Wide Variety Of Cases Mark Session Of District Court '( uiiUnued from pJUeel ut lourt and that he nut assault Lewis Laws III (luring the |m-i ith 1 ..I vu>^«"i« sluli Linda Mai H- I njjfj \ s Jel I v Mai klm t ailed alid I a 1 li d alTt'M ■ 11:«• r issued and t>und set at > «»* ■ Mars Kli/alieth I Mi ham V s Hell! \ I .et It | 11 iali dlMIIISM-ll Uiletha Hull... k .lai iih .kjfHI- . ailed at id tailed aires! ■ .1 del issued: lul dt li-ndali' - appeal an. < alid holid ••!'( a! > Mui if. I i-i 1 i ll . - I r.iiik hearflev 1 ailed all I tailed .lITcd '"flirt s-.iUrd till' delenda[ 1T - a[ijh atall' '' and tiiind se' at * K1*' Kehi vi a A Sulotil.tJi ^ - I ri di-i'ii k H 'A 1K1 1; 1 aili'd and tailed aft'es! ■ • 1't< t Issued till de'elldallt s ap |ieara:IH •• .•?!•) I" ml -ft .1' •V 1 '"II t liul'la L I '.at I I lav ^ aliL'.l 1.1M di■ I«'lid ant tuiind .11 u i1t.il . .-i»t«• 111} 1! ut v'iilif'1 .1 ti 1) '.'dtTi-d In tail until h«- hitill >fit :>t the fntll'-mpJ i.' •»<•! '.1- > daj'it tail \\ .iri'fii < mint s I vpaf' int'llt ut "-iui ial Ser\ 11 es ■. .JanK's < »Otn> railed ,.,ld tailed arrest order issued and bond set at S 11«• I 're J1 Session /amul \l>edeen speeding 7n 111 aa rnj)h /one. railed and tailed voluntary dis missal W 11h lra\ e Kotn-rt • arl Alexander s[*edin*> sii in x> mph zone lined t>4<' and costs I'etei 1. Alston firelight inn deei wiluntar> disnns s_.il u ith lea^e i ■iw-ndti!) n <• Arm strong >[H't'din^ :h in fio mph /uiie ealled and tailed judgment absolute on Ixmd . .■lunt.ii s dismissal w ith i« Vl «' I.tine- Kdward t arroil -1 >«•« < 11lll' ill i:i tllph /one • i. 111 l' illidel the influence iiituxiiMiit*- lntir month ill sentence sus(>ended till' Hi'inth- on i-unditMin he 11.1\ the inst ill court and i 111 ii nl •> 1 T. surrender his operators license and ii"i *11ii■ r111e .i motor whide "i. 'In- hmlma>s ot North • .i11 '1111.1 nnt 11 allowed to do mi ii\ ! In■ I >e|iartment ot Mot-iil \ eludes I >.tV id I impel .1 r 1111 ;»| 11|ii• I equipment IllU. t !ei called .mil failed. .oluntar> dismissal with ii .I :Ve t- d\\ard Mhert < Yemen -I Imli i>7 in rifi 111ph /one called and tailed )• rankle Kov 1 >a\ is -peeiliiiL' Ts iii if> mph /one called and tailed judgment ihsiilutc on bond \iiluntar\ dismissal \\ itti lea\ e (ii'iir I )a\ id I )av is. speed ins.' .urn .ii niph /one called • nld tailed Melissa Ann Deyton. -peedirin I'.:, in mph /.one. called and tailed, arrest order Issued a lid tMilld srl at $lim Roy ( ai r Duke speeding i" >> inph /out- ailed and tailed i larence Durham speed mt; Vli in inph /(Hit- called and tailed voluntary dis missal with leave l'aula«i hrricker speed lllg hb in :>-> mph /one t ailed and failed voluntary dis missal w ith leave 1 lovd 1 aimer mipropei parking t ailed and failed voluntarv dismissal vvth lea\ e Richard ( hde 1 ikes speeding t.'i in .. inph /.one called and taileil voluntarv dismissal w ith leave Steve 111nsberg. speed ing i.x in "i'i inph /one called and failed voluntary dis missal w ith leave Benito < niMie/ assault with a deadly weapon not U H111 > .Pernio l.arios assault with a deadly weapon, not mil it > Nestor < lorne/ aiding and abetting in assault