257-3341 FOR A RECORD WANT AD ^ Wanted WANTED TO BUT?Snail farm with 1 to S acre* to bacco allotment, with or without building*. A. T. Hanaelman, Hanson, N. C. nS-Stpd WANTED Bailable Party to finish payment* on almost new cabinet model Twin Needle Automatic Zig-Zag sewing machine. Total only "National's Credit Dept.," Box 283, Asheboro, N. C. nS-Stc ANY PERSON Interested in a Pinnell Family Reunion for next July, contact Hart Pin nell, 1534 Herrin Avenue, Charlotte, N. C. nl-4tc WANTED ? HOUSES AND Apartments for rent in Warren County. Contact Selby Benton at Benton Furniture Co., phone 257 3476. tfe WANTED At Once?Rawlelgh dealer in E. Warren Co. See or write J. E. King, RFD No. 1, Box 110-F3, Warrenton, or write Raw Ieigh, Dept. NCK 931-3r Richmond, Va. nl-5tpd WANTED: Attention Farm era: Supplement your an nual income this year by cutting hardwood veneer blocks. This can be done with farm labor and very little effort on your part. You will find Veneer blocks much more profitable than pulp wood or pine timber. Contact us for further in formation. Goblet Veneers, Inc.. Phone GE 7-4041, Whitakers. N. C. nl-tfc Services Available CAULDER Plumbing and Re pair*. Tel. 456-3441, Nor llna, N. C. n8-4tpd FOR YOUR Electric and acetylene welding, general repairs on all farm and heavy equipment, see A. D. Endecott at WarrentoiT Ma chine Shop, located on Bragg Street in Williams Bldg., Warrenton. s27-tfc VACUUM CLEANER repairs, parts, service and supplies to all makes. Pickup and del. service See or call S. A. Daniel, 456-4831; Nor lina, N. C. o25-tfc For Sale CORN In the Shuck and Lit tle Red Wheat for sale. Mrs. E. H. Parker, Tel. 257-4041. n8-2tc USED FURNITURE?1 sofa and chair; 1 large oak table and china closet; corn planter. Will sell separate-' Iy. Tel. 257-4670. ltc GROW YOUR Own Fruit. Write for Free copy 56-pg. Planting Guide Catalog in color, offering Virginia's largest assortment of Fruit Trees, Nut Trees, Berry Plants, Grape Vines, Land scape Plant Material. Sales people wanted. Waynes boro Nurseries, Waynes boro, Virginia. n8-4tc FOR SALE ? Paratrooper Boots, Army Jackets, Truck Covers, Canvas Legglns, In sulated Boots and Shoes, N. A W. Work Clothes, Raincoats and Suits, slightly worn Dress Shoes. Norlina Shoe Shop. nB4tc CONVENIENT Trailer Snace for sober couple. Mrs. Hope Williams, Macon, N. C. ltpd TRY DIADAX Tablets, for ' merly Dex-A-Diet New name, same formula Week's supply. Me. Hunter Drug Co., Warrenton, Walker Drug Co., Norlina. n8-10tpd THE RECENTLY Developed non-veil owing Seal Gloss for vinyl floors ends frequent waxing. Warrenton Furi ture Exchange. lte WELL KEPT Carpets show the results of regufifr Blue Lustre spot rlooninf Rent electric shampooer $1.00. Warrenton Furniture Ex ?cheng* it* ---- !?'. ..... days or Sundays. Bobby ? Vaughan, N. C. FOR BALE lleat*r weed, green or drv, cut anv length. See G. P. er eefl 1 vag c ISO g. e ~ olSAtnd ? Wheel Chair, eeu at Odom's *ie?. Wall be bring umplee to ; tractor trailers Ui tobacco track* (or aale. T. R. Paynter, Tel. 297 4087, Warren ton. m8-tfc RIDING, Iadaatrlal and Type Power Lawn Mower*. Garden Tractors it Tiller*. Liberal allowance for your old equipment. Briggs ft Stratton, Clinton, Lauson ft Power product* engines and part*. Hannon's Lawn Mower Sbop, Henderson, N. C. mSl-tfc FOR SALE ? Seven house, with bath, on large lot, nice residential section in Norlina, N. C. Call John Clark, Tel. 496-2806. s27-7tc For Rent FOR RENT?House in Macon, N. C., five rooms available. Mrs. J. Edward Shaw, 1324 West Norcord Ave., Nor folk, Va., 23502. n8-2tc FOR RENT ? Downstairs apartment; also 2-bedroom house trailer. W. F. Alston, Tel. 257-3360. ltpd UPSTAIRS Apartment for rent, 4 rooms and bath, pri vate entrance, water furn ished. Tel. 257-3528. o4-tfc DOWNSTAIRS Apartment for rent, furnished or unfurn ished,?Gall F. I- Hirks Wise, N. C., Tel. 257-4314. a2-tfc FOR RENT?Two-story, eight room brick house in Wise. John Perkinson, Rolesville, N. C. Tel. EX5-2132. nl-2tc Money To Loan IF IT IS MONEY you need, see Carl Wilson at Carl's Esso Service, Warrenton, N. C. j21-tfc LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE North Carolina, Warren County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Otis