C,ITY DAILY SENTIN U 20TH YEAR. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 7. 1906 PRICE STERN 0RDERS. N0 DIVORCE YET GOOD SPEECHES SCARED BY GIRL BRYAN'S VIEWS. STILL IN GENERAL ORLOFF ' HAS AUTHORIZED, COUNTESS CASTELLANE MERELY T0"HEAVYWEI6HTS" DISCUSS RAILROAD NEW YORK BURGLAR'S PLANS ARE WHAT HE SAID TO THE FILIPINOS MR. J. T. BENBOW A CANlTDATE FOE UNUSUAL SEVERITY. ASK FOR SEPARATION. RATE MEASURE TODAY. FRUSTRATED. WHILE IN MANILA. THE COLLECTORSHIff. 5 t .,- EL TWIN SCENTS . FIGHT. Y 1 At Part of Hii Plan for Putting Down Insurrection in Russia He Iseues Orders to 8oldiert to Shoot Jew on Spot When They Are Suspected of Having Afms. Other Russian News News. the Castellancs today informed the By Wire to The Suiilmrt. . ...ST PBTERHIii'RlS. K I. 7-The. C'rr.-i:.);M. n; of the I V-Hs vr I T.-k:. government officials arc- rmsldiring 'the: the question of !ie countess at p'.'Bi for making fru l:of a forties. tenipti:ig lu secure a divorce is no of nrst-clnss till accomiioda''.oiis , longer bi-inn discus 1. at Last fur for gunboats. The i.U a U lo afford 'he i.i ?r.:. The expected solniion of tirtler protection to the Oar in rase the diiHouliIf-a Jiawcrn the couple Is of need I'hiw the countes will seek temporary Tho announcement was made toda cpurullon. If this U granted it will that the cnvtrumetil censorship on telegrams from abroad has been re sumed. Aftvicc received from Homel state that when Gvuiral Orloff arrived there he received. at headqtiartei s a Jewish rtonur.ii inn Orlr.ff tnl dthi m that if nuns were found anywhere on lite 1 .... .,.. 1... 1 .u. .. -.111 ! Ijrt'llllSe UCCUUieU UJI .ll'WII UI. .ll, : . . .. . .,....... 1 IMi fc.101 on ine apoi wnuoui irim. Thesit and other repressive measures i atUpted sliow that leactionaties are 1 ara'.n In iihsnluie control In that por tion of Ihc country. WHITE GIVEN MUCH CREDIT. German Papert Publish Dispatch Say 'y Ing American Representative at Mo- roccan Conference Had Done More nan anyone tue lo-omoom uvcr Differences Between France Germany. By Wire to The Bohtlnet EERI.1X. Feb. . Kvening newspa peta P'lhlisb a messase from' Algtciras Spain, where International conference over .Morocco is beitiK held, that th American delegate. Hon. Henry White ! Can none more to smooin over uie nu- Terences exisiins between France nnd lieiinany icg.udins Morocco, than liny tot her niember ot the cotiferer.ee. .imZ'o rlca fir ,he sevi es fln t, if hv Wh.i "' lende.ed bj White. TAIGN Y in Nfcw tokr. French Charge d'Affaires Recently Ex- from Venezuela Will Go to ui . MnlAii rrtrH mYnnai- . saoor. By Wire to Tim RentlneL NEW YORK, Feb. 7. ' Oliver Talgny.e expeKed French charge d'affaliei in Vtaesiiela. arrived heie today from Curaeon. He will go lo Washington this afternoon win re lv will presfnt to Ambassador .lusserand that lead full report of the troubles 1... .. .II. V.ma.ln ml.llla.l. I.I IU art ri Ills "1 mi ....... .w . - L- , ... I ihu v.nni..iH nf President Castro and the manne 'asiro and the manner in which he was put out of the country Ho will then return to Paris. IS NOT TAKING HMD IK REPUBLICAN . FACTIONAL FI6HTS. Governor Says He Did Give Personal Endorsement aj Holton But That Hii Relations WitK.J3!ackburn Are Also Pleasant Denies Certain Report sent out ?rom wasningwn. , Goes to Morganton to Complete Hospital Investigation. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH. J?ob. 7 Gov. Glenn says Ihe ie)Kirt sent' out from Washington jpiucp was take;, by Major H. A. Cnite. that he li takins any hand in factional. wh n,,I(, (hP ,,osition (or nine years, fights of the Republicans I;: the state A!