The pleasure of life is according to the man that lives it, and not according to the work or place. —Ralph Waldo Emenon Cards Of Thanks I would like to give consideration and thanks to the many friends and neighbors for all their kindness and love shown to the family in their bereaved condition during the death of our mother and sister, Mary M. Baskett. We would like to thank everyone for the food, flowers and money given to the family. Great thanks to the Greenwood Baptist Church and special thanks to Browns Funeral Home. May God bless all of you. HER BROTHER, HARVEY ALSTON AND FAMILY The family of Mr. Haywood Evans, Jr. wishes to acknowledge with their sincere heartfelt appreciation for every act of kindness, a smile, a word of comfort or a prayer and every expression of sympathy in cards, flowers, donations of food and funds and the many visitations extended them in their hours of sorrow and bereavement in the loss of their loved one. Thank you. The family of the late Mrs. Annie Hendrick Vann, wishes to thank their many friends for all acts of kindness shown to them during the death of their loved one. May God continue to bless each of you. MRS. RUTH BURCHETTE, Daughter MRS. BERTEEN WILSON Sister We wish to thank our friends for the many acts of caring and concern shown us since our recent injuries. Your calls, cards, and visits are making our "mending" days much brither. Thank you for your kindness. JAY AND KEVIN CARTER The Parktonian Youth In Action 4-H Club would like to extend special thanks to IGA and Leggett Dept. Store for helping during our doughnut sale. Also, special thanks to Bessie Person for use of the baseball diamond. Congratulations to Mrs. Lucille Alston, Rt. 2, Warrenton for winning the raffle. We would like to thank our minister, friends and relatives for the beautiful flowers, cards, food, calls and prayers in the passing of our mother, Bettie F. Adams. May God bless you. SISTERS AND BROTHERS i ■ Car insurance: Paying too much for too little? Our complete coverage may coat leaa than you're now paying. Call a Nationwide agent today tor detail*. ft 0. L. "Butch" Meek N. Main St Warrenton, N. Carolina 257-1333 ■^NATIONWIDE If INSURANCE NattonwKM « on yoiff —am Nationwide Mutual Inavranca Company Mono OMca Cotumbua. Ohio