Comp. Your Best Advertising Medium ?? - <,s/^\^ : . - - ^v-v-v-^ *c- j?. ; . /^j Norlina All-Stars To Play 1962 Team Here Members of the John Graham High School 1962 basketball team will again play as a unit next Tuesday night, Dec. 28, when they will honor the me mory of Gordon Halthcock, Jr., their late teammate, and play to raise funds for a scholarship In his memory. Willie L. Norwood, jr., an outstanding student and athlete of the John Graham school was awarded the scholarship In 1965 and Is now attending Chow an College, Murfreesboro. The 1962 team will play an all-star team from Norllna. In last year's game the boys from the neighboring towns played a close game right down to the wire. Many of the same boys are expected to see action next Tuesday night. Admission will be student, 35?; adults 75C. The entire proceeds from the game, Including concession sales, will be placed In the scholarship fund. Tickets will be available at John Graham High School, Sani tary Barbershop, Hunter Drug Company, Bowers and Burrows Oil Company, Warrenton Insur ance Ajency, Clinton Neal, Jr., Odorn Motor Service, Leigh's Department Store in Norllna and the Norllna Barbershop. Sev eral members of the 1962 gra duating class will also have tickets. All Interested persons or groups who wish to make a contribution to this memorial fund are asked to mail It to B. G. White, Administrator of the Gordon Halthcock, Jr., Me morial Scholarship Fund, War renton, N. C. Defendant Is Bound To Superior Court One defendant was bound over to Superior Court when given a hearing In Warren County Recorder's Court last Friday during a session largely taken up with thetrlals of those charg ed with violation of traffic laws. Wayne Rivers was In court on a charge of seduction. Judge Julius Banzet found probable cause and bound Rivers over to the January term of Superior Court under $200 bond. Thaxton Earl Jefferson was ordered to pay a $25 fine and court costs when he pled guilty to a charge of reckless driv ing. James Carpenlng Lancaster was ordered to pay court costs when he was found guilty of driv ing 85 miles per hour In a 55 mph zone. Leon Wherles Perry failed to appear In court to answer a charge of speeding. A capias was Issued to Franklin Coun ty The state took a nol pros with leave In the case of Paul Yancey, charged with reckless driving. Odell Elbert Hull end er was ordered to pay court costs when he pled guilty to charged of speeding and passing on a hill William Hugh Tunstall, charged with non-support, was found not guilty. Michael Foster failed to ap pear In court to answer to charge of operating a motor ve hicle without a valid operator's license. A capias was Issued to Halifax County. Matthew Charles BUgh was sentenced to the roads for 30 days when he pled guilty to a charge of drunk driving. Defendants and verdicts In speeding cases were as fol lows: Tommy Ralph Wilson, costs; Leroy Clifton, costs; Thomas R. Waller, $10 and costs; John nie Andrew McCoy, Jr., $15 and costs; Herbert Jackson Moseley, costs. Draft Board To Be Closed For Holidays The Warren County Draft Board here will be closed from Dec. 20 to Dec. 28, while the clerk, Mrs. Thomas Ellington, Is on leave, J. D. Roberts, chairman, announced today. Roberts asks that boys whose birthday falls on the days which the office will be closed to re port for registration on Tues day, December 28. Holiday guests of Mrs. M. D. Overby and family are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cassell and daugh ter of Cary, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ballard and daughters of Sli er City, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. MacAmls and daughter, Betsy, of Charleston, S. C. Hudson Burton of Loulsburg College Is spending the holl days hero with his family. Methodist Minister To Be Ordained On Sunday A special ordination service will be conducted for the Rev. Albert E. Thompson on Sunday, Dec. 26, at the 11 o'clock ser vice at Edenton Street Metho dist Church In Raleigh. Mr. Thompson Is the pastor of the Maoon Methodist Charge. Bishop Paul Garber of the Raleigh Episcopal area will preside over the special or dination service. Mr. Thomp son's ordination as an Elder of the Methodist Church comes exactly 100 years after the or dination of his great-grandfa ther, the Rev. Ervln Thompson, which also took place at Eden ton Street Methodist church. Several other ministers who are relatives of Mr. Thomp son have also been ordained It Edenton Street Methodist Church. ' to order for this ordination to tske place at a time other than at the Annual Conference the Rev. Mr. Thomp i was received Into full mem bershlp of the Methodist Church In the Patagonia Conference of Argentina, South America. His conference membership was in the Patagonia Conference for three days before It was trans ferred back to