* 2 Your Best Advertising Medium srrp it SferSS? ?.256 South Shelby Street Louisville, Ky. Your Best Advertising Medium /OLUME 67 10c Per Copy Subscription Price $3.00 a Year WARRENTON, COUNTY OF WARREN, N. C. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1963 NUMBER 48 1 1 ' t ? ' ? r ? ?? k 'i' h"A."!a Aa,lM- -' --- Christmas Parade Set Last-minute arrangements were being carried out here Tuesday on. the eve of War renton's annual Christmas Parade, scheduled to begin at 4 p. m. Wednesday, Nov. 27. W. K. Lanier, Jr., president of the Warrpntnn Mprrhantg Association, sponsors of the yearly event, said a large crowd is expected when the long line of Chnistmas floats begins moving along Warren ton's Main Street. Santa Claus, probably the top attraction in the parade, is scheduled to make his pre Christmas appearance aboard a specially designed float. Workmen have alrpady set up his headquarters on the Warren County Courthouse Square, where he will hear the requests of children. Lights and decorations were strung across the parade -FOUtc -Monday night as mer chants and other townspeople prepare to usher in the Christmas shopping season. The parade will mark the beginning of the shopping season Lanier said that a majority of Warrenton stores would remain open Friday night, Nov 29, until 9 p. m. The practice is expected to be continued until Christmas. [Holiday House Is Planned PHOTO BY HOWARD JONES PRESIDENT JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY ADDRESSES STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA ON OCTOBER 12, 1961 Warren Residents Mourn Death Of President Stunned Warren County residents joined with Ameri cans everywhere in mourning for President John F. Ken nedy fatally shot on a visit to Dallas Friday. Hours after news of his death was received here townspeople clustered about radio and television receivers listening to reports that were long in wearing through a feeling of disbelief. Business activity was far from its usual Friday afternoon pace. President Kennedy, 35th president of the United States, lived about 30 min utes: after being shot by a hidden assassin armed with a high-powered rifle. Less than an hour later, Lyndon B. Johnson, 55-year old Texan who had served as Vice-President, was srworn in as the nation's new Chief Executive. Kennedy, 46, the first Ro man Catholic and the young est man ever elected to the Sen. Mike Mansfield Pays Kennedy Tribute WASHINGTON?Sen. Mike Mansfield, D-Mont., paid tribute to John F. Kennedy Sunday. Here is the text: There was a sound of laughter; in a moment, it was no more, and, so, she took a ring from hei* finger and placed it in his hands. There was a wit in a man neither young nor old; but a wit full of an old man's wisdom and of a chiij's wisdom, and, then in a moment it was no more. And so, siie took a ring from her finger and placed it in his hands. There was a man marked with the scars of his love of country. A body active with the surge of a life far from spent, and in a moment, it was no more. And so, she took a ring from her finger and placed it in his hands. There was a father with a little boy, a little girl and a joy of each in the other. In a moment it was no more, and ?o, she took a ring from her finger and placed it in his hands. There was a hurtxnd who asked mdch arnf gave mush, and, out of the giving and the asking, wove with a woman what could not be broken in life, and, in ft moment it ws no more. And so, she took a ring from her finger and placed It in his hands, and kissed him and closed the lid of a coffin. A piece of each of us died at that moment. Yet, in death he gave of himself to us. He gave >is of a good heart from which the laughter came. He ga