Standard . Co. comp 3 IS 9 handolph, &;?. 4Q206 Your Best Advertising Medium (Eh? Harrrn Hrrurft Your Best Advertising Medium Warren Farm Bureau Drive For Members Headed By Robertson The Warren County Farm Bureau's annual membership enrollment drive is now underway with a goal of 500 farm families on the rolls this year, J. K. Klllan, county president, said yesterday. "Farmers continue to de cline in number every year," Kilian said, "still Farm Bur eau membership is increas ing. It shows that farmers realize they have to work together as a team in order to get things done these days." E. C. Robertson has been named county enrollment chairman. Dennis Harris will serve with him as will the other county directors. Mem bers of the enrollment drive will meet preceeding the reg ular monthly meeting of the county board of directors on next Tuesday night at the county office. Robertson said that he is "optimistic about the pros pects for a membership boost, since farmers are becoming more aware of the progress they can make through the Farm Bureau." Robertson and Harris at tended a kickoff dinner for this area in Raleigh Monday night at which time B. C. Mangum, state president, spoke. Also attending from Warren County were Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Kill an, Mrs. Dennis Harris, Frank Reams, Mrs. Nell Edmunds, county office secretary, Paul Lancaster, county insurance representative, and Mrs. Lan caster. W.S. Smiley To Again Head ASC Committee W. S. Smiley was re-elect ed chairman of the Warren County ASC Committee fol lowing the election of the county ASC Committee at a convention held at the agri cultural building last Friday, afternoon. Twenty-five ASC commun ity committeemen attended the convention. W. S. Smiley, en cumbent chairman of the War ren ASC County Committee, opened the meeting, deter mined that a quorum was present and reviewed regu lations on conducting the con vention. C. E. Fleming was elected chairman of the convention, after which voting began. Nominations and elections were held by secret ballot. M. W, Fleming was elected to the committee (or a tb?*ee year term. Carryover com mitteemen are: W, S. Smiley, with two years remaining In his current term, and W. E. Mulchi, Jr., with one year remaining in his current term. W. E. Mulchi, Jr., was elect ed vice-chairman and W. M. Fleming, regular member of the Warren ASC County Com mittee (or the next year be ginning Oct. 3. C. P. Pope was elected first alternate and William R. Brauer was elected second alternate. Noted Swiss Pianist Is Visiting In Warrenton Paul Baumgartner, Swiss pianist, and Mrs. Baumgart ner of Basel, Switzerland, are spending this week at Warren ton as guests of Mrs. James Polk. Mrs. Polk's son, Tasker, has studied in the Master Class of the Conservatorlum of Music in Switzerland under Mr. Baumgarten for the past three years. Mr. Baumgarten is giving a number of concerts in this country. He Inaugurated the 1966-67 concert series at the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh the past Sun day when he was heard in his second piano recital of his first American Tour. His Initial appearance in the United States took place the previous Sunday In New York City. This Sunday he will give a concert In Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Baumgartner arrived In Warrenton last Fri day and will remain here as guests of Mrs. Polk until they leave for Durham on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Baumgartner was born In Switzerland but pursued his musical education In Munich and Cologne In Germany. In 1937 he was appointed head of the piano department at the famed Basel Conservatorium of Music In Switzerland. In addition to playing num erous piano recitals through out Europe, Mr. Baumgartner has concertlzed extensively with the distinguished cellist, Emanuel Feuremann. From 1941 the pianist accompanied Pablo Cassals In a series of concerts. Graham Hosts Louisburg; Norlina At Franklinton John Graham, which lost a hard-fought same, 19-13, at Enfield last Friday night, will play Loulsburg here tonight. Norllna, routed on Its home field by powerful Weldon, 33 9, will travel to Frankllnton. Enfield won Its third triumph as It turned back a scrapping Warren ton team but It was aided in its efforts by a couple of costly fumbles on the part of the visitors. Neither team scored in the first quarter, but both teams scored In the second and John Graham took the lead 7 to 6 as Lyles ran the extra point. Enfield came back to score and made the extra point. John Graham again scored but failed to make the extra point and the score was knotted 13 all. Enfield scored the winning touchdown in the third quarter when Harris went 24 yards on a reverse. Halfback House of the War