(Jiff Barrett firrord PuOkshta Evry Thursday By P 0 Bo* 70 ■ W»"«nton. N. C. 27569 BIGNALL JONES, Editor Member North Carolina Press Association ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AT THE POST Off ICE IN WARRENTON NORTH CAROLINA. UNDER THE LAWS Of CONGRESS Second Class Postage Pa«J At Wa'renton N C SUiSCRIPTION RATES: ^ o, Slor. S 6.50 ft' V»or $ 8.50 P«r V«Of $ 4.00 S.M Mor*u s 5 jo Sm Morniti Voting Process Deplorable During the past weekend we noticed in The Roxboro Courier instructions for operating voting machines and on Tuesday afternoon as these comments are being recorded and as we face a long night of hand-counting of ballots we find ourselves somewhat envious of Person County. We realize that Person has a broad tax base, due in great part to the establishment of a giant Carolina Power and Light Company plant at Roxboro, and that Warren County is not so fortunate and to squeeze money for voting machines into the county budget at the present time may be far-fetched, if not an impossible task, but something must be done within the next two years to improve the deplorable voting process within the county. Judging from experiences of the past several years it appears doubtful that all returns will be in before the late hours of the night, and possibly before the sun rises on Wednesday morning. We trust that we are unduly pessimistic. The trouble lies in the counting of ballots. True in some of the smaller precincts time of counting and phoning the returns to the Warrenton election office is not all that could be desired, but the delay in the larger precincts is due to the magnitude of the task facing those tallying the voles. Take West Warrenton, for instance, the largest precinet in Warren County, and multiply the ballots by the number of names on each ballot and the magnitude of the task becomes apparent. This could be reduced of course by employing a greater number