Dowtin, to James D. GillHand, Trustee, dated .the 18th day of February, 1956, and recorded in Book 189, page 50, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Warren County; default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and the holder of the bond thereby secured bfcvtnir* rd* manded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the under signed Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Warren ton, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock, Noon, on the 23rd day of November, 1963, the land conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in Sixpound Township, Warren County, North Caro lina, 'and more particularly described as follows: Situate on North side of Seaboard Air Line, beginning at Flora Kearney, S. E. at a stone 90 feet North of S. A. L. main tract, thence East wardly 105 feet to a stone which is 90 feet from center of S. A. Line tract, thence Northwardly 420 feet to a stake, thence Westwardly 105 feet to Flora Kearney's N. E. corner, thence along her line 420 feet to the beginning, containing one (1) acre as per survey made by A. F. Brame; and being the same land conveyed to Otis Dowtin by deed of Mary Dowtin dst ed 15 August 1961, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Warren County in Book 172, page 483. This 18th day of October, 1963. JAMES D. GILLILAND, Trustee. James D. Gilliland Attorney At Law Warrenton, N. C. nl-4tc NOTICE North Carolina, Warren County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Rufus B. Williams and wife Virginia Williams, to James D. Gilliland, Trustee, dated the 19th, day of May, 1953, and recorded in Book 177, page 273, in the office Of the Register of Deeds of Warren CounfyT default hsv= LOOK FOR THIS SEAL FOR YOUR USED CAR DIAL Motor Salts Co., lie N. C having demanded . ? fore rare thereof for the pur pose of satisfying the indebt ed aeee, the undenisned Trus tee will offer for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bid der for cash at the courthouse door In Warrenton, North Car olina, at twelve o'clock Noon, on the 13th day of November lQAO lU. U-J j : _ louo, cne una conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in Fork Township, Warren County, North Carolina, and more par ticularly described as follows: Begin at a stone, thence N. 15 3/4 E. 152 Vk P. to a stake, S. E. Corner of Lot No. 7, thence N. 89 3/4 W. 31 P. to a stake, thence S. IS 3/4 W. 152 P. to a stake, thence S. 89 3/4 E. 51 P. to the beginning, containing 48 acres, being Lot No. 1 in the division of the lands of Wal ter Williams and being the identical land conveyed by Ruina T. Williams to Har riett B. Williams by deed dated November 15, 1913, re corded in Book 89, page 439. Upon the death of Harriett B. Williams intestate said land descended to Rufiis B. Williams her son and sole heir. This 14th day of October, 1963. JAMES D. GILLILAND, Trustee. ol8-4tc NOTICE SERVING PROCESS BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina, Warren County. Tn the Superior Court Town of Norlina vs. Alex Katzenstein et al. To Edith L. Louis and hus band, Arnold L. Louis Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: To acquire, under the power of eminent domain vested in the petitioner, title to easements across certain tracts or par eels of land in Smith Creek Township, Warren County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of lay;ng, constructing and maintaining a sewer line which will be a part of the petitioner's sewer system, upon which said respondent, Edith L. Louis, has a lien. ? You are_requite_d Jo jnake defense to such pleading not later than December 2, 1963, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will aoply to the court for the relief sought. This 21st day of October, 3 Jk M I JOBT N.^SLLIS, Clerk of the Superior Court. JOHN KERR. JR. o25-4tc Attorney for Petitioner. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICA TION State of North Carolina, Warren County. In the Snoerior Court Town of Norlina vs. Jessie Darden Christian et al. To Jessie Darden Christian and husband. C. Lynch Chris tian; J. M. Darden, Jr., and wife. Mary Hall Darden; Ger-1 trude Darden Whelden and husband. Ford H. Whelden; Antoinette Darden. if single, if not, by whatever name her married name may be. to gether with the name of her husband; Frances Darden' Mustek and husband; John W. Mustek; Eliza F.. Darden, widow; Ann Darden Hunter and husband, Robert Hunter, Jr.: George F. Darden. Jr., and if married, his wife by whatever name known: Rich ard Ziesing. Jr.; Martha Ann Ziesing Hanson and husband, Hugh Hanson: Richard Dar den Ziesing and wife. Janet Ziesing; and C. P. Cawley, and if married, his wife bv whatever name known; and Used Televisions From $79.95 Up ALL GUARANTEED Radio TV Center WARRENTON, N. C. Complete Parte Service For iJAii any tad all other heirs-at-law ot J. IL Harden and C. P. Cawley, infants a* well aa he art lurf. known: Take notice that a pleading ceekiug relief against you has been filed in the above en titled special proceeding. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: To acquire, under the power of eminent domain, vested in the petitioner, fee simple title to the following described lot or parcel of land in the Town of Norllna, Smith Creek Township, Warren County, North Carolina, in which you own undivided interests, for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining a sewer system: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot. No. 4 on the West side of Elm Street as shown in Block V of the sub division??t the-J,?M?Dardeiu lands in the Town of Norlina, which subdivision Plat is re corded in Book 87, page 300, Warren Registry, and running thence N. 84-30 W. 202.5 feet; N. 13-50 W. 32 feet; thence direct East 201.6 feet; thence S. 9-45 E. 55.5 feet to the point of beginning, containing eighteen one-hundredths of an acre (.18), as surveyed and platted by W. Sturges Collins, Registered Land Surveyor, on November 28, 1962, and de scribed on Tract Mao No. 3 in (he establishment of the Nor lina Sanitary Sewer System And in addition, to acauire, under the power of eminent domain vested in the peti tioner. title to an easement across the following desrrib ed lot or parcel of land in the Town of Norlina. Smith Creek Townshio, Warren County, North Carolina, in which you own undivided in terests, for the purpose of laying, constructing and main taining a sewer line which will be a part of petitioner's sewer system: Beginning at a nolnt in the North nroposed line of the South Side Pump Station Site, which point is located due East 3514 feet from the Northwest corner of said Pump Station Site, and being in a contiguous line of Elm Street sewer line outfall, and running thence N. 53-15 W. ??9.7 feet: thence N. 11-15 W. 56 feet to John E Flovd's line, as surveyed and platted by W. Sturges Collins, Regis tered Land Surveyor, on De cember 18. 19?2, and describ ed on Tract Map No. 17 in FOR SALE Reconditioned Refrigerator* LIKE NEW $10.00 Down $10.00 Month ' Warrenton Furniture Exc. For Your PAINTING And REPAIR WORK NEEDS Can EDDIE G. HAMM, Jr. TeL 257-42*4 Rt. 2, Warrenton A. R. PERRY'S GLASS CO. HENDERSON, N. C. Automobile Glass Curved Windshields Mirrors, Table Tops And Store Fronts Call Us For Your Requirements PHONE GE M1U GO WRONG WITH A the establishment of the Nor lino Sanitary Sewer Syatom. You are required to mak than December 2, IMS, and upon your failure to do ao. the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 21st day of Octo ber, 1968. JOE N. ELLIS, Clerk Superior Court. JOHN KERR, JR. o25-4tc Attorney for Petitioner. NOTICE OF SALE 91M.9M TOWN OF NORLINA, NORTH CAROLINA, SANI TARY SEWER BOND AN TICIPATION NOTES Sealed bids will be received until 11 o'clock, A.M., Eastern Standard Time, November 19, 1963, by the undersigned at I its office in the City of Ral eigh, North Carolina, for $150,000 Sanitary Sewer Bond Town of Norlina, North Caro lina, dated December 2, 1963, maturing on June 2? 