the North Caro lina Methodist conference. Mr. Thompson completed his semi nary work this summer at Duke Divinity School. He is married to the former Miss Linda Kap lan of Rockingham and Albany, N. Y. It la because of the unusual historical connection within the Thompson family, which has soppUad several ministers to North Carolina Methodism, all having been ordained it Eden ton Street Methodist church, that this special ordination Is being held in the 100th anniver sary of the ordination of Mr. Thompson's great-grandfather. All frlMtds are Invited to at tend this special tervlce which will be held at the dose ot the service. Two unidentified young girls were pictured with Santa Claus at his temporary home on the courthouse lawn on Tuesday afternoon. Warrenton's favorite Santa of half a century of visits to Warren children will be at his stand here each late afternoon and night until Christmas. Woman Dies In Crash Funeral services for the hus band of a former Warrenton girl, who was killed In an air plane crash Sunday, were held here Wednesday. Donald Robert Pearce, 37, died In a crash of a private airplane in Knox, Ind., Sunday at 2:45 p. m. He was the hus band of the former Mildred Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fisher of Warren ton. Funeral services were con ducted Wednesday from Blay lock Funeral Home here at 2 p. m. by the Re j. Herman Hicks. Interment was in Falrvlew Mrs. Arthur Dugan Dies At Sewanee Funeral services for Mrs. Arthur Dugan, wife of an Eng' Ush professor at the Unlver' slty of Sewanee, Sewanee, Tenn., were held in the Chapel of Sewanee on Sunday at 3 p. m. Burial was In the city cemetery, Mrs. Dugan, a-natlve-of War renton, died Friday at Sewanee She was theformer Miss Tempe B. Boyd, daughter of the late Richard B. and Tempe Bur well Boyd of Warrenton. She was a graduate of Randolph Macon College In Lynchburgj Va., Columbia University In New York and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and before her marriage was aj librarian at the University of North Carolina Library. Surviving are her husbnad; and three brothers, William Boyd of Henderson, and Gra ham V. and Pettway B. Boyd of Warrenton. Willard Rankin Dies In Norfolk Funeral services for Willard Rankin, who died Tuesday In Norfolk, Va., will be conducted at It:00 noon Thursday at the Shady Grove Msthodlst Church in Inez by the Rev. Wayne Wlngfleld. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Mr. Rankin is aurvivedby his wife, Mrs. Estelle Cheek Ran kin of Warren County; on* son, Alvln Rankin of Los Angeles, Calif.; end three grandchildren. Cemetery. Mr. Pearce resided at 352 Henderick Street, Gary, ind. He was a veteran of World War II, and a member of the Roosevelt Masonic Lodge. He was the owner and operator of :he S. & M. Leasing Company. Member J. Graham Basketball Team Is Hurt In Wreck A member of the John Graham High School basketball team was painfully Injured last week In a one-car wreck near Areola. Lester Capps, son of Com missioner Amos L. Capps and Mrs. Capps, was hospitalized with lacerations and bruises when he lost control of his car a mile north of Areola on Thursday night of last week. He returned to his home from Warren General Hospital on Sunday. A blowout is blamed for the iccldent, which resulted in thq :omplete demolishing of the Rambler car he was driving. Capps lsamemberofthebas cetball, football team and base sail team at John Graham High School. Hayes Funeral Is Held On Wednesday Funeral services for Edward Walthall Hayes, Sr., 89, of Palmer Springs, Va., who died Monday, were conducted Wed nesday at 2 p. m. at Union Chapel Church by the Rev. Ervln C. Fisher. Burial was in the church cemetery. Survivors Include his wife, Mrs. Mannle S. Hayes; two daughters, Miss Frances Hayes and Mrs. Alice Hayes Parrlsh of Richmond, Va.; one son, Edward W. Hayes, jr., of Palm er Springs, Va.) one sister, Miss Annie Hayes of Emporia, Va. HEALTH CARDS Beginning January 1, im munisation health cards ami ?ther services will be given only ?n Tuesday of each weak from It m. to 4 p. m. at the Warren County Health center, It was announced by the Ceater yesterday. Advisory Board For Airport Is Appointed An advisory board for War ren County's poposed execu tive type airport has been nam ed by Amos L. Capps, chair man of the Board of County Commissioners. Named to serve on the ad visory board are Joe Gilbert, John Smith, William L. Flem ing, Mason Hawfleld, Jim Llm er, Hal Connell and Clinton Capps. W. P. Mlnette Is an ex-offlclo member. Mlnette, director of the De velopment Commission, said yesterday that all forms to place Warren County on the National Airport Plan have been completed and submitted to the Federal Aviation Authority for further action. