I its At King Home ed the 4-H the devotion. )ur National ven for the nmie Craft. e planning to ns on May 20 in test. They are Tommie Craft, Robie Karbaa. Cynthia King and Fran Hooker. Refreshments were served by Gene and Fran Rooker. " Mary Pickford is 83 years old. Norlina Girls Win Softball Contest The Warren Record. Warren ton, N. C., Thursday, May 8, 1976 — Page 7 Dress Up Window Shades For Show wiy rasruuns TED PRICES UNT CENTER f Warrenton at Liberia shions Pre-washed Jeans • sans - Wrap Skirts jt muo jewviry 30 A.M. - 6 P.M. . - 6 P.M. Phone 257-1706 'i#. i«uraicmrunHHT NETTE GROUP! around, you know what a great value trestle table adds a big flair to your Table has mar-resistant top that fy and is in a warm tone finish Plus, ick cushioned vinyl chairs that offer Come in now and dine elgggntl^ V IIHL r fi ■ rf-it i :e backs supported by high pedestal base table sports a together, it's a great value! ther > too! EAV.nMnVE, I PI v.. t* Free Delivery . C. ...... .. snown presenting Kev. and Mrs. MSUrd Warren wltls a mantel dock given to them by the Norlina Methodist Church. Minister And Wife Honored , muj was celebrated as Millard Warren Day at the Norlina United Methodist Church. The Rev. and Mrs. Warren have announced their retirement from active pastoral leadership, at the -end of the conference year in June. A special morning worship service was held in their honor with Leigh Traylor, church lay leader, presiding. Dr. J. V. Early of Rockingham was guest minister and preached on important attri butes of a minister emphasizing humility, integrity .'personal example and ability for pastoral duties. He said that all of these Mr. Warren has shown in his "five extraordinarily active and r 1 uuuvvitv j tai a in iiui una anu Warren County." The Rev. Millard Warren, Jr.. of Durham, gave the morning prayer and Graham Grissom the benediction. Music chosen for the day were favorites of the Warren's with the anthem by the chancel choir being "God So Loved The World" and the solo by Mrs. Bob Traylor being "The Holy City." Toward the close of the service Mary Lou Traylor, president of the UMYF gave Mr. Warren a silver cross. Mrs. Fred Newsom, president of the Women's Society, presented Mrs. Warren with a life membership in USCS. A ueautuui mantel tiwn was tut church's gift to the Warrens. Julian Farrar, chairman of the council on ministries, made this presentation with appropriate remarks. Following the service, a bountiful covered dish dinner was enjoyed by all. Besides Warren County residents, special guests in cluded relatives and friends from Laurel, Md., New York City, Richmond, Va., Durham, Wake Forest, Rockingham, Candor. Youngsville and Louis burg. ne COOK'S ( CORNER )F HENDERSON The area's flour and feed leader Do you have a favorite recipe in which Snow Flake or Hartness Choice Flour is used? Send it to COOK'S CORNER in care of this paper fx u ood news & cues giliviiUERrrTERs i tart Apples I tblsp. cider /2 tsp. cinnamon tsp. sugar . cup Snowflake flour /2 tsp. baking powder ! eggs cup milk Core and pare the apples md then cut them into :ircular slices about 1/2" ;hick. Soak them for 2 lours in a mixture of cider, sugar and cinnamon. Drain ind dry with clean towel. Vlake batter of Snowflake lour, baking powder, idding the yolks of the ;ggs and milk; then mix in he egg whites (beaten). Oip the apples in the jatter and fry in butter.