News and Events of Interest To Norlina Readers MRS. IMOGENE ARNOLD, Editor Mrs. A. S. Wyckoff and Mr. and Mrs. Hal Connell and daugh ters, Jane and Betty, visited In Plttsboro Saturday at the Ray pittman Stables where Miss Conn ell has her horse, "Hy Tide," In training with Mr. Pittman. Guests ol Mrs. W. N. Carter last weekend were Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Bates and daughter, Pen nie, of Falls Church, Va., Mrs. James Thomas and daughter of Alexandria, Va., Mrs. R. L. Gregg of Raleigh, Mr. andMrs. Buck Stalllngs and children of Henderson and Mrs. G. C. Crutchfleld of South Hill, Va. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tucker and Mrs. Joe Held spent last Thursday in Rocky Mount with Mrs. J. F. Davis and Mrs. Jim Hicks. Mrs. H. Dempt of Greensboro accompanied them back for a vtsjt with the Tuckers. Charles Hayes of East Caro lina College, Greenville, and Miss Anna Hayes of Chowan College, Murfreesboro, spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. Eleanor Hayes. Mr. W. E. DUke is a patient at Veterans Hospital in Durham. Mrs. J. W. Arnold visited Mrs. W. A. Overton at Rocky Mount on Thursday of last week. Mr. William Tucker of Seattle, Washington, spent last weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Moore spent Tuesday and Wednesday with their daughter, Mrs. H. E. Davis, and- family in Raleigh. Mrs. Hyla Stultz is visiting the Howard Lee Stultz family In Smithfield. Mrs. R. a Fuller is visit ing relatives in Pendleton this week. Mrs. R. C. Watson is spend ing this week with the Carl Taylor family at Gumberry. Mrs. clarence Taylor and Mrs. Bruce Roebuck of Rob ertsonvllle visited Mr. andMrs. Clayton Taylor last Sunday. Mr." and Mrs. E. B. Davis visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan Al exander at Norfolk, Va., last weekend. Mr. Julius Brauer of Wash ington, N. C., was an overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Brauer on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks and Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Hayes spent the weekend in Washing ton, D. C. James W. Harrelson, Navy recruiter, of Richmond, Va., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Harrelson, on Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gup ton and children of Alexandria, Va., visited relatives here last weekend. Mrs. L. C. Dalton spent the weekend In Raleigh with Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Hawks. She is visiting relatives at Shelby this week. Mrs. T. W. Wolfe spent Thursday and Friday in Ral eigh with her son and family. Miss Mae Weaver visited relatives at Newport News, Va., last Sunday. Missionary Circles To Hold Meetings The Woman Missionary So ciety Circles of the Norllns Baptist Church will hold their meetings on Monday as follows: The Margaret Mitchell Circle will meet at 10 a.m. at the home of Mrs. M. V. Taylor. The Lola-Sue Circle will meet at 3 p.m. at the home ol Mrs. R. <5. Norwood. The Annie Armstrong Cir cle will meet at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. W. C. Baugh man, Jr. The Grace McBrlde Circle will meet at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Leon Prldgen. Mrs. Hege Hostess To Her Bridge Club Mrs. C. L, Hege was hos tess to members of her bridge club at her home last Thurs day evening. Blueberry turn overs were served with coffee during the evening. Mrs. Edna Newman received the high score prize. The sec ond high score prize was pre sented to Mrs. D. S. Wlmbrow; low score prize to Mrs. E. M. Robinson, and Bingo to Mrs. John Clarke. Thanksgiving Eve Service To Be Held A Joint Thanksgiving Eve ser vice will be held at the Nor lina Methodist Church on next Wednesday evening, November 25, at 7:30 o'clock. The ser vice will be sponsored by the Norlina Baptist Church and the Norllna Methodist Church. The Rev. W. C. Baughman, Jr., pastor of the Norlina Bap tist Church, will preach the Thanksgiving sermon. Music will be furnished by the com bined choirs of the two churches. Steed Is Speaker At Norlina PTA Meeting The Norlina P. T. A. held its regular monthly meeting in the Music Room of the school last Monday night with Mrs. Eva Seaman, president, presiding. Mrs. O. H. Yancey had charge of the devotional. The