Your Best Advertising Medium (2% UHarrptt UrnV* * lie. *> rintm? c" ^ * allege that requests for steps toward integration have not been taken at Warren''.n and that the requests for the replacement of a Negro principal and other school improvements have not been made as asked in a meet ing here on March 9. At the March 9 meeting a delegation of NCAAP members charged that the retention of J. E. Byers as principal of the John R. Hawkins school was not in the best interest of the school and harmful to the educational progress of the county. The members were told by the chairman of the Board of Ed ucation that Byers was under contract and that this Is not the proper time for his replace ment even If the Warrenton school board had any desire to replace him. Monday night the Boar'' Education members will hew from a group of other Negro school patrons who are not In favor of the replacement of the John R. Hawkins principal. Hardest hit of the Negro schools in the boycott was John R. Hawkins where only some 200 pupils of the 1370 enrolled showed up for classes Tuesday. At the other Negro high school, North Warren, of which G, H. Washington Is principal, 330 our of an enrollment of 1050 were present. In addition, Supt. J. R. Peeler said, many small Negro schools over the county failed to open. Less than half the Negro students were In classes Tuesday, he said. Wednesday's enrollment at Hawkins was 357 and on Thurs day had reached 405 Supt Peeler said. North Warren's enrollment Wednesday was 411 and by Thursday had Increased to 491. Of deep concern to school officials Is the affect the boy cott is going to have on teacher employment next year. Comer Griffin, assistant superin tendent of schools, said Tues day that the present month Is crucial in computing average dally attendances upon which teacher allotments are made by the State. "There is no pos sible way to make up absences'' caused now," he said. (See SCHOOL, page 2) Warrenton Girl Tells Of Experience Durina Earthquake Miss Peggy Mustlan, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mustlan of Warrenton, who Is now teaching on the Air Force Base at Anchorage, Alaska, was unhurt'but badly flrghtened by the earthquake of last Friday, It was learned In a letter re ceived by her parents this week. Miss Mustlan was at the home of a friend when the earthquake occured at 5:30 p. m., Alaska time, and was Instrumental In saving her friends life. She ?pent Easter weekend In a Red Cross emergency hospital with this girl friend. She managed to get a telephone Call through to her parents Monday morning. "! thank God that I'm here to write to yew today," Miss Mustlan said In her latter to her parents, dated Saturday,KI with news stories and bulletins In the lower 48 hadn't been ?o sensational, because it only ts causing undue worry and con fusion. "R la the wor?t thing I've ever experienced and seen, but the fatalities aren't so high as ?taled. As far as we know only eight or ten were killed." After recounting events of the day, leading to her arrival at the home of her (rlend a few minutes before the earthquake occurred-, Miss Mustlan re counted: "We were having a cup of coffee in the kitchen at a table by the window, when the rum ble began. Marlben said that it was an earthquake, and I calm ly said sit tight; It may be Just a tremor. I said this because we had had slight ones before. This was about 5:30. "But in a split second I heard crumbling and we were swaying all ways. We were on the 4th floor and all I could think or w'ai we've got to get down for there are nine floors above us, Marlben was almost in shock. I've always hoped I'd keep relatively calm If any thing a? cast rophlc as this ever happened (I'm cool and nervous, s o I hope you can read this.) . "I grabbed Marlben by the elbow and practically dragged her out, tor the was ao frigh tened and couldn't really decide what was best to do. We almost made tt to the stairway, but it was so bad we both found our selves on the floor. I was try ing to decide if It were safe to go down the stairway, for It was dark, and I felt we were on a roller coaster. Plaster was falling all around and all I could hear was a terrible crunching sound. "I just started to say after 24 hours these tremors are sup posed to have subsided, but all we've been doing all day Is hop ping up and running at the slight est sound or tremor. We Just had a slight tremor. Poor Mar lben is a wreck. "I collected my senses some what when the shaking felt sligh ter, and grasping Marl ben's arm I clung to the railing and fait my way down. We were some of the first o?t, with no coats, boots/rtc- Thank good ness, it's been warmer recent ly, but it had been snowing and was still then. We weren't hurt. "My car was right by the building and was locked. Dennis was at work, and at first I thought he'd come back and was in looking for Marlben because I saw his car. So I went back In the bottom floor and called. The trembling had stopped then. "A military man came back in with a light and was headed for the 8th floor, so I latched to his elbow and went back up to get jackets and keys. Gosh, that place was a shambles! It's so strange, tor when we were going through what seemed like a 30 minute ordeal, I don't remember looking out or at any thing except Marlben and that dark stairway. "I got the heck out of there and got my car, so we could get out to Dennis. On the way we had to back track because of a 4ft. buckle la ttM earth. At any rat*, we met Dennis on the way, a/id we three went out to the Natural Gas Company where we stayed untK 1 a. m We felt slight tremors while there. Dennis and the company employees were trying to orgainlae crews to take care of the homes supplied with fas. Of course lights and water were off. "We started home in dense fog and crawled at a snail's pace back to base In my car. We stopped at L. Street and went up so Dennis could get clothes. Was that ever erie! We stayed with one of the teachers who got married last year. Need less to say, I was bug-eyed and didn't sleep a wink. "Dennis was going out to work about 7:30 and we were going to get up about 6:30. I felt a shaking all the two hours I lay there. At 10 of 5 I sprang out of bed because we were shaking again. It wasn't bad. "Well, today has been an eternity. We had seen some top pled buildings, and I'd talked with a Medic I knew. He had been down town at the time of the quake and had sees a whole block on 4th Avenue ge dawn so that only the roof tops showed. The National Guard la ?arrttng downtown, and only peqfie Witt permits may entefc 8MM cracks were 40 feet dee* We're all being taken care o< try no to worry. HhhI0 Fire Calls Listed For Afton-Elberon Persons living In the Afton Elfreron area of Warren Cow-, ty can save valuable time by phoning the Aft on - Bfljefon Fire Department directly in stead of having call* relayed through Warrantee, Macon Rea vis, Fire Chief, said this week. Reavts Hated numbers for the Aft cm - Elberon Fire Depart ment as follows: jjpB Ay cock's Store, 287-40* day. Plnnell Bros., SS7-?ew?