Advertising 1 ?hp HHarrnt !Rr~ Medium Mm141 1 1 L II WE W W ^ u>^?vV Your Best Advertising Medium VOLUME 68 10c Per Copy Subscription I'rice $3.00 a Year, WARRENTON, COUNTY OF WARREN, N. C. FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1061 NUMBER 31 Industrial Committee Appointed By Board Changes In Zoning Approved Bv Board Changes In the zoning ordi nances on Gaston Lake were approved by the Warren County Board of County Commission ers on Monday following a pub lic hearing when no one ap peared to oppose the changes. On motion of Commissioner Richard R. Davis, which was seconded by Commissioner Amos L. Capps and duly car ried, It was ordered that the amending of the Zoning Ordinance of?Warren-County and Lake Gaston Area be adopt ed In full as presented and copied In the Minutes of July 6, 1964. Marvin Newsom, chairman of the Warren County Plan ning Board, who was present with other members of the borad and with representatives of the State Department of Con servation and Development, said the purpose of the amend ment was to simplify and make less expensive the transfer of lots In the area. Newsom said that he was very much gratified at the de velopment of the Gaston Lake and very optimistic over future development of the Lake. Sev eral houses have already been constructed on Gaston Lake, he pointed out and Inquiries re veal that there will be many more. An encouraging note, he added, Is to be found In the number of retired persons who have expressed their Interest In building permanent homes on the lake. A pressing need, Newsom told the commissioners, Is for the construction of more roads around the lake. He suggested that commissioners from Northampton, Warren and Hall fax Counties, and members of the planning boards of the three counties, meet with the State Highway Commission a,t an early date to expedite construc tion. The commissioners agre ed and Newsom said that he would set up an appoint ment. In other matters during a full | day, the commissioners auth orized the payment of $175.00 | to King Implement Company In Littleton for the replacement of a T$ass brokerr during the January election. Miss Sandra N. Scott was ap pointed as Secretary In the Negro Agricultural Extension office to replace Miss Evelyn Boyd, resigned. There was no change In salary. The commissioners ordered that $25.00 be paid Blaylock Funeral Home for the burial expenses of Mrs. Conner. Julian Farrar, Supt. of Wel fare, appeared before the board to discuss the need for more money for a sterilization pro gram In the county. Ke said that the sterilization of five women had exhausted the fund, and that several other women had expressed desire to be sterilized. Farrar suggested that the board might contact the Hospital In the hope that they would continue this work without charge. The commis sioners expressed the opinion that free treatment by the hos pital would tend to nullify the benefits of an Increase granted the hospital In the budget. Far rar said that he would con tinue his search for methods of free treatment as he con siders this phase of his work most Important. With this state ment the commissioners agreed. An organizational meeting of the newly formed Warren Coun ty Industrial Committee was scheduled to be held at the office of W, Monroe Gardner, chair man, here last night at 8 o'clock. Gardner said Tuesday after noon that all newly appointed members of the committee had been contacted and had agreed to attend the meeting when W. J. Benton of Louisburg, Frank lin County Industrial engineer, was expected to be present to aid In the committee organ! zatlon and to discuss methods of obtaining an Industrial en glneer. * The committee of nine, noml nated by the Bute Development Company, were appointed by the county commissioners at their Monday meeting here. Three of the members were appointed for three years; three for two years; and three for one year. Appointed for three years vere E. G. Hecht, Sr., Dennis Rose, and Monroe Gardner, rwo-year appointees were Billy Fleming, Ellis Fleming and ?"rederlck Williams. Appointed lor one year were JoeNewsom, IV. K. Delbrldge and Selby 3. Benton. The commissioners agreed that one-year com nltteemen would be ellglblefor re-appolntment at the explra :lon of their terms. Monroe Gardner was appoint td temporary chairman of the lommlttee. Gardner told the commis sioners that he had already oontacted the State Department of Conservation and Develop ment and that it had promised its assistance In obtaining a director and In other ways. He told