— Oust with sugar before serving. «»«■> •••»•• miv |>iuiiM his mistakes simply isfft dealing with the Internal Revenue Service. • • • The last place one would expect to find a dog would be at a flea market. • • • By the time a fellow with i headache gets the cap off :hose new aspirin contain ers, he also needs a ranquilizer. • • • The country's bravest people are those who look at a calendar for thefirst day of spring and then remove from the family car Lhe snow tires. • • • Then there was the Fellow who spent so much time reading books on how to be a success that he wound up a failure. • • • For most of us taxpayers :hos uniform holiday week ends are not universal. • • * Electronic banking is on ;he way and some people's checking accounts are due for a shock. MUUKM Brooks To Seek N. C. Labor Post John Brooks, a Raleigh ittorney, announced his candi lacy last week for the Democratic nomination for Commissioner of Labor. 3rooks, a native of Greenville, s trying again for the office ifter running second to the late Jilly Creel in the 1972 primary. In announcing his candidacy, irooks stressed the need for a oordinated development plan o attract new industry, to nodernize existing industry, he guarantee equal opportun ty, to train workers for better obs, and to insure safe and lealthy working conditions. A former Morehead Scholar ,t UNC, Brooks has served as a lerk to former Chief Justice Villiam Bobbitt, as adminis rative officer of the North 'arolina General Assembly, nd as a special assistant to ormer Governor Terry San ord. When early settlers came to Jew England they called the orn they found there "turkey vrheat." ection Agency has yet to rrite a regulation declar rig that gossip is ear ollution. » • » Plywood Sheathing 3/8 1/2 5/8 Insulation Wall Paneling EVANS & GEORGIA PACIFIC 16 different patterns in stock ! ALL THICKNESSES k Mortar ^ Cement Particle Board Tools to fit any need r- ^ 0 Ali fyPet of Cablnet Hardware jp C A I l/MCD BUILDING SUPPLY " MLIMtCH Henderson, N. C. Entrance on Court St., llv wood Sheathing J/8 1/2 5/8 (Vail Faneling H El/AMC O ■man tv AIMo & GEORGIA PACIFIC insulation I b airrerent patterns in srocK ; Mortar Cement Particle Board — —3^1 « kk ■ ■ nv»l\llb«lwb«l ools to fit any need |"7»s v (J) All types of Cabinet Hardware Jp FALKNER ■S£22?.,rcPlv Entrance on Court St.. Montgomery St.. & iNoruna ana Bunn split a girrs (softball) and boys baseball doubleheader Monday at Bunn, the Lady Waves won 26-23 in the preliminary game, then the Bulldogs gained revenge in the nightcap with a 10 2 upset of the Blue Waves. Girls Game Norlina used five pitchers in Monday's game to post its win over Bunn. The Bunn ballclub posed a winning threat in the final inning of play with five runs. Bunn, who has had its share of troubles this season, was unable to stop the "Beltin' " Blue Waves hitting attack. Norlina bomb-shelled the Bunn pitcher with 26 hits. Leading hitters for Norlina were Linda Henderson, 4-4 and two homeruns; Vicki Martin, 4-5, and Cindy King, 3-5 and two homeruns. Boys Game Powerful Bill Galloway slam med a homerun on Blue Wave pitcher Lee Stultz to lead his team to a 10-2 victory. The win for Bunn preceeds an earlier loss to Norlina on the road. Bunn gained the early lead, 2-0, as the first inning of play ended. Norlina was held scoreless until the sixth inning when they scored their first run. Gary Rogers lead the Bulldogs in hitting with a triple and