Your Best Advertising Medium standard rrt0. Co. comp. 312 9 Randolph (TO Ifiamn iRmirfi Your Best Advertising Medium VOLUME 70 Subscription Price S3.00 a Year 10c Per Copy WARRENTON. COUNTY OF WARREN. N. C. FRIDAY. ILLY 8. 1066 NUMBER 27 v ? Tobacco damaged by hail oil the "Doc"' Thompson farm near Macon is shown above, liail did considerable damage to the crop in the Macon-Oakvtlle-Churchill area last Monday and Tuesday, County Extension Ch'trman Frank W. Reams reported yesterday Examples of the heavy hail damage has been observed on the M. B. (Doc'i Thomp son and William Wilson larnts. Although official hail reports have not been made, casual observation indicates that some fields were damaged considerably over flO'",. There were reports of scattered light hail all over the county. Reams said that it is too early to estimate the total loss in the county. (Photo by Reams) mhh-if in;nr* m mi i IhiwtihS nil en i?jiC it Tie PASTKLS ? If (H?? . IiHHSII" *r B ?tftorrt* r... .v : i ;? Relics In top picture is shown the old ladder wagon used for many years by the Warrenton Fire Company. The vehicle carried on its top. ladders, and slung beneath the body are 20 five-gallon cans to hold water obtained from cisterns. At left is the reel cart Both of these vehicles were pulled by the firemen a' a run and both were used here for many years Firemen From Towns To Meet Here Next Week For Convention Firemen from ten cities will converge on Warrenton Mon day when the Warrenton Fire Department will host the North Carolina Volunteer Firemen's Association in its 76th annual convention from July 11 through July 14. Cities and town to be rep resented here next week are Greenville, Wake Forest, Wil son, Maple Hill, Farmville, Loulsburg, Tarboro, East Nash, Ayden and East Spen cer. Activities will begin on Monday at noon with regis tration at the John R. Haw kins High School Gymtorium. At 4 p. m. the firemen will stage a parade from Hawkins School to John Graham School. On Monday night at 8 p. m. a public program will be held at the Hawkins Gymtorium. The principal speaker will be Capt. Calvin Beck, area consultant Fire Service Training, Richmond Technical Institute, Rockingham. A dance will follow at 9 p. m. with music being furnished by Professor Hudson and the Pastels in the Hawkins Gym torium. On Tuesday the firemen will hold a business session at 9:30 a. m. at the gym. A ball game will be staged at the Warrenton Park at 3 p. m. and that night at 8 o'clock asocial hour will be held in the gym for members of the Ladies Auxiliary. On Wednesday from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. a Fire Training Program will be held at Wil son. The firemen will return to Warrenton for a dance at the gym from 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. Music will be furnish ed by the Pastels. On Thursday a business session will be held at the Hawkins gym, beginning at 9:30 a. m. At noon the War renton Fire Department will give a truck demonstration. Activities will be concluded Thursday at noon with a Firemen's dinner at the Haw kins High School. Members of the Warrenton Fire Company are Cleveland Anderson, James Arrington, Walter Barnes, Charles Brown, Leon Cheek, Robert Coleman, Haywood Evans, Clarence Green, Frank Jones, Archie King, Joe Reed, Per cell Reed, Joseph Richardson, Manson Williams, Otis Wil liams, Herbert Davis, Hugh Plummer, Alfred Davis, and McC a. 11 Alston. Warren County commissioners who parti cipated In a one-day program at Murdoch Cepter In Butner which was designed to por tray the role of county commissioners In the development of community action programs tor the mentally retarded are shown at the conclusion of the Thursday meeting. They are, left to right, A. J. Ellington, Chairman Amos L. Capps and J. A. Wilson. (Stall Photo) Co. Board Awards Oil Contract A contract to furnish heat ing oil to the jail, the Health Department and the Welfare Department for the coming winter was awarded to the Warren County FCX service by the tioard of county com missioners in session here Tuesday. The bid to the cooperative was made on the basis of ttie low bid. PCX's bid was 2.T>C below the consumer tank price, plus a lri cash discount, and was lower than the iden tical bids of Bullock Oil Com pany and Bow ers and Burrows. Little business was trans acted at the board's session held on Tuesday because the July 4 holiday came on Mon day, and adjournment came around 4 o'clock in the after noon. The State Highway Commis sion was requested to grade, drain and stabilize county roads Nos. 1214 and 1215, known as the "Norlina School Building Road,'' a distance of one