THE WARREN RECORD ... News and Events of Interest To Norlina Readers i** -**'wy' ? .-'V ..rrrr- ?? . MRS. IMOGENE ARNOLD, Editor Mis* Joan PUand of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, spent the week end with her grandmother, -I!". J. P. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ever hart and children of Winston Salem were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Perkinson at Wise. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Gard ner and Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Ellis of Goldsboro and Mr .and Mrs. Walter Hund ley and children of Norlina were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Eller. Mrs. Lee Williams and children are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Piland in Raleigh this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. McCal lister and children of Ksrsj ton, Texas, spent several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Hendricks. Mrs. Alton Paschall attend ed the funeral of her uncle, Mr. Ed Rose, in Charlotte oil Wednesday. Julius Brauer spent Sunday and Monday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brauer. Miss Carol Felts of East Carolina College. Grecnviile, spent the weekend with her Darents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Felts. Mrs. Roy Daniel and Mrs. Lula Daniel visited Mr. Ed ward Taylor at Fitzhugh, Va., on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Adcock spent several days last week in Wakefield, Va., with Mrs. Clara Holt. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Adcock were Miss Susie Rooker of Henderson, Mrs. Edna Earl Saintsing and Mrs. J. L. Thaxton, Debbie, Donna and Denise of Golds boro. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Thaxton spent the weekend in Fny etteville with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thaxton and Laura. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. White. Jr., visited Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cole on Monument Avenue in Richmond, Va., last Fri dav. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Pearce and Dawn, Mr. and Mrs. Jer ry King of Rocky Mount. Mtaa Nancy WUte of RaJAuh arfa Mr. JilFfrohnstwf^f Wallace, now stationed at Air Force Base in Arixona were weekend guests of Mr. and ? Mrs. M. S. White, Sr. Other guests that joined them for Sunday lunch were Mr. and Mrs. M. S. White, Jr., Marvin and Tim of Norlina, Mrs. Hal 1 White of Wise and Miss Faye Rose of Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Good bar and children, Cherri and Stevie. of Durham were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Norwood. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker and daughter, Joy, of Ral eigh spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Baker. Mrs. B. S. Pope of Hen derson spent last week with her daughters, Mrs. John Clarke and Mrs. F. D. Draf tia. Little Mark Noneman of Raleigh is spending some time with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Draffin. Mr. and Mr*. T. K. Har relson returned to their home in Norlina on Tuesday for the winter months. They have been residing in Nebo since the retirement of Mr. Barrel son. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Yancey of Richmond, Va., spent sev eral days recently with her Circle 3 Meets With Mrs. Knight Circle No. 3 of the Wo man's Society of Christian Service of the Norlina Meth odist Church held its Novem ber meeting on Monday night at the home of Mrs. James Knight with Mrs. Oliio Knight presiding in the ab sence of the lesder, Mrs. Clayton Taylor. The program, "United Na tions Educational Scientific Cultural Organization," was presented with Mrs. Jack Hawks in charge, assisted by Mrs. Quay Quick. During the social hour the hostess served homemade pineapple cake and coffee. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Leigh Traylor and Mrs. C. L. Hege will pre sent the program. parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Harrelson. Attend Concert Among those attending "Scots Band" Concert In Ral eigh last -Wednesday evening were Mesdames J. R. Over by. L. W., Bowers, Jimmy Ov erby, L. 8V. Smith, Walter Hundley. A. S. Wyckoff, M. F. Hayes. J. T Walker, W. A. Delbridge and C. E. Tucker and Miss Minnie Harris. Attend Fnneral Among out-of-town persons attending the funeral of Mrs. M. J. Conwell last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Alford of Raleigh. Mrs. Ver lie Bobbitt Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fisher of Richmond, Va., Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Mitchell and Miss Ann Wood Taylor