Crews Says GagToBe Repealed, Amended Chapel Hill?The Speaker Ban Law will be appealed or amend ed next year, although It will be no easy task, a top-rank ing State Democratic official predicted here Thursday night. Democratic Party Chairman W. Lunsford Crew told a meet ing of the Chapel HlU-Carrboro junior Chamber of Commerce, "I am convinced that in 1965 legislators and educators think - lng and reasoning together will amend or repeal this law. . The Speaker Ban, enacted In the closing days of last year's General Assembly, prohibits known Communists or persons who have taken the Fifth Amend ment in loyalty investigations from speaking on State -sup ported campuses. Jir. Crew said, "Repeal of this law will not be as simple as some might think. It Is a dif ficult matter to explain aca demic freedom and freedom of the mind to many people throughout North Carolina. . The Roanoke Rapids State Senator, wno prefaced his pre pared remarks by saying that he was speaking on his own anil not In his capacity as State Demo cratic chieftain, also praised Town offtcials for their handling of recent recial demonstra tions. Mr. Crew said, "I know those people who introduced this bill (the Gag Law) in the General Assembly; they are men of good faith and they believe in higher education, but they and other members of the General As sembly were living in of fear. "I hasten to say that it is my firm belief that, if this bill had been gjven the proper consider ation with the usual committee meetings, It would never have passed the General Assembly. I was the first member of the Senate to oppose this bill, and I must admit I arose with some reluctance. I realized that the public in general would feel that any person who opposed the bill would be labeled as friendly to communism. . .1 do not fear communism nearly so-much as I fear the ultimate consequences of tyranny of man's mind, and shackles that might be placed upon the voices and minds of Americans. . .As long as men are free to have new ideas, to discuss these Ideas, to experiment, to ask questions, to seek answers, this country will continue to grow and be In keeping with the changing times. "If I were the chancellor or" president of a college campus, or If I were a student leader, I would be most reluctant to in vite a known Communist to the ?us, but I believe, that our chancellors and presidents are far better equipped and exper ienced in coping with the chang ing problems of students than legislators and laymen. "I am fearful that If we elimi nate Communists that we might next eliminate Baptists, Metho dists , or Canadians, or even Democrats (if the Republicans ever get control of the Legisla ture). "A University or a state that does not alio* free thought will not continue to produce such men as Dr. Frank Graham, Paul Green, Fred Koch, Dr. Phillips Russell, Dr. Horace Williams, Secretary of Commerce Luther Hodges, Governor Terry San ford, Dr. Aycock, and Dr. Fri day. These men may not always be popular In their time, but they will be great men for all time. "The law Is not as bad for what It Is, as for what it may bring In years to come." Mr. Crew commended Town and University officials, stu dents and faculty members for the patience and tolerance they have shown In handling recent demonstrations In Chapel Hill. "The solution to the Town's problems." he said, "will be found not In the streets, and not in violation of thelaw, but within the hearts and minds of men working together around a con ference table. "Many people are confused because they are still unwilling to admit that we have a pro1-!em. I believe that the problems that plague us today will surely, in the not too distant future, pass away. They will only be solved at the conference tables." GAIL TUCKER Warrenton Girl To Make Tour Of United Nations A young Warrenton girl will leave Saturday to attend a Unit ed Nations-Washington Study Tour on Peace and World Or der during March 14-20, under the sponsorship of the Metho dist Youth Fellowship of the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Church. Miss Gall Tucker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tucker of Warrenton, will be one of a group of 36 selected from local Methodist churches throughout the eastern half of North Carolina. The purposes of the Study Tour are (1) to understand the functions and operations of the United Na tions and the United States Gov ernment; (2) to provide the op portunity to participate in dis cussion of current world af fairs; (3) to