Your Best Advertising Medium (Shp Harren IRmirJi 1 ,*rd C Your Best Advertising Medium . rd prUitmB Co The Stands ^ street 2250 South ? ?? 1 1 ?? ? ? ? ? ? VOLUME 68 10c I'er Copy Subscription Trice $3.00 a Year WARRENTON, COUNTY OF WARREN, N. C. Uuisvl1 r KID AY, MARCH 6, 1964 1 NUMBER 10 0 Novelist Is Honored By Macon Club Reynolds Price, Duke English I-iofessor and author of "A Long and Happy Life," and other stories, Came home Mon day night to the warmth of friendly greetings and plaudits from friends and relatives. The occasion was the March dinner meeting of the Macon Community Club where Price r was guest speaker and discuss ed his works and whyhewrites. The meeting, held at Warren Plaza Inn, half-way between Macon where Price was born, ? 'and Warrenton where he attend ed school aid later lived, was attendee oy a number of special guests, Including aunts and uncles and cousins of the speak er, close friends, former teach ers, and members of the Ma-< con Junior High School faculty. Also present was Mrs. Will Price, the mother of the speak er, the former Elizabeth Rod well of Macon. The Invocation was pronounc ed by the Rev. R. E. Brick house, retired minister of the Macon and Warrenton Baptist Churches, attended by Price and his family. Mrs. Wilton R. Drake, vice president, presided over the meeting and asked that it be made just an informal gather ing of friends of Reynolds Price. She recognized several special guests, Including Miss Jennie Alston, Mrs. Crichton Thorn? Davis, and Mrs. Ersle Stewart, former teachers of Price, who praised Reynolds as a student and expressed their pride in his * accomplishments. Other spe cial guests recalled incidents of the boyhood ot the speaker and the community's pride in his work as a student, teacher and author. Cousin Junle Drake provoked a laugh when he rose after num erous speakers had paid tri bute to Price, and remarked that he thought those kind of things were reserved for funerals. He recall ed humorous Incidents of the childhood of Reynolds in Macon, and of his father, the late Will Price, remembered for his wit and love of practical Jokes. Mrs. Drake called on her hus band, as mayor of Macon, to present Price with a large en graved key to the City of Macon. Mrs. C. E. Thompson, on be half of the Community Club, and in the knowledge of his love (See PRICE, page 4) Death Came Mostly To Old In January Not a single death of a per son under 56 years of age was reported In Warren County dur ing January, the Warren County Health Department reported this ween. Eleven of the twelve deaths reported were In the 65 and t?over age group, Dr. Robert F. Young, Health Director, said. "This is phenomenal," he said, ?"when one recalls the large number of graves for Infants and young people In the older cemeteries In our county." Heart disease ranked first with seven deaths and cancer next with two. Three deaths were due to unknown causes. During the month of January 29 live births were reported in Warren County with five white and 24 non-whites, the report stated. Of the 24 non-white infants twelve were delivered by mldwlves and six by physicians at- homes, with only six having hospital delivery. All of the five white Infants were de livered in a hospital. During this period SI percent of Negro births were illegitimate. P Reams Is Speaker Frank .Reams, warreft County Agricultural Agent, was the guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Lions Club held at Hotel Warren on last Friday * night. President Nat White pre . elded over the meeting. Presented by Howard Daniel, Reuse gave an lllustratedlec ture, showing many scenes of Warren County. Dave Richards, hospital m ministrator, was welcomed a new member by President SCENES AS WARRENTON GIRLS TAKE HALIFAX-WARREN TOURNAMENT CROWN HXtH ^ Y 'EUOH Jackets Littleton's Betty Weaver eyes the goal over the outstretched arms of Warrenton's Wanda McCowan during Saturday night's championship battle In the 15th annual Halifax-Warren Con ference Tournament. Warrenton's Helen Andrews (20) moves In to assist in guarding. 