renton team carried IS times for a total of 48 yards to be the offensive leader for the Yellow Jackets. in defense Shear In led the charge. In the Norllna came Wel don's Terry Frazler got away tor touchdown run* of 72 and 62 yards as the visitors took their fourth straight victory. The visitors scored at laast one touchdown la each period. Norllna could gat no closer than the visitors 80-yard line which they reached twice. Philip Fleming of the Afton-Elberon Vicksboro Community 4-H Club exhibited the Grand Champion pen of 12 Harco Red pullets at the 1966 4-H Poultry Show and Sale. The above picture shows Philip hold ing one of the prize chickens. Henry Twitty, purchaser of the prize winning pen of chickens, is shown with Philip. Chickens Sell Well At 4-H Show, Sale It seemed that dollars were flying to catch the chickens as bidding progressed at the 4-H Poultry Show and Sale at the Warren County Fair grounds last Friday, L. B. Hardage, Extension Agri cultural Agent in charge, said yesterday. The average sale price per pullet was $3.06 with the top price being $3.75 he said. The blue ribbon winners this year were Philip Flem ing, Richard Coleman, Annie Craft, Alvin Hawkins, Jerry Holtzman, Mary Lee Meek, Gale Mushaw, David Paschall, Gene Richardson, Yarborough Spruill and Donnell Williams. Each of these members re ceived $8.00 in prize money. Red ribbon winners were Sharon Moseley and Noel Ro bertson. They each received $6.00 in prize money. This annual 4-H Poultry Show and Sale is sponsored by Spars Roebuck Foundation in cooperation with the Agri cultural Extension Service. Sears Roebuck Foundation started the poultry chain by buying the first chicks and giving them to 4-H club mem bers. Sears also furnishes the prize money each year. The 4-H club members are given 100 baby chicks in March and through the year carry the poultry project. In Septem ber, twelve pullets are brought to the show and sale, where they are judged and then the twelve sold at auction. The money received from the pul lets is then put into the 4-H Club Fund to buy chicks for another year. Judges for this year's show were Harry C. Simmons, Vance County Agricultural Extension Chairman, and Marshall Bowden, Vance County Agricultural Extension agent. T. B. Creech was auc tioneer for the sale. West's Animal Wins Grand Champion Title Twenty-one young people exhibited 22 cows and calves In the Warren County Dairy Show held at the Warren County Fairgrounds Wednes day, Sept. 21. Phillip Edward West's two year-old Holsteln was de clared the Grand Champion animal In the show. This animal also won a blue ribbon plus a trophy given by the Warren County Chamber of Commerce for the best animal. Bernard Thompson presented the award on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce. This Holsteln also tied for the Best-Fitted award? Sidney Fleming, Jr.'s two year-old Guernsey was awarded the Reserve Champ Ion ribbon, a blue ribbon, tied for Besc-Fltted award and won first prize of Showmanship. Other awards were as follows: George E, Shearln, Jr., Jersey, Blue; Malcolm Williams, Jersey, red; Leon TeYry, Jersey, blue; James Williams, Jr., Jersey, red; David Hendricks, Jersey, red; Charlie Royster, Jersey, blue; Lucy Boyd, Jersey, red; Sam Bender, Jersey, blue; Philip Fleming, Guernsey, red; James Shearln, Guernsey, blue; Robert Bender, Guern sey, blue; Louise Boyd, red; Jerry Holtzmann, Guernsey, blue; Charles Holtzmann, Guernsey, blue; Conrad Ben der, Holsteln, blue; James Vaughan, Holsteln, blue; Tommy Bender, Holsteln, blue; Suzanne Bender, Hol steln, red; Ceaser Palmer, Holsteln, blue. The show was Judged on the Danish system which gives each animal a placing In the blue, red or white ribbon group. Judges were Dave Ashworth, field man. Pine State Creamery of Henderson, and John Mackle, agricultural representative of Oxford Na tional Bank of Oxford. The Warren County Fair Association sponsored the show. L. B. Hardage, county ag ricultural extension agent, said yesterday that the ex tension agents wish to thank the Fair Association and the Warren County Chamber of Commerce for their support In making this event possible. He said that the agents would also like to thank A. C. Bla lock, manager of Boyd-Boyce Motor Company, for allowing contestants to use the com pany's parking facilities. The American Legion Auxi liary, Unit No. 25, will meet on Thursday, October 6 at 8 p. m. at Wesley Memorial Methodist Church. A musical program will be presented by Mrs. Leonard Daniel, organist and Mrs. J. D. Roberts and Mr. Leonard Daniel soloists. A business meeting conduct ed by Mrs. Roger Llmer will follow the program. Mrs. Read Retires At Local P. 0. Mrs. Sarah Moore manv vears an ei.- . the Warrenton Postv.fir,., r tired last Fr'-i^y. Stie!