News and Events of Interest To Norlina Readers MRS. IMOGENE ARNOLD, Editor ~ Mr. Bill Craft underwent iftrgery at Veteran's Hospital h Durham last Wednesday. ?Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ledford iljd children of Raleigh vlsit N Mr. and Mrs. Alton Pas :hall last weekend. Mrs. Joe L. Cobb is re viving treatment at Warren General Hospital. Mrs. R. H. Fuller visited (?rs. Jackie Fuller, Mrs. ftabel Sorrell and Miss Ida (filler in Durham Sunday. feMrs. F. M. Egerton has t$en a patient In the Rocky Mount Sanltorium for the past ten days due to an automobile accident. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Tray Lor spent several days this week In Charlotte on a buy ing trip for Leigh's Depart ment Store. Miss Linda Stallings of Media, Pa., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace Stallings during the week end. She was enroute to Gas tonia where she served as a bridesmaid for her room mate, Miss Becky Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wiggins were Saturday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Davis in Durham. Mrs. Clayton Taylor, Mrs. J. T. Walker and Mrs. L. W. Bowers attended the funeral 4 Mr. W. W. Taylor at %3bersonville Monday. Mr. ] 2008 AUG'66 M P 61 c COVERAGE for a Car Makes Sense! Should an accident oc ? cur ? Auto Insurance fcbears the financial bur den. See us soon! See Tommy Frazier At GARDNE&-FRAZIER INSURANCE CO. NOREWVA. N. C. Phone 456-6281 Taylor was the brother of Mr. Clayton Taylor. Mrs. Wallace Newman and Mrs. M. C. Hicks visited their sister-in-law, Mrs. William Hundley, In Roanoke Rapids this week. Miss Sue Williams Is apat lent at Warren General Hos pital. Missionary Circles To Meet Next Week The Woman's Missionary Society circles of the Norlina Baptist Church will hold their January meeting next week as follows: The Lola-Sue Circle will meet Monday at 3 p. m. at the home of Mrs. G. O. Stultz, Sr. The Annie Armstrong Cir cle will meet Monday at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Sara Parham. The Olga Hood Circle will meet Monday at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. W. C. Baugh man, Jr. The Margaret Mitchell Cir cle will meet Tuesday at 10 a. m. at the home of Mrs. W. O. Reed. Zion Club Meets At Home Mrs. Holtzman Mrs. J. D. Holtzman was hostess to 12 members of the Zlon Extension Homemakers Club at a covered dish supper luncheon meeting at her home on Tuesday at 12:30 o'clock. Following the bountiful meal, Mrs. Holtzman called the meeting to order and led the group In a meditation. The new president, Mrs. C. F. Rooker, then presided over the business session. A report of the county coun cil held on Monday was given. Information was secured for the 1967 year books and this year's dues were collected by the secretary, Mrs. C. F. Holtzman. Miss Emily Balllnger, home economies'agent, gave an In teresting and helpful demon stration on "Mind Your Money M offorc Literature, Husk Club Holds Meeting The Norlina Literature and Music Club met in the home of Mrs. C. E. Tucker on Thursday night of last week with Mrs. Rex Gordon and Miss Elsie Yar bo rough as hostesses. Mrs. A. S. Wy ckoff, president, presided. The literature committee was In charge of the program. Mrs. W. V. Hicks gave an interesting report on several of the new books which have been added to the Norlina High School Library. Mrs. Hicks asked the members to visit the library and see the new volumes. Mrs. D. L. Scotten gave a study on "The Devil's Stomping Ground," by John Harmon. Mrs. W. S. Hicks gave a study on "Up the Down Stairs Case," andareadingon "Render Unto Caesar, or Teachers Day." The club will hold Its Feb ruary meeting at the home of Mrs. D. L. Scotten. Lynn Clark Heads Norlina 4-H Club Lynn Clark was fcistnlled as president of the Norlina 4-H Club at a meeting at 7 p. m. Monday night with Ray Traylor, retiring president, presiding. Other officers installed were Ray Traylor, vice pres ident; Gail Currie, secretary and treasurer; Mary Dowell Taylor, reporter. Projects and record books were given the members. The group discussed programs to be given In 1967 and also ways to raise funds for the club. The club welcomed two new members, George Bobbltt and Tony Egerton. Refreshments were served to the 11 members present. DIRECTIONS Swain (in late hours)?"How can I ever leave you?" , Tired Father (poking his head around the door)?"Bus No. 30, train No. 9, or'any taxicabl" Phones let you go shopping on a rainy day without opening your umbrella or digging out your raincoat or putting on your rubbers or catching the sniffles or even stepping out the door. (What else that costs so little saves you all that trouble?) &UlolhUL leleftAoKC Hyrick Is Installed As Master Of Lodge James Macon Myrlck was installed as Master of Francis