(OUt o yeara ago the writer. G. E. nvrr Kovcrnment apoointmei.ts for Hie j Webb, succeeded Mfjor Crute as the State at Wastimgion are aosoimei, without fe.uniiatlou. He ays he did frlvc Attorney General Moo.ly personal endorsement of Holton. for district at torn -' for trie western district and pok.' to Ptesih.tit Kooaevelt In his behalf, but this wa purely on per sonal grounds. He said that he had known 1 1 ll:ri from boyhood ami Hol ion succeeded him as district attorney r.nd had shown ability. The governor aiys his relations with Congmsman B'.ackburn are entirely friendly and that the statement that he and Blackburn art not on speaking terms ia false; that Blackburn called tin ii mi hi tue cAwiiiiTir uniuc last in Raleigh. Governor Glenn istl this afternoon fur Morganton to complete the inves tigation r.f the Western hospital for insane and on his return will publish his report of the condition of the 1 ... .v .. ! nut;- m.e mjiiiii.ij. m. at Morganton Raleigh and IjOlilS- I boro. Ten Per Cent Increase. -WirT J2.AB" ?J "''"r' . . . .. - . .,...ns ih. mt. rilF nnon between the William Tinkman ! -Conroany and (he Rova! Worsted Mill ' .i ...... l-.t n.,.M.k ,.j .a'L..." r ,', m It ' ; . tJa?.. T.r.m,;i..l .nr n . .trtke at the peginnins 0"f the year, demand- ""- ' Int: a twenty ner cent increase in their i'"- Thursday evening was much en - wages and' a Saturday half-holidav. Joyed by the jounger sel. b'rthej mpromlse oo ten perl fc.ir. cent Increase and Saturday holiday-to begin in March. ' N. Glenn Williams waa here this afternoon, returning to hie home in Yadkin from a business trip. If. After Securing Separation, She And ' Count Boni de Castellan Can Come to Agreement No Divorce Will Be Asked for. Think Her Friends. lt- Wire l The Keiitinel. I PARIS. Fib. 7. Intimate friends of Ktvc lime 101 wmi inrnu 10 bikiW their spii its and atlcnipis a: bi iiiKlnK. alxiut a rernnriUnsion can then lie tt - i lie wed with Rood piospects of success. !t is cunsidi red certain that there will ! he no more developments lor the : The French Leenlnir nuiel newspapers are stil. ; hn vn mil ni-lntnit n linp n limit the AI- : iuuui mi.- iiiuin i mi.i . - - - having even allowed n decree of "". in lecant to meir cniiureii u ru iiuiuiiiiei.il. in ib uuiiim niui , iber how Count Boni in slapped , the face ol M. Do Jiodays. editor ol l.a MKaro nnrt la'.tr louunt a -tint'i ; witn tnc eniior. in which ine uu icr ; wns wounded, because M. IV' ltotlay's papers pi lulcd a personal article re-i illectinR uprn the count, nol mention- lug any naim I ! Piedmont Warehouse, Which Is to Be, Torn Down to Give Place for the Masonic Temple, Hasan Interesting H . ory- Piedmont warehouse, which Is soon If torn down to make room for a -- - - ' .........y . " . , (Ifresilns hls:oiy. which is given hy """' ""'' '"' "-'""". " - 1'hdmon, warehouse was built i" the yeV 1S72. when Winston was hut , Ftinggliiig village and before Itu f-i.iic no u ,r,.,i .,,1, neen runler had j,J(..n HSI.,,ilih(d. The original sine of I the bnlliiliig was 50x1 'Ml feet. Major j Hamilton Scales was the first owner. In IN the llrm waa Scales Wiles -i 4iHW -mui- i maker. on account of the insignifi cauce of. the market, and In 1X74 i: mitted tir embra-e and kiss and sign was closed up. In lsTii the house was In pi act M adottition of each other, re-opened by Cap!. Mi W. Xorfleet. ; The time nets of the play are laid In with Major .1. S. Scales as drummer. Mexjro. and seldom have there been and the late Col. A. II. (Jorrell hook-. prettier t.tage settings or more pleas keeper, and O. C Smith, who now- rep- Ing draperies of the principals and reaents the U. .1. Reynonlds Tobacco ' chorus. To Thomas Senbrooke was al ('ompany at Marilnsvllle. Va.. sa auc-;lo;ed the part of the Wall streid brok- :hnier. In I .