the commissioners that he thought It Is essential that the program be organized as early as possible here and said that he hoped to have the first, meet ing this week. Board Takes Dim View On Sunday Beer Sales The Warren County Board of County Commissioners take a dim view of the sale of wine and or beer In Warren County on Sunday. The commissioners Monday unanimously passed the follow ing resolution: "Resolved that after care ful consideration of the advis ability of permitting the sale of beer and or wine between the hours of U:45 p. m. on Saturday until 7:30 a. m. on the following Monday, the Board hereby finds that the continued prohibition of such sales, In their discretion, Is desired and necessary." Action of the board followed the presentation of aletter from the State Board of Alcohol Con :rol by Mrs. Pauline Burnett )f Roanoke Township, stating :hat the hours of sale of beer and or wine was In the dis cretion of the Board of County Commissioners. Mrs. Burnette tiad previously appeared before the board asking that she be permitted to sell beer on Sun day and her application had been denied on the grounds that It was a State matter. The commissioners said Mrs. Burnette's application was the first received asking for Sunday sales, but with the de velopment of Kerr Lake that many other applications were to be expected. In passing the resolution the commissioners said they wished to establish a policy of no Sunday beer and wine sales In Warren County. Extra Funds To Be Spent On Rural Roads A windfall of $22,531.00 sec ondary road funds available for Warren County will be used for extending the county road system, It was agreed be tween the county commission ers and Highway District En gineer F. W. Adklns here Mon day. Adklns was accompanied to the board meeting Monday morning by J. H. Beddlngfleld, Warren County Highway De partment, and both discussed road needs for the county with the commissioners In a ses sion that lasted for about an hour. Adklns said the $22,531 fund was above the sum allot ted for the last year. It was agreed that of the amount available that $12,000 would be spent In the Rose Hill Development In Kerr Lake. Part of the fund is to be spent on .6 mile on the Vlcksboro Road, on the Seymour Richard son Road near Areola, and the remainder of the fund would be spent on the Fleming Mill Road connecting the Churchill Road to the Eaton Bridge Road at the home of R. K. Sadler. Inability to obtain right-of ways on some suggested roads led the commissioners to adopt In principle a rule that where right-of-ways were denied on any road to which funds would ordinarily he awarded that such funds would be used for some other project. Following the decision be twsen the commissioners and the Highway Engineer, theboard passed a resolution requesting the State Highway Commission to carry out the construction which had been agreed upon. This was theflrst appearance of the new District Engineer before the commissioners. Ad kins recently succeeded Roger Dowtln of Warrenton as district engineer with headquarters In Henderson. BRICKHOCSE TO PREACH The Rev. R. E. Brlckhouse, retired minister, will be the guest preacher at Warren Plains Baptist Church on Sun day morning at 11 o'clock. The public Is Invited to attend. Letters Omitted We have received two letter* within the paet week concerned with activities of The Friends In Warren Coun ty. The first letter was unsigned and, following a rule of this newspaper, is unpublished. We have commented on this letter and our rule In an editorial to be found on the editorial page. The second letter arrived after our editorial page had been made up and too late for comment. This letter is In two parts, the first of which questions the editor about a headline in which It was stated that The Klan is Blamed For A Missile Being Fired Into the quarters of The Friends Over Brown's Superette. We have no objection to publishing that part of the letter if the writer, who signed his name, so desires, and will so notify us. The second part of his letter is concerned with alleged activities of The Friends. Believing that the publication of this part of the letter would make both the writer and this newspaper liable for a suit tor libel, the letter is not published. We welcome lettere upon any subject, but they must be signed) by the writer and they must not be of a libellous nature. THE EDITOR. Boyd To Head Annual Warren Scout Drive Pett B. Boyd of Warrenton, president of the Citizens Bank, has been appointed chairman ot the annual Boy Scout campaign tor Warren County. A member of the Warrenton Rotary Club and Wesley Me morial Methodist Church, Boyd has been active in the business, civic and religious affairs of the community for many years. As chairman of the Vanwarco District Boy Scout campaign, his primary concern will be to provide the means for expand ing the number of Scout units, and for providing the means for service to (he units and their leaders. The Vanwarco District, made up of Vance and Warren coun ties, now serves over 1400 boys and 400 volunteer leaders. The Occoneechee Council, made up of Vanwarco and eleven other district* of central North Caro lina, serves over 23,000 Scouts and 7,000 volunteer leaders. Boyd said an active program | Is planned by the professional and volunteer leaders to stimu late and hold the Interest of the many boys throughout the districts In the council. Scouts of the Vanwarco Counties attend summer camp at Camp Durant and W. D. Campbell. They have earned over 1,000 rank advancements and IS God and Country Awards In 1963. Thirty Scouts attended the National Jamboree at Vallev Forge and over 400 Scouts have partici pated in camporees, Plnewood Derbies, Junior Leader train ing and many other activities of character building and citi zenship training. The 1964-65 budget to pro vide these and other services for Scouts In the Occoneechee Council, Boyd said, Is $312,000 The request for Scouting from the Vanwaroo District Is $14,927. In addition to the above program and services contri butions help to provide profes sional help, training and aid to leaders, visual and library pro gram materials, advancement ?wards, 1000 acres of training camps, a Seoul service center located In Raleigh, and a never ending flow of aids from the 09e* BOYD, page ?) Non-Support Cases Heard In Court Four cases of non-support were tried In Warren County Recorder's Court last Friday, with two cf the defendants found not guilty. Freed of the non-support charges were Bennie Perry and William Louis Southerland. Thomas Hawkins pled guilty to the non-support charge and was sentenced to the roads for six months. John Richard Bullock, who pled guilty to a non-support charge, was sentenced to the roads for 60 days. The sentence was suspended for two years upon condition that he pay Into the office of the Superintendent of Public Welfare o? Warren County $5.00 per week to support an Infant child, John Richard Bullock, born to Min nie Lee Durham, first payment to be made August 7, 1964 and pay court costs. While BennlePerry wasfreed on a non-support charge, he was found guilty of an assault on a female and was sentenced to the roads for six months. The road sentence was suspended defendant not violate any crimi nal laws of the state for two years, remain of good behavior and pay court costs. John Wilson Clark was found guilty of reckless driving and was ordered t o pay a $100 :fine and costs. Herman Alston, Jr.,wasflned $100 and taxed with court costs when he was found guilty of drunk driving. James Edgar Hlght, who was found guilty of an assault on a female, appealed to Superior Court. Appearance bond was set at $250.00. Wlnelle J. Green was in court charged with two offenses of giving bad checks. It appear ing that the defendant had made the two checks good, he was charged with court costs. Only one speeding case was In court. Rayford McCoy Nicholson pled guilty to a speed ing charge and was ordered to pay court costs. Kimball Re-elected Warren ABC Board Allen J. Kimball of Manson was re-appointed a member of the Warren County ABC Board at a Joint meeting of the boards of health, education and commissioners on Monday afternoon. The meeting was held In the commissioners room Monday afternoon and presided over by County Attorney James Llmer. There were no other candidates for the position and the meet ing lasted for about five minu tes. Kimball's appointment was for three years. W. L. Turner Named District Chairman W. L. Turner of Warrenton was appointed District State Chairman for Work with the Blind by Bryant Klrkland, Lions District Governor of District 31 -G at Installation service* held at the Sir Walter Hotel In Raleigh on Monday night. Attending from the Warren ton Lions Club were Lion and Lioness W. A. Miles and Mr*. Miles, Lion and Lioness W. R. Drake and Mrs. Drake, Lion and Lioness W. L. Turner and Mrs. Turner, and Lion and Lioness Monroe Gardner and Mrs. Gardner. Farmer To Work Here WHh Father William F. Farmer, Jr., who graduated In Pharmacy at the University of North Carolina in June, will