S. Packard Lodge No. 630, AF&AM, for 1967 at a meet ing held on Thursday even ing of last week. Other officers installed were: James R. Sammons, Senior Warden; Warner Cecil Baughman, jr., junior War den; R. Evans Coleman, Trea surer; Harry W. Walker, Secretary; Kenneth C. Sever ance, Senior Deacon; Robert A. Clark; Junior Deacon; Rey nolds T. Perklnson, Steward, Magnus V. Taylor, Steward; Raymond E. Eller, Chaplain; Noland G. Hudgins, Tyler. H, Evans Coleman, Past Master and Past District Deputy Grand Master of the 21st Masonic District, was in charge of the installation. He was assisted by Kenneth C. Severance, Past Master, who acted as Marshall. H. Evans Coleman present ed, on behalf of the Lodge, a Past Master's Pinto Reynolds T. Perkins, the retiring Mas ter, in appreciation of his ser vices. After the program was con cluded, buffet refreshments were served. Guests were present from neighboring and district lodges. Senior, Junior MYF Hold Joint Meeting The Senior and Junior MYF held a joint supper meeting in the fellowship hall of theNor llna Methodist Church Sunday night. The blessing was asked by the Rev. Bruce Pate. Following the supper-, a short program was given by Sandra Hicks, Jan Hawks and Charles Draffln. Nurses Speakers At Norlina TPA Meeting The Norlina High School Teacher - Parent Association met Monday night in the music room of the school. Mrs. A. H. Yancey, presi dent, presided. The Rev. Bruce Pate, Meth odist minister of Norlina, gave the devotional. Mrs. Anne Breedlove's first grade won the attendance prize. Mrs. Clint Hege, program chairman, presented the county health nurses, Rose Perklnson and Doris Dryden, who gave an Informative pro gram on Health. Eye and ear machines were used to show parents how children are ex amined In the classrooms. HONOR DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. George Ro binson honored their daugh ter, Mrs. Robert Lamb, at a birthday dinner at their home last Sunday. Others present were Mr. Robert Lamb and children of Burlington and Mr.' George B. Robinson and son of Raleigh. Leave For Florida Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hecht and Jimmy Hecht left "Wed nesday for a visit In Lake land, Florida. Calvin Seaman accompanied them to St. Augustine. The most popular of game ducks In the United States are the mallard and the pintail. FREE COLORED TV With each new Magnolia Mobile Home we sell this month we are giving a NEW CONSOLE COLORED TELEVISION. Come to 1926 Norllna Road, Henderson, N. C. and look over our display. We trade, finance, and have parking space available. OPEN: Monday through Thursday - 9 - 5; Friday - 9 to 9; Saturday - 9 to 12 and Sundays from 2 to 5. - CONTACT - JAMES NELSON ROBERSON TRIANGLE MOBILE HOMES HENDERSON, N. C. Dealer No. 1239 or call phono 438-8093 or 438-4494 LI i j ? * * ? ? ? iw LITTLETON i NEWS Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Nell son ntl daughter, Clarissa, of Raleigh spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Alston. Mr. Robert M. Alston and Miss Maxiane Alston visit ed their sister, Miss Berna dlne Alston, In Roanoke Rapids Hospital last Thurs day. Mrs. Billy Lou King and children were Saturday visi tors of her father, Mr. M. T. Dickens. Miss Betty Griff en Of Raleigh spent the weekend with her parents. She visited Miss Peggy Llles and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Williams while here. Miss Linda Jones of Culpep per, Va., spent the weekend with Miss Elaine Curl and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Sol B. Bobbltt. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Car ter and children, Diane and Gene, of Raleigh were Friday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Llles and Saturday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pike and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pike and other relatives. Eddie Perklnson of the Edu cational Center In Wilson spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Perklnson. Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Lewis and children of Edenton spent Saturday night with Mr. Cleve land Pike and family. Mr. Keith Flshel of Wilson spent the weekend with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Flshel. Mr. and Mrs. Roswell Hart of Franklin, Va., spent the weekend here with her mother, Mrs. John L. Skinner, and with her children, Mary Blake and Johnny Acai. Charles Atkins of Chowan College, Murfreesboro, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Atkins, Jr. Mrs. William D. Shear In and Mrs. Howard Salmon of Warrenton were Thursday night visitors of Mrs. Edwin Stansbury. LJnzey Shear In and Mrs. Vonston Ricks of Roanoke Rapids were Thursday after noon visitors of Mrs. Edwin Stansbury. Mrs. C. A. Jones, Mrs. Grace