News and Events of Interest To Norlina Readers MRS. IMOGENE ARNOLD, Editor Miss Marie Taylor of Ral- | elgh spent last week with Mr. | and Mrs. C. P. Rooker. Mrs. J. N. walker of Laurlnburg and Mrs. Winston Miller and sons of Bennetts vllle, S. C., visited Mr. and Mrs. J. F. White over the weekend. Dr. and Mrs. John W. Dey ton, Jr., and Jack and Dave of Port Huenome, Calif., visit ed Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Brauer this week while en route to Camp Lejeune where the Dey tons will be stationed. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Can non of Jacksonville visited Mrs. A. S. Wyckoff last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curl and two sons of Charlotte visited their aunt, Mrs. Hes ter Curl, at the Taylor Rest Home Tuesday. Mrs. Edger DeLoatch and Misses Helen and Bessie Dickens of Courtland, Va., were recent guests of Mrs. S. F. Vlck and Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Stalllngs visited Mr. and Mrs. John Pulley at Colonial Heights, Va., last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Oswald, Wayne and Robin of Norfolk, Va., spent several days this week with Mrs. C. L. Nance. Recent guests of Mrs. J. N. Wynn were Mr. and Mrs. Major Wynn of Henderson, Mrs. Thomas Stevenson and son, Jeff, of Norfolk, Va.,Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hopkins and son, Hal, Miss LlndaSanders, Mr. and Mrs. David Whltaker and sons, Earl and William, of Raleigh and Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Balrd and son, Ran dolph of Ebony, Va. Mrs. Mildred Hicks and Miss Anne Hicks are spending two weeks In Florida with relatives. Miss Mae Weaver visited relatives in Newport News, Va., last week. Mrs. Blanche Burroughs of Afton Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. I. M. Weaver, and fam ily this week. U, S. Imports of flue-cured and burley tobacco In 1965 totaled 268,000 pounds. South American countries produced an estimated 701 million pounds of tobacco In 1965. Sale Of Land For Taxes Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of the law made and provided for the sale of land for taxes, I have levied on the following property In the Town of Norllna, N, C.f for the amount of taxes due for the year 1965 and the cost of adver tising and sale added thereto. 1 will sell same on Monday September 12, 1966 at 12:00 o'clock noon In front of the Mayor's Office In Norllna, N. C, to satisfy said taxes, costs, etc., due thereon. This 15th day of August 1966. MAE C. GUMS, Tax Collector Heirs of May T. Northcott, vacant lots $ 18.90 Kenneth J, Whltmore, Vacant lot 46.15 Clyde Adams, home Warrenton Street 51.28 John W. Atkinson, Home Darden Street 23.00 L. G. Burnette, Home Darden Street 25.27 Mrs. W. N. Carter, Home Boyd Street 52.22 Joe L. Cobb, Home Main Street 68.27 G. A. Daeke, vacant lots 2.10 G. A, Daeke Lumber Co., Lumber Co., U.S. #1 South... 216.58 J. Hoy Devlne, Home Rose Street 48.39 Walter J. Hundley, Vacant lots 20.23 John H. Hunt, Jr., Home U. S. Hwy #158 68.20 R. G. Hunt, Tourist Court US Hwy #1 N 120.12 R. L. King, Home High Street 57.58 Mrs. R. L, King, Home High Street 49.07 Macon Williams, vacant lot. 1.75 Mrs. Lula Champion Moran, Home Cherry Ave 66.78 Richard Powell, vacant lots & Garage 19.43 R. M. White, Sr., Store Building and Machinery US #1-#158 149.38 Charles L. Wilson, Home Elm Street 79.93 Ned Campbell, Home Northslde 21.96 Ivey L. Coleman, Home Northslde 22.40 Matthew Lee Davis, Home Northslde 4.90 Heirs of Spencer Davis, Home US Hwy #1 N 31.05 Charlie & Louise Fields, Home Washington Street... 10.84 Melvln Fields, Home US Hwy #1 33.27 Heirs of Ell Forney, Home Northslde 1.61 Irene Hargrove, Vacant lot 1.40 Heirs of Luke Hill, Home Washington Street 6.02 A. R. Hunter, vacant lots 6.18 Leroy Hunter, Home Washington Street 35.26 John E. Jenkins, Home Northslde 16.82 Heirs of Alex Jones, Home Washington Street .... 23.31 Rev. Arthur Kearney, vacant lots 2.10 W. L. Si Nannie Manson, Home Northslde 18.13 P. W. Perry, Vacant lots 10.36 Clarence & Mable Sledge, Home Washington Street. 30.29 Eugene Sledge, Home Washington Street 17.43 Henry Taylor, Home Washington Street 25.48 Willie Thornton, Home Northslde 19.45 Heirs of Charles Tlbbs, Home and Shop US Hwy #1 North 63.35 Heirs of Harrlette Williams, vacant lot 1.26 Heirs of James H. Williams, Home Warren Plains Road 11.55 Statement Of Personal Property Taxes Due The Town Of Norlina For The Year 1965 Cecil Adams 1.00 W, L. Arrlngton 5.38 James W. Barker 17.59 J. P. Capps 8.75 E. E. Carroll 5.25 F. P. Carter 1.00 H. M. Carter 6.25 James M. Champion 16.98 Robert L. Champion 21.82 W. T. Comer Plumbing Si Heating 60.47 Frances D. Davis 8.12 John D. Felts 4.33 Arthur W. Gooch 17.17 James E. Hlght 4.68 David A. Hobbs 8.88 Hartwell Keaton 18.11 Harry H. King 12.17 Robert J, King 38.82 JOhn U. McManus 27.50 Rev. Robert A. McLean 9.99 Howard Rudd 8.00 Clarence Simmons 13.56 Grady Salmon 4.68 Thomas J, Salmon 13.72 Albert J. Salmon.... 