-. 7 ' Ml. T. I.. Vaughn ii came interested witn t ain. .orneet. : ,... v.,.ll, C. - 1, In i 'e mill ... . ----. i i :..-.i......i. - V"';' Aurlleet alone. in im .viaj. .1. a. Srales and Mr. W. A. S. Pcarce were admlttfd inli the firm, ihe stle of ' siid flrru being M. W. NornVct & Co. '.I- I. li..,,,t .. ....... nn.l llin ' 1 11 nil was then cuii, poved of Jl'. So, tU-a and ;tl. .1. S Scales, and so con, Irlnucd until issit. when Capt. Nor- flirt's oldest son. James K.. became a; member uf tlie llrm. In INHo t aptain ; I.vomect men, aim lor a wuiie uie house as run hy Major J. S. Scales. I -lames K. and H. C. Norllert. Later i Mesirs. George and Charlie Xorfleet became active inemheis of the firm. and today this successful warehouse concern is composed of -I. S. H"ilps - James K.. K. C. Gen. S. and Cans, Norllert. This linn is also interested 'with Mr. A. It. Bennett in the conduct ' of the Star warehouse, the two houses filing n,r. t linai one-half of tho lo- bacco sold on the Winston market. 'V O. C. Smith, as Mated 'before, was the first auctioneer for Piedmont. He was sucreerlPd ty Mr. J. Q. A. Bar ham. and after his retirement his 0ho1Mht .and hn is at present doing the "chin music" for tho rottcern. The Plelmont warehouse, builillng has been enlarged four times In order to accommodate Its growing trad", and at present lt"H J9H feH long by about 125 feet In iiilth. The house hat had a remarkably Kiiceoesful career, and dttrlna; 4ts rxlnteneo there has been sold on its floor lll,4ftS.!M5 pounds of tobacco at an average of $V37' per hundred, amounting to $9,337,510.92. . BURNING TOBACCO PLANT BEDS. Nine Members of One Family at Stokesdale Wrestling With Measles. Special to The Sentinel. STOKESDALE. Feb. 6. A number of tobacco placl beds were burned in MhJu vtr hrlv In at veil itbls vicinity Inst week u .v.. . tcisnatl. otiio, wnere ne win lake a nuiru. In lrw vlinnl nf tu1orm-1 phv. 1 v-i . D..r... !f. mill- hnv Tr,rnaa .-..hit uiT-iiiua ul '. . v.iius m.K' . -is Amite uoofloy nas entereu "fhool at Whltfett. since the-close of her public school at Sylvania. sick ter the past week. 'Hir niother.' M:. P. H. Xeal. of Madison, is at hrrlth:s oecnsion. Of course refresa-1 br-lside. j, A amiable at Mr. R. O. Williams , . . r. rt ' i-nii.n,.' i rir n v n.tton .hn h. heenl. indispose! for a few days. Is Improv-, Ing. . Too many people mistake dignity for wisdom. Bourkt Cochran And John Sharp Wil - I liams Close Debate Today for Dem ocrats And Hepburn And Mann for Republicans. Cochran's Stirring Speech. By Wire to The Sentinel. , WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. Today was "lici.! day" in the house. T'nrtcr an . ameiyneui the general debate of the Hephuru hill, will close at 4:3" ! 'Potti side.s have pat forward their , morning, was f.ustiHNd liy Miss Car ; ctatorical htavj weights to wind up Wormser. u daughter. The burg . the debute, as follow: Uuurktt Coch- ar. howevi r. snerefied in making hl rati, ot Vi w York, and Leader Wll- ( g.-ape with diainouds and Jtwelr Hams, for the Democrats', and Col. valued ill from $:!.h.mi to $',.111111. After Pete Hepburn, of Iowa, and Mann, of j Illinois, for the Republicans. The KaJ- (M , are filled. Halikhend. of Ala-, ,an:a. nxiko lirii Hy in the support of t;. ,lll. Cockran was granted an htnir and a half. He said the bill was la step in tile direcilo.t ol emancipai ion ) (ne people from combinations. nose totces t lai tnreaien ro coiuroi "wr .v...... 