Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Weaver and little daughter of Ashe ville were recent guest* of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thomp son. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Strick land visited relatives ir. Wil son recently.. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bung and son, Charles, of South Hill, Va.. were guests of Mrs. C\ L. Purdy on Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bowen and daughters visited relatives in Meredithville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted S. Roys ter, Miss Rebekah Royster nnd Mr. Ted Royster, Jr.. of Lexington were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Walker P. Burwell and family on Sun day. Mrs, M. C. McGuire of Washington, D. C., is spend ing sometime at her home hore. Mr. and Mrs. Horton King were recent weekend guests of the Rev. and Mrs J. C. Dunn at Lake Waccamaw and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wishard Powell in Hallsboro on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Boyd of Durham visited relatives and friends here on Tuesday. Mrs. John Locke Foil of Pensacola, Florida, was an overnight guest of Mr and Mrs. John Rodgers this week. Mrs. Clyde Loyd was a weekend guest of Mr and Mrs. Horton King and family. Mr. Audrey Loyd is their guest this week. Mrs. L. W. King of Macon and Mr. L. L. King of War renton were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Horton King on Sunday. Mr. Tollie King was their guest on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Tucker returned Friday night after spending sometime in At lanta, Ga? with Dr. and Mrs. G. R. Sutterfield and family. Mrs. Tucker and Mrs. Sutter field also spent sometime In Mexico and other places of interest. Miss Laura King was a weekend guest of her grand parentu, Mr. and Mrs Henry Stevenson, at Macon recently. Mr*. Byron Mathews left Wednesday night for Phila delphia. Pa., to visit relatives for several days before sail ing for Venezuela, South America, to join her husband. She has been visiting her mother, Mrs. C. H. Peete, and sister. Mrs. Nancy Blanken ship, here for sometime. Mrs. H. E. Coleman was a visitor in Broadnax and South Hill, Va., on Monday. Celebrates Brithday Miss Kathryn Bobbitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J N. Bobbitt, entertain ed friends at a party on Tuesday in celebration of her ninth birthday. Miss Estelle Davis is a patient in Warren General Hospital for treatment. Joe Ells Speaks At Pastor's Conference The Warren County Past tor's Conference held its reg ular meeting on Monday at the Wise Baptist Church. Joe N. Ellis, Clerk of Court, was the guest speaker and gave an interesting talk on "Work of the Juvenile Court." The next meeting will be held on March 4 at the Macon Methodist Church. Embro Club Meets With Mrs. Stallings Mrs. Claudie Stallings was hostess to members of the Embro Home Demonstration Club Friday and served hot ham biscuits, pimento cheese spread on Ritz crackers, po tato chips, pickles and coffee. She was assisted in serving by Mrs. F. B. Twitty. Miss Emily Ballinger gave an interesting and informa tive talk on "Local and County Government." Births Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Her rin of Glen Burni, Md., an nounce the birth of twin sons, Kevin I,ee and Kenneth James, on January 25 at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore. Md. Mrs. Herrin is the for mer Miss Jean Meadors of Norlina. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. White of Henderson announce the birth of a son on Feb. 1 at Maria Parham Hospital in Henderson. Mrs. White is the former Miss Janet Hayes of Henderson. Mr. While is the son of Mrs. Boyd White of Norlina. Celebrates Birthday Master Butch Frye enter tained ten friends on Satur day in the lobby of the NAB Unit of Butner in celebration of his tenth b'rthday. Mrs. J. O. Frye and Mrs. Robert Etheridge of Warrenton served Cokes and birthday cake. Favors were hats and balloons. Almost 100 per cent of the eggs packaged for sale in dozen cartons is from virgin hens. Used Televisions From $79.95 Up ALL GUARANTEED Radio TV Center WARRENTON, N. C. School Menus John Graham and Macon Jr. High Menus, F?b. 11-15 Monday?Fish sticks, cole | slaw, buttered potatoes, peach I halves, milk, butter, corn bread. j