Standard Prtg. Co. oomp. 2256 South Shelby St. Louisville. Kv. Your Best Advertising Medium UHarrpn Umirfr Your Best Advertising - Medium Civil Term Of Court Ends Friday Damages totaling $84,229.17 was awarded to claimants seek ing damages from Virginia Electric and Power Company In the civil term of Warren Coun ty Superior Court which ad journed last Friday afternoon. Court opened on Monday with Judge Leo Carr presiding. A Jury awarded William V. Moseley and wife the sum of 363,479.17, plus Interest at 6% per annum from October 19, 1961. In a second case an award of $29,750 was given by the Jury ? to Dorothy Kidd Ellis et al, plus interest at 6% per annum from Nov. 16, 1961. Suit had been brought by the Virginia Power and Light Com pany against the Moseleys and EUlses to upset awards made by commissioners appointed by the court. Following the announcement of the awards by the Jury, Power Company attorneys made motions that the verdicts be set aside and new trials ordered. Counsel for both the plaintiff and the defendants agreed that the Court might enter Judgment upon the motion at a later date out of court and out of the county. Hearing of the damage suits occupied the major portion of the court's time. In addition to cases reported to noon last Thursday, the court made the following disposition of other cases: The case of C. P. Gaston vs. Edward L. Baxter was set tled out of court and ordered , removed from the docket. Cases of Thomas Woodard vs. Iola Royster Cheek; Gilbert Watson et ux vs. Nationwide Homes, et als., and Alexander . Macklin vs. Iola Royster Cheek et als, were all continued. Miss Castleberry To Resign As Asst. Home Ec. Agent Miss Rita Castleberry, as sistant Home Demonstration Agent of Warren County for the past two years, will quit her duties here at the end of the year in order to be married. She told the county commis sioners Monday that she would send them a letter of resigna tion effective January 1, 1965, which will be the second an niversary of her coming to Warren County. Miss Castle berry said that she would be married in Sanford on Decem ber 27. Two-Day Workshop To Be Held Here A two-day workshop on Wor ship and Music was schedul ed to be held at the Warren ton Baptist Church last night CThursday) and tonight (Friday) at 7:30 p. m. Scheduled to hold the meet ing last night was Joseph Stroud of the music department of the Baptist State Convention. The leader for tonight will be Prof. H. Max Smith, amem ber of the faculty of Southeas tern Seminary at Wake For est. All those from other church es who are Interested are cor dially Invited, the Rev. John Link said in making the an nouncement. Games Tonight John Graham Yellow Jackets, who tied Murfreesboro last Fri day night, will host a Louis bur g team tonight at 8 o'clock. The Loulsburg game, origin ally scheduled for Oct. 2, was rained out, and postponed until tonight. The Littleton game, originally scheduled for tonight, was postponed until Nov. 13. Norlina, which lost at Gaston last Friday night, will play at Murfreesboro tonight. Communion Service Services of Holy Communion will be observed at the Church of the Good 8h?pherd, Ridge way, on Sunday afternoon at S o'clock with the Rev. James M. Stoney, rector, officiating. In the top picture broker panes In a north window at South Warren Elementary School are shown following visit of vandals last Friday night. In lower picture are damaged folder and typewriter. Board Of Education Offers Reward For Vandals Arrest The Warren County Board of Education this week offered a reward of $100 for Information leading to the arrest and con viction of the person or persons who entered the South Warren Elementary School on last Fri day night and caused malicious damage estimated at $1,000. The school was entered through a rear door sometime last Friday night after the glass In a door was smashed. Evidence in the building indi cated that a crowbar was used to break a blackboard, a soft drink vending machine and sev eral pieces of office equipment, including a typewriter, an add ing machine and a folder. In ad dition 21 window lights were broken, mainly on the north side of the building. The vandalism was discover ed by the school Janitor early Saturday morning. The sheriff's department