Legion Auxiliary Members Gather On Sept. 6, the Ameri / can Legion Auxiliary, Iimer Post No. 25, met in the home of Mrs. Scott Gardner with Mrs. Melvin Shearin as co hostess. After the president, Mrs. Robert Shearin, called the meeting to order and welcomed those present, our special guests, Miss Jane Aycock and Miss Bridget Banks, who were our representa tives to Girls State, en tertained as well as in formed the group of their many activities during their stay at Girls State and how much the experience meant to them. After committee re ports, Mrs. Frank Daniel gave out the year books containing programs and hostesses for the new year. The members ap proved the budget for the coming year. Mrs. Gardner gave a report on the barbecue supper served to one of the wards at the Veterans Hospital in Durham. This is an an nual event which is looked forward to by the auxiliary members as well as the veterans par ticipating. The hostesses served refreshments to the 17 members present. Gardeners Finish Break For Summer Summer vacation came to an end, and members of the Town 'N Country Garden Club met on September 5 in the home of the president, Mrs. S. H. Brown, for "A Fresh Start," for the 198445 club year. Due to the absence of Mrs. M. H. Powell, delegate to the 49th an nual convention of the Federation of Garden Clubs of North Carolina, the convention report was deferred until the Births Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kemp of Rt. 1, Kit trell announce the birth of a son, John Burton, on Sept. 2 at Maria Parham Hospital in Henderson. The infant weighed eight pounds, nine ounces. Mrs. James H. Burton of Warrenton is the maternal grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Horton of Whitakers announce the birth of a daughter, Katie Ann, on August 28 at Nash General Hospital in Rocky Mount. The couple also has two other children, Leslie, age two, and An dy, age five. Maternal grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Dillard of Warrenton. Paternal grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. George F. Horton of Rocky Mount. next meeting. The year's calendar was discussed with the annual Warren County Fair exhibit taking first priority. Other projects included planting shrub bery at the entrance of HealthCo and The Professional Building, The Group Home For Retarded Citizens, An nual Christmas Decoration Contest, holiday favors and flowers to Warren General Hospital and a trip to the Azalea Festival in Norfolk, Va. During the social hour, the hostess served a salad course to the members present. The president thanked each member for her cooperation in making 1983-64 a banner year for the club and asked for continued support of the members to make this fiscal year another "Banner Club Year."