two hits. Dennis Tabron followed with two hits. A1 Alston, Floyd Shaw and Charles Montague led the Blue Wave hitting attack with two each. Norlina out hit the Bulldogs with nine hits, but good defensive play by Bunn was the winning factor. The Waves conference now stands at 6-1. Stiffknees Rally To Down John Graham The Warren County Stiff knees rallied in the top of the seventh inning, with two outs, to make a comeback victory over John Graham 7-6. Winning pitcher for the Stiffknees was Jim Overby, head baseball coach, Vance Senior High. Losing pitcher was Larry Alston, who relieved Darryl Lyles in the top of the fifth inning. Generally, five per cent more male babies are born than females, but the mortality rate for males is higher than for females. cATRA FREE t u /r r> j«n (jfeen Stamps WITH THIS COUPON AMD ANT Of PURCHASLS IE 10* □ 100 Stamps tit to *19.99 Order. □ 300 Stamps $20 to »29 99 Order. □ 400 Stamps »30 to *39.99 Order. O 600 Stamps ■ <40 Order or More CASHIER WILL CHICK ONE I0X AIOVE LIMIT ONE COUPON PER FAMILY FEDERAL FEDERAL SAVE 48< h THic I'ltun^rt A .xA V«... ft A.J "l «'»<» V.UHHUH «tio »uur kjmer ur mure inc ncc I A Q CI . nCTCDnCMT iir urr lmdcl - I trtlatlM | w uz. Box i vni' nr ir,n win i o. i?io VSTOMFR PAYS SALES TAX txtixvnrrut ynrvnrr iWWWW SAVE 39* 'MMWMSi 1Bl At Colonial With This Coupon And Your $5 er Or More IflC i^oionidi nun i nti uuupon mikj ioui 93 «i ui nwn 58* UPTON i rEA BAGS 'ivb.ur 48 TSTOMER PAYS SALES TAX JftOHlrtUR' VAf/IIT inn tx Time "noKyxst wnra SAVE 60c I n MJVt I t* •" vviwhi»i I Mil V>UV|MII HMO TUUr UTUOr Ul UMI» GOLDEN CHARM FROZEN 3RANGEg 0z g JUICECan Pak 99c vnin AFTFR MAY ft 1976 Bt<L. ana UlU rtritn roni o. ijid JISTOMER PAYS SALES TA! •IMUMt-n rAia artixo 11»a _ am 7uv7ifi an ran nco i m JAR-B-Q SAUCE •WITH ONION REGULAR .SMOKEY JEl MONTE PHUDUUIb FREESTONE CB* • PEACH HALVES DELICIOl/S FRUIT COCKTAIL it<*. YELLOW CLING • SLICED PEACHES'*-02 DEL MONTE • PEAR HALVES :«<». DELICIOIS • TOMATO JUICE «-«. GOLDEN •CREAM CORN >7« WHOLE KERNEL • GOLDEN CORN "«» -m »oiviwr\c i 20-oz. CU UMIC LUIMO OnMIIM [|CE 32r^' 49° •CATSUP 14oz. 91 20-oz. #1 38-oz.j* | ;ali-, Mt II A Ml -UhNIA^ j r\ 11 A M >TKAW BERRIES JL J9?, WFSTFRM (nsj vvwicniM CANTALOUPES :ach 89* LfcLLUW SQUASH -r »UCUMBERS crisp 2 i 25e 'OLE BEANS Lb. ■ lyO RUiT BASKETS u u ~ * - * -*■ ^ JJ- mi VKSIf frK rt' m v ism y m w v u \r & BOWLS r>ri r/*TiAt ■ ^«- mima VUtLLtIN I bfcLtL. IIUN Uh SIZkS Plain white window shades may be less than exciting to look at. But with a little time and money, you can dress them up for eye-catching results. Wilma Scott, extension house furnishings specialist at North Carolina State University suggests making simple felt cutouts. You can clip them in a variety of shapes and sizes—flower designs for your bath area and paper doll or animal patterns for a youngster's room, she says. To coordinate your shade with the rest of the room, repeat colors or patterns found elsewhere—from your sofa, bedspread or pillow cover. With white glue, attach the Deep Fertilization If you have trees that need fertilizer this spring, you'll get better results if the plant food is placed deep in the soil rather than spread on the surface. North Carolina State Uni versity landscape horticulturist Henry J. Smith points out that surface applications often are consumed by grasses. Even worse, the fertilizer could cause Track Meet Yesterday (Wednesday) John Graham and Norlina traveled to Franklinton to participate in the annual conference track meet. Statistics of the meet were not available at press time. WE land o- frost • aaiii' WAFER SLICED WELCOME LUNCH MEATS BANKftWERICftRD, ui/ir-OHH // i Ulf(■(»/!