News & Society Items Mr. and Mrs. A. J. House are spending several days In Coin Jock. Miss Ethel PlnneU has re turned to her home at Alton after spending some time In Warren General Hospital. Mr. Eddie Echols will spend the weekend here and Mrs. Echols and baby will return with him after a three week visit with Mrs. J. T. Harris. Mrs. iola Paynter has moved to Mrs. W. L. Wood's Duplex Apt. on Wilcox St. Sunday guests of Mrs. iola Paynter were Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy White and Fields White, Jr., of Portsmouth, Va., and Mr. W. L. Roberts of Durham. Mrs. C. W. Duncan of Macon visited Mrs. Iola Roberts on Monday. Mrs. Ruth Temple of Fay etteville and Mrs. Albert Clark of Mt. Airy, Md. were recent guests of Miss Sadie Llmer and Mrs. H. C. Mont gomery. Mrs. Temple and Miss Sadie Limer left Mon day to visit friends in Ver mont. Miss Libby Finch of Ox ford visited Mrs. W. B. Crlnk ley and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bell for several days last ?veek. Miss Eula Allen, Mrs. W. B. -rinkley and Mrs. E. H. Wes on were dinner guests of Mrs. R, c. Williams andMrs. Uice Southerland in Hollister )n Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Finch >f Oxford were guests of Mrs. V. B. Crinkley last week. Mrs. John Tarwater visited Mr. Tarwater in DukeHosplt YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH A WHITE '? I ... Ml 1114 PORTABLE 569.? IASV BUDGET TEAMS DEMONSTRATION . NO OBLIGATION Warrenton Furniture Exc. W?rrenton, N. C. al in Durham last week. Mrs. a. B. Moon of South boston, Va., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. B. Trayn ham. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Russell and son of Mineral, Va., were weekend guests of Mrs. C. L. Purdy. Dr. and Mrs. h. D. Meade of Lynchburg, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Thorne and daughter of Greensboro spent the weekend at the Boyd home here. Miss Frances Davis of Washington, D. C., was a visi ter here Friday after being in Raleigh for two days. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wllli ford and sons of Virginia Beach, Va., were Weekend guests of Mrs. Arthur p'etar. Miss Viki Joyner has re turned from Duke Hospital in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Belford Wag ner and daughters of Lexington were weekend guests of Mrs. Anna W. Tharrington. Mr. Tom Marshall of Dur ham is visiting Mrs. W. D. Rodgers for two weeks. Misses Nancy Williams and Laura Bennle Davis will leave today (Friday) for Kanuga Episcopal Camp near Hender son vllle. Mr. John Boyd Davis left Friday for Christ's Episcopal Church on the Rappahannock River in Virginia, where he is attending summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Barker Wil liams are spending sometime at their summer home in South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Poln dexter and son of Waynesboro, Va., were weekend guests of Mrs. P. G. Seaman. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bar low and children of Charlotte were guests of Mrs. J. E. Adams and Mrs. T. V. Allen last week. Mrs. Monroe Mvvstlan qnd little daughter of Greenville are visiting relatives here. Mrs. J. T. Martyn and Miss Betty Martyn of Alexandria, Va., are guests of Mr. J. p. Scoggin and Mrs. C. L. Purdy. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hlght have returned from a week's visit to her daughter and son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Mass ad, in New Orleans, La. Mrs. Massa>i is the former Miss Brenda Welburn of War ren ton. Mrs. Patona B. Rogers re turned to her home Tuesday after a month's stay in War ren General Hospital. Mrs. M. B. Overby and Miss Donna Overby spept sev^rgl days last week in Slier City with Mr. and> MiW W.1 e. Ballard and daughters, Mar celle and Bobble. Dr. William Peete of Dur ham spent Sunday pjght with his mother Mrs. C. H. Peete. He was enrouto home after attending a Medical convention in Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. St. Sing of Warren Plains and Mrs. Robert Oates visited Mrs. Oates parents , Mr. and Mrs. Lee Newton and family In CherryvUle, N. C., on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hels chober and daughter of Vir ginia Beach, Va., were Sun dav visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. St. Sing and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. St. Sing. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Kidd and sons of Washington, N. C., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dorman Bla lock. Sermon Series To Be Held At Local Church A series of sermons on "The Lord's Prayer" will begin at the Warrenton Bap tist Church on Sunday, the Rev. John R. Link, pastor, announced yesterday. The sermon titles will be 1. "The God to whom we Pray." 2. "The Rule of Di vine Will." 3. "Give and For give," and 4. "Freedom from Sin." FATHER'S DAY Gl'ESTS Weekend guests celebrating Father's Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willie T. Robertson and Jim included Mr. and Mrs. Red Dickerson and family of Snow Hill, Md., Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fraz ler, David and Betty, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jarrett of Hampton, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Troy Edwards, Barbara and Harold, recently back from Vietnam, of Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harris, Stevle, Debbie, Shelby and Susan of Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Br as well and Robbie of Ral eigh, Mr. and Mrs. Willie G. Robertson and Mike of Eliza beth City, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Everett and family of Pine tops, Mr. and Mrs. Price Robertson and Mr. Forrest Robertson of Warrenton. Birth Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Faulk ner of Norlina announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Adalynne, on June 13 at Maria Parham Hospital In Hender son. Mrs. Faulkner is the former Miss Mary Helen Egg leston of Henderson. Mrs. Rooker Is Elected DAR Regent i Mrs. J. E. Rooker, Jr., was elected regent of the War ren Chapter, Daughters of the ! Revolution, at a meeting held at the homeof Miss Edith Bur well on Friday of last week. She succeeds Mrs. W. A. Gra ham. Other officers, announced by Mrs. J. E. Adams, chair man of the nominating com mittee and elected, were: Mrs. G. D. Home, vice re gent; Mrs. W. R, BaskervUl, chaplain; Mrs. C. L. Purdy, corresponding and recording secretary; Mrs. C. P. Alleo, treasurer; Miss Edith Bur well, registrar; Miss Mary Frances Rodwell, historian; Miss Mamie L. Williams, li brarian. Miss Burwell entertained 15 members of the chapter and her guests, Miss Mariam Boyd and Mrs. Walker P. Bur well, at a delightful lunch eon. Red and white petunias, in a lovely epergne, were used as a centerpiece. After the luncheon, a short business session was held in the drawing room of Miss Bur well's home. Following the presentation and dedication of a new United States Flag by Mrs. W. A. Graham, regent, the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mrs. W. R. Basker vlll, chaplain. The President General's Message In the May issue of the DAR magazine was read. It announced three broad ob jectives successfully under taken during the present "Dia mond Jubilee Administra tion." They were; First, improved acoustics, air - conditioning and re furbishing for the Society's Constitution Hall ? a world famous cultural center? 1 making it self-sustaining. Second, the Institution of sound, modern business pro cedures?thus decreasing the cost of operation, etc. Third, an Increased mem bership-as of April 15, 1967 a net increase of over 2000 members. Mrs. W. R. Wood all an nounced that two boxes of clothing, valued at $150, had been sent to Crossnore, the gift of Miss Edith Burwell. The names of Mrs. H. R. Geddie, Mrs. Clyde Rodwell, Mrs. Mary Shields, Mrs. Allen Tucker, Mrs. Arthur Wil liams, and Mrs. Harry Wil liams, Sr., were presented for DAR membership and un animously accepted. Following an expression of thanks to Mrs. Graham for her services as regent, Mrs. Miss Joyner And Mr. Harris Honored Honoring Miss Mary Ka therlne Joyner of Rocky Moun and Mr. Jimmy Harris of Inez -bride mil groom-dect of Xu gust, Mr. and Mrs. Claytoi Taylor, Mrs. Blanche Walke: and Miss Minnie Harris o Norllna entertained 15 guest: on June 8 at the home of Mrs Clayton Taylor. The honorees received i hand-painted tray and Mis: Joyner and Mrs. Harris, th groom's mother, were eacl presented a corsage of whiti carnations. The table bore a cutworl cloth and an arrangement o mixed bridal flowers ani lighted tapers. Mrs. Jame: C. Harris poured punch Cakes, sandwiches, nuts ant mints were served buffet. Miss Joyner was agaii honored In Rocky Mount 01 June 10 at a floating miscel laneous shower given by Mes dames Jeanette Johnson, am Bettle Alford and Miss Lot Gay In the Pleasant Hill Clul House with around 125 guest attending. Miss Joyner re ceived a bridal corsage ani many lovely gifts, and wa: presented a gift of china li her chosen pattern bythehoS' tesses. The table bore a linen clotl and was centered with yellov and white flowers and tapers Mrs. Donley Joyner, mother o the bride, poured punch an< bride's cakes, cheesestraws mints and salted nuts wen served buffet. Miss Twitty Attends C. C. Convention Miss Panthea Ann Twitty