Seek To Put Pressure ft, Court A group of some 450 to 500 school patrons will attempt to bring pressure on the courts to take action supporting the Warrenton and Littleton special school district when Warren County schools open next week according to plans made at a meeting at the Shadow Club in Norlina on Thursday night of last week. The Warrenton school unit and the Littleton-Lake Gaston school unit, separate from the Warren , County system and created by special acts of the last General Assembly, were placed under an injunction by U. S. District Judge Algernon L. Butler of Clinton. The group, called Citizens for Better Education." decided to use a method of "confron tation," which one member said was "designed to bring pres sure on the courts to take ac tion supporting the districts." According to an official of the organization, students who had been assigned to the Warrenton school district and the Little ton-Lake Gaston district before the court injunction will go to the schools to which they were assigned in the special districts and will remain at the schools the number of hours required under state law. A spokesman said that at least 90 per cent of the par ents present t the meeting have children who nad been assigned to the new school districts. He said a large number of their children already had paid fees to attend schools in the new se parate districts. Total Integration In addition to the injunction, an order also was signed by Judge John Larklns of Trenton and Judge Butler directing the schools of Warren County to abide by a total integration plan the county submitted last December. An organization spokesman said four suggestions were presented by the Citizens for Better Education Board at the Tuesday night meeting. The first was to send children to schools in the Warren Coun ty system. A second suggestion was to send them to a private school. A third was a boycott pro posal. The first three were ditched tor the confrontation plan that was adopted. Private Academy The group was told that the Warrenton Academy, Inc., which opened Sept. 15, already has 120 students enrolled and more are expected. Macon Wemyss of Norlina, an ABC store employee, is presi dent of the citizens' organiza tion and presided at the Thurs day night session. Bill Reid of Littleton is vice president, the Rev. Ray Ward is treasurer and Mrs. A. J. Bobbitt of Norlina is secretary. Members of the group's of ficial board in addition to the officers are: Robert St. Sing of Warrenton, Melvin Haithcockof Macon, Arthur Hight of Rt. 2, Macon: James Kearney of Lit tleton, Pete Gordon of Little ton, William Hicks of Norlina and Bill Hawes of RFD, Nor lina. The organization was formed at a meeting Aug. 28. A spokesman said the next meeting date "will depend on how things develop." Perkins Speaker At Jaycee Meeting Dr. Kenneth W. Perkins of the Carolina Biological Supply at the regular meeting of the Warren County Junior Cham be r of Commerce held last Thursday night at CarolinaBio logical Supply Company Farm between Warrenton and Macon. Presented by Travis Pulley, program chairman, Dr. Perkins talked on the Carolina Bio logical Supply Company and ex plained the purpose of the War ren County unit. A question and answer session followed. Pulley also presented Mrs. Perkins and Willie and Connie Perkins who were guests of the Club. President Robert Allen pre sided over the meeting, attend ed by approximately 35 Jay cees, and the prayer was given by Roy Edmonds. The meeting was dismissed with the Jaycee. Creed by Roy Pat Rob ertson. i i.:. - tr OUR SINCERE CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES to CURRIN'S MINUTE MART NORLiNA, N. C. * ' i i ON THEIR GRAND OPENING .VVi.' . ;? .f; Stop BY AND FILL YOUR TANK WITH REGULAR OR HI-TEST GAS. ;**/. J' I* -i - ti