room count was won by Miss Pal mer's fourth grade. Following the business ses sion, Stephen Daniel, program chairman, introduced Howell Steed, Attendance Officer of Vance County School System, who gave an interesting and in formative talk on, "School Drop-outs and Reason for This." Lancaster Is Elected Ruritan Club Head Paul Lancaster was elected president of the Norlina Ruri tan Club for the new year at a meeting of the club held at the Norlina Club House on Thursday night of last week. Lancaster's election followed the presentation of a slate of officers by Graham Grlssom, a member of the nominating committee. Other officers elected were Owen Robertson, Jr., sec retary; Peete Rose, treasurer; A. J. Perrone, reporter; and the Rev. R. A. McLean, chap lain. The program on "Water Safe ty" was given by Joe L. Cobb. The club went on record as favoring the construction of a centrally located consolidated high school, and ordered that a letter be sent to the Board of Education notifying It of the club's action. Present at the meeting were visitors from the Ay cock Club and the Ruritan Zone Chair man, J. D. Wilson of Hender son, vice-president of the Citi zens Bank and Trust Company. Zion HD Club Meets With Mrs. Martin The Zlon Home Demon stration Club held Its November meeting at the home of Mrs. W. D. Martin on Tuesday af ternoon. Mrs. J. D. Holtz man presided In the absence of fho nroslHont Mro r P MISS JUDY EDMONDS, whose engagement to Franklin Lewis Fleming, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Lewis Fleming of Norllna, is an nounced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Ed monds of Norllna. A December 25 wedding is planned. Mrs. Myrtice Richardson gave the devotions. "Spare the Calories" was the topic of the demonstration ably presented by Miss Rita Castleberry, assistant home economics agent. The club presented to Miss Castleberry, who Is to be mar ried on December 27, a piece of silver In her chosen pat tern. Mrs. Myrtice Richardson was welcomed as a new member. Mrs. J. F. White, secretary to the Zion Club, apologized to Mrs. Rooker and to the club for her failure to report the attendance record of Mrs. Rooker of the Zlon Club to the Home Extension Agent. Mrs. C. P. Rooker was one who achieved a perfect attendance record in the Zlon Club. Following the meeting the hostess served potato chips, cheese cakes, coffee and tea to the ten members present. Mrs. Nance Hostess To Junior GA Girls Mrs. C. L. Nance was hos tess to the Junior GA girls of the Norllna Baptist Church at her home on Tuesday night for a covered dish supper and for a study course. Mrs. Margaret Felts taught the book, "Mukemu, the Lion Country." Interesting posters In keeping with the book were displayed. The home was gay with fall flowers. Miss PalrlciaMacon assisted In prayers and games after the evening meal. Eleven of the 12 members of i the group were present for the meeting. Favors were pre sented by the hostess. Grissom Attends Graham Citation Graham Grissom, Mayor or Norllna and Warrenton andNor llna business man, attended the presentation of the 1964 Upper Room Citation to the Rev. Dr. Billy Graham, Evangelist, at the World Christian Fellowship Dinner Wednesday evening at the Grand Ball Room of the Sir Walter Hotel In Raleigh. Mayor Grissom attended the presentation by special Invita tion of the Rev. Dr. J. Man ning Potts, Editor, and The Upper Room of Nashville, Tenn. Norlina F?A Chapter Initiates Greenhands The Norllna FFA Chapter held Its regular meeting on Wednesday, November 11, and enjoyed a delicious supper of barbecue and Brunswick stew. . Greenhands were Initiated at this time and an enjoyable movie was presented following the business meeting.?Bruce Par kinson, reporter. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. R O. Leete were Mrs. T. B. Roseman and family of Virginia Beach, Va. Mr. and Mrs. James Willis of Wise were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R O. Paironlke the advertisers. JEAN HOLTZMAN Miss Jean Holtzman Passes Examination Miss Jean Holtzman of Ral eigh, beauty instructor at Troutman's College of Hair Styling, inc., in Raleigh, who has been in training for the past three years, has passed her senior instructor examination which enables her to instruct in any beauty college in the state of North Carolina. Miss Holtzman is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Holtzman of Rt. 1, Man son. Principal Announces Honor Roll For The Norlina High School The honor roll for the first six weeks period at Norlina High School was released this week by Principal W. O. Reed as follows: Grade 4: Walter Coker, Den ise Daniel, Patsy Daniel, Nan cy Gooch, Teresa Hicks, Sharon Harris, Hal Paschall, Shirley Sabrowskl, James White, Mlkel Wlmbrow. Grade 5: Mary Taylor. Grade 6: Vickie Abbott, Deb orah Ayscue, Keith Beck, Dav id Brantley, Lynne Clark, Mich ael Coleman, Gayle Currie, Klrkland Donald, Mary Hatch ell. Vickie Hawks, C. A. Hicks, Jr., Faye Hicks, Charles Mitch ell, Sandra Paynter, Tommy Perklnson, Jacqueline Richard son, Dwight Scotten, jr., Lynn Shear in, Sandra Stokes, Earl Tunstall, Donald Wlmbrow, Hill Yancey, Grade 7: Diane Coleman, Gil Daniel, Mary Tasker Hicks, Jeannle Knight, Harriet Sabrowskl, Ray Traylor. Grade 8: Edward Tun stall, Charles Kimball and Wilson Shearin. | Grade 9: Alex Ayscue, Mich ael Macon, George Perklnson. I Grade 10: Charles Barker, jSandra Hicks, Janls Paynter Marshall Perry. I Grade 12: Mary Coker, Kar ney Faulk, Patricia Franke I Barbara Hawks, Anne Hicks. Bunny Hlght, Patricia Macon, | Pamela Paynter, Margaret Perklnson, Angela Robinson. Frances Spain. imsu_M_ returns home Mr. Sam Rivers has returned to his home In Norlina after G?"llrlflt ?* Say yoe saw it advertised In Council (Continued from pace 1) reached 24a Several leaders schools were held In home fur nishings subjects, ? and yes, one of the projects many of us well remember - the mat tress project - was begun this year. In 1840, we also organ ized the County federation of Home Demonstration Clubs with Mrs. R. L. Capps as our first president^* attended our first district meeting this year, too. Nineteen forty-one found us hostess for our first district meeting with around 500 people from six counties attending. Mattress work continued this year too, and the 1941 report shows 4062 mattresses and 2216 comforters were made In War ren County. The forties found us with gas, tire and food rationing and many of our husbands and sons go ing in to service or In defense work. This was the time of our efforts with victory gardens, Red Cross sewing, scrap metal and waste paper drives and pur chasing war bonds. All of us helped In the defense effort. The war over, the late forties and fifties found us still busy ! looking toward a brighter ho rizon, anxious to learn more wbouf food, home furnishings^ clothing, home management, family relations and yes, a growing interest In the read ing program, health activities, citizenship and International relations, music and public re lations. We were all eager to learn and quite willing to help others too. Now let us take a look at the Warren County organlza- j tlon as it Is In 1964. We have 17 home demonstration clubs with a membership of 235 and a well developed leadership program. We think of the pro gram now as being a total ex tension program not Just home demonstration because we know there arc many othara raachad by tha home aoooomlca pro gram through special interest workshlps, work with civic or ganizations through newspaper, home visits, radio and T. V. During the past year, the hone demonstration club pro gram has stressed food pro duction, selection and prepara tion and Improvements in home furnishings. As a result of the demon stration "Production of Greer and Yellow Vegetables" 135 women reported they realize more green and yellow vege tables this year while 60 fami lies reported they tried a new vegetable In their garden this year. With the demonstration "Vegetables Add Variety to Meals" 110 women reported this demonstration helped them In crying new ways for ser ving vegetables. One hundred and five women reported they had tried at least one of the recipes given at this demon stration. The demonstration "Buying Meats" proved most helpful to at least 130 women according to reports. The meat preparation demonstration which followed was very bene ficial too. We will be able to apply some of the ways of pre paration when we are trying to cut our calories too. the Importance