of Emporia. Va.. Mrs. Major Woodruff and daughter, Virginia, of Lawreneeville, Va., Mrs. W. A. Mayle. Mr. and Mrs. Fen ton Mayle, Mr. Cliff Cook, and Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cook of Seaboard, and Mr. and Mrs. D. O. May, Sr., Mr. D. O. May, Jr.. Mrs. Marine Boyd and Mr*. W. R. Aul bert of Henderson. PMtift Meeting Ollie Knight, Boh Traylor. Dinah Clarke, San dra Hicks, Jane Knight, Jerri Yancey, Lester Knight, Lew Hege, Sterling Quick and Lee Hawks attended the Raleigh District MYF Rally at Louis burg College last Sunday af ternoon. PTA Tm Meet The Norlina PTA will meet Monday night, November 9, at 8 o'clock in the music room. All parents and friends are invited to attend. Sister Die* Mrs. Sam J. Satterwhite was notified on Tuesday of the death of her sister who lived on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. FOR THE BEST FURNITURE VALUES IN TOWN SEE US Satterwhites HENDERSON, N. C. Teen-Age Dances Ended For Nov. The Norlina RuriUn Teen Age dances have been dis contlnued for the month of ! November, Kenneth Sever ance, president of the Ruri tan Club, announced Wednes day. They will be reopened on a membership basis only, on Saturday, December 1. Membership ap j plication forms may be ob tained from the school prin cipal's office. Severance said | these must be filled out com ! pletely before one can re ceive a membership card. "Admission will be by card only, so please obtain appli cation forms immediately," he said. Sophomores To Hold Hobo Day The Sophomore Class of Norlina High School will sponsor a Hobo Day on No vember 17 when members may be called to do any odd jobs, according to Miss Ann Hicks, class reporter. Headquarters will be at the school and Miss Hicks said any interested persons may call the school between 3 a. m. and 2 p. m. WMS Meets At Baptist Church The November WMS gen eral meeting was held at the Norlina Baptist Church on Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock with Mrs. Willie M. Felts presiding in the ab sence of the chairman, Mrs. R. H Fuller. A very attractive and in teresting program was pre sented by members of the Annie Armstrong Circle with Mrs. Jimmy Overby in charge. The topic, "A Vigorous Mi nority in Mexico," was dis cussed by Mrs. Overby,' Mrs. J. F. Bobbitt, Mrs. Gus Daeke. Jr., Mrs. J. W. Ad cock, Mrs. L. W. Smith, Mrs. John Cawthorne and Mrs. Eu genia Nelson. Articles from M?ifa9^?er4 displaced and very attractive programs were used. The Margaret Mitchell Cir cle will have charge of the program at the January gen eral meeting. Patronize the advertisers. Literature, Music Club Holds Meet The Norllna Literature and Music Club met on Thursday evening, November 8, at the home of Mrs. Roger Nor wood with Mrs. R. H. Fuller and Mrs. Mary Norris Nor man as Joint hostesses. The living room and din ing area were beautifully decorated with fall flowers and fruit arrangements A three-course turkey dinner was served to the members and Mrs. Tom li. Walters of Ridgecrest. The literature committee was in charge of the pro gram, beginning with Mrs. Bessie Hicks giving a review of John Steinbeck and his work. Mrs. Mildred Hicks | gave a book review, "The Bi j ography of Will Rogers," by I Donald Day. During the business session | the proposed policies passed on at the district meeting I were read by Miss Minnie i Harris and Mrs. W. A. Del ] bridge gave the highlights of | the district meeting. It was announced that at j this meeting the club won i third place in the district on jtheir Year Book, which was i riesiened and made by Mrs. Lanie Hayes. The club also ! received a certificate of hon or from the State president. The club members voted to | send a donation to the Boys Home at Lake Waccamaw and to the endowment fund for North Carolina Federa tion of Woman's Clubs. The Christmas meeting will be in the home of Mrs. H. H. Foster on December 13 and the music committee will be in charge of the pro gram. Norlina High School Menus November 19-21 Monday?Hot dogs, chili sauce, cole slaw, chopped onions, butterbeaRs, cherry pie. rolls, milk. Tuesday ? Fried chicken, wiA'ta milk. Wednesday?Turkey, dress ing, gravy, green beans, citrus fruit salad, rolls, but ter, milk. Say you saw it advertised in The Warren Record. Mrs. Webster Presented Trophy Mr*. E. H. Webster wu re cently presented the Alexan der Trophy at the fall lunch eon of the Museum Garden Club at Vlv Zodda's la New port News, Va. She was the member who had accumulat ed the highest number of points for flower arrange ments and horticultural ex hibits for the past year. Mrs. H. Wray 'Sherman, exhibits and flower show