'ii ......n... ..w 1, l.. l.AIl,ia In at I r ,1 . in ' ui.mi.hjh.i- um f'""in ...n..... . ,,10119. "Ii ts not a step In the direction j 0f Socialism, he said. "I suppiMl 1. j tiecntise I ii'itcve u ' w oc n iiaiTiei wotni-e:. n,i was aroused -iod a.,an1S ,;,nt very condition. It Ut'iea pi8lo ,: i, the line sh. r. aelied i only iiie.im by which public owner the lower pai: of itie resilience the I . tip can he av tied. H takes from Socialii- s the mot plausible arnu K.M, whirl, j,a yet hi en adance l.' , IN NEW YORK THEATRES. Only One New Plav Introduced Last ttcck, I ms DCiny iviexitn. rjy Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK. Feb. !!. The present tK-" ' ""' wim'1' s"11 the theatres so full of successful and fair- llv successful plays that only a limited .opportunity is afforded for the prescn tation of fresh material. This tt'eek -; -. - - ,.. ,Iu iif v.,(f 11 i''1" fr Ute raw cotton. Tnis icaaa." which had lis birth at the Ly " '''. ' ,,,',,.. .' . I U who goes to look afier Ms l.itercs.s , in a certain bogus mine, the "'-xica ' na." In which the government is sup-, iwiucil to he till elPKt ill. It seems thai "grafi" is as plenilfil In Mexico City as It Is in New Wk I is irance and po Iltlcal circles and th i excuse of it hringtt about a popular uprising. In h e-u! rvurytuiitK i. tmitlitein .1 oui and the hero and the heroine ate per- er and this he interpreted hy appear- lug w nn ugni ren wihsm-ts aim a I .1,.,. u,.,t,l I,,.-.. n,.r.rl uor. .,,, ...... ..... '. " V .V. 1 ..' t nrisue .viacuonaiu. as ine iove-sinir maiden, never before appeared so win- some, dainty and alluring. Her song, "The Fickle Weather Vane." will rank n.ii ll.rt H,i.i hanrA hn.a Ihlo c u. . l.laiich Da'ya a ro lime mVVV'; TV? Tn was a distinct success in a song. "Wc " h nZ.UZ 've Cot a Lot to l.m." which tells ! ! I,1'" .. ! " " .."' ,R f .Bn"P" about the way courtship aieR in pop titar novels of the day me u jger oroiaeis in ueiunu made its appearand here tetouched and made almost new with fresh gags 1 and songs. The Roger Brothers as the two simple Germans are sure to hold j their own with the many shows tha. ire providing; New Yoik with light j plotless comedies. At the Metropolitan Opera House c I very Interesting series of operas was 1 presented. Of soeclal note was the first appearance this season of Wag- nei'a, "Dera Meistrirunger." which brought out in full force the lovers of German opera. To satisfy the trend of the public for operas of the lighter sort "Mansel nnd Grrtor was pro sented in the form of n double bill with "Paglianccl." In the latter pla. Mr. Carnso returned lo his role of Canic which Is regarded as one of ihei best In hi repertoire. Miss Besie i u . ... ... ,, ' donna, who only a few years ago fsaag with her sister upon tho vaudeville , ...,,..l.,. lll.. . . m" won or ine inn.ous J-''" '", " ' ' afterwards became his '''''IIJ. . a' .' 1 repeated her success of last week and n "Rleoletie eave an excellent rea- , ,. .v. . ,Tf ana.. 1 tlllitfll Ul till' UIC Ul LJllllll. PYTHIAN "BIG NIGHT.' To Be Celebrated by Local Lodges. .......j . Speakers to Be Invited. Representatives of Damon, Salem and Wachovia lodges. K. of P., met last night and decided to hold a "bipj light"' celebration in the ensile hall j of Salem loiUe n M inday night. Feb- j ntary IS. This action is in accordance. i'h .. . ..." ... ... -.,i. ,, - .. 'chancellor, requesting an m ue ,- i.i ,r . t. ....... h,it N'nn h Carolina 10 i ihoid a "big night" celebration on thelrsurance Companv, died at the Twin- 1 . i rit-i- hrc-.i.-.i ii a--i tM uftumnn ! to t l,w.al !,w!pP m-lll linile in ii:iii- iiiiitfii .i..... Ill Cl.L Ul i I'll.- .