TH E jrm&uoa. .‘mom don’t .n e y could not then G fc # 2 fesAA.^ or L is recommend- >1 Schools in fin PWAti 0 Prices end Catalogs SPECIAL SAY A. W. White,— each mouth and 5th Sunday atll o’clock a.m., and at ation. icrciO IIVSS M42U AS CO-OPERATIVE CLUBS. CHURCH Episcopal,—Rev R. W. W ’WITH CHARITY FOB, ALL AND MALICE TOWARD NON E VOL. I. PROFESSIONAL C/fUDi Ern Mtoppyg at Law, Wteta^, ^ C. • and a.-Lousgofuih.a^ ’ giveni the eolluctiSn of claims. KUTT^y .(Wilt 102 wg sfe'bM 10, X DIJIE Attorney at [Law, entru.ste' ini WILKES BOROUGH, N. C„ THURSDAY —Capt. Cooper, of DeUaplane, is sick. —Sheriff McEwen is back from Raleigh. —Dr. Turner is. coming home ‘this week. . —Read Tinney A argument Stanley expects to leave r Chilic'otbe, tod yPLogan Price's —AI . K. M ; niot’ of sla: Methodist,—Rev. C. W. Goodwin,— Sunday in each month at and at night. MAGISTRATES. erson. B. F. carter and w. F. Alexander. Trap Hill—'3—Wesley Joines, David MCcann, A. c. Bryant. walnut Grove—5—F. h. Alexander, n. c- spicer, r. Miles, w. M. Absher, Felix Brew er. nock creek—4—L. n. parks, J. w. relts, spencer Blackburn, John w. Emerson. Mulberry—4—Daniel M. wall, w. P. Ab- shier, A. wiles, A. c. nancy noddies River—4—J. A. crysel, .r Frays, J. n. Mcxeil, u. c. pennell. union—4—B. F. whittington, T. b. Whittington, A. A. whittington, D. sheppard. nail, w. M. Le shears. Beshears, John Bc- Elk—1 1 —Thomas u. west. nearer creek—1-—John A. Foster waiker, sam’l Harris, T. L. Barlow. Revis, T. J. Gilreath, L. c. Jennings, R. M. staley, w. n. nubbard. Brushy Mountain—3—E. b. nendren, J. A. Lowe, Harald Hays. Lovelace Wright. E. v. Anderson. Transow, c. sumers—4—D. c. jurvis, E. m. relts, w. A. southers, Alfred warren, New castle—4—J. c. Armstrong, E. M. lendrix. UARY, 26,1888. little, son of ; low v, 1th Walnut -head the Holiday Surrab. It you v LuONABD. REVENUE REPEAL. ByR. Z. Linuey. Ma. Editor:—At the be was over. A system of internal [ administration. revenue as then, .was in 18C>1,-a ! that if Mr. Cm Avar lug- of this new year Jet me son necessity.’ I have seenihad been directi where that 27 articles were ■ mont of Mr. Gla urge you to Continue the wart then taxed, the product of indi- you have begun upon the devil: vidual enterprise. This destruc- and the internal revenue sys-ltivo system then, as now, had; tern as the most dreaded ene- [ paralyzed the arm of individual 1 mien oftouU^ and liberty. There; enterprise, and the results were fbc ills grown) no' compromise with ibest described by that peerless ! taxes of 18GS. In fact, I have, some-; whig: orator, Mr. Clay. Presi- thoughi the cause of; dent xluhroe was, perhaps, bet- out of 1 eithe time: Iri'tli .lioili in Christianity and ; ter grounded in the principles poh les would pwspei' more if I of republicanism than any pres lew '.yore' said against his sir- ident this republic has ever had. u ma; and more against Hg had little or no rank in the this pestilential weapon for e vil he uses. Do away with the in ternal revenue system, and the Blends of truth everywhere* will have acquired a victory over which angels would smile. There is an organized body of clansmen, calling themselves democrats, who for twenty the enemies of this system, n^w fur til first time in the history of parties in. this country bold- army.. Had therefore been.him self, governed much, and it wa s one of; Harrington's axioms of libertju that “those who gov ern must in turn bo govern ed,’ 5 Besides, he had read law yuth that apostle of liberty, Thomas Jefferson. We can therefore look to no authors in this young republic’s history with as much hope of getting the truth as applied to patriot ism, as President Monroe. Such patriot statesman once dis- med the diseased condition the young republic and pre- ssr Destruct? \: c 'cy.of the! \ , From that j .e truth. wonder how they Th. scribed a remedy for all the ill . Olay had so truthfully itched. Let bis first message the-reined . appearing i satisfactory manner that . revenue arising from im- nd tonnage without cl of internal taxes, is suf- hcieut to meet the demands of the govel-mn it economical! I consider it m serail lion now, no candid man will deny, indeed no active demo ¬ duty to recommend to congress their repeal. These taxes were imposed when the demand was imperious.” So with the pres ent. The tax on 200 articles im posed in I860 were a Avar