was Immediately notified and sheriff Jim Hund ley spent several hours at the building searching for evidence. A faint print was found In one window pane, but so far this slim evidence has led to no arrests. School authorities and the sheriff's department both are at a loss as to the purpose of the vandalism whose results are only to cost taxpayers more money. JUDGE HOBGOOD READS OATH TO MRS. HAYES Mrs. Lanie Hayes Sworn In As Clerk Of Superior Court Mrs. Lanle M. Hayes, as sistant Clerk of Court, for the past several years, was on Mon day appointed. Clerk of Court by Judge Hamilton Hobgood of Loulsburg, resident Judge. Mrs. Hayes succeeds Joe N. Ellis, Clerk of Court for the past 19 years, who died on Sat urday. She had served In the Clerk's Office as Deputy Clerk of Court and as assistant Clerk of Court for 22 years. The oath of office was ad ministered to Mrs. Hayes In the Clerk's Office at noon Mon day In the presence of mem bers of the Warren County Bar, court house employees, the county commissioners and a number of close friends of Mrs. Hayes. Bond for Mrs. Hsyes was arranged by the county commls aloners in mid-afternoon and Mrs. Hayes began her new dut Memorial Fund To Be Created For Haithcock Hundley Custodian The county commissioners Monday appointed Sheriff Jim Hundley custodian of the court house, a position formerly held by the late Joe N, Ellis. KICKOFF MEETING Pack 871 plans to attend a klckoff meeting for cub scouts d parents at the Warrenton Baptist Church on Monday night at 7:?0 Mr. and Mra. David Warren of Edenton were guests 0f Mrs. C. P. Allen on Wednesday. At the request of a treat number of people the Warren ton Baptist Church la receiv ing donations from interested people for the creation of a Gordon Haithcock, Jr., Me morial Fund, the Rev. John R. Link, pastor of the church, announced yesterday. Contributions may be sent to the pastor or the treasurer, B. G. White. Mr. Link said the memorial to be set up will be chosen later in council with thefamily. Checks should be made to the Warranton Baptist Church, "Memorial Fund," designated. Warren County Votes For Johnson. Moore Unofficial County Ballot BOND ISSUE FOR PRES. FOR GOV. Precinct For Against Johnson Goldwater Moore Gavin River 299 159 211 250 259 108 Judklns 186 94 185 97 223 48 Slxpound 181 92 191 89 238 42 Hawtree 303 159 295 176 372 108 Nutbush 188 58 175 79 198 36 Smith Creek 74 75 62 89 109 40 Sandy Creek 284 71 225 80 294 63 Shocco 160 57 164 58 184 32 Fork 103 39 87 63 112 38 Fishing Creek 211 46 220 45 223 30 Norllna 373 184 277 299 392 165 East Warrenton 364 157 291 258 400 139 West Warrenton 558 172 405 319 534 166 Roanoke 37 7 46 11 55 2 TOTAL 3321 1370 2834 1913 3593 1017 State School Bond Issue Is Passed Warren County voters Tues day kept Warren County voters in the Democratic column as they gave the Johnson- Hump hrey Presidential ttck< ma jority of around a 1 over the Goldwater-MUlei ticket, gave an even larger majority to Judge Dan K. Moore over his Republican rival Robert Ga vin, and approved astateschool bond Issue by a vote of more than two to 1. Many voters split their tickets In Warren County's heaviest vote in aGeneral Elec tion, nearly equaling the 1964 Primary vote. The spilt, how ever, was largely confined to the presidential and guberna torial contests, with county of ficials unopposed and state of ficials receiving the usual ma jority of around five to one. It Is estimated that the Repub lican vote was less than 1,000. Judge Moore carried all of the 14 precincts by heavy ma jorities, with Roanoke Town ship giving him a vote of 55 to 2. While President Johnson led Moore In the State, such was not the case In Warren County. Moore's majority was more than 2500, while Johnson's ma jority was slightly more than 900. Three precincts, Norllna, River and Smith Creek, gave majorities to Goldwater. Only one precinct, Smith Creek, defeated the state bond issue, and here the defeat Was by only one vote. In the nation Johnson won by a landslide, receiving the great est popular vote ever receiv ed by a presidential candidate, and carrying all but six states, as he received 486 electoral votes to Goldwater's 52. Needed to win was 270. Goldwater only carried one state outside the deep South, his