- . v........' c ....w - - chof-?n to ai range an appropriate pro-' gtunr. Dr. H. F. Chreiuberg. Rev. C-( S. Craslnnd and Mr. W. M. Hendrra , will be Invited to make addresses- na; 1 mints will be served. i ltH..uK. ' Mr Henry I.. Shore continue Idangerouslr Utile hope biHng en. j "tainel for hi., recovery. HI daug a- - - Un J K Rond of Oreousboro. I has been notified and he Is expected i Lto arrive tonight. j An honest man thinks that a pretty roman la a noble work. 4' i ' H" Entered Home of Prominent Man ......... . .... ' of Millions And Was Preparing to Leave With Costly Valuables When Millionaire's Daughter Awoke And Chased Intruder. ny Wire to The .Sentine.. XKW YflHK Keii , Vn a ni lo loot iht home of I.enpol 1 Wornmer. ft r.tiied capitalist and a man of mil - IIoub. at i; west 21st wiwi, .arly this ransacking the lower part of the hous and niratuMim lanre nn.-ifiii'ii.H. nf , B;h : ware and cisilv pi. n s of art ho I they could' be tasllv rairiei! off the , 1 btiralar mad. his wav to the nwm oc- ! jvupicd hv Vss t'a.ri" on the third' floor. The noUe niade bv the burtlar 1 n prying open a drawer of the I ii rrssei . awakenei the io im t.i.n.iit. i v. .1 Mil 1 - me to.lllg WOUiaU, !.. t. , . . .- . . . . - IIO mh.ui.; iui uj nen anil iac-eu tne man. The burirlar lied down htaii.sl with Miss Wornim r at his lu-els -Miss i hurglur had seapeil. JORDAN TO PLANTERS. President of Southern Cotton Associa tion Issues Statement Advising Them to Hold Remainder of Crop for Fifteen Cents. Special to Tho Sentinel. : ATLANTA, (la., Feb. 7. Preside lit ilinrvie Jordan ol the (Southern Cotioi. i Association, today Issued the follow ing statement: ,, . ' ; ,I1P"" UtilsTie.T onipm authorize a pi ice net Is well known to every peisui who has investigated the high prices p " n W all careful Rtinlents o H"estion of actual snpp ien of spot " u c ,.... ... ..ni.i...,iir- ti... niiiiiin ion, iimi uieie wniu piomihing oung married man He .average is nlioK. the same every not be a sufflcleiicy of ru colton to oavee a wife and a host of relatives month, hence Winston-Salem feela meet demands for coipwrtiiptioii berore.and scores ol friends. that she ii perfectly Jimtlflable in ask- another crop enn planted, eulilva- The young son of Mr. Mat Martin I'm for the appointment of a man who ted and harvested. The ptesem mMcej wi)Q UilB bteajiick for. wverI..weeU;VIU hilng the otljcvuo this cUy. which " "1"" efittoil Is. there ore. not bii.-e.I , , , .Ver is reported as being no : is truly headtpiat ters. " iiiiuii uie iinrinsic vaiuo or ine Riapie. .mj irw..w.. .ms inrn roiu i ins season on tie uasis or its intrinstc value. i.eau.vi spicuiaiion is now running hoi wi n ine -c-oiton market. j he en .-i-iii ik mi ruiu lias oeeu ctiusi u by a combination of spinners, export ers ami bearish spi dilators, organized i f. w w. i ks since in New York to ilri vi the market down for the distinct put rose of breaking Ihe backbone ol 'he nl'esenl lllovelllelll umontr th. f.'ir- mars of ihe South and to destroy the ffectivi ness of the Southern Cotton i , as- iciti i ion as a luctor in the rut lire t marketing i)f the Sonth's great staple; vlr- Inhn Nail- upotewnom a delicale ic-.ip. Nenily nine mil!loti bales of!a,lrt ht"''hius operation was jKrformed nid placing i hem in an advantageous p.i.-ttioa as tney have ihe nminunii loll. Ion thiat.K condition rannot last lonR. phiu tj "-no one . .k... I, ,( ()f ,,;-. glx ,,, npw crop spindles weft added to the world's n.amif.ictui es in 1.905. The demand tor cotton goods Is unprecedented. ; W. sold a JM.unn.rtOO bale crop for ten ' ceres. There is only a remnant of .me million bales left from Ihe nrea- I short einn of in.'inoOO h.ileo ami I lose whn have the nerve to hold their cotton in the face of present nnwar-1 lantnl depression w ill yet sell It for 1.". cents! ' PATTERSON IS DEFIANT. Junior Senator from Colorado, Who Bolted Democratic Caucus, Speaks in Defense of His Position. By Wir , Th 8en,lne, WASHINGTON. Feb. 7.