News and Events of Interest To Norlina Readers MRS. LMOGENE ARNOLD, Editor Mr. Frank Mustlan of Texas spent several days last week with Mrs. Lewis Gooch. Among those attending the Friends of the College con cert In Raleigh Sunday night were Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks, Mrs. G, O. Stultz, Jr., and Lou, Mrs. Leigh Traylor, Mrs. Hal Paschall, Mrs. Eleanor Hayes, Mrs. Irving Hayes and Mrs. C. L, Hege. Dr. and Mrs. John W. Dey ton, Jr., and sons of Camp Lejeune and Mr. Julius Brauer of Washington, N. C. visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Brauer last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Perrone left Wednesday morning to spend the Thanksgiving holi days with Mr. and Mrs. An thony J. Perrone, Jr., and three children In Columbia, S. C. Mrs. Atlas Barnes of Lynchburg, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Arnold on Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Sum rell of Rpcky Mount were Friday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Harrel son. Mrs. D. R. Moore Is spend ing the Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Moore at Trenton, N. J. Mr. T. K. Harrelson is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lee Harrelson at Springfield, Mass., this week. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nae gele of Colorado Springs, Mr. and Mrs. John Young of San ford and Mrs. Lula West of Macon were dinner guests of Mrs. Maggie Adcock on Satur day night. Mrs. Newman Hostes To Her Bridge Club Mrs. Edna Newman enter tained her bridge club a) her home on last Thursday night. Two tables were set uf for play with Mrs. H. B. White, of Drewry as guest player. Mrs. C. L. Hege won higi score prize; Mrs. B. A. Thax ton, second high score prize, and Mrs. Minnie Lou White, the bingo prize. Doughnuts and coffee were served by the hostess. Baptists To Conduct Mission Study Class The Norllna Baptist Church will conduct a mission study class Sunday, Nov. 27, begin ning at 5:45 p. m. The study is sponsored by the Woman's Missionary Society and the brotherhood. Dr. Luther Copeland will teach the book, "Beneath the Himalayas." He is a former missionary to the Far East, and is at present professor of missions at the Baptist Seminary in Wake Forest. Thirteen churches In this area have been Invited to Join in the study. A fellowship hour with refreshments will be held. The general public is in vited to hear Dr. Copeland and participate in the activities of the evening. MYF Holds Meeting At Methodist Church The MYF -4.* tlje Norlin Methodist Church itm. 'Sn day at 5:45 p. m. Charle Draffln, president, presldec During the business perlo the group decided to hoi brief prayer periods durin the season of Advent on Thurs day mornings for your people. These prayer service are to be held on their wa to school from 8 a. m. t 8:10 a. m., beginning c Thursday, Dec. 1. A Thanksgiving prograi was presented by Sandr Hicks, assisted by Jan Hawk a id James Hicks. Library To Close The Norllna Public Libri will be closed for the Than) giving holidays from Wedni day, NOV. 29, to Monday, N 28. Mrs. J. F. Bobbltt, libri lan, announced Monday. Thanksgiving Dance A Thanksgiving dance wil be held at the Ideal Nnrser on the Norllna-Warranto Road, Wednesday night, Noi 29, from 7t90 to 11 p. m. Ad mission will be 50$ and th music will be furnished by th | Patriots. Missionary Circle To Meet Next Week The Woman's Missionary Society Circles of the Nor llna Baptist Church will hold their November meetings next week as follows: The Annie Armstrong Circle will meet Monday at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. C. L. Nance. The Grace McBrlde Circle will meet Monday at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. William Brauer. The Margaret Mitchell Circle will meet Tuesday at 10 a. m. at the home of Mrs. Eleanor Hayes. Brotherhood Meets At Baptist Church The Brotherhood of the Nor llna Baptist Church held Its regular monthly meeting at the church on last Thursday even ing. The Invocation and scripture reading were given by Wallace Stalllngs, presi dent. It was announced that the Brotherhood would have charge of the program at the church on Wednesday nigh , during the Week of Prayer for Foreign Missions, Dec. 4-11. Kenneth Severance, pro gram chairman for the month, presented the Rev. Frank Bowers, pastor of the Wise Baptist Church, guest speak er. He gave an Inspiring mes sage on "Christian Steward ship." Joe W. Arnold dismissed the group with prayer, after which refreshments were served. Mrs. Bruce Leonard Honored At Shower Mrs. Cooper Leonard of Macon and Mrs. Thomas Ross and Mrs. Johnle Thomas of Henderson entertained at a shower for Mrs. Bruce Leon ard of Junction City, Kansas, on Friday evening In the Leon ard home, which was gay In fall flowers. The honoree received many lovely gifts and a corsage of pink carnations, showered with blue ribbons. Games and