Your Best Advertising (V! Medjlum Harrrn .... Standard Printing Company 2256 South Shelby Str lease or purchase the pro perty from the Hendrlck heirs several years ago and since that time had been paying an annual lease on the property. In voting to exercise its option to purchase the property for $15,000, the commissioners said that they found It necessary to purchase the property for the purpose of having a site on which to construct and house county office buildings for of fices, bureaus and agencies of county government. All com missioners voted in favor of the proposal. The commissioners Monday Grand iur^rFiirds Need Of Attention At Jail And Camp Conditions at the Warren County Prison Camp, the Court house and the county Jail were listed Tuesday afternoon in the report of the Grand Jury sub nltted to Judge Henry A. Mc Klnney, presiding over the Jan uary criminal term of Superior Court. The Grand Jury reported that it found at the county Jail mat tresses and covers in bad shape; four leaks In the plumbing-, the exterior of the building needing painting; the kitchen, as In the past,, needs enlarging and to be attached to the main building; and the cells should be aired out or better ventilated. ? comity Priwn cwnp needs work done onsomebulld lngs on the outside before paint ing is started, the Jury said. While the county courthouse is generally in fair condition, corrections are needed in a rest room and furnnace room, the Grand Jury found. It reported that the men's rest rooms needs three toilet seats; that two bar rels Inside door should be moved so door can be opened wide; and that soap dish should be replaced on wall. The re port said that the furnace room should be cleaned and ashes should be placed some place other than beside or near a wooden door for fear of fire. On the brighter side, the Grand Jury reported that it found the Agriculture Building to be clean and well lighted and "in the very best shape"; that all Justices of the peace have filed their reports; and that all. administrators, executors, and guardians have filed their reports satisfactorily. Thomas J. Harrington served as foreman of the Grand Jury. 'little Federal' Plan Endorsed By Warren farm Bureau Head The head at the Warren Coun ty Farm Bureau this week urges local citizens to support the "Little Federal "Plan In the constitutional amendments tobe submitted to the voters on next Tuesday. "If you want to keep good gov ernment in North Carolina, vote for the Constitutional Amend on reapportionment, Farm Bureau President Boyd Reams North Carolina has a remark able history of good govern ment, Reams pointed out. "The. chief reason la that we have kept a reasonable balance of power between conflicting interests in Om state Legislature," be said. "We don't want to lose this bal and have a Legislature by selfish power backed by blocs of voter* to gain control of the Legislature if both houses are based on popnUtton. "The Constitutional Amend ment would permit the House to be baaed on area (one Rep* t resenttlve to each county In the Stale) and the Senate to be based fives the populous areas state quite enough power, ~ woefld Be la con Fur thar-. . . lation la ? would keep g*ln >4) agreed to let Wiley G. Coleman, chairman of the board of elec tions, use one of the rooms In the Hendricks house In the building to be acquired as an office for the Board of Elec tions. The commissioners passed a resolution requesting that Dis trict Highway Engineer, Rodger P. Dowtln, be allowed to continue his duties as district engineer after he has reached the re tirement age within a few mon ths The board voted to accept the resignation of Dr. C. H. Wood burn of Littleton as a member of the Warren County Board of Adjustment with the County Planning Board. Mrs. W.B. Stansbury was elected to replace Dr. Woodburn on the board and will serve as sec retary . Other members of the board are Alvls Fleming, chair man; Josh Harris, McKlnney Wilklns, Ed Williams, Ernest Whitby and Herbert HarrlsT Marvin Newsom of Littleton, chairman of the Warren County Planning Board, who appeared before the commissioners with Jerry Turner of the Planning Division of the State Depart ment of Conservation and De velopment, 'tended Dr. Wood burn's letter of resignation to the board and said that the Planning Board had recommen ded the appointment of Mrs. Stansbury. Newsom also told the com