< f<(t< YOUR 3 Oz. #|t|Y .CHOICE! Pky. ,*T HOLLYFARMS - U. S. GRADE A 5? FRYER PARTS | A "FAMILY PAK" • z onr.ASi WTKS • 2 LEG QTRS » 2 WINGS *2 NECKS • 1 BACK 13* Lb{| Ill CELEBRITY BRAND •SLICED COOKED FTOM, i i-R pkg. 2.99 • SLICED COOKED HAM i2<* pkg 2.39 .ci irrr\ rr*rvi/rpv 12-oz. o in ■ SLICED COOKED PICNICS'^ 2.19^ cwrr .ncu m' rurnc 1 I a 01m RQ« • I-I&n N LHIrij mornwc L.O. PKU. GORTONS • FISH STICKS 2 LB. PKG GOLDEN FLEET BREADED • ROUND SHRIMP ilb pkg 2.38^5 Ktviri mrvxt'c 4m SINGLETONS *QTI!ECPn PI HI IMHCD 4-oz. • aiUI-l-tL) rLUUNUtrl r"; 35c <7 SINGLETON'S PKG -T •COOKED SHRIMP MRS. PAUL S BUTTERED — cio lj rii i i—r ir • FISH FILLET 10«- 98c ^ U.S. CHOICE BEEF CHUCK BONELESS BOSTON ROLL . POT ROAST LB I38 IIMHFR RT A r*r unwn ooo UNDEK BLADE BONELESS 4AQ CHUCK STEAK LB ■ EYE STYLE ROUND ROAST » BOTTOM ROUND ROAST OR BOTTOM m ?q ROUND STEAK lb • JSCAR MAYER >9C no SLICED BULUUNA MEAT UK BEEr* 8-OZ. WEINEBS OR BEEF FRANKS* 1 LB UADtrTV PAV t IINPU MP4T PimiTl ID RI .09 I A C\ I VARIETY PAK LUNCH MEAT REGULAR OR BEEF -J 49 I 120Z. LITTLE LINK BREAKFAST SAUSAGE LB. 1.49 SMOKED PICNICS "79° JvEN CRISP COOKIES VANILLA WAFER •BUTTER • CHOCOLATE CHIP TWIRL 0 Oz. 4 Daw *J ox « JEALTEST LIGHT N' LIVELY ' VOGURT ARM CHARM -RESH MILK 49 ALLON IUR PRIDE SANDWICH felt cutouts to your shades. If you plan to leave a shade down, you can glue the pieees anywhere. But if you will be rolling the shade, glue cutouts near the bottom edge. Then leave this portion of the shade unrolled. Too much bending might crack the glue or damage your design. the tree roots to surface where they will be vulnerable to summer heat. Smith suggests fertilizing trees by making a series of l'/i-inch. diameter holes 8 to 10 inches deep. Begin holes about three to four feet from the trunk and extend them just beyond the spread of the branches. Use a pound to a pound and a half of a complete fertilizer, such as 8-8-8, per one inch of tree trunk diameter. Delicate moire pattern inter preted »n snowy vinyl with a finishing touch of braid at hem and slat pocket Available in carry-home widths to 37" (every inch) All shades 72" long Patrician elegance, prac tical price Warrenton Furniiure Exchange, Inc. Virginia became known for its hams and bacons and began exporting them to England around 1639. Queen Victoria placed an order for six hams a week to be shipped from Smithfield. ^Varrenton, North CarpMna^^ w * vi *u r i:_. -I —I T or //v-Z/Zv/// //r, '0L0N1AL STOiTTI mrnw » 'wbk. ^STADLER'S " 'OLD FASHION' REDg COUNTRY HAM 119 mm*halfLB. SKILLET BRAND SLICED BACON 1-LB. PKG. f39 BANQUET BUFFET SUPPERS IEEF STEW CHICKEN & DUMPLINGS CHICKEN CHOW MEIN GRAVY N SLICED TURKEY SALISBURY STEAK VEAL PARMAGIAN 'OUR CHOICE! «98* •COOK N'BAGS •CHIP BEEF 'CHICKEN CHOW MEIN -CHCKEN ALA KING "SLICED BEEF -SLICED TURKEY •SALISBURY STEAK »VEAL PARMAGIAN !8< 'OUR CHOICE! °2. y k« C PAPER TOWELS AS^nRTcn f* va/uitc Ml HIMII 'I !> Q fi 100 sURTED _■ 5 ■ :hef boy-ar-dee •BEEF RAVIOLI p •SPAGHETTI & It MEATBALLS I sEl IWol] : 38° I 00 ■ BREAD 24-oz. LOAF , PRICES GOOD THRU SAT. MAT «. 1CN -QUANTITT IM

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