nule. The State Highway Commis sion was also requested to establish a 35-mile-per-hour speed zone ttirough Drewryon Road No. 1224. A. P. ltodwell. tax collec tor, reported 19G5 taxei col lected during the month of June, 19G6. in the amount of $3,843.65, making a total of 1965 taxes collected to date of $413,285.81. The percent age of 1965 taxes collected to date is 94.68. Roy Piftman Named To ABC Board For Three-Year Term Roy Pittman was appointed chairman of the Warren County ABC Board at a Joint meeting of the Board of Edu cation, the Board of Commis sioners and the Board of Health met in the Commis sioner's room Tuesday after noon. James H. Limer, coun ty attorney, presided over the brief session. Pittman was appointed as chairman of the ABC Board for a one-year term several weeks ago. His appointment for thrpe years Tuesday was made to conform with form er practice of the three boards. Present for the Joint meeting were Commissioners Amos L. Capps, Alfred J. El lington, Richard R. Davis, Ro bert P. Thorne, and John A. Wilson; Robert Gupton and J. R. Peeler of the Board of Health, and Dr. S. H. Massey and Mayor W. A. Miles of the Board of Health. PURCHASES BULL Thomas Scott Gardner of Warrenton recently purchased an Aberdeen-Angus bull from Edward Jenkins of Millwood, Va. Traffic Violators In Court Warren County Recorder's Court had the appearance of a traffic court la>t Friday as 27 of the 31 cases docketed were concerned with viola tions of motor vehicle law> with most of these concerned with speeding. In cases not concerned with violation of traffic laws, the I state took a nol pros with | leave in the case of David Lee Woodlief. charged with non-support. Johnell Richardson.charg ed with the possession of illi cit whiskey, was ordered to pay court costs. She was or dered. to he held in jail un til the costs are paid or she shall he discharged otherwise hy the court. In another case in which Johnell e Richardson was charged with possession of illicit whiskey for the purpose of sale, she was ordered 'ohe held in jail until she pays court costs and a $2T? fine or shall be discharged otherwise according to law. Junius Taylor pled guilty to an assault. Prayer for judg ment was continued upon con dition that the defendant keeps the peace towards all persons and pays court costs. Phyllis Diane Etheridge pled guilty to a charge of reckless driving. Prayer for judgment was continued for one year provided the defen dant does not violate any motor vehicle laws of state for one year and pays court costs. Walter Pierce Hicks was ordered to pay a $300 fine when he pled guilty to drunk driv (See COURT, page .8^ One Man Hurt In Single Car Wreck C. Isaac Pringle, Jr., 29, a resident of Washington, D. C., was injured and taken to Jubilee Hospital in Hender son following a single-car ac cident near Warrenton on Sun day afternoon. The wreck occurred at 1:50 on rural road No. 1116, three and a half miles west of War renton. Highway Trooper Sam T. Webster reported that the 1966 model auto operated by Pringle was eastbound on the road, went out of control, ran off the road to the righl and overturned. Damages were estimated at approximately $975. Pringle was charged with driving too fast for existing condit ions. Stoney Appointed To Welfare Board The Rev. James M. Stoney, Jr., Episcopal minister of | Warrenton. has been appoint j ed to the Warren County Wel | fare Board, succeeding Char les M. White, III, Warrenton attorney, whose term has ex pired. Notice of Mr. Stoney's ap pointment was made in a let ter to the county commission ers from the State Welfare Board, and read at the Tues day meeting of the commis sioners. This week the Tar Heel Tire and Sale Service of War renton presented to the Warren County Rescue Squad re-capped tires to be used on the squad's ambulance. Shown, left to right, are Eddie Clayton, manager, who made the presentation on behalf of his company, to Glen wood Rose and James Moseley, who received the donation on behalf of the Rescue Squad. The representatives ask that anyone having gifts tor the Rescue Squad to con tact Bill Reld, Captain, Littleton, or any member of the squad. Rooker Named Town Manager I I II ROOKKR W. B. Neal Appointed Water Company Supt. W.B. Neal of Warrenton was named Superintendent of the Warrenton Water Company at an organizational meeting of the town board on Thursday night of last week. He suc ceeds H. R. Skillman, re signed, in this position. Neal, had been Skillman's assistant for several years and had been trained as a re placement. His salary was set at $85 a week. Dallas Bolton was named assistant Superin tendent of the Water Company