neces sity, ju ;t as the tax on 27 ar ticles were imposed as a war necessity in 1812. They are for warand only way. They should disappear with the confederate gray and federal blue. They are associated with the demands of A C. crat in North Caroline can deni . herte, blood, and discord. Mor it without finding himself con-p-oe looked upon them as th orders for the saleof Organs g' on£e(£ vrith the teachings of rnthat wounded our: and Pianos None need appr man y ^“S years of his past life. I in peace, and at once drew out »xceirt those who can give 'a Any further acting with thacithis offending and destructive good"" recommendation’ and | P ai;t y jv 4510 democratic voter: age sy and destroyed it, only bond Address [ V^ 0 bates this devilishjsystem] to be again restored to lifetem- j’ g LEONARD | woifid bo self destruction. If I porarily as he no doubt thought Statesville N. C. I ^® has' become a convert to to answer war demands, The [the system,—h democratic heat [ result was indeed a happy one. Don’t be surprised if yo u [ and bluster for these fifteen receive a statement of your in y earg pas ^ was a false alarm, debtedness to Staley & J® nes ij then and only then can it be for they havenow out-standing [ 10gical for « myself) the sys . bills to the amount of 13,000. j frien(:1 , t0 glay myself They must and wM collect. | Por oa ^ j ^ prefer t0 —The Blair Bill ought to be-, oppose this systemof collecting con ver 5 Stephens says Monroe’s admin- good feel: Such was hr popularity that at his soo jud c- lection, he carried every state of the Union, a thing now 1 bo- come a law. vantages of It brin gs the ad- revenue. schooling withill It may not be entire- y barren of good results to con- fore or since,except with Wash ington. And he was perhaps the reach of every child in N. C. Every freeman who is loyal to his homo will, we trust, vote against the congressman who votes against his child. trust the position of President ever have been elected to son of the North St: office can read it without cue sin’, except my friend Hemp Bingham, and he rubs his eye - and wants to see Locke Mo- Oatilde whenever he is pressed on it. Yes, this message doo: indeed propose a remedy. In stead of pulling this thorn out of the whole body politic and casting it into .unquenchable file, he strikes this irritating, offending agency on the head in despotism’s work shop. “It need hardly be stated,” says the President, ••that while the pres- | e nt situation demands a reme dy we can only be saved from ! a like predicament in the future by the removal of the cause.” The president here alludes to tariff not as a source of evil all, but the means of supply! the federal treasury during j whole of his second term wf o lice, the best this coum ever known. We know A Gazg' over ation an' A hJl^ various tables Webster’s Unabridged D ed by the State Superi States,and 1.5 United States thorny with and in the Ge been selected i have been ina ary upon which nearly ail the school books are based. Get the Latest and Best It is an invaluable companion in every School and at every Fireside. testimonials Specimen pages and ent prepaid on application. Published by G. & C. MERBKiS & CO., Springfield, Mass., U. 5. Ay ministration desires to r uate this iniquitous tax,been immediately after speaking of r the tariff ano attributing the ( distressed condition of the coun try to that as the cause, bepre cood.i to ffiqios^tsft.^ taxes. There appears to be ho! just of complaint of this taxa- 1 tion by the consumers e those 1 ' thus appears that for tin grooving or of t an Monroe administ tive remedy.; to ¬ ■d o W- ing out of the war tax of L. G , j President Cleveland adminis- tered just the opposite remedy; i to wit, their perpetuation. Mon-! roe was illogical enough to sup-i pose,that tile removal of a cause would destroy its evils. Presi dent Cleveland’s philosophy; proceeds upon the idea, I sup pose that “the hair of the deg: is good for his bite.” Mr. Editor, can such non sense be crammed.; down the throats of good men any longer? The consumers of the articles taxed and their in terests seem to be first in the sympathies of our president “this modern God of the clouds.” 