1.00 Julian C. Stegall 13.50 irma F. Vaughan 17.08 F. E. White . 8.75 Martin L. Vaughan 48.50 Francis Alston 14.63 George Blackwell '. 1.00 John H. Cross In 1.00 Lucy 6 Eugene Farrar 4.50 Roy Hendricks 1.00 Robert Johnson, Jr., 18.08 John E. Moseley...... 1.00 Floyd Thomas 6.43 Romance Thrower 3.68 Thomas B. Towns 1.00 Children To Honor Mr. and Mrs. Perrone The children of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Perrone of Norllna will entertain their parents at an Informal open house In celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Aug. 21, at the Nor llna Woman's Clubhouse. No Individual Invitations are being Issued, but all their friends are Invited to drop In between the hours of 3:30 and 5:30 to greet them. Hosts for the gathering will be Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Per rone, Jr., of Columbia, S. C. and Col. and Mrs. C, K. Long acre of San Antonio, Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. James L. Jones of Oak Harbor, Wash ington. DINNER GCESTS Mrs. Ira Weaver of Nor llna, Mr. Charlie Plnnell of Richmond, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plnnell, Mrs. N. P. Moseley, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Reavls of Henderson were dinner guests of Mrs. Blanche Burroughs and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Burroughs Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Plnnell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Plnnell, Mrs. King Plnnell and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Andrews of Afton called during the afternoon. CLL'B PICNIC The Zlon Home Demonstra tion Club held Its annual pic nic at the John D. Holtzman pond Tuesday at 6:30 p. m. Twenty members and guests were present to enjoy the pic nic supper and the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Holtzman. HIIIHItltllimnMIM) RID6EWAY NEWS ? m?t +++++++ Mr. and Mrs. Morris Flem ing visited Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Paschall, Sr., on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holtzman and Miss Linda Holtzman and Richard Holtz man, Jr., spent several days last week touring Virginia, West Virginia and Washing ton, D. C. They vlsltedNatural Bridge, Skyline Caverns and Mt. Vernon. On Wednesday they visited Mr. and Mrs. Grover Page of Arlington, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hecht and Miss Elizabeth Hecht of New Bern are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erich Hecht. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frehley and children, Nancy, Charles and Paul, of New York are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Nau. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Ingle and daughters. Misses Phyl lis, Rachel and Sandra Ingle and Mr. and Mrs. David Bender spent the weekend at White Lake. Mrs. C. F. Holtzman, Sr., Miss Donna Brauer, Miss Rachel Ingle and Charles Holtzman of the Rldgeway Community 4-H Club attend ed the Electric Congress In Ashevllle Aug. 15-17. Miss Barbara Troutman of Raleigh spent Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Holtzman, Sr. Mrs. Annie K. Kill an and Mrs. Rosa Kreldt of Miami, Fla., returned to their home this week after spending sev eral weeks here with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Seaman and other relatives. They attended the funeral of Mr. FredWyler on Monday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hecht and family of Huntsvllle, Ala., have returned to their home after spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Hecht. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stack pooler of Woodhaven, N, Y., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bender. Mrs. Annie Klllan and Mrs. Rosa Kreldt of Miami, Fla., spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Seaman. L.A.S. MEETS The Ladles Aid Society of St. Paul's Lutheran Church met Thursday night In the Parish Hall with Mrs. Carl Hecht as hostess. The Rev. M. E. Franke opened the meeting with scripture and prayer and later led In topic discussion. The ladles brought new drapes tor the pariah hall. The host ess served ice cream, cake and iced tea during the social hour. Ufa is Impeded by people who want the benefits without the accompanying obligations. ?+4 + M limilllMHtl