Letters To j Santa I Claus Nortina, N.C. Dear Santa Claus, I am seven years old and weigh 70 pounds. I am in the second grade at Norlina High School. My favorite TV pro gram is Superman. I have one sister and her name is Linda. She is (our years old. Everette Elam is my buddy. Please bring me a bicycle, a toy gun, and a telescope. Love, HAROLD HENRY SEAMAN Norlina, N.C. Dear Santa Claus, I want a play typewriter,! Susie Smart, billfold and i pocketbook. I am ten years >ld. 1m in the second grade. ; weigh 78 pounds. I am 4 t. 5 in. tall. My favorite oods are chicken and pota oes. My favorite TV pro- j ;ram is Lost in Space. I have: wo brothers. David is sev-1 !n and Michael is six. My wo sisters are Marie 16 and Margaret 1' My favorite sub- ! ect is science. I have two j leices, Debbie and Kathy. They j Ive In Townsville. My buddy s Nancy Hutchirs. I will leave } anta some cake. x>ve, I XEANOR AYCOCK Norlina, N.C. Jear Santa, I am 7 years old. I weigh f9 pounds. My favorite food s steak. I am in the second ;rade and my favorite TV pro tram is My Friend Flicka. I tave one sister named Susan aid she is 8 years old. My avorite subject is spelling. I ike children in New Mexico, ieoi ^a and Florida. My friend s R->. in Baker. I want a [Ing of the Hill, Monopoly, lary and a V-neck pullover weater. The cookies and Coke xe for you. ,ove, iLICE DRYDEN SHOP EARLY! MAIL EARLY! ...USE ?2wee?0E Norllna, N.C. Dear Santa, I am 7 years old, I live in Ridgeway. I have one sister and one brother. Their names are Suzanne and Danny. My grade at school is the second. 1 will leave you some milk and some cake. I want a doll named Posi Playmate, an Ar tist's Easel with a watereolor set. Thank you very much. Love, ELAINE CAROLYN BENDER Norlina, N. C. Dear Santa Claus, I'm trying to be the best girl because I want the best toys that you have very much. The best program I like is the Flint stones. I have one brothel1 and his name is Jimmy and he is seven. I'm eight years old. Dear Santa Claus, don't forget Mother and Father and bring my teacher something for Christmas please. I'll hide a big cake somewhere and you be sure you look for it. Love, DEBRA ANN HOWELL Norlina, N.C., Dear Santa Claus, I am eight years old, my favorite food is chicken. I weigh 50 pounds _and I am_A feet tall. I have two brothers and two sisters. My brothers' names are Lee and Ralph, my sisters' names -are Judy and Anne. I want a baby First Step doll, a vanity, a billfold with my name on It, some slacks, a blouse and a little puppy. Love, NANCY HUTCHINS Norlina, N.C. Dear Santa Claus, I am 7 years old. I weigh 45 pounds. My favorite TV program is Lost in Space. My favorite foods are apples and cake. My two brothers are David and Allen and my sis ters are Teresa and Debra Jeanne. My friend is Bobby. I would like to have a glove, ball, GI Joe and some clothes. Please don't forget my bro thers, sisters, Mama and Dad dy. Love, MICHAEL CROWE Norlina, N.C. Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. I am eight years old and I have two brothers. Their names are Junior and David. Junior Is six years old and David Is one year old. David wants some play toys, Junior wants a Johnny Express and some play toys, too. My brother, Junior, has to go to the hospital for an op eration on his nose, lie fell out of a truck. I am sorry that he has to go. I hope that he will be home for Christmas, don't you, Santa? This is what I want: a Tom Thumb typewriter, Baby Boo doll, radio, boots and clothes. Please be kind to children all over the world and bring them something too. My favorite TV program is the Monsters and my favorite food is vetetables. I weigh 52 pounds. I am 4 ft. 3 in. tall. I like to listen to Bible stories and I like to lis ten to Santa Claus stories, too. Don't forget I moved from Fort Eustls, Va. to Norlinathis year. I will hide some cake and a Pepsi for you. Find it, please. I wish you a Merry Christmas. Love, DARLENE REECE Norlina, N. C. Dear Santa, I am seven years old. 1 weigh eighty pounds. 