-Wlthln the senate arena today Air. Patterson, ,,.,,. ...,. -nrn.,- ... J"""" "." ..UIUI..U.. " ir- cenily lil,ej the Democratic caucus iicn the Sinto Domingo treaty, hurled deilance at his party colleagues. Ho charged them with attempted coercion imialil,aIion anJ n,.ciar0,, ,nat lf ... .. . ln(,r wisnes jtvrv to prevail free spe c!i, free thought and free action I would no longer be possible In the I greatest deliln rat ive body on earth. that the states; would he deprived oft ihrir proper cast it nilonal rejirrsrnta-! It Inn and lh.-,l dissent inir senalnrs i It ion anil mnt (usseniing senators iwhllM he givfu severe punishment if Ijiey refuse! o violate their oath of oUice. - v DEATH OF MRS. J. E. SILLS, Occurred a; Hospital This Afternoon Jar.t After an Operation. .virs. j. t:. siiis. wne oi tne lorai i snnerintrnd 'ni for the Viruinia Life ....y w...w ...to n.... . ... aflor i.n nncnll,.n l.isrr,.rnirH fnr an . j. , an t.i .uc III-11LI. Mrs. Sills had b?en complaining for several days, but her condition was not emildered serious until yesterday. Deceased was a Br.tive of Brunswick eonnty. Va.. and wai. born .lanuar- 1 I8(',9. She came to this city with'her i husband in 1S9S. She leaves, besides ; . husband, three laughters, their ages ! Uelii5 5. S and 16 years. r. Sills was a consecrated mem- tier rihe Moravian Home church, i ne nour lur tne funeral lias rot been ; arranged et ; -l . i A prophet is a person who expectslis exi-cted for the performance to be I the unexpectc. . - 'given by this noted actor. .Former Candidate for the Presidency . C nr Lf -i t Danni.. . U la U f r r . Spoke at Banquet in His Honor. Con cerning Relations Between Filipinos And People cf United States. By Vlrr tti Tin- -Hi mini I I " ASHINCTON. Feb. '"tit if oflice twie. r Ki.pt nit the only at l- ' c ''Ut Jenninds lir.ian to'.l t ie I I'Ml'in he .eS the Kepublican party when he was imir.tiK the island Mail advices nolo Manila mve in dt tail an account of the K.i nt com n.omi's tour In nrchipi !ao. A: a ban que: Kivtu In his honor at Manila he siid: In two campalcns of ni party I was tlifeated. A majority of the American people voted against me and m - liartv l I heltfve nti tirnili in the pn trie: ism of those who votel1""1" 'liri ;hl' l"r-'1 SI:"1 oftice agains: mens I ,1a in th.sp who voted ;' la ,h(' Asheville and other branch for me. I telle ve that a nuijorltv. ",ttu'1"i r"m,,ln''1'- This can be proven .cs all of thJ American neoole. with- out icxard to party are sincere well- ' ,..1, ,, ) w Inai 1 for the Filipinos an. I their country and I want you to have as much conllddice in the Republicans In power as I have. I; n it xpec our people to administer authority without making mistakes and !f we Democrats get In pirv.er as good as we are, we will make mistakes.. The Spa'.ian'.s made inisial.es here, so would the Filipinos if i hey get in j power." j He concluded his i (-murks by prai:t-1 ing what the I'nitei! States had ('. me 1 in tl.e I'liilippim lor ediieation. i TWO DEATHS IN STOKES. Miss Claude Simpson and Mr. David Alley Dead. Personal Mention. Sptt-ial lo The Sentinel. DII.I.ARI). Feb. "i Miss Claude slon office collictn over five tlmej Shiipsun died ut in i luuiic near here'i.s much levenue as the other offices Saturday at 7:;',n o'clock, p. m. She of t .he (list i let combined. The receipts ha.l been sufl'i ring with lung trouble if the Asii.