Schllcter, Mrs. J. Norman Moseley, Mrs. An drew J. May and Miss Ruth Rogeis were In Rocky Mount on Monday. Phil Perklnson of Raleigh and Ronnie Perklnson of Norllna were Saturday visi tors of Mr. and Mrs. Sol B. Bobbltt. Mrs. John Curl, Mrs. E. Lee Rtggan, Mrs. J. Hal Bob bltt and Miss Elaine Curl were In Rocky Mount Thursday. Mr. Arthur Larrlmore left Monday for New Bern where he will take a course In telephone studies. Mr. and Mrs. Vonston Ricks and son, Wayne, and Llndsey Shear In and Mrs. Loyd Sal mon, Jr., of Roanoke Rapids, Mrs. Eugene Qverby af Ma con, Mrs. Earlle Shear In ol Warren Plains, Grady Mose ley of Warrenton and Grov er Shearln of Holllster were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Ed win Stansbury. Mr. Billy Buffalo of Wes ley an College, Rocky Mount, spent the weekend with his grandmother, Mrs. Selma Bobbltt, and his mother, Mrs. William Buff aloe. Mrs. William Buffaloe visited her daughter and son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Harris, over the weekend. Mrs. J. W. Harvey Is a patient In Roanoke Rapids Hospital. Mrs. Alice Browning and Miss Carrie Myrlck are visit ing their sister, Mrs. Rom Parker, In Enfield. Mrs. Cleveland Stalllngs Is spending some time In Henderson with her son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hicks. Mrs. James T. Clark visit ed her sister and brother In law, Mr. and Mrs. Doug las Allison, In Raleigh last week. Mr. E. C. Reid has return ed to his home after having been a patient in Roanoke Rapids Hospital. Mrs. W. E. Rlggan of Ral eigh spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. A. P. Farm er, and grandmother, Mrs. Mattie Bobbltt. Mrs. G. W. Alston was in Raleigh Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Hedgepeth of South Hill, Va., were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George Outland and Walter Perkinson were in Roanoke Rapids Monday. Mr. Joseph P. Faucette of Yonkers, N. Y., was a week end visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Jmm Salmon and Mr* and Mrs. Billy Raid. Mr. and Mrs. Palmar Stain back and family of Roanoke Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Robart Stalnback and family of Ral eigh, Mr. and Mrs. Lorn Mclntyre and family of Rich mond, Va., and Mr. Lloyd Earl Beird of Roanoke Rapids were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stalnback. Miss Sherlle Harris of Petersburg, Va., spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Harris and also visited Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Stalnback while here. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllard Harrison of Washington, D. C., visited Mrs.SelmaBobbltt and Mrs. Dalma G. Jones Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Haw kins Thompson of Macon visit ed Mrs. Bobbltt Sunday. Mrs. Vester Dickens of Moncure and Misses Eliza beth Grady and Beulah and Nannie Peede of Durham were guests of Mrs. Selma Bobbitt and Mrs. Ddmi 0. jrsiss Mr. sod Mrs. C. W. Neil Ma and daughter, Clarissa, of Raleigh visited Mrs. W. W. Pimple Sunday. Mlsa Kaye King of Rich mond, Va., spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. andMrs. Sammie King. Mrs. Macon Moore, Sr., and Miss Ella Belle Rlggan have returned to their home alter spending a month with Mrs. Eulalia Powell in Newport News, ya., during a stay in a hospital where she under went surgery. Women Past 21 NTH BLADDER IRRITATION iter 21, common Kidney or Bladder Ir l tat Ions affect twice as many women ae ken and may make you tense and nervous rom too frequent, burning or Itching rlnatlon both day and night. Seconder y, you may loee sleep and suffer from eadaches, Backaches and feel old, tired, rpressed. In such Irritation, CY8TKX Rually brings fast, relaxing comfort by irblng Irritating germs In strong, acid rlne and by analgesic pain relief. Oet Y8TBX at druggists, reel better fast. Familiar Scenes? IF YOUR ELECTRIC BILL IS HIGHER THIS TIME OF YEAR, HERE'S WHY . 1 - ] I il Days are shorter, nights are colder and indoor activities more common. So you put more elec tricity to work for you. Cold weather appetites require more hot meals so you're likely to use your electric range more frequently. Penetrating winter weather calls for plenty of heat to keep your home comfortably warm in the middle of the coldest cold snap. T^<?re are other ways electricity works harder in win;e time. Water enters your water heater at a iowtd temperature so it takes more electricity to her it. Lights are in use more. So are the TV, radio and hi-fi. if your bill is higher this time of year, it's be cause you're using more electricity to make winter time living more comfortable and convenient. "AROIINA POWER A LIGHT COMPANY An iavetior-omui, mxpaying pmtMe utility eompmy

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