20 y \ N A scramble for the ball brings players from both teams from beneath the boards. Helen Andrews (20) of Warrenton, and Littleton's Dot Hllllard (2) and Sylvia Shearln (12) rush after the ball. Fight for rebound in aecood half action of Warrunton-Littleton championship game played here Saturday night. Story on page? : ?' Irax- ItZfflSB. Fleming Is Appointed To Board Charles E. Fleming of Sandy { Creek Township was appointed a member of the Warren Coun- ' ty General Hospital Board of Trustees Monday by the Board of County Commissioners at their regular session. The ap pointment w" made upon recommendation of the Board of Trustees. Fleming will succeed W. E. Turner also of Sandy Creek, a long time member of the board, who resigned due to the condition of his wife's health. Appearing before the com missioners in what proved to be a busy day, was Allen Kim ball of the Warren County ABC Board. Kimball told the com missioners that the Halifax County ABC Board, which also operates a store in Littleton, had proposed that the Warren and Halifax stores be combin ed and the profits split on a 50-50 split. Concensus of the board was that the combina tion would probably be alright If a fairer division of profits could be secured. The com- I missioners suggested that the \ ABC Board negotiate further with the Halifax Board and re- j port Its findings and its rec-1 ommendatlons at a later meet-| lng of the commissioners. It was agreed that the com bination of the two stores would cut cost and could be advan tageous to both counties, but since no consolidation can take place without the consent of the Legislature, that ample time for further study and proposals is available. The commissioners, who have expressed themselves as being opposed to a proposal that the Welfare Department be placed under the rule of the county commissioners, got a touch of what this could mean Monday when they discussed payments to a blind man with Mrs. Agnes Pernell, casework er for the blind. Mrs. Pernell, who appeared before the commissioners by lnvifation, discussed the case of a proposed welfare payment to James Williams, who has for several years operated a store at the fork of the Hen derson Afton road. The problem under discus sion was whether Williams, should have his monthly pay ments as a blind recipient In creased from $44.50 to 62.00 a month, due to the fact that he no longer operates the store, having turned the operation over to his wife, who also receives a relief check. Mrs. Pernell said that Wll lllams was suffering with dia betes and has had one leg am putated, and said that Williams Is no longer physically able tc operate the store. She said {Bat any earnings that Williams would receive from the store was Insufficient to prevent the the_ralse to $62.00 a month, under a Federal ruling. If pos sible, she conceded, that since the store has been showing an estimated profit of some $50.00 a month, that the Age to De pendent Children grant made to Mrs. Williams might be reduc ed. This was the decision of the Welfare Board, she said. The commissioners after a (See BOARD, page 4) m Book Drive Is Reported Success A drive to collect books for the John Graham, Marlam Boyd and Nathaniel Macon school* libraries netted more than 800 volume*, John Graham Prin cipal Kenneth Brlnaon said this week. The drive, sponsored by the from local Boy Scoots, provid ed several hundred volumes In excellent condition, Brlnaon aald. The Warrentoo principal eet pressed his appreciation to Mrs. Tom Holt and bar com mittee for directing the drive. Moat of the volume* collect ed vera of high achool level and above, Brlnaon aald. !*? eluded In the book gift* was a 50-volume hletorlcal re rerence set. March Civil Term Of Court Scheduled To Begin Monday SCENE FROM COMIC OPERA TO BE PRESENTED HERE THIS MONTH Comic Opera To Be Seen Here Under Sponsorship Of Woman's Club The War renton Woman's Club j will sponsor the contemporary j comic opera, "The Old Maid and the Thief" by Carlo; Menottl, on Friday, March 20, at 8 p. m., at John Graham High School auditorium, Mrs. Leonard Daniel, publicity chairman, announced yes'er day. The production wll 1 be pre sented by the "Fine Arts Names Of Dozen Men Who Died In World War Added To List The names of 12 Warren County persons were added to