with a deadly weapon not guiltv Reuben Mora assault inflicting - erious injury . not gUllty \lv in Richardson simple assault and assault by pointing a mm voluntary dismissal Berlin Richard M)ii. Jr . assault with a deadl> weapon. K 12 months in jail sentence suspended for three wars on condition that he pay fine of $25(1, not he found guilty of any crime involving a firearm during the period of suspension Defendant found not guilts of two additional charges of assault with a deadly weapon Rallie .1 Settlers assault by pointing a gun and simple assault voluntary dismissal Rallie I Settlers, injurv to personal property, sen tenced to four months in jail, suspended for 12 months on the conditions that he pay a fine of SHHi and costs, that he not be found guilty of any crime concern ing personal property dur ing the term of suspension Defendant gave notice to next criminal term of Warren County Superior Court, same bond to remain in effect Rallie .1 Settlers, assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, probable cause found and defendant 1 ullld <l\el lo tile llf\t miitwtl session ut Warren mints Su|x-t ii l i hi ft i mi I:li111 jj liuii'l 11' remain III Ifil K.illii Sflllt i s assault it lift llll! sent ills III|lll S llllt .nil \ 1 ..i l i s I ii ir it - It i i i rm ifi dniK in ,, mpti /niit' I!I«-i 1 .lint tailed s uluiltal'S .lnhii rtiuin.i-- 11.ii ri 111>11»[>i■ I | >a ssi ni' cost- ut i i U I'1 I '.in I i.is ut Hii|incr )l 'I 'l|| 111! • . Ill i ' 11 ![>l I /' Mil tiled .nil) tailed | lldlf 11 lent I ivi ilutc i iii I ii 11 ii 1 vuluntj v\ I--IIIIns.i1 v\ Itll leas e <. ins \rtenas Howell CIS llll' under till' I Ml lilt'Hi t I ll 11 \ ll11 ll -• lull! Illdlllll ill term -us|x iiilf(l Iiii 1;' n nit lis i hi condition t h.it In .is .t 111 it ■ ut Si] i'ii .iini ii mil o-is surrendei his opera ■ r - license .iiii) lint ii|M'I ate motor \ehicle mi thf mhss.is s ut \nrth < .iroliii.i ut il allow ed tii In sii lis I hi' >cp.irtin<'iit >>! Motor Vi' It It's Ist's ( Ictus Hull sp,n<_» ii in ii mph /iint' called nd iiilrd arrest order -sued and bond set at Sinn JalllCS '• .llMI'hllll -1 >« •«•"< 11117<i in >"i mph /nut i ailed and tailed \ uluntarv dismissal iVIth leave • lames Juries liilsde nit .unit Ian cm i ailed and tailed arrest mder |ssi;cil and I mild Net at > 1'»i i ah in \\ ade I |ii\<| df;, HIl! while I teen se re.ukeli speeding Tii in . . lii|il, /uric tilled V.'ini and . .i-l-. \ •. >> 1 tiiit.■ rV di-'i « I-. taken «»r i till -peedlll|2 I hal'Ue \\ alt ci M -peed inii 711 in > i p11iti ,'utie called and tailed . ■ iliiiit.it"> dis missal V\ lt!l !>• i .e I tank Ih , : Mavnanl tirelmlilin.' di • i \<iluntar> disii ii-s.i .lames |. 'her Met or iniek sjn-cd'i j ii"> in "ifi mph /one i all' i! and tailed an est .11 ■• issued and Imlld se1 .it s .,mI \llie. t \iiui| e .1 r speed iiit* .'Mi i. iMph /imc i ailed and t ti.