1 am four and one-half feet tall and 'I am in the second grade. My favorite food is a hot dog and my favorite TV program is Lost in Space. I have two bro thers and five sisters. The -names of my brothers are Fred dy and Gary. The names of my sisters are Donna, Sarah Jo, Pat, Shirley and Linda. My favorite subject in school is science. Be good to other children in other places. Mv buddy is Michael Crowe. I want a football, baseball, bas ketball and a guitar. I am going to leave your food on the table. Love, W. C. PAYNTER Norlina, N. C, Dear Santa, I am seven years old and in the second grade. My fav orite TV program is Milton the Monster, i have two bro thers named Ronnie and Mike. Please bring them something too. My teacher is Mrs. Hicks, my favorite subject is spelling and reading. Please bring me a watch, sled and some candy. Be good to other little girls and boys. Love, ROBIN BAKER Norlina, N.C. Dear Santa Claus, My age is eight. I am in the second grade at school. I am 4 feet tall and I weigh fifty pounds. I like all veg etables. My favorite TV pro gram is Red Skelton. I have one brother and one sister. Their names are Car olyn and Wilson. Wilson is 19 years old and Carolyn Is 10 years old. My favorite sub ject is spelling. My favorite friend is Janet Poteat. I want Santa to bring a tri cycle, fruits, nuts and candy. I will have coffee and a Coke under the tre*?. I love you, NANCY POTEAT Norlina, N. C Dear Santa, I am 7 years old. I have been a good girl. My home is In Nor^ llna. I would like to have a Barbie case, Barbie clothes, stilts, and a trampoline. I will leave a Pepsi and some cook ies under the Christmas tree. Merry Christmas. Love, ANN LEWIS Norlina, N. C. Dear Santa, 1 am a seven year old boy and In the second grade at Nor lina School. I am four fe?t tall and weigh 54 pounds. My favorite TV show is Lassie and my favorite subject at school Mrs. James C. Harris, speaker for the Warren County Annual Home Demonstration Achievement Program Is shown with the newly installed officers of the county organisa tion. Left to right are Mrs. James C. Harris, President of the North Carolina Organiza tion of Home Demonstration Clubs, Mrs. Frederick Williams, Reporter Elect of the Home Demonstration County Council; Mrs. Eugene Wilson, Vice President-Elect of the Warren County Council and Mrs. J. D. Holtz man, President-Elect of the Council. The new officers will assume their duties on January 1, 1965. Mrs. C. P. Pope is the present President of the Council. is science. I like hamburgers and cookies. I would like very) much to have a bicycle, type writer and a Johnny Eagle truck. I hope you will remember my Buddy, David Harris, who lives In Sanford. Be sure to eat the fruit cake I will put under our Christmas tree for you. Love, EVERETTE ELAM Norllna, N. C. | Dear Santa Claus, 1 am a boy seven years old. [ weigh 65 pounds and 1 am 1 feet and 6 inches tall. I am ,n the second grade at Norllna High School. I have two sis ers whose names are Rita, ' 5 and Tammy 8 months old. 1 Rita wants a doll and a bicv- ' Ele aror Tammy wants a toy. 1 - vant a football suit and a bath robe with bedroom shoes. We will be glad when you | :ome. jOve, 30BBY RIVERS Norlina, N. C.| Dear Santa Claus, My age is seven . I weigh 55 pounds. I will leave some food out for you. I am 4 ft. 1 in. tall. My favorite TV pro gram Is a Christmas Parade. My favorite food is fruits, want for Christmas oranges,| apples and grapes and five sur prises. I love you, KATHY LYNN MATTHEWS Norlina, N. C. )ear Santa, I am seven years old and I weigh forty-two pounds and I am forty-seven inches tall. I am In the second grade at Nor llna School. My favorite foods are hamburgers, steak, spa ghetti and chocolate pudding. I Lost in Space is my favorite | TV program. I have two broth srs and one sister. Craig is six years old and Mark is five pears old. My sister Is thlr :een years old, her name is Jackie. My favorite subject is spelling. My teacher's name is Mrs. Hicks and she Is very, very good and I love her. I want an Allan doll and cloth es for It and clothes for my Barbie doll. I want some sur prises too. Please don't forget other children in other places. I will leave you some coffee andl Complete Parts Service For All Farm TRACTORS STANDARD Motor Parte Co. WARRENTON, N. C. some cake. Thank you. Love, A'AND A RICHARDSON Norllna, N. C. Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. I weigh seventy two pounds and I am four feet and six Inches tall. I have one brother and one j sister. My brother is 23 and my sister is 18. Their names | are Louise and Bobby Taylor, j My favorite subject is spelling. I My buddy Is Ann Lewis. I am in the second grade. My fa- I vorite TV program is the Bev erly Hillbillies. I want a blue | Bicycle and a white Holy Bible. Love, LYNNE TAYLOR Warrenton, N.C. Dear Santa Claus, I am 9 years old and In Mrs. Drake's fourth grade at John Graham. Please bring me a baby First Step, clothe? for her and a suitcase, a nurse kit, a Barbie suitcase for three dolls, a King of the Hill and a Lassie game. Be good to my little sister, Mama and Daddy and I don't forget Mrs. Drake. Love, CARYL FRAZIER Warrenton, N. C. Dear Santa Claus, I am 2 years old and I have been smart most of the time. Please bring me a doll, a wag on, a jack - In - the - box and lots of other pretty toys. Tell Mrs. Santa to send me some cookies and other goodies. Love, BETH FRAZIER Warrenton, N. C. Dear Santa, My name is Pamela Cheryl Thompson, I am 5 years old. I have tried very hard to be a good little girl this year. My Mommy and Daddy seem to think I'm good most of the time. I would like to ask you to please bring me a Ken doll to matchl my Barbie doll, a Barbie doll suitcase, a MissSuzettedoll and a few Barbie doll clothes. Santa, please try to bring me a few nuts, some candies and some fruit for my stocking. I don't have any little brothers or sisters at home, but please be good to all my little friends and to all the other children everywhere, even those whose names I don't know. I'm sure they are just a3 excited as I am and can hardly wait for you Announcement By Negro Agent MRS. BERTHA FORTE, Negro Home Ec. Agent Telephone: 257-3948 Home Demonstration Club Meetings Monday, Dec. 20: 1:30 p. m., The county Council of Home Demonstration Clubs will meet In the Community Center In Warrenton. 7:30 p. m., Macon will meet with Mrs. Annie Banks. Tuesday, Dec. 21: 2:00 p. m., Mayflower will meet at the Community Building with Mrs. Pattle Williams as Hostess. Wednesday, Dec. 22: 1:00 p. m., Ellington will meet with Mrs. Rosa Terry. to visit them this year. I will leave you some hot chocolate and some cookies in the kitchen, same place as I left them last year. Love, PAMELA THOMPSON. 522 Birch Circle Henderson, N. C. Dear Santa, I am a little girl five years old. I will be six In March and I'll go to school next term. I have been real good this year. I have helped Mommy a lot. Please bring me a "baby first step" doll, a chalk board and an electric iron. My sis ter and my brothers have a surprise for me. 1 will leave you some cake, pie and milk on the table. Your friend, JUDY LANE WILLIAMSON It is funny how people think you are Interested in their troubles. NEGRO FARM AUNT NEWS LEONARD C. COOPER Negro County Agent G. W. KOONCE Asst. Negro County Agent Soil test reports will be com ing to Warren County farmers without a recommended grade or ratio of fertilizers. That is grade number 5-10 10, or 6-6-12 and other recom mended ratios. Only the total amount of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium and other Ingre dients will be recommended. The farmer Is given the deci sion as to the grade or ratio of fertilizer to use. Theobjectlves of this change Is to help the farmer to think In terms of plant nutrients and allow the farmer to select the fertilizer grade they prefer and can pur chase at the best price. We art sure that this change will cause many farmers to think about their fertilizer and become aware of what Is In the bag and utilized by the plant. Your fertilizer dealer and Agricultural Agents will help any grower who needs help to make the conversion to the grade fertilizer. Say you saw It advertised in The Warren Record. FOR THE BEST FURNITURE VALUES IN TOWN SEE US Satterwhites HENDERSON, N. C. John MeYer. PENDLETON 4t/G>fa"6Mut umoonno* GANT SHIRTMAKERS WHAT A . MERRY CHRISTMAS LIST m .""?V MAIN STKEET DABMCT DUVI 3JnlptB0n'a OXFORD HENDERSON BOLTON BROTHERS Contract Hauling "ANYTHING - ANYWHIM" Phont Warrtnton, N. C. - night 2S/*40I6 day 257-40M r?. FAMILY GIFT CENTER LAST MINUTE SUGGESTIONS .\V 1 HOUSEWARES ^SPORTING GOODS ? TOOLS ^ELECTRIC APPLIANCES ? WHEEL TOYS & TOYS W. A. Miles Hardware Co. Wqrr*n>on, Worth Caroling "Watchdog Service" Let Us Service Your Tanks With TANK AND BULK DELIVERY - RADIO DISPATCH TRUCKS THE GAS FOR .... RADIANT HEATERS ? PANEL HEATERS FURNACES ? HEATERS COOKING RANGES CALL 257-3186 FOR PROMPT DELIVERY ON ESSO FUEL OIL ? KEROSENE - HEATING OILS BULLOCK OIL COMPANY NORLINA ROAD WARRKNTON, N. C.