the Roll of Honor of North Carolina World War Ii to be Inscribed on a plaque of the Battleship North Carolina as the result of action by the Board of County Commissioners Mon day. A list containing 29 names submitted by Rear Admiral Robert B. Ellis, USN (Ret.) and published by this newspaper on January 24 for verification, failed to list a number of per sons from Warren County who died in World War II. A similar list, with no addi tions, was submitted to the commissioners Monday. Com missioners recalled several names that had been omitted, before turning the list over to Veterans-Officer Mrs; Thomas Connell who with the aid of Beverly White, added 12 names to the ltst. Since the plaque on board the battleship U. S. North Carolina will be a permanent record, It is requested that anyoneknow lng the name or names of a Warren County serviceman who died in World War n and not Included In the list published below, report the name or names directly to the Battle ship Memorial, P. O. Box 17, Wilmington, N. C. The list follows: Harry M. Bowers, Howard A. Capps, Joseph C. Cole, William E. Conner, Joseph R. Daniel, Robert B. Davis, Ollie M. Den ton, William P. Dowtln, Floyd F. Fleming, Jr., Robert L,Cup ton, Rodger J. Harris, Andrew J. Hundley, Lester L. James, Louis C. Jonas, Arthur G, Kelley, H. Maurice Llmer, Ben jamin F. Mabry, George W. O' Neal, Jr., Horace Palmer, Walter C. Paynter, Allen L. Romeo L. Powell, Jr., Sam uel T. Robertson, Wallace S. Rodwell, Dudley A. Rose, John W. Scott, Jr., Arthur B. Shear in, J. Junius Stalling*, G, Clifton Stecall, Alvin W. Stephenson, John E. Wall, William F. Ward, Howard T. Weaver, Thomas A. Alston, rnd J. Burgess, Jchn Collins, Mom 8. Davis, Eu gene Duneton, George E. Ed wards, Jerry Ellis, Jessie J. (See NAMES, page 4) Theatre," which is composed of a group of performing art ists from the East Carolina Opera Theatre. Mrs. Daniel said this group was sent on tour last Decem ber to the Arctic by the United States State Department. A former Warrenton girl, Mrs. Martha Bradner, daughter of Mrs. V. T. Lamm, will have a prominent role in this pro Educators Will Conduct District Meeting Here The annual meeting of Dis-| trlct 6 School Boards Associa- ! tion will be held at John j Graham High School here next Thursday, March 12, beginning at 4 p. m. Some 150 educa tors are expected to atfid. Dr. Charles F. Carroll, State Supt. of Public Instruction, will I be the principal speaker for the] I evening. His address will fol low a banquet to be held in the I school cafeteria. 1 The theme for" this year's' gathering of school board mem bers, district school commit-' j teemen and school administra- j tors is "A Progress Report: ' 1 New Programs, New Facilities, j I Improved School Personnel, j I Additional Funds." Units in- I | eluded in the district are Vance ^County, Henderson City, War- ; Franklin County, Franklinton j City, Durham County, Durham j City, Wake County and Raleigh ! City. W. Boyd Mayfield, a member I of the Warren County Board | of Education, Is currently ser | ving as district president, and j J. R. Peeler, Warren County School Superintendent, is ser- j < ving as district secretary. Ralph Fleming Was Automobile Driver Ralph Fleming was the drlv- j er of an Olrismobile automobile: which was In collision with an; ! automobile driven by Deputy Sheriff Herbert Rooker inWar renton on Feb. 22, and not his father, Sol Fleming. The accident occurred when a car driven by Rooker, passed a tractor and trailer on Ridge way Street and collided with the car driven by Ralph Fleming; Name Coitasion The R. H. Stew, who i found guilty on i speeding charge in Recorder's Court on toruary 21, was not R. K Stew or Macon, a former mall carrier. The David ^cott, re cently found guiltr*; feeding, wu not Da*ld Scott of Butner, n of Mr. and Mrs. Scott of Warrenton. duction. Tickets are $1.00 for adults and 50? for students and may be obtained from any member of the Warrenton Woman's Club or at the door. Proceeds will be used for the annual scholar ship which is presented to a senior girl from the John Gra ham High School by the Wo man's Club. The State Association was organized in 1937 and through its