SECTION TWO 0% flUamn VOLUME 67 10c Per Copy Subscription Price >3.00 a Year WARRENTON, COUNTY OF WARREN, N. C. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 196i NUMBER 36 Farmers To Cast Ballots Farmers will have an op portunity to elect the ASC farmer-committemen they want to administer ASCS farm programs in the coming year on Tuesday, Sept. 17. Every farmer who is eligi ble to participate in any pro gram administered by the County ASC Committee is eli gible to vote, according to W. S. Smiley, ASC Committee chairman This means any owner, operator, tenant or sharecropper on a farm par ticipating in the Agricultural Conservation Program, the Soil Bank Program or who is eligible for price support on any crops produced. IT there Is any doubt as to whether or not you are eligible 10 vote, see your County ASC Committee or call the County ASCS office, Smiley said. "If you are eli gible?most farmers are? don't let the polls close with out voting for the farmers you want to administer these Conservation programs in the coming years," Smiley urged. He added: "This is your chance to help select the best commit teemen you can find. Don't let your neighbors down by passing up this opportunity when elections are held in your community on Tuesday, September 17." Polls will be open from 8 m. to 6 p. m. in the follow ing polling places in' the twelve communities in War ren County: Fishing Creek ? Pittman's Store and Davis Store at Ar eola. Fork?W. K. Thompson's Store. Hawtree?Perkinson's Store. Judkins ? Triangle Service Station and Mrs. Blanche Stal ling Store at Erribro. Nutbush?J. C. Wa'kins' Store. River?R. L. Salmon s Store. Roanoke?Jones' ?tore. Sandy Creek ? Aycock't Store and Pendergiasv' Store. | Sixpound ? Stegall's Store | (Macon) and Ed>r.oud's Store. Smith Creek?Mayor's Of fice (Norlina) and Paynter's Store. j Warrenton ? Agricultural [ Building. Shocco?Pinnell's Store. Corps Ot Engineers To Lease Land On Lake For Grazing To alleviate the pasture shortage brought on by the pvtrpmoly dry weather, the Corps of Engineers Is making certairt lands in the John H. Kerr Reservoir area available to farmers, under short-term lease, for grazing. Colonel J. S. Grygiel, Wil mington District Engineer, said the land available is in the six counties bordering on the reservoir that have been declared "disraster " areas as a result of the dry weather. The disaster area counties are Vance, Granville and Warren, in North Carolina; and Char lotte, Mecklenburg and Hali fax, in Virginia. Colonel Grygiel pointed out that while the available land is not prime grazing land and is limited in acreage, it should. assist the farmers 'through the current crises. It is offered on a short-term lease basis, not to exceed 60 days, as well as on a first come-first-served basis. The rental rate will depend on the quality of grazing and the charge will be made on a per head, per month basis. The lessee will be responsible foi fencing to confine the cattle to the leased area. Areas already under lease or license are not available. Colonel Grygiel suggests that interested persons con tact the Reservoir Manager John H. Kerr Reservoir, Rt 1, Boydton, Virginia, Tele IF YOU COULD CHOOSE THE SLOT WHERE YOUR TAX MOHEY COES... you would probably pick defense, or space ex ploration, or some other vital government job. It isn't likely that you'd pick a job for which there is no need to spend your tax money. Yet some people keep urging the federal government to pour a lot of your tax money into federally-owned electric power plants and lines, where 5V& billion dollars have al ready gone. There's not the slightest need for this kind of spending. The nation's more than 300 investor owned electric light and power companies can supply all the additional power a growing America will need. Needless spending of your tax money would be senseless at any time, but it's downright dangerous today when so many billions are needed for essential things. CCAWIMU fOWIt > iHMT COMPANY) Aa fciv?tor-*?md. Uxpaying, public utility WARREN COUNTY SCHOOL CHILDREN HEAD HOME ........ after a day spent in the classrooms Phipps To Speak At Legion Meetina L. J. Phipps of Chapel Hill, North Carolina Department of the American Legion, will be the guest speaker at a supper meeting of Limer Post No. 25 on Thursaay, Sepf. 12, at 7 p. m. at the Warrenton Armory. "The local Post is most for tunate to obtain Commander phone Boydton 738-3121. Re quests for specific areas will be considered. Phipps to replace Collin Mc-1 Kinne, director, N. C. Vet erans Commission, who was' originally scheduled to be present," Sam Warlick, Com der of Lime- Post, said yes terday. "We need a large attend ance present at this important meeting and all veterans are extended an urgent invitation to be present," Warlick added. Shriners To Parade Here By J. ED ROOKER, JR., Past Potentate Several units of Sudan Shrine Temple along with of ficials of the Temple are scheduled to visit Warrenton o>i Saturday, Sept. 14. and Mage a parade through the Streets of our town at 10:30 o'clock. Warrenton is the first stop on this visitation which will also include Roa nrfce Rapids. Williamston, and Washington on this date. These colorful and famous uniti will be the Sudan Tem ple Band, the Patrol, the Chanters and the Oriental Band. Appearing throughout tho parade will be t'no famous Dunn Clowns which will de li;:ht all children from eight to eigthy. The purpose of the Shriner's visit is to acquaint Eastern North Carolina with the great work being done in the 17 Shrine hospitals for crippled children in healing youngsters with crooked backs, twisted limbs, club feet, etc. The Shrine boasts this work ir the 17 hospitals constitutes "the greatest philanthropj on earth," and possibly right fully so. In addition to these hos pitals which have been it operation for years, th< Shrine is currently buildinf three hospitals for treatmen of children's burns, at a cos* of approximately ten millioi dollars. These hospital repre sent an investment of ovei twenty-one million dollar and the ..annual cost of opera tions is over six million five hundred thousand dollars. Children under 15 years of age are admitted regardless ; of race, color, or religion? the only requirement being that the parents are unable to pay for the treatment, j Over five thousand children i are cured or materially help ; ed annually. The parade will originate I in South Warrenton and will consist of the following: Color Guard, Sudan Band, Potentate, Patrol, Chief Rabban, Record er and Treasurer, Divan, Ori j ental Band, Coordinator, local Shrine Club members, Chan | ters, Clowns, and local en | tries. Manley S. Martin, Past President of the Warren County Shrine Club, is chair man of the committee in charge of local arrangements. Other members of the com mittee include W. Jack Har ris and A. D. Endecott. This promises to be one of most colorful parades ever staged in Warren County and it is expected that hundreds of people throughout the county will be on hand to witness it. Services At Rldgeway Services of Holy Commun ion will be observed at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Ridgeway, on Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock, the Kev. James M. Stoney, Jr., rector, announced yesterday. 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