Your Best Advertising Medium (Bh? Uarrrn Iterft 1 lxiuisville, Ky Your Best Advertising Medium VOLUME 68 10c Per Copy Subscription Price $3.00 a Year WARRENTON, COUNTY OF WARREN, N. C. FRIDAY. JUNE 12, 1964 NUMBER 23 Byers Re-elected Hawkins Principal J. E. Byers, under attach from the Warren County Chap ter of the NAACP, has been re-elected principal of John R. Hawkins High School for the 1964-65 school term. Byers was re-elected princi pal of the Warrenton Negro school at a meeting of the War renton School District Com mittee on May 4, but news of his re-election was not released until the end of the school term. The school man has been a controversal figure here for some time and one group of patrons asked for his removal and another asked for his re tention In hearings held before the Warren County Board of Education. Some 20 members of the executive committee of the NA ACP appeared before the Board of Education on March 9 to voice their dissatisfact ion with and to request the re moval of Byers as principal of the Hawkins school, a po sition he has held for 20 years. J. E. BYERS Another group appeared be fore the board of education on April 6, presented apetitionfor the board asking for Byer's retention, praised his work as Fire Truck Ready For Delivery On June 25 Warrenton's new fire truck, costing around $18,000, Includ ing chassis and extras, Is ex pected to be ready for delivery on June 25, the Board of Town Commissioners was Informed at their regular meeting on Monday night. However, the town Is not ex pected to take delivery until some time In July after funds for a down payment can be plac ed In the 1964-65 budget. This was decided In a brief dis cussion when Town Clerk J. Ed Rooker was Instructed to write to the Beam Company to enquire as to a new date for a firemen's school, and to In form the company that It would not accept delivery until after July 1. Dixon Ward, chairman of the Water Committee, discussed the handling of minor emer gency charges In the construc tion of the sewage disposal plant now under construction here. The board agreed to leave the payment of such charges to Ward and Harold R Sklllman, superintendent of the Water De partment. The commissioners agreed to have the town's books adulted by Phillip & Harris, CPA, at a cost of $275.00., and ordered that a taxicab driver's permit be Issued to Lyn (Buster) Slmms, Jr. Commissioner W. L. Wood, Mayor Pro-Tern, presided over the hour session of the board In the absence of Mayor W. A. Miles. Wm. T. Skinner, Sr., Dies On Tuesday Littleton ?William Thomas Skinner, Sr., 73, a retired rail road employee, died Tuesday. Funeral services will be con ducted from the Littleton Presbyterian Church Thursday at 11 a. m. by Rev. James Grant Sr. Burial will be In Sun set Hill Cemetery here. He Is survived by one niece,, Mrs. Raswell Hart of Newsome, Va.; and one nephew, William T. Skinner Jr., of Littleton. aprlnclpal and asked that he be sctras head ?f the Hawkins At both hearings, the delega tions were Informed that the hiring of school personnel was the responsibility of the school district committees. Professor Byers has served as principal of the local school since 1944. His 30 years ex perience In the field of teach ing arid administration Include positions as teacher of English and History, Nash County S,Ch001' Nashville, rZ,.'. elemen'ary school principal, Pottervllle Elemen tary School, Bladen County, Elkton, 1935-37; Union School' P lncipal, Farmers Union High School, Columbus County, 1938 * "f?f Rocky Mount Byers holds the A. B. degree In English-History from Shaw University; the M. a. degree In Supervision and Administration Yo-H C?1(u/nb,a University, New 3f? k, the Elementary School Principal's Professional from Columbia University, and he has done further study to ward the Ed. D. degree at the same Institution. Following the announcement of the re-election of Byers as Principal, additional infor mation on Byer's activities here was released by the publicity department of Hawkins High fht