assistant chapter leader, re presented the Warren Count) Chapter, Children of the Con federacy, at the 30th annua North Carolina Division Con vention held on June 16-17 a) Gastonla. Miss Twitty, former divi sion president, and formei i.lstorian-General of the na tional organization, served a: advisor to the new business committee during the conven tion, and Is serving as advlsoi of the General History of th< Children of the Confederac] which is being complied. Michael Black of Burling ton, division president of the Carolina Tar Heels Chapter, of which Mrs. Henry F. Twitt> is leader, presided over the convention. Miss Sara Jc Thomas of Waynesvllle, Rooker, the new president spoke briefly on future plan and activities of the chapte and announced that the ne> meeting will be held In Octo Miss White Honored At Bridal Shower hr"?n?^ Miss Ann White, ST.*6? ?f Ju*y ?. Mrs. Richard Davie, Mrs. aiiiw Mrs VMr" W-L" Turner and Mrs. Landon Davis enter ed 35 guests at a brida] shower on last Thursday nigh, J u Rlchard Davis cabin, which was tastefully decoratec In pink flowers with pinlt cand les on the mantle and pianc entwined with ivy. The honoree received loveh and useful gifts, and a cor ?{, Plnk carnanions anc a gift of china in her choser pt:n/:r the Besses. The table bore a lace anr embroidered cloth and? ? Sme0t ?f Plnk Gallons snapdragons and baby's breatl to a suver bowl, flanked bv liSTdelabra holdi"6P^ lighted tapers, ah appoint ments were in silver Decorated cake squares anc cheesetraws were servec "?et with chicken and patties Miss White will become th? on July' s. T>" ' president of the Carolina scrlS^aPter' presented ; scrapbook containing origins newspaper clippings of thf death of Jefferson Davis, anc other historical papers', tc .# w Division in honor of Mrs. Henry Twitty. "?StS f?r the co"yention dav lWaS h6ld 31 the Ho11 day Inn, were the LUlian Kenl ??f"S Chapter of Shelby, of Gastonla.D' nT? theme was "study ^bene ?t from the past as you pre pare for the future." Fifteer chapters were uteer with ka representee with 64 children and 39 adull ties in ,"S Kuests' Act'vi tles included business ses sions, a swimming party ant a banquet and dance at the Gaston Country club The highlight of the con vention was the awards luncheon on Saturday at which time the newly-elected of ficers were installed by Miss Gean Moore of Wilmington, second vice-president gen eral. New officers for the coming year are Michael ridges of Shelby, president; Michael Rhodes of Greens no,, J President; Edmun< nnvennnrt of W?hin<*or second vice president; Edith King of Warsaw, secretary; Betsy Wilson of Wilson, trea surer; Ann Anyder of Concord, historian; George Harry of Charlotte, Chaplain. Paul Powell of Ocala, Ga., president-general, C. of C., was a special guest at the luncheon on Saturday. Warren Students Make Dean's List ROCKY MOUNT-Two War renton students, Mrs. Bonnie G. Fleming and Frederick M. Hurst, Jr., were among the82 who made the Dean's List for the Spring Semester here at N. C. Wesleyan College, ac cording to an announcement by Dr. Jack W. Moore, aca demic dean, who released the names of the honor students. To attain Dean's List a student must make slightly higher than a B average. Better than 12 percent of Wes ley an's full-time enrollment tor the semester ~~ just completed made the list. Mrs. Flemlngof ArcolaSta tion is a rising senior majoring in English. She has served as a member of the Senate of the Student Govern ment Association and as a member of the North Resi dence Hall dormitory council. Hurst, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hurst of 308 WilcoxSt., is a recent graduate, having received a bachelor of arts degree in history. SPECIALS 1.00 RIGHT GUARD DEODORANT .... 79c 1.00 SUAVE HAIR SPRAY 69c 1.98 STAINLESS GILLETTE BLADES .51.59 89* 250- 5 GR. ASPIRIN 59c 1.19 S. H. BOX STATIONARY 89c 59? RUBBING ALCOHOL 29c 1.00 D. F. ROLL-ON DEODORANT : ... 39* 1.00 TUSSY CREAM DEODORANT .... 49c 1.49 MAALOX LIQUID 98c 100 FT. HANDI-WRAP 23? FREE ROLL FILM EACH TIME YOU LEAVE ONE FOR DEVELOPING LET US FILL YOUR NEXT | - PRESCRIPTION - | BOYCE DRUG CO. FREE DELIVERY GOOD EATING BEGINS WITH A EFRIGERATOR FREEZER! How many times last winter did your mouth water for the tasto Qof rich, ripe, juicy strawberries perched saucHy atop asnowcap of whipped cream on a mountain of tender, tasty angel food cake? If you didn't have a refrigerator-freezer stuffed with succulent goodies for just such a moment, you've missed out on a lot of good eating. This modern two-in-one electric appliance is a true zero freezer and a big capacity refrigerator. 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