Tuesday?Meat sauce, spa ? ghctti, fresh green cabbage. . milk, butter, hot rolls, pie or i cake. Wednesday?Fried chicken, I stringbeans, candied yams, hot biscuits, milk, butter Thursday ? Barbecue, but tcred potatoes, sliced toma toes on lettuce, baked apples, milk, butter, hot rolls. Friday?Beef stew, carrots, potatoes, onions, garden peas, citrus fruit salad, hot bis cuits,' milk, butter | MARIAM BOYD ME.NUS Monday?Barbecued pork, I cole slaw, hush puppies, but ler, milk, cherry pie. Tuesday?Meat sauce with I spaghetti, cole slaw, rolls, 1 butter, milk, apple sauce. Wednesday?Baked turkey, dressing, rice, gravy, cranber ry sauce, green beans, bis cuits, citrus salad, butter, milk. Thursday?Chicken noodle soup, toasted pimento cheese I s.v.dwich, crackers, plain i cake, milk. ! Friday ? Weiners, navy I beans, cole slaw, rolls, butter, | French apple pj?, milk. RIDGEWAY NEWS Miss Cheryl Kilian return- j ed home on Monday from Warren General Hospital where she had been a patient foi treatment. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Holu man and Johnnie Lovell, Mr. and Mrs W. L. Kilian and Mr. W. L. Kilian, Jr., visited Mr. and Mrs. R J. Holtzman on Saturday night in honor of the birthday of Mrs Holt/. man. Mr Albert Ilecht has ao ceptcd a position with the (iri'Siiry-Pnole Equipment Co in Raleigh. Mr and Mrs L. B Bender and Robert visited Mr and Mrs. Albert Hecht and fam ily on Sunday night Mr. and Mrs N. L. W'il-j liams and Michael Seaman | were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W J Walker audi Mrs. Helen Staley on Sun- j day. Mr and Mrs. Rodgers Holtzman and sons, tltt. Wal lace Holtzman and daughter, Cathy. Mr. Arnold Holtzman, j Jr., Mr. J. D. Holtzman and | Johnny Lovell visited Mr and | Mrs A P Holtzman. Sr., on I Saturday night in honor of I the birthday of Mr Holtzman. M" * L. M. Pasehall, Sr, and Miss Alice Pasehall visit ed Mrs. Maurice Fleming on Sunday. Mrs. Flemng had j the misfortune to fall on the I ice at her home and break j her ankle. Mrs. Felix Ranes under-1 went an opeation at Maria Parham Hospital in Hender The HUNTERGRAM A Newspaper Within A Newspaper FEBRUARY 14th VALENTINE'S ... DAY G/VE HER HOLLINGSWORTH'S UNUSUAL CANDIES OR PANGBURN'S Western Style CHOCOLATES TAKE A LOOK AT OUR WINDOW YOU WILL LIKE OUR ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY OF FINE CANDIES Hunter Drug Company I SERVING THE PUBLIC FOR MORE THAN 72 YEARS Dial 226-1 Prompt Prescription Service Dial 225-1 t \ BABS TASTEE FREEZ ON THE MACON ROAD rr,* THE M0ST TA*TY FOOD IN THE COUNTY FEATURING: THE FINEST ICE CREAM ANYWHERE / SERVED: . FROM THE CLEANEST EQUIPMENT IN TOWN 11:00 A. M. ? TO ? 11:00 P. M. SEVEN DAYS A WEEK *? ?i . Vi son oi Monday. ? Mrs. L. M. Paschall, Sr., and Mrs. C. P. Holtzman at tended the Simms-Currin wedding at Flat Rec* Metho dist Church in Vance County on Sunday. Mr. A. P. Holtzman, Sr, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lorenz, Mr. Johnny Lovell and Mr John Holtzman visited Mr. II. R. Holtzman (luring the weekend Mis. Bender Hostess Mrs Albert Bender was hostess to members of the Young Peoples Society at the Parish Hall on Friday night with Mr l.eonard G Bender presiding. Thi- Rev M. K. Franke opened the meeting with prayer and led in topic dis cussion Mr and Mrs J G Kilian were in charge of en tertainment and showed a film on "The Seasons." Chicken salad sandwiches, heart shaped open-face cheese sandwiches, cake, coffee and candy hearts were served by | Mrs. Bender, A Valentine I motif was carried out. Miss Loreni Hostess Miss Patricia Loreriz was hostess to members of the I Young Lutheran Club at the I Parish Hall on Sunday even j ing when a film ( baggage"'" "Baggage''" repeated the hillbilly slowly "Whut's baggage""' he asked. "To put your clothes in," replied the ticket agent The hillbilly was thunder struck "Whut?" cried he. "And me go nekked''" HAMS SHANK END FRESH GROUND BEEF 3 - $1.29 LIBBYS CORNED BEEF !2oz. RED& .WHITE. \ FOOD / STORES J & R L8 WARRENTON. N. C. JESSE JONES FRANKS 49< LB PRODUCE CARROTS 2 LB. bags PURE PORK SAUSAGE 3 lbs $1. 46 Oz Hl-C DRINK 29( ORANGE GRAPE RED i WHITE PEACHES 39$ 303 CANS FRESH 3's RED ft WHITE TOMATOES 2 pkgs. 29c APPLE SAUCE 43< 303 CANS LOG CABIN SYRUP 24 Oz. MISS CAROLINA BLEACH -9t WITH FOOD ORDER JESSE JONES BOLOGNA - SAUSAGE AND FRANKS WE GIVE GREENB A X STAMPS