- d .I•.In. \' mail spcediim . s in .' mph /one railed and l.i i 'I judgment ah snliiti • huiid voluntarv disim- -... a ith leave liiitialas !1 Palmer -pcedini! si in ."if) mph /one. . ailed .mil i.iilt-il J m 1^4 nit -lit .ibvilutr til] Itond v uluiilat'\ dismissal W Itll If a w Sti-pheli K I \ti ki t speed 111^ Tii in i i uiph /(iiit- > .111 • 1 .tliti tailed wiluiltal"\ ills missal u itli lca\ <• llilinl.il, HlltuI) I'elltifll •• ! HI dillji ill > . (111 Jl I /i 'lit i alll'd and lallfil alTest ill del Iv-mvii .Hid lml|i| set ,t| v I i II I • luM'jili I'i'll.mj. tiriMMU lltldel I lit' Hll lut 'Tit I' ut inltixii .nits • -rvTt'f'i■'I |'li .i nl liinltv ill rai f!t-s> an.: I'fi'ilff s- i|| IV MIL' I Ihfli si •'' .mil i i i-l - lit' II Kit 11 S; ; . I, .f Kfil'l sjii i"!in. , • .i, . n-ijih /'nit i .illfl .iri• i lallfil K i nil iff If ■, M Hh 11.11 d sfifftlnii' . in t--"i iiii|ili /inn . 111| >i "| ii l 11 : -I i a! mi: • ,i!! fil ail') :.i .fO vitiifsit.il '■ 111 : 111 - - >l ititi !f.i\ i s.M I HL'flSf l.a\\ t'flj.'f I;ii.■ 1111• ^iit'i'ti111L* »>". i.i >."t lllpll h ■•:■■■ ■ . 111:» "J . i r 11 i lallfil • ittsf pi: viilltiiiiv \i)i«'ii sjif f tiiiit' . " :n fmpli /1 iin . .11!f11 .iivi t.11it"I > nhiiil.ifv i Ii sin i -sa | with Ifj v f Tlllll Si 11.11 It" I H 11 sljt • nifairnr 11' f .tkiiiL1ami fillf r lilt; Ivvu Vf.il's hi prisnll as .i _vmilntiil gtlt'iuicr i urn s< hatter tm-ariiifi .iiiit ciiirnni> and lai'ivm lun iimi |.111 M'litrm'c I ..iu .inn.i 1 Mllman Smith 11111 >1• >!»••! p.lNSlllli Hill 'Jllll tv I'amala < Smith • iiij >.v in i. mph /win- i .111< I aw! tailfl v oluiit.ii \ ■ ii^ lineal a ith ira\ i' i h.u Irs Koi klt'lk'i si''V t-i -i n 'ii r, iiil; utiilrr tin iJitlui-iu i ill intuxu aiil -1 \ llsirtltti ..ill "-en!I'll. » -us|»'iii!i ') J- month* Hi . * iii'ii! lot ' ! if pa> a I mi i.i vi iii.; . uiirt i•<ist ui 11 Hi!- r hi* upt-i ati 'l' ■ In ciiM' .iii ) iii it opt'i ati- ,i !' 11 '' I 'I . I II K If ' III ! 'II hiL'h'A a> - •! Nul'lh I al nIlIUi Mi .ill ■! to 'in mi ii> the ! ii pal t" • 'it i ■! Mi.tm \ . ' i. Ii - N ■' iff ut appeal i'ii '• ii'M i• i miiiiai -I • -i"ti <' V\ irifn ( iiunt "vU|if tin! ' . ' ' it ft .'"lit Hi . 1111 _• tci'.ii '.. i villain m fttci ' W ant'i i Murdi\ ant. ^pffihitii T'. in . ■ mph /oin■ • ilif'I ami lailfl \• -lantai'v I! M!' i . 11 a 1111 i af J.il'if- i' aimer Ten ■ in hi -iipp' tr. •• month |<tt| *fiitfiiii Mi*pet,i(le<) tor three \ cai * on fondition he pa> costs til court and the vuin ill >4iieach «t*ck for the ii-.- and lieneht ot his minor children Paul I ro\ s|x't'dinn 77 in ■. mpt /on<" called and tailed judmuent absolute mi bund wluntarv disrnis ■-a i w itJi lea w \i.iu Will-, Wagoner, allow iii-ti ii" iijwrator > lic ense voluntary dismissal A 111.mi I i.irr«*lI \Narden. •!I " 11.ii 1 'I: prohibited street . ,ili. .in') hilled hnr'd ..111 <-1 • ■*! t..I leited arre-t ' i' -lie.; and new bund -vl . j» V III \hii• \eal is .lost f)h l>i nil. " \e.11 detend.int t«•;; r i. I a - i ii t. 11 »pt ill " on."! • r' i ■ i.1 ■. i d ■ . - M.i i Li..ii K,.tM .s • i< '(til.' i:.-"l KiMfl '.u:\ * it'tf-l order -<! .1,'! -i 1 ai v. •'! I...U !si Matuiiiiu ■ H .• ' ' .l \ nr. V aimsBi:. • 'il!i '11 V'i!"> • L'l a' I e'i 11 un ,.c; i f. • • -.,..1' . : .' vcialie I Sf'.l 11' ■< u! simple . t:- -.a ;!t. ..si- irt V\}.i t. were 'lei 11. 11 n.itied Tom Sehatler pi ..ha- >n mla'ion luu unrs in |a'>

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