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. James of Richmond, Va., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Gibson. Mrs. Lulle P. Gay and Mary Reynolds Duncan are spending the holidays In Columbia, S. C., with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dun can and family. Fire of aidmown origin completely deetroy ed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dun can between Macon and Churchill on laat Friday nl?ht around 9 o'clock. Moat of the household furniture and clothing were saved. Warrantor Rural Fireman responded to the alarm but were on able to extlnculah the names which caught in the attic of the home. (Photo by BUI Jones) Number Of Stores To Be Closed Monday Mrs. Link To Teach Music Here Mrs. John K. Link will suc ceed Mrs. Monroe Gardner as music teacher in the John Gra ham Elementary School. Mrs. Gardner resigned to accept a position as third grade teacher at the Mariam Boyd School. Mrs. Gardner will succeed Mrs. Harriet Banzet, resigned. The appointment of Mrs. Link was approved by the board of directors of the Warrenton Lions Club at their regular meeting at the Country Club on Friday night. Announcement was also made "at?the-mcoting 4faat?the?L9 birthday calendars, sold in the club's calendar drive this fall, will be ready for delivery dur ing Christmas week. President W. L. Turner pre sided over the meeting and Lion Allen Tucker was host at the steak supper. Christmas Service lo Be Held By Baptists The Christmas Day Service will be held at the Warrenton Baptist Church on Saturday, Dec. 25, at 11:00, the Rev. John Link, pastor, announced yesterday. The choir of the. church will lead in the musical program. The public Is cordially invited. STUDENT DAY Wesley Memorial Methodist Church will observe Student Recognition Day on Sunday De cember 2C, at the 11:00 o'clock service. The college students will be in charge of the ser vice and the student choir will sing. Allen Harris, a member of the Macon Methodist Church will be the guest organist. Wai rent. : "> .hair, stores, Kd ward's Department Store and Diamond's Discount Store will bp open or. Mo:, lay for the trans art ion of business t.?ut practi cally all other business houses anti stores here are expected to be clos?*(i Monday as well as Satui i\. in observance of the Chi holiday The Citizens Dank of War renton and the Peoples Bank of Norl in a will be closed Monday as will all tfc.? offices in the courthouse, five extension of fices IT", the ag: lcultural build ing and in the Citizens build ing will bo clused. While Mon day is not a legal holiday, government offices in the agri cultural building will be closed due to a lark of heat, as the courthouse will be closed down. Warren County schools, which cloac"! for the Christ mas holidays last Friday, will reopen on next Thursday, Dec. 30. Dentist Works In Schools I A dentist irom the Division |of Oral Hygiene, State Health (Department, is now working in | the Warren County school sys tem in cooperation with the Warren County Health Depart ment and the Board of Educa tion. Dr. Harold Holt began his work in the county on Nov. 29 at Northside Elementary School and finished his appointments at this school on Dec. 17. He will be at North Warren High School from Jan. 3 to Jan. 21, and at Vaughan Elementary School from Jan. 24 to Feb. 18. This oral hygiene program In the schools has been conducted for many years throughout the state under the supervision of the Division of Oral Hygiene, State Health Department. Dr. R. F. Young, Warren Health direc tor, said yesterday that this service is rendered to medi cally indigent school children in the elementary grales and Is financed jointly by the local health departments and by the State Health Department . He said that the only difficulty with this program Is that it can only be scheduled about once every four or five years be cause of the shortage of den tists. It is hoped that another dentist may be available later in the year to work in some of the other schools of the county, he added. Dr. young said thai another Interesting phase of the oral hygiene program will be avail* 1 able in the county In January when the well known Little Jack 1 Puppet Show visits all the schools In the county. This show j has been sponsored for years by the State Health Department to promote oral hygiene educa | tlon among the children. Communion Services The Jerusalem-Zlon Charge will haveaChrlstmas EveCom Imunlon Meditation on Friday evening, Dec. 24, the Rev. Joseph Bennett, pastor, an nounced yesterday. The services will last'for 30 minutes, from 7:00 to 7:30- at Jerusalem and from 7:45 to StlS at Zlon. Mr. Bennett said that all who will are invited to at tend one of theae service* and receive the Sacrament of tfce Lord's supper on the eve of His birthday anniversary. zlon church la located In Oiae community, from Norllna near the of Highway 86. Is located on the about three