News and Events of Interest To Norlina Readers MRS. IMOGENE ARNOLD, Editor Pamela H*g? and Barbara Hawks are attending the second session of summer school at Loulsburg College. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Draffln and Charles and Mr. and Mrs. John Clark and Dinah will leave Saturday for a week at Emerald Isle near Morehead City. Mrs. C. H, Pearce spent the weekend In Richmond, Va.,with relatives. Mrs. D. S. Wlmbrow returned home Sunday after spending ten days at Warren General Hospital. Clint L. Hege Is attending an agriculture teachers confer ence at Carolina Peach this week. Wayne Aycock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hector Aycock, underwent a tonsillectomy at Maria Parham Hospital in Henderson Tuesday^ Mrs. John Dore is a patient at Rex Hospital in Raleigh. Mr. E. B. Davis returned home from Warren General Hospital Saturday. Mrs. W. A, Overton has re turned to her home in Rocky Mount after visiting friends and relatives In Warren County. Mrs. J. G. Kelly and daugh ter, Mildred, of Wilmington, Delaware, spent several days this week with Mrs. W. A. Del bridge. Mrs. B. S. Pope of Hender son has returned after a week's visit with her daughters, Mrs. O. D.- Draff In and Mrs. John Clarke, in Norllna. Mrs. W. L. Noneman and children of Raleigh are spend ing several days this week with the F. D. Draffin family. Mr. Jesse Capps has return ed from Duke Hospital. Mrs. C. E. Tucker Is a pat ient at the Rocky Mount Sani tarium. Mr. Julius Brauer of Wash ington, N. C? Is spending this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Brauer. Miss Oza Gooch has returned to her home in Richmond, Va., after visiting Mrs. C. T. Gallian and other Warren County rela tives for two weeks. Mrs. Vernon Smlthers and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Carter and little Holly of Louisville, Ky., spent several -days -this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adcock. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Severance and children of Reldsvllle were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V. Severance last weekend. Mrs. C. P. Rooker spent Tuesday night with her sister, Miss Marie Taylor, in Raleigh. Miss Mae Weaver spent several days last week with the Rev. and Mrs. BlUy Fallaw and daughters at Conway, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Wynn and son of South Hill, Va.,were Sunday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Weaver. Sandra Hicks, Jerri Yancey and Lew Hege attended the annual conference of Methodist; Youth at Duke Unkverslty in Durham last week. Kim Bobbltt and Thane Co vert of St. Petersburg, Fla., are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. J. F. Bobbltt. The group visited relatives In Franklin County over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hutchin son and their nephew of St. Petersburg, Fla., visited Mrs. J. F. Bobbltt Friday. They were en route to Washington, D. C. WM5 TO MEET The general meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society will be held at the Norllna Bap t ' hurch on Monday evening /clock. All members are crged to attend. ACCEPTS POSITION Dwight W. Pearce has accept ed a position as officer and Instructor at Fork Union Mili tary Academy at Fork Union, Va. Circle 3 Meets At Home Mrs. Delbridge Circle No. 3 of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Norilna Methodist Church on Monday night at the home of Mrs. W. K. Delbridge. Mrs. Quay Quick presided In the absence of the president. An interesting missionary program, "The Bible and Life Within," was given by Mrs. Fred Newsom. The society welcomed Mrs. Maggie Lewis as anew member and Miss Loraine McLamb of Fayettevllle, house guests of Mrs. W. A. Delbridge and Mrs. Roy Overby, as guests for the evening. ?Following the business ses sion, the hostess served ice cream parfait topped with whipped cream, homemade cookies and candies. Circle 1 Meets At Home Ot Mrs. Hawks Circle No. 1 of the Woman's Society of Christian Service held Its August meeting Mon day afternoon at the home of Mrs. T. T. Hawks with Mrs. William K. Llfsey as co hostess. The program, "A Woman Considers Time," was present ed by Mrs. Nellie Register