discuss the Christ ian's responsibility and the role Df the Church In the Issues raised before the UN and the Federal Government; and (4) :o discuss how a Methodist youth can determine his responsl oility in th* e issues. The Study Tour will attend sessions of the United Nations and the Congress of the United States. Briefing by various members of the world and na tional governments will be fea tures of the tour. North Car olina's Senator, Sam J. Ervln, Jr., will meet with the group in Washington. Miss Tucker is a Junior at John Graham High School and is active In the Methodist Youth Fellowship at Wesley Memorial Methodist Church where she holds the office of vice presi dent. The Rev. J. Conrad Glass, Jr., director of Youth Work for the North Carolina Conference, Is ?servlng as director of the Study Tour. LUCY ANN HICKS Lucy Ann Hicks Wins Honor At A. C. College WILSON?Lucy Ann Hicks of Norllna was among nine Atlan tic Christian College students to be inducted into the Golden Knot Honor Society at its Spring Tapping Ceremony held hereon March 5. In order tor a student to become a candidate (or mem bership Into the Golden Knot Honor Society he or she must have completed at least 62 se mester hours of work at At lantic Christian College; have an overall scholastic average of 3.20 (B plus) based on all semester hours at ACC as cal culated by the Registrar; have outstanding moral character; show the desire and ability for constructive leadership; ex press the willingness to serving In upholding the ideals of the organization and institution; and have the approval of at least four-fifths of the total member ship of the society. The purpose of the organiza tion is "to uphold the Ideals of Atlantic Christian College and to recognize and encourage character, scholarship, leader ship and service" among those students of the college. Holding its purpose true is the motto of the society: "To do things worthy as of honor, through difficulties." Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tasker P. Hicks of Route 1, Norlina, she is a junior ma joring in English. Patronize the advertisers EDGAR WOOD. JR. Edgar Wood, Jr. Wins Prize For 2nd Best Paper Edward Wood, Jr., has been selected as second place win ner for a paper, "An Investi gation of Direct Costing," by the North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants. Wood, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wood of Warrenton, is Church Circle Meets With Mrs. Browning Littleton ? Mrs. Haywood Browning was hostess to mem bers of the Mary Lucy Self Circle of the Littleton Metho dist Church on Tuesday night and served apple sauce cake, pimento - cheese sandwiches, potato chips and coffee. Mrs. Raymond Brown, chalr a rising senior at the Unlver- I sity of North Carolina where I he Is majoring in Accounting, j A second place winner Wood j will be presented a check in; the amount of $25 at the Springs i Awards^Dinner ot the NCACPAI to be held at the Carolina Inn ' at Chapel Hill on March 14, when he and Mrs. Wood will be guests of the Association. Thomas C. Wagstaff, exe-j i cutive secretary of the; NCACPA, said in making the announcement to Wood that i 1 there is some possibility that [the paper may be published for [the benefit of the general mem I bership of the association, j In addition to winning a prize; [for his theme paper, Wood also made the first semester honor roll at tarolina. 1 man, opened the meeting and presided. Mrs. Browning had charge of the devotional and led In prayer. Attending were Mes dames Joe Newsom, Fred Owen, Ruby Rlggan, Raymond Brown and Miss Anna Egerton. MYF Counselor Asked To Check On Bible Littleton ?Edwin S. King, adult counselor, of the Calvary MYF, was asked to check on the need of a Bible to be used during the MYF meetings and to report his findings at the next meeting. This discussion was held during the recent meeting of the Calvary MYF, which featured a program by Linda Mitchell on, "In His Hands." Group singing and scrlptur* reading followed the program. Adult counselors In attend ance were Mrs. L. C. Myrlck and Mr. and Mrs. , Edwin S. King. m FCft Am MAY JON TERMITES*; WORK ALL YEAR ROUND I for the sake of your heme GOOD EQUIPMENT CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! LET US DIG YOUR DITCHES, EXCAVATE FOR YOUR FOUNDATION AND FOR YOUR SEPTIC TANKS AND DO OTHER EARTH MOVING JOBS FOR YOU. ? hov* th? txptrUnc* and machinery for a satisfactory fob. CONTACT R. C. COMER, I. 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