own state of Arizona?where some question remains. He picked up five states in the South?Georgia, Alabama, Mis sissippi, South Carolina, and (See VOTES, page 3) Board Of Commissioners To Have Records Of County Microfilmed Clerk Of Superior Court Joe Ellis Dies Saturday Joseph Nlbbs Ellis, 57, Clerk of Warren County Superior Court for the past 19 years, died at Veterans Hospital In Durham Saturday following a critical Illness of several days. He had been In declining health for a year or more, but was able to continue his work until his last Illness. ? Funeral services were con ducted Sunday at 2:30 p. m. by the Rev. James M. Stoney, Jr., rector of Emmanuel Epis copal Church, and the Rev. James Grant, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Burial was In Falrvlew Cemetery. The son of the late J. B. and Lucy F. Jones Ellis of Klttrell, Mr. Ellis was em ployed by the State Highway Commission prior to his ap pointment as Clerk of Court by Judge R. Hunt Parker. He was re-elected to the position In subsequent elections for four-year terms. During World War n he served with the Sea bees in the Pacific Theatre. He was a member of Em manuel Episcopal Church In Warrenton, of the American Legion, the Veterans of For JOE N. ELLIS eign Wars. He was a member of Johnston-Caswell Masonic Lodge and a member of the Sudan Temple Shrine. Surviving are his wife, the former Janice Fleming; one brother, William, of Roanoke, Va.; three sisters, Miss Lucille Ellis of Klttrell, Miss Agnes Ellis of Raleigh, and Mrs. A. C. Husketh of Klttrell. A project to microfilm rec ords in the offices of the Clerk o f Court and the Register of Deeds was approved on Monday by the Board of County Com missioners. In addition certain books In the two offices will be laminat ed and rebound under the pro ject, to be conducted in De cember by the Department of Archives and History at Ral eigh, at no cost to the county. Approval was also given by the commissioners for tempor ary removal of said volumes to Raleigh, If necessary, and the returning of the books to the proper custodians as soon as repairs are completed. The commissioners, in other (See PROJECT, page 3) Gordon Haithcock, Jr. Killed In Auto Wreck Funeral services for Malvln Gordon Halthcock, Jr., 20, Jun ior wlngback on the University of North Carolina football squad, were held at the War ren ton Baptist Church at 4 o' clock on Sunday afternoon by the pastor, the Rev. John R. Link. Interment was In Falrvtew Cemetery. Gordon was killed In an auto mobile accident on the Oaks vllle-Macon Road about 12:4S a. ra. Saturday. An outstanding and popular athlete at John Graham High School, where he was a star In three sports for four years, he gained a football scholar ship at the University of North Carolina. An unusually popular boy with townspeople as well as Ids school mates here and at the University, Gordon's funeral, one of the largest attended ever held here, was attended by Coach Jim Hlckey and the en tire football squad of the Uni versity of North Carolina, by his former- high school ooach, C. E Parker of Wake Forest Collage is many of his enrolled in college, living elsewhere. at Mm Graham White, son don HArracocK. jm Warrenton Stores To Close On November 11 The majority of Warrenton store* will be closed on next Wednesday, Nov. 11, Veteran* Day, the Merchant* Assocla tlon announced yesterday. The closing, according to A. C. Fair of the Merchant* As sociation, was made at the re quest of Llmer Post of the nerlcan Legion following a poll of merehsnts by that or ganisation. MCKEE TO SPEAK AT VETERANS DAY EVENT Nash McKee, Adjutant of the North Carolina Department of the American Legion will be the featured speaker at a Joint meeting of the Llmer Post No. W, American Lsglon and the Auxiliary, H. E. Shaw, prop-am chairman, announced yester day. The event will be held at the Warren Plaza Inn at 7j00 p. m. next Thursday, November 12, with BUlNeal, Legion Com mander presiding. CLASS TO MEET The V. L, Pendleton Phlla thea Class will meet on Tues day atght at St 00 In the horn* of Mrs. W. L. Wood with Mrs. A. C. Blalock serving as oo Man "tastes" primarily wltt his boss. The tongue's tlvlty is limited to i salty, and bitter

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