3f?p Uarrrn fimirft Published Every Thursday By Racord Printing Company P 0 Bo* K) Wdrrenton N C 27S8y BIGNALL JONES, Editcx Me 'ibei North Cdiolmd Presb Aisocidlion kNTtRED AS SECOND CLASS MATTtR A J THE POST Of-ftCt IN HARRENION NORTH CAROLINA UNDER THt LAMS Of CONGRESS Sci u'h) l jbs Pobtdyt- Pditl At Wdnenton N C. ONE YfcAR $500 SIX MONTHS $3 00 SUBSCRIPTION KATES: qu t Of STATE ONfcYEAR $/00 SIX MONTHS $400 Loss Of Three Women I hi ' r\u"< l< tT (• !•' Mrs ()la :t! r tirt.miithilf acnih'tft iif. 1111 • 1.ts ittcrrioiin <• .t.1 u 111 ft 1 • t • r 'hi- T11 v\ n \ ! t - / I M •' - i I •: ■)' 1 •: ' he v\ IIji >v\ 1 >| ' • iii ' ' • ! • 1 ■ k 1 'a 11 »■ f si 1 :• • ■ is ' .1 if". 11 i 1 j s hi - v\. i s ■ ; ■ • . .■■if fn! ut' hi-r • > - I'h 1 s\ f' 11 ,t 1 h \ ut the • " Pl'Uf ' ■ 1 si, .'1,1s t,, vi>i;rh' H111 \ ''w .1- i'ii i" i he ,1'ti! Ill * > p.l !'| •!! t S «( - Hcrr • I -.,1s ,t Mrs Hi,■[!.■• VI ' S A .1 s ,1 l| illt't ■ ,i ss , "i ■ ,• ■ ,i .nniriiu1 vm uii.ir " ' iff.hi'• ill ! i f trifftiis anion 1: '■••• ir<| uamt afiri'% She participated 1; !.to 's til i hi :ti' nl W arrerit 1 »n .1 1 *.«.•! In sad I v missed Mr- i 1 . n 11 • s 11 c a i h ! o 1111 w i ■ d a 'I: " * h 1 week 'In' death ot t v\ 1 > ■ • ,-r pi'O'fuorihv Warren • 'ouni • • Mrs I.ula (iardner Harris, '•'i if Maron. in<1 Mrs K\a Allen ^ ttM>n '< i n| \\!c'l Mrs Harris haH sf!'\rii IV posl IJIIS-) rcss .it \1.ii-i•" 'i>!' 1'' \ i if- ami ituriru: her lufit' ;!i h.11i mailt manv friends is 1mi1 Mrs \\ i! sun r «*I h>T- a: ■ i ' ► . 1 s| [■.'!!i' personal ' :i -s 1 11 k , V- 11 UIU er . t itt1 st• f Wii ■ < 11 u i \m«' ;i • ' ni prai't ic.ill \ I iv ft) M ;' I hi ■ ■ r ■ . • - r ' i in it h Hriv I ri rest hniiii , t t heir tit at il In * :' i .rs« it f \ t'tit s in spit i ■ >1 hi-: .ii*i Mrs 11 ;ni' v\ i mil) hav e ht i ■! t[1,1 11- i 1 ■ . • • t"ir mans more * i ' -i ■ i\trs i [>fr tricrnis r»-vrr«-T * 1 it P s A I s pi ISS| i 111 ■ W i 'ii '1 a • I >]. is, ■ u hi i knt-w an \ t ' i11 ■ si if ' t*i -a iimiTl ttcrt' t'i id i, "at i- lui' i; I'M a rich ht-nl art' ,inii t h' si a hi l>ia w ill t hree were ! r'i pi \ i i] i s v. . t ] r 'hi • si irrow that t hr\ art' 1 uni'iT v* ' h t hem. t heir l< »v ♦*< i >.n< 1 ■: i i friend*. can hr irr.i11• i111 ! h i,T i hcv ii hi them for m> Inn i' Mostly Personal Visit To Gifted Craftsman I(\ RK.\ \l I IO\f s Hinders of this column may recall th.it several months ;u:° I <»11n• i'<•'iITht an Kdison ihonograph from the late r h o m a s \ S h e a r i n who iperated a jewelry store here :or several vears This phono rrapb. was cranked with a nand!e on its side and used -vlinder records lioth are features of the phonograph ibojt which Mr flatting nquired The first phonograph :hat I ever saw was a Victor and was owned by Mrs Annie Branch of Wilson and was plaved by her son Al Branch prior to 1905. Whether it used platen or cylinder records I do not know It is a coincidence. I think that Al Branch's father a as Paul Branch founder of Branch Bank and Trust V>mpany which has recently ipened a branch of its hank at A'arrenton The phonograph about which Mr (rat Imif inquired is not his hut belongs to a friend tor whom he wishes in put it in operating condition It is an Kdison No 1") The part that holds the needle is missing \s we entered the home we noticed both of Mr ('ratlings hicvcles which he still nde> fre(|uentU Inside (he house. w»- were taken dow n into a full basement which serves as Mr (iatline's workroom Here he has saw s miters, w renches, manv other tools as well as a power bench saw His grand daughter Sandra Wood Nor wood. was staining a piece of furniture \ round the room wen- a number of chairs which Mr 'ratling had rebot tomed \s we were leaving the basement. Mr (iatling showed us the way he had built the stairwell to the basement He had iron beams clasped in wooden beams As a result, he said, the floors never shake He later told us that he had put wooden supports which the flooring planks joined and as a result t here are no creaks in t he floor For years I had heard that Mr (ratling had a very nice home, but I did not know that he built it himself with the exception of the masonry work I think that I have never seen a better built house The home has large