-x-.ie i .:iie are Maid to Oc since last '.iv. She was IS vearsl'he snuillei. d he i(.:i. ! rit,i She leaves a mother, several a sister and a host of frten,;, , mourn her death. Mr. David X. Allev died at his home ,,rai Here r 1 Kill)' lllonilng. lie WHS better. Mr. Xick Mitch.!! inadi a business; ; nip lo Winslon lui.il week. .,. c ii;,-1.ii , Mjs8 .;va t Mitchell made a trip up to Itixwoo., his. S:i t in r;i Tti.. ri'Mort a nice i tiiiii MR. JOHN NAIL AT HOME. Man Who Had Steel Hook Removed from His Brain, Returns from Phil adelphia. tn riuiaiieipnia .lour weeks ago. ten dered his re!atlvi;8 and friends a gen uine surprise thlb morning by arriving borne. He left the hospital In Phil adelphia last night. He got off the train and walked to the home of his b'ro:iier, Mr. Charles Nail, on South Liberty street algne. He went to the factory of Brown & Williamson and shook hands with his friends. Mr. Nail says that with the exception ot weakmsj he is feeling all right Tile readers of Theieiitinel will re call the serious accident which b fi 11 !lr. Nail last fall. He was supe: in I I tender.t In one depaitment at the m . ' Htc" 'ariory oi mown k w :i!iamsoti. j n'' ''a a hroke and a steel hook. 1 'Which held ihe bolt together, struck, him In the side of the head, knocking ' j him down and inflicting an Injury j i which many feared would prove fatal, t He was removed to the hospital, i where he received treatment for sev- district attorney for illicit distillery rial weeks. He rn-overod sufficiently and on which he could give evidence . return to work, but at times his head before the grand jury were A. G. Shep gave him much trouble. Cpon .he paid and Hick Grabb. Holton read vice of his physician. Dr. Hyniitn. Mr. the above list to witness of stprS" Nail, accompanied by hi.i brother, had been n-poiti I i: the depart m'enl went to Pliiladelphia. where an opera-1 ax destroyed and wanted to know whj tion was performed, by which a piece ' he. as distrir; a'torney. had not been of the steel hook, three inches iong told ol these as well as of Sheppard embedded in the bialn. was removed, land Ciabb ' On fines' ion of Imw he came by his DEATH OF MRS. A. HORN. ithn tho tsau I d i'lar he said, on cios evanrnat ;on : Mother of Mr. R. B. Horn Dies Sud- "I loaned Hardin the t:i.tH last denly at East Bend. t of ihe Mr. R. B. Horn, manager sa:tM department for tlie K. lls Tobacco Co.. reci ivcil I. Ile- a tele. gram this monnng stating that his mo'her. Mrs. A. Horn, died suddenly ! gMt a crrdit or $'."i on a car load of last night at hir home in East Be.. !. , buggies shipped to me from Clncin Yadkin county. The age of the te -1 mri. As to how I cot the money. 1 cot ceased was 7i' years. Mrs. Horn ms.s.-ssf d a beautiful Cliri.linn .. ,.,. I . ..n.l .. a wU) km,w ht,r 8!l( wa(. px. Vmplary and honored nu oilier of ti e nm,lKt rhnre'i :il F:i: llen.I " ' " , . '"v funeral service will be he'd to i ;rrow and the interment will b. li. ;thc fanil,y giaveyaid. I .... . .. Mr. Horn and family went to EastUI(av :o make the impression that I Mini: to:ij lo attend the funeral. ; sold cotton n raise the money. When - :I went to Wilkes the second time in Seats on Sale Tomorrow. April with the diagram for the big Mr. James O'Neill, who will appear - raid. Revenue Agi nt Chapman sug here Friday n:ght in "Monte Cr.sto." geted ihu 1 make some Investiga is the foremost actor in romantic lions of reports he had receited tr.igci in America and our people ar. fortunate in having a chance to see him in a pla; he has made famous, j 0 Weill has played with such