contests were enjoyed and prizes went to Miss Jackie Leonard. Punch, cake, nuts and mints were served In pink and blue motif to guests from Macon, Warrenton, Norllna, Wise, and Henderson. Mrs. Leonard Is the form er Miss Lois Smith of War renton. Jr. Woman's Club Holds November Meet The Norllna Junior Wo man's Clubmet last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Bruce Pate with Mrs. Shirley White as co-hostess. Mrs. Earl Stegall, president, pre sided and led the devotional. The members welcomed Mrs. Wallace Stalllngs, their club advisor, as a guest. The program was In charge of Mrs. Henry Dortch and Mrs. John Klllan. They show ed slides on home acces sories. During the business session plans were made for aChrlst mas dinner party to be held on Dec. 10 at 7 p. m. at the Colonial Lodge In Warrenton with Mrs. G, A. Daeke and Mrs. Henry Dortch as host esses. Delicious refreshments were served during the social hour to the 12 present. ola-Sue Circle Meets Wednesday The November meeting of the Lola-Sue WMS Circle was held last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. D. R. Moore, which was tastefully decorated with lavendar mums. Mrs. L. W. Bowers, vice chairman, presided and led the devotional. Mrs. J. C. Prldgen led the opening pray er. The program, "Witnessing In Israel," was presented by Mrs. A. S. Wyckoff, program chairman. Assisting her In the discussion were Mesdames J, W. Arnold, D. R. Moore and J. C. Prldgen. Mrs. R. H. Full er closed the program with prayer. Following the meeting, the hostess Invited the group Into the dining room for refresh ments where the ten guests were seated around a table bearing a lovely fall arrange ment. Pumpkin pie a la mode and coffee were enjoyed. The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A, S. Wyckoff on Monday, Dec. 12, at noon with a covered dish luncheon. Basketball (Continued from page 1) the end of the football season. John Graham will have Its first regular home game here on Dec. 6, when it will play Norllna. Other regular games scheduled In addition to two games in the Holiday Tourna ment, Include: Dec. 9?at Murfreesboro; Dec. 13?Weldon; Dec. 16? Davie; Dec. 21 ?Lo u 1 sbu r g; Jan. 3?at Gaston; Jan. 6?Lit tleton; Jan. 10?at Enfield; Jan. 13?at Aurellan Springs; Jan. 20?at Norllna; Jan. 27? at Weldon; Jan. 28?Murfrees boro; Jan. 30?Aurelian Springs; Feb. 3?Gaston; Feb. 7?at Littleton; Feb. 10?En field; Feb. 16?Aurelian Springs. NORLINA Norllna boys team, which had a winning season last year, will only lose two starters and should again have a good record. Prospects are less bright with the girls, who only won three or four games last season. Coach Bob Price, whose teams are usually in the top hall ol the conference, has a rebuilding Job with his girls team and will be able to judge his material only after the first few games. Norllna will open its season with a game at Norllna on Dec. 2, and the following Tuesday night will play at Warrenton. Other games scheduled in clude: Dec. 9?Henderson JV's at Norllna, starting at 6:15; Dec. 13--Littleton; Dec. 16-at V'eldon; Dec. 20?JV'satHen derson, starting at 6:15; Jan. 3-Wm. R, Davie; Jan. 8? Murfreesboro; Jan. 10?at Gaston; Jan. 13?Enfield; Jan. 17?at Aurellan Springs; Jan. 20?Warrenton; Jan. 24?at Helena; Jan. 27?at Littleton; Jan. 31?Weldon; Feb. 3?at Wm. R. Davie; Feb. 7?Gas ton; Feb. 11 ?at Murfrees boro; Feb. 14?at Enfield; Feb. 17?at Aurellan Springs. Hunter (Continued from page 1) grandfather, the Rev. William Henry Wills of Halifax County recorded weather in 1862. The two Instruments that Hunter uses are a tempera ture or thermometer shelf and a range gauge. The infor mation gathered by Hunter is sent to the Raleigh-Durham Airport daily. It was from this information that Warren tHtlHIIItllllllHIIIII RID6EWAY NEWS >??????? Mltt> Miss Joyce Seaman of East Carolina College, Greenville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Seaman. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben C. Holtzman and son, Glenn, of North Wllksboro are spend ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Holtzman. Clalborn H. Holtzman of Concordia College Institute, Bronxvllle, N. Y., will spend the Thanksgivtngholldayswith his parents. Johnny Brauer and Jimmy Hecht of North Carolina State University, Raleigh, will spend the Thanksgiving holi days with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shearman of Hudson, N. Y., are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Holtz man. They were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Holtz man on Sunday night. Dr. and Mrs. William Dill have returned to their home after a trip to Germany and Sweden visiting relatives and friends. Thanksgiving Service A special Thanksgiving ser vice will be held at St. Paul's Lutheran Church at 10 a. m. Nov. 24 by the pastor, the Rev. M. E. Franke. Film To Be Shown A film of "This Is The Life" series will be shown at the regular 11 o'clock worship service on Nov. 27 at the St. Paul's Lutheran Church. The public Is Invited to attend. WHS Meets The Lutheran WMS met In the Parish Hall on last Thurs day night, with Mrs. Joe Stepusin as hostess and Mrs. William Bender, pres ident, presiding. The Rev. M. E. Franke gave the devotion and led In topic discussion. Delicious refreshments were LITTLETON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cooke and children, Darlene, Lem uel and Sharon, of Greens boro spent the weekend In the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harris. Mrs. Lloyd Salmon spent Thursday with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ferrell In Roanoke Rapids. Mrs. Raymond Harris of Alrlle and Mrs. Clarence West of Vaughan visited Mrs. Edwin Stansbury Thursday night. County was declared a drought area. Another instrument used by Hunter Is a rain collector. Water from this container is sent each month to Washing ton, D, C., for chemical analy sis. Sgt. J. L. Thaxton and Sgt. Ken Burs spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Thaxton. They were returning from school In Mass. enroute to Homestead A. F. B., Florida. FOR THE BEST FURNITURE VALUES IN TOWN SEE US Satterwhites HENDERSON, N. C. Let Us Serve All Your Banking Needs Savings - Checking ? Loans ? Insurance - Trusts CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY HENDERSON, NORTH CAROLINA "THE LEADING BANK IN THIS SECTION" 1889 ? 77 Years of Service ?1966 Members of the Norlina Chapter of the FutureFarm ers of America posed for their pictures in front of the Norlina Gym on Monday afternoon. To the right is shown 1966-67 officers of the chapter, with the Chapter Sweetheart, as follows: First row?Charlie Barker, vice president; Patsy Burton, FFA Sweetheart, Fritz Vaughan, president; second row ? Termite Paschall, reporter; James Vaughan, secretary; Tony Carroll, treasurer, Robert Throck morton, sentinel. To the right is Clint L. Hege, chap ter advisor. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie My rick of Jacksonville, Fla., Mrs. Don S. Anderson of Ar lington, Va., Mrs. Robert An derson of Hamilton, Va.,Mrs. H. B. Latta and daughter and Mrs. Cecil Howard of Durham were visitors in the home of their sister, Miss Mae My rick, this past weekend due to the death of their sister, Miss Nettle Myrlck. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Robin son, Jr., and daughters, Les lie and Blair, of Orlando, Fla., are spending some time with his mother, Mrs. Lil lian Robinson and other rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Lambeth spent some time last week with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Glasgow, and family In Greensboro. Mrs. Alice Browning and Miss Carrie Myrlck attended a family luncheon Wednesday In the home of Mrs. John James In Weldon. Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Eason and s6n of Fayettevllle attend ed the Masonic Ladles Night dinner In the Littleton Com munity Building Friday night and spent the night with Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Lam beth. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reld of Norfolk, Va., spent some time during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Reld. Mrs. Edith Cannon of Col onial Heights, Va., Is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bobbltt. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gay of Clinton were weekend guests of Mrs. Claude Warren, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Reld of Greenville recently visited Mrs. Claude Warren, Sr. They 1 I.I ?1 1 i " ;? ?> h ^ i CARPET YOUR KITCHEN! OZITE* Town 'N' Terrace Carpet made with Vectra? fiber resists staining and spotting! Use anywhere Indoors and outdoors! Ozite Town 'N' Terrace is the original outdoor-indoor carpet, proved with over 10 million yards already in use. Great for kitchen, bath, rec-room . . . porch, 50 patio, terrace. Hoses J a ^ y(j clean outside, vacuums clean inside. 16 decora- made with tor colors. LIFE Ozite Town N' Terrace Carpet A^otiu WARREHTOH FURNITURE EXCHANGE 9 Ozite it the exclusive trademark of the Ozite Corporation 9 Vectra It the registered trademark of National Plastic Products Company, Inc. were en route to visit friends in Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Whit Neville, Jr., were in Raleigh Saturday. FOR . . . SINGER SEWING MACHINE SALES AND SERVICE VACUUM TYPEWRITERS SEWING CLEANERS MACHINES ALLEN L. KING P. 0. Box 2S5 WARRENTON Tel. 257-3814 LEIGH'S . . AFTER THANKSGIVING SALE* ? STARTS FRIDAY - ALL DARK COTTON DRESSES Vi OFF RACK OF WOOL DRESSES '/j and '/j OFF ONE GROUP LADIES BLOUSES Vi and Vi OFF ONE GROUP SWEATERS A SKIRTS Vi and Vi OFF ONE GROUP LADIES SHOES (Heels) Vi OFF ONE LOT MEN'S AND BOY'S LONG SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Vi OFF LEIGH'S Quality Clothing for tho Fairily LEIGH and LOU TRAYLOR NORLINA, N. C.