1964, without option of prior pay ment, and bearing interest, payable at the maturity, of notes to which no interest couplons will be attached. De- I livery of the notes will be made on or about their date at place of purchaser's choice. | Bidders are requested to name the denomination or de nominations, the interest rate (not exceeding 67k per an num), and the city or town and bank or trust' company therein at which principal and interest will be payable. There will be no auction. The notes will be awarded nAt locc thai^ par and ac crued interest to the bidder l RCA Victor T elevisions Frigid aire Appliances Sales 8c Service RADIO TV Center J. ALLEN TUCKER Phone 257-3666 Warrenton FOR THE BEST FURNITURE VALUES DTTOWN SEE US Satterwhites HENDERSON, N. C. WANT A HOUSE? SEE US! We Build All Types Financing Arranged E. C. SEAMAN Estate & Insurance Dial GE 8-3513 ?r GE 8-5458 HENDERSON, N. C. ottering to purchase the notes at the loweat interest coat to the Town .such coat to be determined bv deducting the total amount of any premium bid from the aggregate amount of interest upon all of the notes computed from their date to their maturity. Each bid must be submitted on a form to be furnished with additional Information by the undersigned, must be en closed itr a sealed envelope marked "Bid for Notes," and must be accompanied by a certified check upon an incor porated bank or trust com pany for $750, payable uncon ditionally to the order of the State Treasurer of North Car olina, on which no interest will be allowed. Award or rejection of bids will be made on the date above stated for receipt of bids and the checks of. unsucessful bidders will be returned immediately. The check of the successful bidder will be held uncashed as se curity for the performance of his bid, but in the event the I successful bidder shall fail to ! comply with the terms of his ' bid, the check may then be I Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS DUE TO EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST Ask About 15-Day Trial Offer! ? Over five million packages of the WILLARD TREATMENT have been told for relief of symptoms of distress arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Ex Acid?Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset etc., due to Excess Acid. Ask for ------!*? IWsMigs,,j*hich fully explains this home treatment -tree it BOYCE DRUG CO. HUNTER DRUG CO., INC. COAL CALL 257-3990 C & S Tractor And Equip. Co. WARRENTON, N. C. Used Tractors 2 ? 860 Fords with Live P. T. O. 1 ? 660 Ford with Live P. T. O. 1 ? 640 Ford 2 ? 8N Fords 1 ? 44 Special Massey H arris 1 ? B John Deere, As is Reconditioned, new paint, new tires where needed and guaranteed. NEW FORD TRACTORS GASOLINE ? DIESEL Farm Tractor & ? ? Equipment Co. INCORPORATED Phone GE 8-8185 HENDERSON, N. C. ATTENTION FARMERS You get substantial savings on Property Fire Insurance when you INSURE with? Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Association W. J. Hecht, Pre*. W. R. Drake, Sec. & Treat. Phone 257-3370 ? Taylor Bldg. FOR SALE My homo and fivo acres of land locatod across from Warronton Country Club A 55-acre farm with buildings and pond. L. W. KORNEGAY Fer Further O. cashed and the thereof retained ai full liquidated _ The lawggjj *r ?pinion of Shetterly ft Mitchell, New Vork City, will be furnished without cost to the purchaser. There will slso be furnished WILL BUY SMALL FARMS with tobacco and cotton allotments. BENTON REAL ESTATE Phone 257-3476 or 237-4280 THE AMERICAN LEGION ASKS, "How busy are you?' None of us should be too busy to pause from our daily rou tines NOVEMBER 11TH. Veterans Day ?to honor those who have defended our precious freedom AMERICAN LEGION Limer Post No. 25 the usual closing The right to reject ell bid* ie reserved. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION By: W. E. EasterUng, Secretary of the Commla sion. Printed in BOSTON LOS ANGELES LONDON I Y?f $22 6 Month. $11 3 Month. $5.50 CH? ttih rtyo.tlMi.iwit nod return It with your chock or money order to: The Chri.tlon Scloaco Monitor Ono Norway St roof Boston. Macs. On 115 PB-1S MUTUAL INSURANCE WARRENTON, N. C. BECAUSE RAIN J OUR RIG FARM MACHINERY^^^ FIELD DAY WILL RI HILD ON WED., N0Y.13 ON THE M. C. HICKS FARM . . . across tho Warronton-Norlina Highway from Edwards Esso Sorvico BEGINNING AT 1 P. M. Wo will have all the machinery from our lot ready for you to try out. YOU DON'T JUST WATCH YOU DRIVE A OPERATEI SIR THE NEW MODEL I GLEANER COMRINE DRIVE ANY OF THIS EQUIPMENT - ? MOBIL El TRAOTOR MWIIU ? MODEL Dlt TRUSTOR ? TILLAOI ? MODEL Dtt TRACTOR *1011 ? MODEL Oil TRAOTOR ? HARRI ? MODEL Dll TRAOTOR ? FLC

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