IVews M Society Items Phone 257-3341 Miss Elizabeth Allen is a pa tient at Duke Medical Center in Durhain where she underwent surgery on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Frazier returned home Sunday after spending two months in Cocoa Beach, Fla. Mrs. Dodd Adair and children, Lauren, David and Scott, of Straf ford, Pa., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. W. Monroe Gard ner returned Sunday night from a trip to Sea Island, Ga. where they were guests at the Cloisters. The trip was sponsored by the N.C. Museum of History Associates for its members and participants toured the historical sites in the area, including Jekyll Island and St. Simons Island. Visiting Mrs. Spencer Scott, Sr. and Mrs. John W. Scott last week were their nephew, Billy Whitaker, and niece, Mrs. Bill Bulloch, and Mr. Bullock of Enfield. Billy Lanier has returned home after spending two weeks in the Caribbean islands. Mrs. George Franklin returned Monday after spending a month visiting friends and relatives in Georgia and Florida. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hawks were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Norton of Williamsburg, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Padgett returned recently after vacation ing in Florida for several weeks. Mrs. John Mitchell of The Albemarle in Tarboro visited friends in Warrenton on Wednes day of last week. The World Of Books In The Warren County Memorial Library WANTED: ALL OVERDUE BOOKS, PLEASE! Volunteers: Anyone eighteen years or older interested in volunteer work in the library this summer and on other days during the year, is invited to come by and sign up for a workshop I will be having in the library on Saturday, March 21 (snow/ice date: March 28) from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. NEW BOOKS: "Hollywood Husbands," Collins' "Silversword," Whitney; "Heaven," V. C. Andrews; "Dark Angel" (sequel to "Heaven"), Andrews; "Whirlwind" (two volumes), Clavell; "Din ner Party," Fast; "High Hearts," Brown; "I Touch the Future" (biography of astronaut Christa McAuliffe); "Eyes of the Dragon," Stephen King; and "The Fatal Shore," Hughes, a wonderful history of a continent fast becoming a tourist haven. There are also several for the Young People's Room. You will never know what your library has to offer if you don't take the time to pay us a visit. We have the ability to offer you a variety of services. In addition, you may check on what is going on in our state museums. We receive brochures telling of programs offered, etc. We have several books on general games, plus books on specific games, such as bridge, chess and backgammon. These are wonder ful games to learn at home and to while away long winter nights. Through the foreign language department of State Library, we can order records of cassettes, with books, so you can learn conversa tion in a foreign language. We have books here to give you some help in learning German, French, Spanish and Latin. In the Children's Room are two Richard Scarry books and one Walt Disney that will give you a smattering of French and German. I saw them in Ger many in June, 1985, and found a store in Georgia that carried them. They are really meant for German children to use to learn English, but they would be of some interest here as well. SATURDAY HOURS: We will resume Saturday hours on March 14 from 10 a.m. until 12 noon. REMINDERS: We have some federal 1986 tax forms. We also have the applications for Federal Student Aid for 1987-88. youAs HEALTH TIP, -*% J FROM WOODY KINa BABY FORMULA Honey should NOT be used in babies' feedings (under 9 months) as it may contain bacteria causing the disease "botulism " Symptoms are constipation, bloating, weakness, paralysis and respira tory difficulty Corn syrup is no improvement Plain sugur may be used. Breast feeding avoids this danger BOYCE DRUGS, INC. Prescription Specialists 108 N. Main St. Warrenton, N.C. Phone: 257-3449 Pillow's Fashions 126-B N. Main St. Warrenton, N.C. FINAL WINTER SALE 2 Racks Left 50% Off 1 On The Already Low Markdown Prices Example: Sweaters Poly Gab Blazers Reg. Price - 29.99 Reg. Price - 59.99 Markdown ? 20.00 Markdow n - 35.00 Sale Price -10.00 Sale Price -17.50 8 S MAIN ST. WAKE FOREST 101W MAIN ST 128 MAIN ST. F1AWLWT0N PLAZA S/C WDM MOPE WAHEMT0N, N.C. MAKE FOREST Spring Crafts Fair Plans Are Said Developing Well The fourth annual "Spring Crafts Fair" will be held in War renton at the National Guard Ar mory on Saturday, April 11. The Crafts Fair has become a fa vorite and much looked forward to event in Warrenton. There will be a variety of crafters present to once again make this an exciting day with something for every one?young and old. The fair, with no admission charge, opens its doors to the public at 10 a.m. Country ham Macon Woman's Club Members Have Meet By SARA K. BURGHER The Macon Woman's Club met Feb. 2 in the home of Mrs. D. A. Grissom. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Gid King, president. After the business session and reports by committee chairmen, Mrs. Kenneth Copley introduced the guest speaker, the Rev. John Faris, Jr., pastor of Warren Plains Baptist Church. The Rev. Mr. Faris gave an informative talk on the Interfaith Witness Program. Refreshments were served by hostesses, Mrs. H. M. Fuller, Mrs. D. A. Grissom and Mrs. Lynn Henry. biscuits, sausage biscuits, homemade baked goods, bruns wick stew and hot dogs will be on sale. Brunswick stew may also be purchased for $3.50 per quart and carried home. The fair will close at 4 p.m. There will be spaces for 56 crafters. All (rafters are urged to call Mrs. Monroe Gardner at 257-3203, Mrs. Cal White at 257-4145 or Mrs. Bill Robinson at 456-3717, as soon as possible to reserve spaces. Birth Announced Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sumler announce the birth of a daughter, Jasmine Almetra, born Feb. 20 at Duke University Medical Center. The infant weighed seven pounds, 15 ounces. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Guy Alston of Ridgeway. Paternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sumler of Castalia. Mrs. Sumler is the former Delphine M. Alston of Ridgeway. The Sumlers also have another daughter, Johanna Marie. Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ross of Raleigh announce the birth of a daughter, Alisha Denee on Feb. 6 at Rex Hospital in Raleigh. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Johnny C. Williams of Littleton. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ross of Elams. For minty hot chocolate, add V? teaspoon peppermint extract. Completing the final stages of their qulltmaking project are Sooth Warren students, left to right, Sharon Jackson, Zaarenetta Williams and Joel Clark. Warren County Schools' Artist-in-Residence Sosanne Schuett (standing left) supervises the work with the help of a volunteer parent, Mrs. Lenora Clark. Mrs. Schuett, a fiber artist, has conducted similar studies with fourth graders at Vaughan, North Warren and Hawkins Elementary schools, Incorporating the quiltmaldng projects into the study of North Carolina history. She is concluding an eleven-week residency with Warren County Schools, the first half of which consisted of work ing with eighth grade students and weaving pro jects. The residency was partially funded with an artist-in-schools grant from the North Carolina Arts Council, a state agency. (Community Schools Photo by Mary Hunter) Benefit Rides Are Scheduled A Bike-A-Thon is planned for Saturday, Apr. 4 in an effort to raise funds for the Leukemia Society of America. The event is a part of the Society's statewide effort to involve small towns in this worthwhile project and to sensitize residents to the need for support for leukemia research. Coordinating the event are Mrs. Betsy Gardner and Dr. James Holt. The 10-mile course, which begins at Warrenton Bap tist Church at the corner of Main and Ridgeway streets, will be laid out by Dr. Keyserling. Riders and patrons showing their support by pledging a cer tain amount of money per mile for their sponsored riders are be ing sought. According to Mrs. Gardner, who is involved in the Bike-A-Thon for a third year, be tween $400 and $600 has been raised in Warrenton by children alone. "This year we would like to get some older adults in volved," she said, "both from the fund raising and personal health standpoints." For further information or to register, contact Mrs. Gardner after 5 p.m. at 257-4307 or Dr. Holt (during working hours) at 257-3141. Party Is Given A surprise birthday and an niversary party was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Guilford Brown on Feb. 7 at the South Warren School auditorium. Hosting the affair were children of the couple, Sheila Brown and Sandra Wheeler of Mt. Vernon, N. Y. and Guilford C. Brown of W. Hollywood, Calif. For the catered event which began at 5 p.m., the tables were traditionally decorated for the 40th anniversary. Soft music by WARR radio of Warrenton was played during the celebration which was attended by more than 100 friends and relatives. Guests were present from Warrenton, Oxford, Henderson, Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro and also from points in New York, New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia to celebrate Mr. Brown's 72nd birthday and the couple's anniversary. World Day Of Prayer Plans Are Announced World Day of Prayer celebrates its centennial on Fri day, March 6, proclaiming the theme, "Come and Rejoice." A 100-year-old movement of global dimensions, the World Day of Prayer is a worldwide expression of mutual prayer and Christian unity. The uniqueness of the obser vance lies in the fact that its ex pression is found in local com munities and its leadership in laywomen of the church. World Day of Prayer, begun in the United States in 1887 as a day of prayer for mission, has developed into a movement in which Christians in some 170 countries and regions of the world gather each year to observe a common day of prayer. The same theme and worship ser vice is shared and translated in to hundreds of languages and dialects. Local interdenominational and inter-racial prayer services will be held at the Warrenton Presbyterian Church on North Main Street at 11:30 a.m. Wor ship will be led by laywomen and pastors of Warrenton churches. All women and men of Warrenton are invited and encouraged to participate. An offering will be taken for Church Women United, the of ficial U.S. sponsor of World Day of Prayer. Church Women United is the ecumenical movement that brings Protestant, Roman Catholic and Orthodox women together into one Christian com munity of prayer, advocacy and service. During worship, a nursery will be provided. Following worship, a soup and sandwich lunch will be served in the church fellowship hall. For further information, con tact the Rev. Nancy Rowland McCann at 257-1462. Sakes Alive Ann's 35! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Love, Leslie, Amy, Cam AFTER SNOW SALE Check Our Specials All Over The Store Loughtin- Goodwyn Jewelers Warren ton, N.C. I^grmans of Salisbury" _ "Springtime is iDecorating Time. Bring Spring magic home by decorating now & saving... 20% OFF! Custom Window Covering SALE! Warrenton Furniture Exchange, Inc. USE. Franklin St. Warranto*. N.C.