missioners that he felt a re quest by the board of county commissioners to the Highway Commission would be of great assistuice In having work start ed on proposed roads around the Gaston Lake. The Board agreed to do all In their pow er to have this construction car ried out and as a first step agreed to have the board's sec retary writ? a letter to the Dis trict Highway Commission and the Division Engineer request ing that right of way be staked out In order that easement may be obtained for the construction of the roads. The State Highway Com mission was requested to add to the County Road Systen a road leading from U. S. 158 near Elijah Ellington's home to Amos Clanton's home, a dis tance of about half a mile. The commissioners ordered that W. B. Currln, Jr., be refunded $25.00 as Schedule B License Tax as a mule deal er, said tax being collected through error. A. P. Rodwell, Jr., Tax Col lector, reported tax collected during the month of December in the amount of $51,143, bring ing the year's collection to a total of $239,475.39. Dr. Robert F. Young receiv ed the congratulation of the Board of County Commission ers Monday upon his appointed from a limited number of Heal the Officers selected to attend seminares In Houston, Texas, and to Denver, Colorado, during the next few weeks. Dr. Young told the commis sioners that Veneral Diseases were showing an alarming In crease, particularly among young people, and that much re mains to be done in the fight on TB He said that he was very much gratified over his selection to attend the seminars and felt that he could learn something of value to the two counties he serves as health director?Vance and Warren. The resignation of Mrs. G. V. Boyd as secretary to the Warren County board of Health effective Feb. 1, was also an nounced by Dr. Young. He said that she would be replaced by Mr*. Rose White who had been assisting at the Health Department on a part-time basis. Free Haircuts Bill A. Benson, popular War ren ton barber and father of John Graham Basketball 8tar, Blllie Benson, Is In for quite a bit of work with no pay. He la to furnish a free halr cut to each Of the 15 boys on the John Oraham basketball team In full fill ment o< a promise to (Its a free haircut to each player should the team win ten straight games with no de Son Bints played * major part in his father's addsd work. He contributed M points in play acalMt Aycock here Tuesday night, thetsnth straight victory for the local boys. Answers Of Girl Clear Young Boy Answers given by a 12 year old girl brought a sudden end to a lengthy Jury trial here Wednesday and won aqulttal for an accused young Negro rapist. Clifton Alston, 16, of Inez, was cleared of the rape charge minutes before an all-white jury was to have begun deliberation In his case?when Judge Henry A. McKlnnon Jr. directed the Jury to return a verdict of not guilty. The decision to direct a not guilty verdict came after the young sister of the alleged rape victim confirmed Alston'stest lmony that he had the girl's consent when the two had sexual relations on the night of Aug, 21, 1963. Both the State and the de fense counsel had rested their case Wednesday when the 12 year-old sister of the prose cuting witness revealed to Dis trict Solicitor W. H. S. Burgwyn Jr. that she had witnessed a portion of the alleged attack and had seen another youth sitting on the DacK seat of the auto mobile while her sister and Al ston were having an affair. Earlier, during more than a day of lurid testimony heard by a packed courtroom, Clifton Alston testified that he used no force when he seduced Mary Louise Alston, 17, on the Aug ust night. Mary Alston had charged that Clifton Alston had entered the car In which she was seated alone, locked the doors of the car, scratched her neck with a knife, and forced her to have relations with her. She testified that the boy had "marked" her neck with the knife, and so frightened her that she had been unable to cry for help. She said the Incident took [dace In the front seat of an automobile approximately 15 feet from the doorway of a "piccolo Joint" In Liberia where Negro youngsters had fathered for a summer night fish fry. Mary Alston told the Jury that she had arrived at the scene of the alleged attack In the com pany of her young ? sister, Barbara, and the driver of the automobile, William Edward "Kemp" Williams. She said the attack took place after "Kemp" had gone Inside the building and she was left alone in the car. Defense attorney Charles T Johnson of Warrenton called several witnesses to the stand who testified that they had seen Mary Alston and Clifton Alston in an Intimate position in the automobile. One witness, 15 year-old James Alston, Testifi ed that he was sitting in the back seat of the car at one point because Mary Alston had promised to make love with him Josephine and Rosa Lee Wil liams told the court that they had also seen the defendant and the prosecuting witness during the alleged attack, and that there was no sign of resistance on the part of Mary Alston. Testimony In the case began Tuesday morning after more than an hour had been spent impanelling a Jury. Laughter spUlod from the audience on ( see FREED, page 4) Appliance Firm Moves Norlina Branch Here Traylor Appliances, Inc. which has for anumber of years operated offices In both War renton and Norlina, has com bined the two offices at War renton. Dixon a Ward, secretary? treasurer, said yesterday that the two stores were combined as aa economy measure and because It would give customers (Tester service, greater selection and speedier service. He said there would be no change In personnel. Convinced Elmer Blanketiship, War renton television and radio repairman,-is one man who is convinced that it payi to advertise Blankenship placed a classified advertisement in The Warren Record last month, hoping to sell a vehicle be owned. He got results. "So far, l have received 43 inquiries, and they are still coming," ha said. "I might have to put an ad in the paper telling folia I sold the car." "'j. Voters Will Decide Fate Of Constitutional Amendments Work was officially started on Warrenton's new sewage disposal plant on Saturday afternoon in ground breaking ceremonies with Mayor W. A. Miles turning the first shovel of dirt at the site on Horse Branch near its junction with Fishing Creek. ? Others in the picture are , left to right, D. O. Harmon and Max Taylor, em ployees of Connell Construction Company; BUI Neal, employee of the Water Department; Hal Connell, contractor; Commissioner Walker P. Burwell, Water Supt. Harold R. Sklllman, and Commissioners A. C. Fair and Dixon Ward. Criminal Term Of Superior Court Enters Fourth Day The January criminal term of Warren County Superior Court entered Its fourth day here Thursday as a crowed doc ket and requests for Jury trials threatened to stretch the session Into Friday. Some 25 defendants had been called prior to Thursday during a term marked by overflow crowds. A drunk driving case, the State vs Perry Carter, reached the Jury Thursday afternoon after consuming the Major Interest during the term centered on the grand Jury's ruling on a bill of In dictment charging Mrs: Bar bara S. G11111 and with murder in connection with the pistol slaying of her husband, War renton attorney James D. Gll Uland. After hearing testimony for more than a day, the grand Jury returned a true bill on Tuesday. However, on Wednes day morning, Solicitor W. S. Burgwyn received a telegram from Mrs. Gllllland's attorney, Robert Cahoon of Greensboro requesting a continuation. The request was granted by the State and Judge Henry A. Mc Klnnon. Jr., of Lumberton al lowed Mrs. Gilllland to re main free on $5,000 bond. A rape case, the only cap ital crime on the calendar for the criminal session, drew heavy spectator lnterest for more than a day before Judge McKlnnoh directed the Jury to return a verdict of not guilty for the defendant, Clifton Al ston. Alston's attorney, Charles T. Johnson, earlier had asked for a non-suit to the case, but judge McKinnon allowed the trial to proceed before 1** m Unite evidence freed the youth. A 17-year-old Littleton Ne gro, Lin wood Lee, drew the longest term during the session. Lee, charted on three counts of breaking and entering, ad mitted going into the home of lira. Lillian Robinson in Lit tleton on several occasions be fore police trapped him ntr there in November. Lm was sentenced to two years in prison in e*choftwo >t.M, and dretr an ?-10 year sentence in the third. Lawrence moss, ch*ree??dtD the John Graham cjrm 1 tonight (Friday) aa Nortlna Warrenton meet (Or the time In baaketball play the 1063-M season. Added Interest la the same doe to the fact Warrenton la unbeaten llna'a boya have auHi one loaa during the Comparative acorea