return to Warrenton where he will be associated with his father In the operation of Boyce Drug Company. He is expected to begin his work around the middle of August, It was learned yester day. Mr. John L. Vanghan Is a patient In McGulre Ve Hospital In Richmond, Va. Past Masters honored on] Monday night are shown above, left to right: kneeling, Dr Rufus S. Jones, James Carr Moore and William Duke Jones; stand ing, D. F. Blaylock, Richard R. Davis, J. Ed Rooker, L. O. Robertson, J. D. Roberts, Ran dolph Morris, A. D. Johnson, J. A. Ross, Hy Diamond and Claude B. Bottoms. At right, Grand Secretary Charles A. Harris presents Life Membership to James Carr Moore. Tobacco Meeting To Be Held At Oxford Today An important flue-cured to bacco Information meeting will be held this afternoon (Friday) at 2 o'clock In the courthouse In Oxford, L. D. Reese, mana ger of the Warren County Farm Bureau, announced yes terday. B. C. Mangum, president of the North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation, and W. E. Little, commodity director of the Federation, will be the speakers. Reese said that three-fold purpose of this meeting Is: 1. Bring before our tobacco leaders and other farmers of North Carolina the most cur rent Information available on the tobacco situation; 2. Ex pose the problems and areas of concern to tobacco farmers; and 3. Encourage County Farm Bureau to Inform and Involve the maximum number of farm ers this fall in making recom mendations on tobacco to the county, state and American Farm Bureaus. Boyd Reams, president of the Warren County Farm Bureau, yesterday urged that everyone make an effort to attend this (See MEETING, page 8) Past Masters Presented Jewel Pins At Supper Past Masters of Johnston Caswell Lodge No, 10, A.F. & A.M., were honored at abar becue-brunswtck stew supper at a stated communication held In the Lodge Hall Monday night. During the regular meeting they were also presented Past Mas ters Jewels by Most Worship- I ful Past Grand Master and Grand Secretary Charles A. Harris of Raleigh. The Grand Secretary also presented James Carr Moore with a 25 year certificate and Life Membership award for out standing Masonic service to the Lodge. Moore has been a Ma son for more than 40 years and has held every office In the Lodge and In addition has been Lecturer for many years. The meeting was pre sided over by Past Master J. Ed Rooker who recognized Past Masters and visitors. Attending the meeting In addition to the Grand Secretary was the as sistant to the Grand Secretary, Robert P. Dudley of Raleigh. Two Communities Consolidated By ASC Committee The combining of the Roa noke Agricultural Community with the River Community was announced yesterday by W. S. Smiley, chairman of the ASC County Committee. Smiley said the change has been approved by the North Carolina State ASC Committee and will take effect beginning with the community committee ? elections In Sept. 1964. It will be effective for all other programs administered by ASCS Smiley said. GAIL FLEMING annf hicks GAIL MYRICK D. A. R. Good Citizens Named Three Warren County High School girls have been selected as DAR "Good Citizens" by the Warren County Chapter of the Daughter of the American Revolution. Glenda Gall Myrlck, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Carl Myrlck of Rt. 3, Littleton, will represent Littleton High School; Anne Bramble Hicks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hicks of Norllna will represent Nor llna High School and Nancy Gall Fleming, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Goods C. Fleming of Rt. >, Henderson, will represent John Graham High School. Announcement of His selec tlon of the three rising seniors as "Good Citizens" was made this week by Mrs. J. M. Stokes of Littleton, "Good Citizens" chairman of the Warren County Chapter. The three girls were select ed by students and faculty mem bers of their respective schools on the following qualities: (1). Dependability, which includes truthfulness, loyalty and punc tuality; 01). Service, lion, courtesy, consideration of others; (J). Leadership, per sonality, self-control, ability to resume responsibility; (4). Par trlotism, unselfish in family, and nation. The wlnnar in nach school entitled to a certltlcata award and a "Good Cltlaan' pin. A $100 savings bond will awarded to each of the t atate winner* who win ,i guests of the State 9oeil of the Stale c:onf e ;Jp ? co In tow l? State DAR Mrs. r. O,. YtasS Mcx Is stftti chairman of Citizens". Mrs. W. A. < of Warrenton is ?