Veatrice Davis Feted At Party Veatrice Davis of Grove Hill celebrated her 85th birthday on July 10. The day'* festivities began with a surprise request made to Radio WARR for broadcast of "Ask What -You Will of the Savior" by the Richardson family in honor of Mrs. Davis. Relatives and friends gathered from Wash ington, D. Rich mond, Va., rtaleigh, Henderson, Paschall and the local commun ity. Grace was offered by Robert J. Richardson after which the singing of "Standing on the Promises of God" was led by Mrs. Davis' niece, Mrs. Myrtle Williams. The birthday menu consisted of barbecue pork, spareribs, ham, chicken, string beans, potato salad, corn, slaw, and rolls, along with a variety of desserts. There were approxi mately 60 people in attendance. In Memoriam In loving memory of our son and brother who left us one year ago July 21,1962. One year ago today my son You left and went away And oh! the strength it took For us to bear the pain that day. We stood by you almost a week Your family, friends and sweetheart too, Holding your hands and praying That God would hear and let our prayer's come true. But then God took you to be with Him Your granddad's, Gail, and Nanny too. And left us behind in this old world To show our faith and love so true. To love and care for your other mema Who almost came to join all of you But God said no! my child I still have work for you to do. They say there's just a veil between living and dead So we hope you saw the many flowers and friends you had They stood by your mom, dad and sisters, too, Cause they knew our hearts' were bleeding for you. So we give thanks to the Lord above For sending us someone wonderful to love. For twenty-three years of sweet memories No one can take away any of these. To the one's who loved and lost you, Your memory will never grow old A son and brother we were proud of Is something much more precious than gold. We will cherish the love and memories Alway's in our hearts, For with all the love and memories We never are apart. Love, DAD, MOM, ALICE, KAREN & BETSY • Haaridity Effects Recipes made with brown sugar or egg whites (merin gues or frostings) and rich pastries may not turn out in very humid weather.