history has been dedicated to seeking improvements in North Carolina Public educa tion, Supt. Peeler said yes terday In announcing the meet ing. From its offices InChapel Hill, the Association works with school board members anc school committeemen at the local level. Professor Guy B. Phillips of Chapel Hill, the principal organizer of the As sociation, currently serves as Its consultant. R. M. Abbot! of Chapel Hill is the Associa tion's Executive Secretary. Fashion Show Scheduled To Be Held In Littleton "Littleton?A fashion show, "Festive Flairs of '64," fea turing the latest styles for men, women and children, will be presented tonight (Friday) in the Littleton High School Audi torium. The show, sponsored by the Shaw Springs Home Demonstra tion Club of Littleton, will begin at 8 p. m. and will feature talent from Warrenton, Little ton, Roanoke Rapids and Wel don. Proceeds will be used by the Shaw Club for a community project. Mrs. Leigh Traylor of Nor lina, "Mrs. North Carolina," will appear on the program and Mi a. Grace Boone, a former New York Model now living In Roanoke Rapids, will narrate the show. Tickets will be on sale at the door. In the Talent Show will be: Band?"The Fabulous Con tinentals" of Littleton. James Grant singing "ft Might As Well Be Spring," with Laura Bo^ae and Ann Flndren doing a toe dance. Duet-Linda Mitchell and Garland May of Littleton sing ing "K aster Parade.** Twirling Routine - Nelda Clark and Mary Elizabeth Dan iel of Littleton. Tapping Toes?MyrlcJt Dance CfcNttf Only Eight Cases Are On Docket The March civil term of War ren County Superior Court will I open here Monday rnornlng at j 10 o'clock with Judge J. Wil liam Copeland of Murfreesboro ! presiding. Cases are docketed, through (Thursday with only eight cases docketed for trial. Monday's cases are Harry Lawrence vs. Haywood Monta gue et als; and Charles Adler vs. Haywood Montague, et als; Security Loan Corp. vs. Tom | and Ula Wilson; and Frank Serls T/a Serls Hdwe. Co. vs. Thomas H. Young. Tuesday the trial of Tom Lewis Rooker vs. Vernon Lewis Carroll is docketed for trial. Wednesday has been reserved for the hearing of VEPCO vs Hal W, Connell, concerned with the amount of damages to be awarded Connell as the result of condemnation proceedings to acquire Connell's lands as a part of Gaston Lake. Thursday the trial of Clar ence P. Gaston vs. Edward L. Baxter is the only case sche duled. In this action Gaston is suing Baxter for alienation of his wife's affections and ask ing $15,000 actual damages and $10,000 punitive damages. Jurors summoned for next ^week's session of court are: Mrs. W. R. Woodall, R. Twlt ty Cheek, L. H. Clary, Law rence Alston, Curtis E. Mus tlan, B. W. Currln, Jr., M. R. Abbott, E.C. Reld, William S. Davis, Sherrell Eugene Greer, O. L. Stevenson, Frank A. Bob bitt, W. C. King, Henry L. | James, William M. Craft, James H. Young, Irvin Harris, jN. E. Mitchell, Clifton Stegall, iMrs. Mae F. Bobbltt, R, A. i T harrlngton. William H. Faulkener, Nor Iman N. Bullock, Richard H. | Harris, Jr., Ruth Rogers, Thomas E. Overby, Benjamin A. Williams, Julian Acree, Mrs. Edith White, M C. Ellis, L. W. Bowers, Clyde D. Wagner, Robert Neal, L. W. Ellis, Alex Henderson, N.H. BoltoiiT James Moseley, Mrs. Gilbert Reld, j John Henry Leonard, John , Bruce Bell, R. W. Shearln. Chorus Group?From AuraP" lan Springs under the direction of Mrs. Mildred Oxenham. Acrobatic Routine?Jo Ann Robertson of Littleton. Charleston Routine? Sylvia Davis of Warrenton. Acrobatic and Twirling Rou tine by Laverne Lane, the former Miss Majorette of North Carolina in 1958-59; Inter national Strutting winner, Ma jorette Queen of the East, and Miss Greenville of 1961. The models will be: Sylvia Shearin, Tonjla Har ris, Agnes Kldd, Margaret New som. Dorothy Hilliard, 8m Ellen Stansbury, Jo Ann Robert son, Jean Tant, Mary Lou Ro bertson, Chary 1 Tant, Gerpld Raid, Susan Tant, Angela Hamlll, Lynn Kearney, Sttth Harris, Jamas Grant, Bobby Moore, Bill Tfcorne, Ann Haw* field, Spot Hawfield, Ma Hawfleld, Jeanette Wa Sandra May, Ruby P. Barbara Wast, Garland Linda Mitchell, and ! of Littleton. ' Daan Lewis a

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