JLTO 1 '' ' VOLUME 74 Subscription: $3.00 A Year; $4.00 Out Of State, 10* Per Copy WARRENTON, COUNTY OF WARREN, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1970 NUMBER 11 Officials At Historical Society Meeting OFFICERS OF THE REACTIVATED WARREN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY present for the Friday night dinner meeting included (left to right) Mrs. James Beckwith, president; Mrs. Horace Robinson, program chairman and Matt R. Johnston, vice-president both of Lit tleton. Second from left is Dr. H. G. Jones, director of the State Department of Archives and History, who gave an interesting talk to the group. Officers not present were Mrs. Leonard Daniel, secretary and John Mitchell, treasurer. Mrs. Robinson has been appointed by the War ren County Board of Commissioners to advise them on the best way to obtain authentic restor ation to the historic Nathaniel Macon homeplace. (Photo by Gene Pierce, Vaughan, N. C.) Foundation Makes Provisional Grant For Restoration Of Nat Macon Home By RUTH MINCHER The Smith Richardson Foun dation, Inc., has approved a $7,500 challenge grant to the Warren County Historical So ciety through the Department of Archives and History for the purpose of assisting in the restoration of the Nathaniel Ma con complex known as "Buck Springs." Announcement of the grant was made on Friday night by Dr. H. G. Jones director of Stale Department of Archives and History In Raleigh when he was speaking at a meet ing to the Warren County His torical Society. The meeting, the first since the Historical Society was re activated, was held at the Warren Plaza Inn with 23 mem bers and Interested citizens present for the dinner meeting. Dr. Jones was present to dls cuss the project which is being undertaken by the society, that of completely restoringthe Nathaniel Macon Homeplace and buildings near Vaughan. The grant is made with the provision that the Historical So ciety can collect from other acceptable sources between Jan. 1, 1970 and Dec. 31, 1970 the amount of $2500. "We should point out," Dr. Jones said, "that the grant to Norlina Voters To Decide Fate Of Water Bond Issue Saturday The Town of Norlina will hold a spe clal bond election on Satur day, March 14 between the hours of 6:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. The purpose of the election Is to determine whether the town shall be permitted to issue water bonds in an aggregate' principal amount not to exceed $45,000 for the purpose of providing funds, with any other available funds, for extending and enlarging the waterworks system of said town. The voting place will be the Town Office. Mrs. A. J. Bob bit is registrar, and Mrs. Lucille Lewis and Clayton D. Taylor are judges of elec tion. Mayor Leon Knight said yes terday that passage of the bond issue is not expected to cause any Increase In the town's tax rate, as in reality the vote is to authorize the transfer of funds now on hand for this pur pose. Knight said that the town offi cials and others have been ne gotiating with a. northern in dustry to establish a plant In Norllna and that while there is no guarantee that the plant will be located at Norllna,pros Citizens Petition For Sunday Sale Of Beer The sale of beer in Macon and Norlina on Sunday has raised a problem for other stores and filling stations in -Warren County TtK) JMBttn open on Sundqr, TommJe Blanks, Warrenion merchant, again appeared be fore the Board of County Com missioners at their regular meeting last Thursday to ask the commissioners to permit Sunday off-pw>itife ?la at beer on Sunday. Blanks brought with him a petition signed by nearly 800 citizens asking that i of beer be permitted in Warren County. Blanks said that mo con* oerted effort had been made to obtain signatures to the peti tion, which had been left at a few business places lathe area. It la not so muck the sale of beer on Sunday in two nearby towns other MltlMi, Blanks said. ?M la the 1 Of beer. StODS t -jr. asks where <,he can find it. Directed to Norllna, Blanks said, the would-be customer not only boy* hi# beer than but other Items, including gasoline. Blanks told the commlssion tfl that " he did not believe that forbidding the sale of beer on Sunday reduced consumption ? bit. B?t its sale, U per mitted by the county, would be legal and above-board. For bidding Us sale, ha said, works a hardship on tba law abiding merchants of Warren County and U unfair. The commissioners, appear ing reluctant to b*e any atUu on the highly controversial mil ter, ordered that the matter be tabled until the board's next meeting. The commissioners, however, are disturbed over tbe pects are exceedingly bright provided ample water can be assured. Officials of the parent plant have visited Norllna and the town officials have been Im pressed with the company and the company has seemingly been Impressed with Norllna, Knight said. Not only Is an Improved water system needed If Norllna Is to attract this fine Industry, Mayor Knight continued, but It Is need ed by present local Industry. B Norllna Is to grow and to attract Industry to provide good Jobs for persons In the area It must have an ample water sup ply, he said. Mayor Knight said that he feels that the water bond Issue will pass as there Is too much at stake for Its failure, but a large vote Is desired for Its effect on the proposed industry and other industries that may be attracted to Nor llna. *1# we are going to at tract industry," he concluded, "we must show through our actions that w? welcome lndus try."?? Board Authorized To Sign Water Contract The Board of Totn Com missioners on Monday night authorized Mayor W. A. Miles and town Clerk j, Ed aoofcer to 8t?n a contract with John A. . Edward* and Oonpanr. En gineers, lor the construction of Water lines to and the building of a water tank In Warrantor's industrial Park. The signed contract will be forwarded to the Ottlos of Boo SSm if -- r Development towards to lay your project Is quite unusual In terms of the size of the challenge grant and the small amount of required matching funds. "This generosity on the part of the Foundation was encour aged by our department on the grounds that an emergency sit uation existed In regard to "Buck Springs." A motion was made by Matt Johnson to accept this challenge grant with gratltu