cedar lined closets, the basement ceiling is insulated, the lights have a multitude of switches where they will be more convenient lie was not only his own carpenter and plumber but was also his nun electncian I had no idea that he built his >w n home ant:! something was said about his roof and I asked him if he built and covered that and he said that he did. There are many versatile person** who seem able to do almost an \ t hintj w.th their bands, and I have known several a h<> were able to do so. The t hint: thai impressed me about Mr '.ailing is not that he rouId 'o sn mam things, but the skill with which he performed whatever h>' set his mind to I knew that in Chicago he was ,t master plumber and I would not have been surprised to find out that he was a craft snian in his field, but it was surprising to find that he was a perfect ion i st in other fields I thought as we left that I had been talking to a trulv re markable man Don was also impressed "\\ hen I s?et ready to build mv own house." he said I surelv would like to £et Mr (iatlirtr to help me Wary Of Efforts Some Alaskans who have lived by mining or hunting are wary of conservation efforts to enlarge the state's parks and wildlife refuges, arguing. "If you ran t dig it. shoot it. or kiss it. what good is it0" "l/ook at it, is the answer conservation ists give, reports National Geographic Average size of a Utah farm is 900 acres Letter To The Editor TH ANKS PKOPLI-: To The Kditor We art turning to you again this year in an effort to publicly I hank the people of Warren County for their generosity toward John ('instead Hospital Operation Santa Clau* The local Mental Health Associa lions, churches schools. organ i/ations. businesses and tndi x iduals have again made it Im>ssibl» for un to lighten tinlives dt rach of our patients with gifts parties and c<»ntr.tm ' ions WW hout t ht• kind t bought tt I ri»-ss of the people <>! W'arren ( .»ut11 v t here v\ ould be norit- ot ► n xs arm and w♦ • r11 It 11>uch ot !'mI!h folks tor which t"\.i t »xpii.»! '.-«i , r.ir: « >pe« i.ili • .1' • > v 1 Mil- ■ •! x • : • U. If. d.-.-J. 'X v" itrt ii v , ., v , h tri. • dv •' i•»■ .' \\ ,1 r r-♦ - m < mi r ' ■ \\, . r r > .v, Ih.l' " . • .■ < ' 1 • •'1' ' • - ' ' ' 1 f Med '1 I " . •• ' . •• ri '1 • i • h<»:. 1 p« 1. - ' . .r d h. 1 ' ' . \« a V» ■ • 1 \\{ \ SIM« »\ ' <"•' ' ' ' • ,• 1 ' |'l IT K- *!! W • ,?•» I »-rv. • ■ ' .h- ' •• The World Of Books In The Warren County Memorial Library We have so many hooks on so many subjec*s that the best • a\ to find w hat your ibrarv has to offer is to come in and look For the inter and "after Christmas blaha," we have numerous craft, handwork and hird lx>oks. and some older hooks. "Rape of the Taxpayer." Stern "Manage Your Money and Live Better Markstein. "How To Clean Everything." Moore Rights and Risks of Animal Ownership." lx>ring; "21 Day Shape l'p Program Craig hints on how to "work off the Christmas cookie reri;;,-s from our cookbooks Also poetry and escape novels to read with or without a fire, N K W HOOKS You All Spoken Here." Wilder Booklets firsttj land second verseL "Your Dog,' "I)ogs. Devils and Demons both h\ liouiv Vine. DVM of Chapel Hill. "'2(hh Cent-urv .1 w. riev Shirer. The Working White House." by Hav lies Johnson and F rank Johnston an inside look into the workers in the White House; namely electrician's, plumbers, etc M\ Heart Belongs." Mary Martin "The Shepherd." 1 or^Nth Steinbeck. A life in letters." "Past Forgetting Ix)\e \ f 1. \ ■ r With Dwight I) Kisenhower," Morgan. "The Post Office t a' ilale\ toi ages •>i\ through 10. A Demon In M View. K Ketidei n sierv I >ostoV'jf\ skv The Seeds of Revolt, a . aph\ • ! 1 r ank paperback edition of "The Right and The !' ■1 a e1 J aw or ski V.ster C.od, This Is \nna." Fynn, so • 111 • h ' g t nat the author had to w alt -.ears to write this true \lKMORl\I.S "('olonial North Carolina." Burney . from • * . \\ arte-- i "i.i■;"! v Chapter of the C D.< for Miss Jennie 1 ' r ■.. \ ston \\ s . it the Conservation Department's \rt Contest on act Playing with fire' That's what viiu're doing if you havrn't t»nough of tht* right insurance for vour home A Horrifow nvrs Polir \ as stirrs your financial sc< ur It \ S«'«* lis ;thoi;i it to