with all members present participat ing. Mrs. W. A. Delbridge presid ed over a brief business session when Mrs. J. G. Kelly of Wil mington, "Del., was welcomed as a visltoi. Others present not mentioned were Mesdames Ruby Johnson, B. C. Thomp son and M. M. Haywood. The hostesses served ice cream floats, cookies and nuts. Mrs. Register will entertain the circle In September when Mrs. Thompson will have charge of the missionary pro gram. Zion Society Meets V: ?W'VS"* "'V.? At Robinson Home The Zion Woman's Society of Christian Service held Its regu lar monthly meeting on Monday night at 8 o'clock at the home of Misses Pannie and Willie Robinson. Miss Pannie Robinson gave the devotional and also had charge of the program, "Mo thers of Other Cultures," She was assisted in present ing the program by Mrs. Alton Paschall. The next meeting of the so ciety will be held at the home of Mrs. Selma Rooker on Sept ember 7 with Mrs. Mary Harton In charge of the pro gram. Mrs. Nance Honored At Birthday Picnic Mr. and. Mrs. C, L. Nance entertktned at their home last Sunday In observance of the birthday of Mrs. Nance. Lunch was served picnic style on the lawn of their home. Guests attending Included Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bailey and son, Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Booker, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Nance, Bonnie Sue and Jeff of Norfolk, Va-j Mrs. Edith Nance and daughters, Joyce, Linda and Gall, of South Hill, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Whit Brown, Mrs. Bausley Wall, Mrs. Ber nard Ellis and Mrs. B. T. Sar tln of Reldsvllle. Say you saw It advertised In The Warren Record. Miss Brenda Welborn Honored At Shower Miss Brenda Welborn of Ral eigh was delightfully entertain ed on Wednesday night of last week at a miscellaneous bridal shower at the Norllna Club House. On arrival, the honoree was presented a white carna tion corsage. Games and contests were en joyed by the thirty-five guests present and the bride-elect re ceived many nice and useful gifts from a gift table center ed with a large bride doll. A green and white motif was carried out and refreshments consisted of nuts, cheese straws, cake squares and lime punch. The table bore a cen ter-arrangement of-^ardentas, and as favors nose-gays with centers of mints tied with green and white ribbons were present ed each guest. Hostesses were Mrs. Harold Bobbitt, Mrs. Donald S. Wlm brow, arid Mrs. Tommy Hight of Norllna and Mrs. Robert Neal and Mrs. David Hight of War renton. Miss Welborn, a graduate nurse of Rex Hospital, Raleigh will be married in September to Mr. Elbert Massad of Ben son. Mrs. Kelly Hostess To Her Bridge Club Mrs. H. F. Kelly entertained the Norllna Bridge Club at her home last Tuesday evening. Mrs. Nellie Register was wel comed as a guest player. High score prize was pre sented to Mrs. John Clarke; ' second high to Mrs. J. W. May- j field, and bingo to Mrs. E. M. Robinson. After an evening of enjoyable play, delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. ? ??.?. Local Girl To Go To Africa As Missionary Miss Louise Bender will be opmm 1 slipped as a missionary, teacher to Nigeria, Africa, In a special service at St. Paul's Ev. Lutheran Church at Ridge way on Sunday, August 8. Miss Bender Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bender of Ridgeway. She is a recent graduate of Concordia Teach er's College, Chicago, ni. Dur ing most of the summer she as been attending a missionary school at Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Miss Bender will enter the mission field of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in Ni geria, Africa, where she will teach in ?he hlgti school depart ment. She will fly to her des tination, leaving the states on or about August 20. ATTEND WORKSHOP Among those attending the Woman's Club Institute Work shop at the Presbyterian Church | in Butner last Saturday were Mrs. Dwight Scotten and Mrs. A. S. Wyckoff, who represent ed the Norllna Literature and Music Club; Mrs. Alice Stultz and Mrs. Lou Traylor, who rep resented the Norllna Woman's |Club; and Mrs. L. O. Robert son, Jr., and Mrs. John K. Klllan, who represented the Junior