quarter kernels of corn were easily seen in the coarse ration, while the finely ground feed was nearly pul verized. but still granular. In the mixture was com, soybean meal, defluorinated phosphate, high zinc tracc mineral salt, and a vitamin antibiotic sup plement. Protein content at the start was 15.5 per cent and when the pigs averaged 120 pounds it was cut to 11.5 per cent. In three of tne four com parisons made, pigs on the fine ration consumed slightly more feed per day and made faster gains. Pigs on the coarse feed ate about 7 per cent more feed per pound of gain?in each comparison. the Student Council were Pat Hicks and William Ellis. Attends Toy Show Boy Traylor of Traylor'.i Hardware of Norlina attended a toy show in Charlotte this week. The pigs in confinement gained faster than those on pasture. But pigs on good pasture ate about 5 per cent less feed per pound of gain, though it took a week longer to reach market weight. Elberon News Mrs. G. A. Jones, Mrs. Cliff Stegall, Mrs. B. T. Clark and Mrs. James Short attended the WMU meeting at Macon on Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Abbott, Mrs. Pete Jones and Miss Norvie Abbott are spending several days with Mrs. Randy Pridgen in Eliza beth City, where Miss Abbott will enter Practical Nursing School. Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mrs. Macon Thompson, Mrs. Tom Thompson and Mrs. Frank Maynard shopped in Hender son on Saturday. Miss Rachel Long and Miss Sandra Ayscue were guests of Miss Nancy Abbott on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Grimes of Norfolk, Va.( were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. CliCf Stegall. Mrs. M. T. Abbot and Vivian and Miss Mollie O'Neal visited Mrs. Belle Burgess on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Joyner and daughters were guests of Mr. Fred Joyner in Rocky Mount on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal of Warrenton were recent supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Short. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones of Henderson visited Mr. and Mrs. Dock Jones on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Aycock visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards in Middleburg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ayscue and Mr*. Curtis Mustlan visited daughter in Maryland during the weekend. Jeiry Ayscue visited Wayne Kintm on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Abbott and Vivian were recent sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Part in in Raleigh. Mrs. Bonnie Stevenson of Norlina visited Mrs. Lewis Peoples during the weekend. Miss Mary Long was a guest of Miss Janice Ayscue on Mon day. At a picnic, one of the judges read out loud the list >f the names of the winners, saying, "Mrs. Stewart won the ladies' rolling pin throwing wntest by hurling one 75 pards." "And Mr. Stewart won the 100-yard dash." We wish to express our sin cere appreciation to our friends and relatives for the clothes, personal services, kind ness and sympathy shown us during our disaster. Your kindness will always be re membered. THE RUSSELL FAMILY. 7k ?V?* "4% PAID ON 1-YEAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES" Citizens Bank and Trust Company \\7H^ , RANK in this section" MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION HENDERSON, NORTH CAROLINA "WE INVITE YOUR BUSINESS" FREE BAGS OF GROCERIES ? WILL BE GIVEN ? FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Texize Bleach '/a Gal. 14 29? FREE Gifts for the Children Borden* & First Choi' BISCUITS . . 5 cans 49c Jesse Jones Bologna ... lb. 59c TOMMY TUCKER TOMATO JUICE 3 large 46 ol cans 89c Swiss Miss ? Cherry - Apple - Peach? PIES . . 3 for $1.00 Good Music 5 LBS. NET WEIGHT WHITE STAR MILLS BLEACHED SELF-RISING PATENT FLOUR JHU/toiA auoaft rprr bags of rlltt GROCERIES ? WILL BE GIVEN ? FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Fresh Pork ? 4 To 6 lbs.? PICNICS.. 35' lb Frosty Morn ? Tide land? SAUSAGE .. 3 lbs. $1 Frosty Morn ? FRANKS.. 495 Fresh Lean? Spare Ribs.39' lb Laters Jamestown? 25 lbs. ... $2.19 FREE: 3 lb. Can SWIFFNING With Each 25 lb. BaC ? M ? |[j 10 lbs. ... $1.09 Good Music FREE PLASTIC BREAD BASKET mwm W* V DON'T JOSS THE FUN ?0U MAY BE A LUCKY ONE ? ? ? Open Friday Night Til 9 J A NORLINA, N. CL ^ DON'T MISS THE FUN YOU MAY BE A LUCKY ONE * * ? Open Friday Night HI 9 P. M.

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