famous, tiigedian. as BK,th and Forres, and has a world-wide reputation. Tickets win oe pui uu saie lu.nuiiii- -.e. rhose who want seats should secure iintni eariy as an iiuiifiitii.. mi.i;cr in. Winston-Salem's Claims Will B Car- . . ... n ... . . A . ried to the President. Strong En dorsements Secured. Office Here Collects More Than All Others In the District Combined. V Tin n appoinimen of District Attorj la ;. Holion has not caused the friend. t, of M; .1. T. Ilenbow (o cease their ef-1 ' forts to secure tho appointment of tuei v W inston S ilein law r as collector fOr I ihe Fifth North Carolina: district. I Facts and figures mill . presented to the powirs thai be in Washington. ineliidinK President Koosevelt and there arc many who believe that when this cil.i's claims are made known to the higher utithorities they will prove i ffiKMive. - More revenue U paid to the Rovern- ' '"e .'ieion in evW nuna It is a n itkeable fact that for two :yf irs or more the collections made at the Winston and other branch offices have not bet n given out separately fn.ni the collector's office, bin that they are only published by the Ashe 'ville papers as a whole; that is only the lolnl collections for the district i.iro given on tobacco, spirits and 'cignrs. Isn't this signilh ant'.' Kven to . un outsider it would appeal' J hat the ! present collector prefers not to let the public know the small amount of reve nue taken in through the-Ashevllle office. Mr. Ilenbow lias many strong en dorsements for the eollcctorahlp. Figures-tell the Story. There are only four offices at which revenue collettl ins are made In the district; that of Winston, Stalisvttte. Marion and Abbeville, and the Wln- I Accoril!n, I.: ih.- n polls for .lau- nary, the collections r .the ntire dls- ; met aggregated $lS:!.r,7!U0. Of this aniou.il Ihe Winston office contribute J to MIC go V enimem l 11, 1H. .U. Illl! HASTY ON STAND HE TESTIFIES FOR SAMUELS ABAIH ' THIS M0RNIN8. 1 Is Asked Number of Questional on Crost Examination by District At torney Holton. Expaias Various Things Connected With His Record as an Officer. Boei lnl to The RentlneL GREENSBORO. Feb. 7. There was nothing new developed In the Samuels trial this morning except that from the inquiries of the rt.dtrict attorney of D.'pnty Collector J. W. Hasty, it wn plain that the following distiller w ere supposed to be the ones to whom privilege) and immunities were sup- posed to be given by the Wilkes coun- t revenuers: Janus Combes, Larkiil Tt iplett. Mark MyCrs, Frank Triplett. Polie Hais ck Combes. Wash i.i,n,-,ioru, .viarK rriim. " It came out In ihN cross examina- linn that at the federal courts at Wilkesimro. Statesville, Charlotte, Asheville and Greensboro, subsequent to the big raid and other raids-, the only nanu s Hasty had given In to the June I ihit U !! g..ve a mortgage on a MH-k ol ;o ' and G. W. Samuels mussed It was not put on the n cord in;!:! S p imher after I heard that Hardin was being cksel up by cre.l":: u ., t .ving to bankruw him. I it ft .1111 my wife and carried it in cash to Wiiki -i. My wife sold some land for $J.U' rash and Hardin wanted it for a vi ry short while, and 1 had a par' tier in the cattle business. Taking $:J."iii of my wife's money. some of the partnership and $."00 of ni) money I raised the lll.noo I let Hardin have. 1 did not trv ves- - - - - - - - - aga.nit Eonie revenue officers about not destroying stills. He said there were three reports of tne destruction of these still by Walker and and there ' !n"" 1. R. LITingston. and he was not going m i. gjted. j- - l-earn to labor while you wait If you would work wonders. . - ' --"7 i - V