Woman's Club. SCOLLATO-MERE Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Mere announce the marriage of their daughter, Barbara Jeanne Bennevllle, to Gayle Lee Scol lato on Saturday, July 31, at Norfolk, Va. Mr. Scollato is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Scol lato of Norfolk, Va. His mother is the former Miss HlldaOver by of Norllna. STEW SALE The Zlon Methodist Church will sponsor a Brunswick stew sale on Wednesday, August 11, on the church grounds. Stew, at $1.00 per quart, will be ready by noon. Frankly, resisting temptation la a lot easier If you think you'll gat another chance 1 at ex changing Times. RIDGEWAY ~~JEWS_ Mr. and Mrs. Grover Page of Arlington, Va., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Holtzman. Mr. Paul Lovell and Mr. Johnle Lovell of Arlington, Va., spent several days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Holtzman, this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Holtz man visited Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Adams in Angler on Satur day. Mr. H. B. Bender is recu perating at his home after a lengthy Illness. Many relatives and friends have called during the past week. Miss Cheryl Killan is spend ing sometime with Mr. and Mrs. Huber Lohlones in Baltimore, Md., and Mr. and Mrs. George Rlnes in Fort Devens, Mass. Mr. W. J. Hecht, Mrs. E. G. Hecht and Mr. and Mrs. Her man Seaman were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. R, Hecht in Norfolk, Va., where they attended the wedding of Miss Jean Perry and Mr. Vin cent Hecht on Saturday after noon. Mrs. Ethel Lawrence and Miss Norman Lawrence were overnight guests of Misses Ann and Rebecca Collins on Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Macon of Norfolk, Va., visited Misses Ann and Rebecca Collins on Saturday. Miss Barbara Troutman, Miss Lottie Arnstlne, Miss Peggie 'Bridges and Miss Jean Hnltrmyn, all of Raleigh antf Mrs. Thelma Baker and children, Walter and Joe, of Zebulon, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mathews of Henderson were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Holtzman. Mr. Henry Schaffner of Long Island, N. Y., returned to his home after visiting his daugh ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bender and family, recent ly. I Mr._ and Mrs. Reuben G, Holtzman and son, Glenn, of Smlthfleld; Mrs. Lena Whitby and Susan of Luterville, Md., and Miss Barbara Troutman of Raleigh were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Holtzman, Sr., on Sunday. Mr. Phillip Holtzman and Mr. Thomas Holtzman visited Mr. Andrew Holtzman In Maria Par ham Hospital In Henderson on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. a. Seaman, Sr., of Raleigh visited Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Holtzman mdfamlly on Sunday. HONORED Mesdames J. A. Seaman, Sr., R. P. W. Seaman, Robert Louis Mitchell; W. A. Kimball, Mrs. L. M. Paschall, Sr., and Misses Margaret and Mataldla Holtz man honored Miss Jean Holtz man, bride-elect of August 28, on Saturday night at the Luther an Parish Hall with a miscell aneous shower. Colors of pink and green were carried out. The table bore a white lace cloth centered with an arrangement of pink roses, flanked on both sides with pink candelabra. Mrs. R. P. W. Sea man served lime punch from one end of the table and Mrs. J. I L. Gupton and Mrs. Arnold Moss assisted in serving deco rated cake squares and nuts. Mrs. Archie Reavls was In charge of the entertainment, Mrs. J. Bernard Holtzman, registered the gifts In the bridal book. Mrs. L. M. Paschall and: Mrs. a L. Mitchell greeted the guests and good-byes were said to Mrs. W. A. Kimball and Misses Margaret and Ma taldla Holtzman. The bride-elect, and the bride elect's mother, Mrs. C. P. Holtzman, were presented cor sages. Approximately 80 guests attended from Raleigh, Zebulon, Smlthfleld, Arlington, Va., Luthervllle, Md., Henderson and near by communities. CLUB MEETS The Young Lutheran Club met Sunday night at the Lutheran Pariah Hall with Miss Joyce FRED MULCHI ?..... and his Ford Speedster Fred Mulchi's Taste In Cars Runs Counter To Usual Driver By HOWARD JONES Fred W. Mulchl's taste In automobiles doesn't travel In the same direction