at $70 per week. J. Ed Rooker was appointed town manager at this meeting and other officials of the town were re-elected. They In clude: E. D. Chewning as Chief of Police and Superin tendent of Streets; and Police Officers Howard Salmon, G. Macon Reavis and Kenneth Short, and relied officer W. Lewis Peoples. Frank Ray Vaughan was named utility engineer. Walker P. Burwell was re named Fire Chief, and Thomas Gaskill was named First As sistant Fire Chief. Re-elected as trustees of the Firemen's Relief Fund were J. Howard Daniel and G. W. Polndexter. A. C. Fair was re-elected Civil Defence Director. Re-elected as members of the Town Planning Board were G. W. Polndexter, chairman; BILL \F \I. Miss Mariam Boyd, Mrs. Thomas W. Hawkins, Mrs. John Kerr, Jr., James Y. Kerr, Mrs. John G. Mitchell, Mrs. C.E. Rodwell, and com missioners. A. C. Blaylock was re-ap pointed as the town's direc tor on the board of directors of the Warrenton Railroad ? Company. Brickhouse To Hold W. Plains Service The Rev. R. E. Brickhouse, retired minister, will speak Sunday, July 10, at the War ren Plains Baptist Church at the 11 o'clock worship ser vice. The church choir will sing the hymn, "Lord, Light My Soul With Holy Flame." The words to this hymn were writ ten by Mr. Brickhouse, who has written many poems and hymns. The Rev. Mr. Brickhouse is supplying the Warren Plains Baptist Church in the absence of the pastor, the Rev. R. F. Oates, who is on vacation. RIIXSEWVY SERVICES Holy Communion will be celebrated at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Rldgewayon Sunday a( 9:45 a. m., the Rev. J. M. Stoney, Jr., rector, an nounced yesterday. IN HOSPITAL Mr. J. R. James Is under going treatment at Warren 1. Clerk With Town For Five Years J. Ed Rooker, town clerk and tax collector for the Town of Warrenton for the past five years, has been appoint ed Town Manager by the board of town commissioners. Rooker's appointment , which carried no immediate pay increase, was made in a special ordinance passed by the commissioners on Thurs day night of last week dur ing a reorganizational meet ing. His salary remains at $ 423 a month. Rooker is a native of War renton, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Rooker. He attended school at Miss Lucy Hawkins, the Warrenton graded school, and the old Warrenton High School during the last two yearsof itsopera tion by the late John Graham. Later in life he completed a three-years extension course with LaSalle Extension Un iversity in Higher Accour.tLng and CPA Coaching. At the age of 15, Rooker took a full-time job with Boyd's Warehouse , with which his father was connected, and re mained with this firm for fifteen years. He left this job in the early days of the de pression to accept a position as district disbursing officer for W'RA, later CWA, and the Rehabilitation Corporation, with offices ir. Henderson. After about a year and a half, Rooker resigned from this office to accept a po sition with the Peck Manufac turing Company, upon its re organization following its bankruptcy in 1935. He remained with this company for 25 years, beginning as an accountant and becoming vice president and general mana ger. When the Peck Mill was bought by Philadelphia and Gaston interests, Rooker was retained with the Warrenton mill and also made vice-pre sident of the Clayton Spinning Co. Later Rooker resigned to accept appointment as Re corder of Sudan Shrine Tem ple, moving to New Bern, where he remained a year un til a breakdown in his health caused him to resign and re turn to Warrenton. Rooker, who is a former mayor of the town, accepted a position with the town as town clerk, tax collector, with other duties, In 1961. He will fill these positions as well as that of his new job as town manager. Rooker Is a member of the Warrenton Baptist Church, where for more than 15 years he has served as teacher of the Allen Bible Class. He Is a member and past president of the Warrenton Lions Club, and a former Tar Heel of the Week. He is Past Potentate of Suden Shrine Temple, and Post Line Officer of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina. Married to the former Mary Crinkley of Warrenton, they have two daughters, Mrs. Ro bert L. Elklr.s of Charleston, W. Va., and Miss Edwlna Rooker, chairman of the English Department of Frank W. Cox High School at Vir ginia Boach, Va., and two grandchildren. GLEST SOLOIST Miss Kay Fair will be guest soloist at Wesley Memorial Methodist Church on Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock service. IN Hosmu, ; Ronnie King is a at Ros Hospital HeMrii

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