chairman, presented the award to Mrs Webster. Mrs. Webster is the former Miss Louise Farrow, sister of Mrs. R. G. Norwood, who at one time made her home in Norlina and was employed at the Norwood Lunch Room. Miss Read Given Kitchen Shower Miss Betty Read, bride-! elect, was honored at a kit chen shower last Thursday evening by Mrs. B. A. Thax ton, Mrs. G. P. Grissom and Mrs. Clayton Taylor at the Thaxton home on Gaines Street in Norlina. The home was decorated with beautiful pink and lav ender mums. The honoree was present ed a corsage made of minia ture kitchen utensils. Brk'al games were played and gifts presented, after which the hostesses served a frozen salad course and coffee. Twenty-five guests attend ed from Norlina, Littleton, Warrenton and Henderson. GA Sponsors Prayer Meeting The Intermediate Girl's Auxiliary of the Norlina Baptist Church will sponsor a Youth Prayer Meeting Ser vice at the church next Tues day, November 20. at 7:30 p. m. The pastor, the Rev. Billy Fallaw, will be the speaker. A fellowship hour for the youth will follow the service. The public is invited. Patronize the advertisers. Scout Leaders Dinner To Be Held Friday Tbe annual Boy Scout Leaders recognition dinner will be held Friday, Novem ber 18, at 7 p. ra. in the National Guard Armory in Henderi.on C. P. Gaston, Warrenton Scout leader, an nounced Monday. Gaston said that if this din ner follows the pattern of previous years it is likely to up the largest mass meeting of the Vanwarco District. It is held as a pot-luck dinner with each person bringing a certain part of the food. Chairlaidies for each table? which covers one Scout unit -?are assigning portions of the menu to different peo ple. It was urged that ar rangements be completed as soon as possible in order to make seating arrangements. ( Chalriadies were requested to contact Robert E. Smith for | the seating arrangements. j New District Officers forj the Vanwarco District will be; installed at Friday's meeting. Outstanding unit leaders will be recognized as well as outstanding district Scouters. Dr. W. W. Noel, vice-presi dent of the Council, will pre side. Some 30 Boy Scout units have been invited to be rep resented at this meeting. There will be an attendance TRUCKS FOR SALE GOOD SELECTION OF NEW & USED TRUCKS M. E. Whitmore, Inc. GMC SALES & SERVICE 1520 Dabney Drive HENDERSON, N. C. PHONE SALES? 438-4324 PARTS? 438-4233 SERVICE? 438-5521 ?ward and an award for the beat decorated tables by the adults of Cub Pack, Scout Troop, and Explorer Poat. The dinner is strictly for adults except for Eagle Scouts and Scouts on the program. Eable Scouts of the past will be recognized. Arthur Lord is Pot-Luck Dinner chairman and Bob Smith is arrangements chair man. Others assisting are Fred McFarland, Roscoe Orr, Ralph Murray and Gene Rob ertson. Total imports of cotton tex tiles, on a raw fiber equiva lent basis, totaled 393,000 bales in the first seven months of 1962. This meant that they exceeded ex ports by about 119,000 bale*. In contrast, imports were 77,300 bales less than exports for the first sevtfn months of 1961. FOR SALE Reconditioned Refrigerators LIKE NEW $10.00 Down $10.00 Month Warren ton Furniture Exc. Thompson's Warehouses 1 & 2 WARRENTON, N. C. Will Remain Open Two More Week* And WILL PAY m. TOP PRICES FOR YOUR SCRAP TORACCO REMOVE STRINGS AND THE MOST COMFORTABLE HAT MADE HESISTOL 'Self-Conforming** Here's Why! Tta ?tclutin "S?lfCortformin|" leather in mty BaaIaAaI ||*A >.iaL a IM-.. 4a m m 4Wa WHwiH nH B SMpCniN III SUCH I Wlj 10 ptfiuft Ini *, Ml tho hat. to conform to tbt stop* of your NO OTHER HAT HAS IT! FOR Tiff BEST HAT SELECTION IN SMART STYLING, FINEST QUALITY AND GREATEST COMFORT, CHOOSE RESISTOL 9.95 and 11.98 LEIGH'S in Norlina DRIVE SAPBLY? (to oar .tore) ;r U. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Parts Missing FLEETWOOD COFFEE 2 ? $1.39 Plus 25* Cash In Each Can JESSE JONES SAUSAGE . FRANKS . BOLOGNA TOMMY TUCKER TOMATO JUICE 3 large cans 89$ V^Ba'gs 49V Edch 45* , TURKEY LOCAL FRIED CHICKEN SALISBURY STEAK COLLARDS 2 lbs. 29* Apples BUSHEL NO 1 WHITE POTATOES $1.49 50 LBS. SLICED ROAST BEEF ? SLICED SMOKED HAM Liitmrs Jam*stown Country Brand $1.95 I "*,0NH*1511 HA$ BORDENS or FIRST CHOICE , CANS , f_ HUNTING EQUIPMENT .bejpw th& ruitik! AUTHORIZED BrowninQ DEALER W. A. MILES HARDWARE CO. Warrenton, N. C. HIGH FIDELITY STEREO with Starao FM Radio *rm,?,l'.n..r. o.A n*ytlutioitary s?(~< soiida. f Hn, ZmWi "BICKO-TOUCH TMO*?tt.MKMOt ( IITOIE AIM Early American V uKUL-w i\r V with Moluilv* 'FREE FLOATING* MpS?n%m. $389 95 ^ CARTRIDGE rRAYLOR APPLIANCES, INC. NORUNA ? WARRENTON 334-1 668-1