as those of the typical motorist. In fact, the older Fred's car, the better. At a time when the average American motorist Is craving the latest in chrome-plated cars oozing with excess horsepower, Fred Mulchl seems a bit out of step with the times. The form er Warren county farm boy likes it that way, though. One of a handful of antique auto fanciers In this area, he has filled many an hour re storing abandoned automobiles, and has won a couple of coveted trophies in tours sponsored by the Horseless Carriage Club of Amprtra. His latest came Just last month on a tour that got under way In South Carolina. Before the more than 50 cars partici pating In the tour had hardly warmed up, Fred had won a prize for the second best car In the tour. The car, a 1922 Ford Speed ster, hadn't always beenasleek white vehicle with shiny spoke wheels and a motor that fairly pur^rs. a little over a decade ago, while Fred- was scoring touchdowns for Norllna High School, Martin Hayes was using the motor of the car to power a sawmill. Shortly after graduation from high school, Fred became In terested In c!d cars. His firs? was a 1925 Ford sedan which he purchased from Lonnle Drake of the Oakvllle Com munity. He spent about six months working on that car and entered it in his first antique car tour in 1954. He travelled the route from Laurlnburg to Boone, encountering the least mechanical trouble of any driver on tour, and won an en graved trophy for his effort. That gave him the stimulus he needed, if Indeed he needed any, to become a bona fide an tique car lover. Shortly after ward he contacted Martin Hayes, and with some help from his brother, Charles, he se cured the Ford Speedster from the Hayes sawmill. Working from a set of plans clipped from a magazine, Fred began the long search for many of the parts he needed to re store the Speedster. And there were many. "When I got the car from Mr, Hayes, It consisted of only a transmission, motor, frame and rear end," Mulchi said. Some of the parts came from the West Coast, where, Inci dentally, Ford Speedsters of 1922 vintage now are selling for about $2,000. The hubcaps came from Texas. However, the ma Jorlty of the parts, Fred said, had to be custom built by hand. He made a few modifications, mainly on the fenders, but the car Is virtually the same that a customer might have viewed in a 1922 Ford showroom. The Speedster, humming along on Just over 20 horse Seaman and Mr. Raymond Sea man as hostess and host for the evening. Miss Joyce Seaman open the meeting with the devotional. The Rev. M. E. Franke led In group discussion on Current Events. Jimmy Hecht was In charge of the entertainment. The hostess served potato chips, cookies and drinks. HONOR DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. L. m. PaschaU, Jr., honored their daughter, Darlane, on her 8Ui birthday with a birthday party at their boc.r a beautiful decorated ea!?, loo errant asd pepsl CoiiK wer> served tolBfoests. F.vors was given and many nice gtfta #?r? received. The child ren enjoyed playing games. power, will average 21 miles to the gallon and can carry Its two passengers 65 miles an hour. | Mulchi used goggles when he first began driving the car, but they are not essential now that he has installed a windshield. The only visible imperfection in the Speedster is a wrinkle in the hood. Although it is barely noticeable, it was enough to knock his car out of first placel in the Horseless Carriage Club's July tour. Actually the car was seven years in the revamping stage. Mulchi worked on it when he had the opportunity, abandoned his work while he was in. ser vice, and resumed while he at tended?an?rtiosol mil Limer Family Returns From Mountain Tour The R. Edgar Limer, Jr., family has returned from a very pleasant five day drive through the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. While they enjoyed the scenery of the trip.^ri-eir mifti' objective -wis to attend the "Word of Truth" assembly of Jehovah's Wit nesses in Chattanoga, Tenn. for three days. Limer statec that Chat tanooga was just one of the many cuies through the United States, as well a.-; on European continents. While these as semblies he said, are not re vivals of any kind, they are arranged for the purpose of fellowship and latest Bible in structions, "since Almighty God is a God of progressive revelations as he uses his min isters to convey instructions to us through lecture and print ed page." ? The peak attendance for any one day was Sunday with 10,238 attending. The main subject dis cussed Sunday was based on Isa. 9:6/1 with subject, "The Government 6n the Shoulders of the Prince of Peace." Say you saw it advertised in The Warren Record. and welding school In Nashville, Tenn., for two years. The car has had finishing touches added while Mulchl was working In Tennessee and South Carolina. While Mulchi and his wife, the former Anne Tucker of Nor lina, live near Roanoke Rapids with their two daughters, Vickie Lynn, 4, and Mltzl, 3, the Ford Speedster is kept high and dry in an outbuilding on the farm of Fred's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mulchl, Jr., of Rt. 1, Norllna. Nearby Is the first old car Fred restored, sheltered now beneath a farm shed. There will probably be others there before long. "I've got my eye on another car," Mulchi said, "and I can't wait to get started on it." COOKOl T The Junior Boy's Class and teacher, Gene Munn, of Sulphur Springs Baptist Church enjoyed a cook-out in the yard of James Clifton Stegall on Friday after noon. Hot dogs, hamburgers, cake, pickle and drinks were enjoyed by the group. Mrs. Howard Munn was a special ?uest. ?.>?? i Homecoming To Bo Hold k\ P. S. Chord > Annual homecoming services will be held Sunday, August 8, at 4 p. m. at the Eptaeopal Church of the Ascension In Pal- | mer Springs. This service will be dedicat ed to the memory of the late Dr. James S. Russell, who founded this church In 1888. Dr. Russell was also Arch deacon of the Diocese of South ern Virgin, a and founder of St. Paul's College, In Lawrence vllle, Va. He also gave the parcel of land for Ascension Church. Father S. Russell Wilson, rector of South Hill Episcopal Cure In East Mecklenburg, will be the celebrant and preacher. Father Wilson has Just returned to the Cure after a summer's study at Rutgers State Univer sity in New Brunswick, N. J. The public Is Invited to at tend this service. Revival To Be Held At Bethlehem Church Bethlehem Methodist Church at Areola will hold their revival services August 8 through 13. The Rev. Warren Cash, pastor of the Axton Charge, Axton, Va. , will be the guest speak er. Services will be held each evening at 8:00 p. m., Sunday through Friday. A special music and song service will be pre sented each evening. The homecoming which Is usually held at this time of the year has been postponed until September 5, the Rev. Wayne Wingfield, pastor, said yester day. STEW SALE The Wlse-Paschall Rurltan Club will sponsor a Brunswick stew sale at the old Wise school building on Saturday, August 7. The stew, at $1.00 per quart, will be ready by noon. Pro ceeds will be used by the Wise Auxiliary Fire Department. Two long-stemmed beauties dallied at the rail on the top deck of a cruise ship. "It's exactly the way 1 pictured It," sighed one. "Salt spray, tur quoise skies, exotic islands? and no men." We Are Still Serving our many customers from our same old stand as usual. We now hove access to parts for many implements other than A-C, New Holland and our regular line. Give us a tr.v on that next part you need and save some mileage. c & s TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. WARRENTON, N. C. 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 Platform Rockers DURING THIS BIG SALE ?BFAirn?UL MATCHED COVERS ? MAHOGANY FINISH ? lOOr JYLON OR HI PILE ? OAK FRAMES ? ?CHOICE OF COLORS ? DAINTY UPHOLSTERED WARRENTON FURNITURE EXCHANGE S?*ft BariMf, Mp. corner Franklin &Bra?g PIMM: tll-Wtt TOBACCO HAULING ONCI A WKIK TO LUMHRTON MR.FARMER: Wa hav* a 2-tan aavarai truck galas ta Hia Lawfcartaa tabaaaa markat aaaa a waak. Wa plak ap aaywhara la Wanraa Gaanty. If yaa kava a?I HN?M I?far tfca aiarkat lat m kail It fat yaa. . If 11? BOLTON BROS. raONI 257-4016 WARRENTON,N. C. WE Wilt II CLOSED POR VACATION AUGUST 16?20 P/mm glv* ut your cleaning n?xt wmmk GRISSOM'S Service Cleaners NOftUNA, N. C.

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