Summer Dresses and Pantsuits Priced As Marked . . . Up To 20% Off Main Street Warrenton Based on independent tests, many newspapers, radio and TV stations, and public utilities are urging families to con serve water by using an automatic dishwasher, such as Kitchen Aid, instead of washing dishes by hand. A KitchenAid imperial dish washer fully loaded with a day's dishes will use less than 12 gallons of hot water on the Normal cycle and only 7V> gallons on the Short cycle. Compare those figures with the 18 to 30 gallons of water used each day by the average family washing dishes by hand! Littleton Lions Search Attics For Yard Sale Members of the Littleton Lions Club, their wives and friends are now looking in their attics and garages to find any surplus items which may be used for their summer yard sale. The sale will be held Saturday, July 9 (weather permitting), from 9 a.m. until all items are sold at the lot in front of the C. H. Lambeth Warehouse and between Roses and Red and White parking lot and the Fire Department. In addition to the yard sale, the Lionesses will hold a bake sale. Several of the Person Ordinary Bottles will also be on sale. The bottles are the last of a limited edition of only 300 Bicentennial bottles sold by the Lions Club in 1976 with etchings depicting the revo lutionary tavern and stage Ruritanettes Hold Meet At Clubhouse The Ruritanettes of the Afton-Elberon Club met on June 27 at the club house. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Ann Brown. Following the song and pledge of allegiance, a prayer was given by Mrs. Barbara Kinton. Old and new business was discussed. Plans are being made for the annual picnic to be held in July. The hostesses for the month were Mrs. Gracie Munn and Mrs. Delia Stegall. Delicious refresh ments were served and the meeting adjourned. stop operated in the 1770's and named for the Thomas Person family of Littleton. Ceramic work and pillows made by the Mental Health Department of North Caro lina will also be sold and refreshments will be avail able to the public. Items on sale will include toys, kitchen utensils, dress ers, chairs, TV sets, washing machines, lamps, toasters, typewriters, ket tles, lawn mowers, air conditioners, cash registers and many other items. Applications For Work Show Rise Work applications on file with the Henderson office of the N. C. Employment Security Commission at the end of June were up by 250 over the same period last year, Office Manager W. Hall Brooks reported this week. Brooks said his office had a total of 1,500 applications at month's end. Active job openings at the end of June were 20, down from 35 a year ago. ESC personnel placed 34 applicants on jobs during June, compared with 87 placed during June, 1976. Compensable weeks claimed for unemployment insurance during June showed a decline over June of 1976, dropping from 3,190 to 2,114 last month, Brooks reported. KitchenAid imperial and Custom models use even less water for the Normal cycle than the top-of-the-line Superba! As indicated here, the contri bution to water and energy conservation made possible by the use of a KitchenAid dishwasher is extremely significant. Compared to the hand washing tests, KitchenAid could save you about 32 to 160 gallons of water a week. Or more than 1,600 to 8,300 gallons a yean When you compare the hot water used by the leading automatic dishwashers, you'll see why KitchenAid is your best buy for conserving water and energy see for yourself