of conserving foods following recommended practices. In food conservation, club women have reported can ning approximately: 3700 quarts of fruits, 8200 quarts of vege tables; 300 quarts of meats; 2900 pints of pickles and rel lshes: 2400 pints of preserves; 2400 glasses of jelly. Freezing has been a popular means of food conservation also. The home demonstration club women In the county have reported freezing: 6100 pints ol fruits; 17,200 pints of vege tables; 15,300 pounds of meats. This canning and freezing are a definite saving on the food budget. With home furnishings being the other area of major emphasis In the home demon stration club program this year, we find some outstanding re sults reported here. One hundred and thirty women reported the demonstration "Care of Furniture" was help ful to them In the care of their home furnishings. One hundred and ten women reported being helped with se lecting and hanging pictures In Sixty women reported being helped In planning and adding storage space In the home, and One hundred and ten report ed being helped with the se lection of accessories. Nineteen women reported re flnlshlng 42 picture frames. Thirty women reported re flnlshlng one or more pieces of furniture. One hundred and fifty pairs of draperies were made by 50 wo ] men. These are just a few of the many tangible things that club women have done during the past year. Just think how much money we have saved through ] the things we have learned to do ! In club work. f" This Is Just a partial report of the many accomplishments i made In the county. Through the ? past 25 years homedemonstra | tlon club work has been an ever I present means of helping the I people of Warren County to raise their standard of living through out-of-school Hon. May we continue with m ever (rowing bona da moost ra tion program to add to tha progress of Warren County, PERRY-NICHOLSON HoUlatar?A Fab. >1 wadding date has been set by Miss Mary Lu Nicholson, a youth di rector at Lakeside Baptist Church, Rocky Mount, and Thurston Ray Parry, a Carolina graduate who has Just bean released from active duty with the U. S. Navy. Their parents are Mrs. Mildred S. Gupton of Holllster and the late Benjamin Clarence Nicholson, and Mrs. Bettle H. Perry of Zebulou and the late Ron:t?d Lee Perry. WANT A HOUSE? SEE US! Veterans?No Down Payment Loans Up to $15,000 3<7c ? Non-Veterans ? 3% Financing up to 30 years. We can furnish the lot, build the house of your choice, or build on you*- lot. We furnish plan books and free estimates. E. C. SEAMAN REAL ESTATE Dial GE 8-3513 or GE 8-5458 ATTENTION FARMERS You get substantial savings on Property Fire Insurance when you INSURE with? Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Association W. J. Hecht, Pres. W. R. Drake, Sec. & Treu. Phone 257-3370 ? Taylor Bldg. Warrenton Furniture Exchange PKILCO DOUBLES THE PICTURE PULLING POWER OF ITS COLOR TV with exclusive, new Color Clear Tuner and Power-Plus Chassis. Before you buy any television, see new 1965 Philco Color TV with 20/20 COLOR VISION! DANISH MODERN, GENUINE WALNUT PHILCO 5440WA. Truly furniture in hand-fin ished Walnut veneers and solids. All 82 Channel VHF-UHF reception. Disappearing Curtainwood Doors roll away like magic I Finest custom features. CHOOSE FROM OUR COMPLETE SELECTION! EARLY AMERICAN NOW ONLY PHILCO 5432MA. Beau tifully finished to match Maple, fine furniture de tails. All 82 Channel VHF UHF recaption. Sound PHILCO 5220EB. All 82 out front. 24,000 volts Channel VHF-UHF recap of picture power. tion. 24,000 volts of " . picture power. Base op tional, extra. PHILCO ... Famous for Quality the World Oivr U S PATENT 1087011 GRANTED AND OWNED BY PHILCO OOMI IN TODAY AND LAY-A-WAY YOUR COLOR TELEVISION FOR THE * HOLIDAYS ' OALL US FOR A HOME DEMONSTRATION ? ===== WARRENTON FURNITURE EXCHANGE SCOTT GARDNER, Mgr. Mom 257-3693 RARRENTON, N. C. ; ? ' ?' , . .. M RENT MONEY and BUY THIS HOME NO CASH NEEDED ? WE FINANCE 100% EASY TERMS ? 20 OTHER MODELS When you own your lot fully paid for, you can usually for o now homo of your choice financed 100%. Pay for like rent. +??& Jim I 1ferfo> tfl/ mama WILB0H, N.0. Hwjr. 301 north Ptacno: 936-4302 P. O. Box 26 9

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