1 have been simple enough to think that the toiling hundreds of thousands of hus bands and wives and their chil dren who in the heat of a summer’s day in southland make themselves, with ever re-| turning season, beasts of bur-' den to bear water to the tobac-' co plant; and who, clad in rai- meat the President’s dog would the only President who conk n0 p s i eep on; wage an ete Monroe after the war of 1815, [third th i war under the black flag agalOst [ 1 Of the Presidency. [ the tobacco worm, were ODjccts| ristian charity and Prosi- Si S® fee ®E® I OH Mi adapted for LACE Co STEM Lennon CRY, UMBRELLAS, NECK WEAR, WHITE GOODS and for Family and Dressmakers* Use, AGZHTS WASTES. kruse rpe co, 124 E. 34a st, ft, *. ■rHOUSABDS OF ’ME BEST Tbis Ss t!^ Most 4* And 0117,7 co-operative ?a capesg The .watches arts American Lever Stem Winders, containing every cswi’Uii! to accuracy and durabil ity, and have, in addition, numerous patented im- provemeiits found in no other watch. 'They are ab solutely the only H^ut •-■•.■ni Jc-mpproo/ move ments made in the World, nod cn ■ jeweled through out with GEirU^? th 11 CnlAlil. The Patent Stem Wind and Set H the stronges! and simplest made. They are ft^ty egual jov appear ance, aecaraey, durability and ver-rice, to any $75 Watch. Our Co-operative Club System, brings them within, the reach of every one. We wawt an ac/lve, rerspoKtSkJoSo rep resentative in EVJ31EY CITY and t o w ar. Heavy profits guarantee,! on limited investment. Write for full particulars. The Keystone Watch Club Co. ■ P. 0. Box 928, Philadelphia, Pa. with that of President Cleve-1 Such was the course of legist. . land’s after the war of 1801. At [ tion given this country by the i re£ - ” - ’ 1 - burden- the beginning ot Munroe s act-, old republican party, under: p 110wn to be forced tosell rabac-i Monroe. Monroe recognized the [ io,thu ; raised, at four cents peril) custom dues as the legitimate; ■worth eight, besides the taxes. source to draw revenues for the [ Under this monopoly of trade ga g|j wants of the federal govern-1 ™ the purchase of tobacco the; «g A , . ° !outgrowth oi the revenue sys- W ment in times or peace. Howthose who purchase asl ™ stands this thing we now have dealers in tobacco make often called Cleveland democracy, I as much as the producer real-! i ministration, Mr. Clay spake as —Following the footsteps of p o y ows . “In casting our eyes a Shoe: On last Monday our worthy Brother, of the around us the most prominent circumstance which fixes our Chronicle, and our loquacious a ff en fj on and challenges our and clever young townsman A.: d es .(. re g re f ; j s the general Wellborn mounted on E. 1 d j s t resg which pervades the Wellborn’s old ox made a tour around the Public Square. We know the ox was ashamed. Moo! Moo!l Moo!!! should be so called; for no izes for his whole crop. whole country. It is forced up- or should be so called; for no | lzes ^or n^ wnoie crop, laey ; on us by numerous facts—by! officer has ever been idolized in ' § e ^ jT^; the producer gets poor the alarming diminution of the this country but Cleveland, i whiskey and tobacco ar( circulating medium—by the nu-1 They sometimes speak of Cleve- j foreigners. The Prcsi .eni We would like to know why merous bankruptcies—by the|land as a kind of God of [ sympathies were proba 1 : it is that the fames of such Universal complaint of the want [the clouds, you see. •tesephus | exited of E M Abshe- of employment—by the raven- tells iJs of Annubis, a heathen “^autacturei wane men । . Carlisle read to ms tarn Alfred Elledge, John Davidses 1, [ »u pursmtafter public stations: God'oi the clouds worshiped in I speaoh and ; whan he oame to R. P. Laxton, D.M.HaU, W. L. 1 as a means of subsistence. It the temple of Isis. He turned spsa k of the internal taxes, he Brewer and’ others we couldT 8 like & e atmosphere around libertine, however, and thetem-■ forgot his own, toiling, tax mention have been marked off- us-none can escape it-all must: ple was burned. This idolized list of Wilkes Coun- ! inhale it!” How much like the I party leader in his last message 1 co is . cto.c. oa Ilie Juiy list, or wvou 1 . . . , see, do not complain 1 a opinion ty, and some, other we could! Present condition of our coun- makes rather a dark picture of : of the p resideat , mention nave had their names [ try, Mr. Editor, is that drawn the situation, much indeed like. (Continued next week for retained. I by Mr. Clay, The war of 181SI that of Mr. Clay in Monroe’s i want of space.) Sssh WiSiAih: