WINCITY BAI'Ll7 7 N.1L winston-salem; n. g;, moxday evening, april 2. 1906 ' 20TH YEAR. price 5 ce:;: MI III sim BBTDEUBDS t Conference Tomorrow An- thracite Mine wocia . Kill Reiterate Them . With Changes. iT KVOT BELIEVED OPERATORS W ILL YItLU j There Is Very Slight Hope of the Con- ftrerce Resulting In Any " Agreement-Strike.- $9 - Thia Korning In Anthracite Region Al though Ever)thing- l Quiet. Both Sid:s In Anthracite Fight Seem ined. Bituminous Situation Is More Hopeful. 1 Wire to The Sentinel EW YORK. April 2. Jortn kc'aelf will arrive here this evening 111 will at once call a meeting of the ir.aeite seals committee to go over ,. li 'inar.ils to be presented ia -T ... pi raters at a Joint couierence to il irr-jw. The demand will be pra'c- iai;y tne same an muse prvovunu Mhe.iast meeting with some alight r.ollflc: ioni. They will probably De lused, , .' Dispateheg from .- the anthracite et'.oz this morning Indicate that ev- r.Mhicg is tranquil. The mines have hui dewn .and there Is no operation t U miners' holiday ia ccrameroora ion of winning of the eight-hour day. As this U holiday tho true test' of whether any of the urlon men will- de cline to obey the tuspenslou order will come tomorrow. There Is a Mrou? fooling against, a s'triko pu5hpr the 'regiorbuT it tho coh- fiTfttce tomorrow fall all men . will 'Sr j' tt order to remain out. OfflclalB of several cf tlic coal com- raiMu have given orders to blow whisilti fur wik tome: row. ard if titere arc r.ot suffieieut responses to run the mint s will shut tlown. ' ' ' - Thronly Indication (if a struggle la- a.v Is at Wyolnlug, where troops of remitted state police ale assembled. fTheie is no apprehftieioi otiolfnce disorder as thu coal Companies say !-T will make no uttemiU to resume lib strike- breakers, for some time, is evident the intention of opera ts ih to rely on the Vast amount of "rve supply to starve the miners a print where they will be willing under the . present l resume work lu!itio::s. I Immigrants And the Strike. WASfflXGTOX. Arrll !Th V. "I at Ellis Island hsi week Of 23.- immigrants has ernlrH inotig t.he.leadeis, particularly those control of the mine workers. The Nrge has been made that many of t immigrants are being brought to pis cotititrv in flniW.,,.1 ... a! "like and that thpy will be usoJ ,'ikfi breakers. " V evidence has bun adduced to m ,hat l operator or agents '' coak-acts with any f the. lmmi- ran,- k is hint iivmfiici, I Hill spoors" have KlM their assager given; them 'we .money and are taking "clmncea " "flng employment in mines. The "migration bureau i taking precau- u prevent violations of aw and flWfe are keeping th,)r t)yes open "r ny evidence tht rnnM rllfv "'wigrnnis as "cojitract laborers." Mpec-c.r have been t. :lanat,(:!is lo ltarr tn,, ...,. ice- number of -f(1riiiri,nro -i, i. t L.. nnu UM P:Ck- ' o-one afiilress in ih.t - Opator. Hay, Not.Raiwd Price. Nf-V10RK. At,, iv ?a,k.-...a , '. 1 8ered at retail n tor raising the price of coal. . an, u,lwUonel Bonrcc ltri ''iMnat- a. nvoHn. ... . ?lls of ccafrowls will ho hx ",nw cns wm T, ,wm ' c off the K '"w lue Price. Onfrtior. .v .IIT ... ' '.- tot raised Up mere lg no r-.,,, wuid takt! FSj AL MEETING OF HIXGTON.-. April 2.6UW ii tfls week titailwajr ( lu-t U) Oi-o'r tt,i, - wiu Da the to it'- itkiu of oram!i4loners. N o wtf llll lt of dw,,, .. invention ni b.e com -""h'vas, Rate principal view of itmmlrated nun H1!,!E IOMIS1S Resolution Adopted ty Board TD Issue New Bonds for Re demption oi Old Courthouse Bonds to Amount of J 1 8.500 1 The count:- commissioners, la s-! iloa toidy. appoinifil tax-iisieri fori tfea tsrious ward. anJ,.jt.3ash'.ij for; ttc yrar YM.ti s folios: j AblKifa Cjfek Julius H. Staffer;!.! Cfl'-'ws CiViV R. S. UinVU'.e. ' i Ec than la .Bo'itrt Cxx, , ni;ai'.h W. R. K;;ia:agir. i ! ' 'Clwaiiins.illc J. C.Woinrr.ack. I tr!iei'iv:i!'-R. l!aTr,oc. ' A i Lrw!svlll J. H. Corrad. . .' MlddU' Foik Clo. V. Ci W3. .Old R!ch:?icJl V. F. Sprinkle. "Old Town J. II. Mrller,-- , Saleat .Oapfl J.-.E.,Crtws. Jf emth Foik L, 1. Conrad. Vi:i.-.a V. M. Btro'h. Saltm -Jas. F. Hrtwec. Winston, first ward, T. V. Farrish; econJ ward. Z. T. Bynum; thltd ward. Lton Cash. . " Tho board1 alio! a- number of claims and adjourned this afterr.oaB to mctt again the first Monday lu May. Court House Bonds Issued. The board paEsed the following, which expius Itself: Resolved, That the boarfl of com-mlrjltnerj- of U county of Forsyth pursuant to an act of the gctueral as sembly. Issue bonds of this county to wit: 30 bonds of the par valu of $500 each bearing C per cent interest pay sble semi-annually, dated May t. 190 and dtie May 1. 1921, and that said bonds be sold at not less than, par. These bonds are Issued, to red-cem court house bonds which will he due May X' llVrifi. They wilkbo sold by Albert Kleybolt & Co., of New York, and the purchasers Will pay $ 18,850. $1S,SE0. : , Joseph; W Babcock. CBStMITTEES APPOINTED TO SOLiCrr THE FUNDS -onrtnrttrcT tErrUecu appointed to confer with the business men of Winston-Salem this week and solicit, sub scriptions , to a fund for the .employ-rae-nt of a salaried secretary to" the board of trade, the party being chosen to this position to devote his entire time to the work. ' la addition, 'a large number ot let ters have been sent out calling atten tion to the Ihiportance of the Twin City having an official of this kind. Col. Webb Endorsee Move. Col. O. E. Webb says: "I notice with pleasure, a number of commit tees have beta appointed by the Board of..Trade. to. solicit funds to lib used for the employment of a paid lecrttary. My only interest In tho matter Is my love fcr Winston-Salem and my Cesire to 'see the city ntovo fonvfird with raplrWMLk'j. I 'there fore hope there fcnAlii ready anil a liberal response to tlfe appeal of thow having the matter in hand. "Other towns in North. , CaruJInii, none of which areajf intporMnt as Winstcti-Salein, are raising money for the' purpose of employing permanent secretaries; Sul'iHbury perftetefl an organization recently that started off with C5 members. If I am not mis taken each member paid In 125 to join, and wHnssy $10 per year due. This Is Just one place. "A secretary who will leote ail his time to the affairs of the city ta act ually a "necessity. Every man, wh? has wittin him a particle of city pride, should, without , a moment's- hesita tion, subscribe to- this fund. . I know jwtcreof I speak when I ssy that the man who, will be- employed will be a good one. - The committee will find bim. He will .be a man trained In in dustrial affairs. He will come to this city prepared to lead- in all matters pettalnlns -to 'the-upbuilding of the biclty in the Bouta." , . , Opening of Opera Season in Chicago, ay Wire t rbi 8ntlnet CKlCAOp April 2. Tho Metropol itan Opra Season will be opened si the Auditorium toight with a pnnsen tjtion of the "Queen of Sheba" by Collmark. The advance sale for the season, which will last only one week, has been, beyond all exruscutlon and (sverythm? p:omits a highly iul week. - t. 2 ' f - , . V ' i ,.'' 1 ' - BASEBALL GAME D:i KT FI1EW FI Til M I m IILLI.inll h lU.i TAUNTS SG Repreketuauve troiu Wisconsin, tion Leader in the Haute Againet Admimetra- Measurer. P 6ETJNGREASE $20,000 Likely To Be Added to Winston-Salem's Pub - lie Building Fund - v Superintendent Roberts Sayt the .Building Can Be Enlarged If Con. . gretsman Kitchin'a . Bill Goes Through at n early Date, Make a Report to Department Twice a , Month On Progrese of t!te Work. According to the W'ushlvRton cor resFOftdents ot the'Chtiilotto Gh$?tve anJ Raleigh Newa and Observer; V!u- atou-Saiim will UKuiy get an lucnuiJ' FEDERAL coun i Regular April Term ItejMr This Morning With Judge Boyd Presiding. Pittrict Attorney Hslton, Marshal -Milljkan And Several Deputy Mar shals Are Sworn In Today. Judge Boyd's Charge to Grand Jury. About CS Cases On the Docket. SpmII to Th Brbtliie!.' ...GRKE.NSBORO, April J.At the cperlng scsilon of regular April tent--of fi Ji-iiil tourt today lVj?mi Allot- uey Huliiri), Mnrshal llllCV'mnd sev Davidson and Guilford Co! leges Contest'ng for Hone rs Former Reads Another L-"cr . This Aflernooi-PosHioriof! Anout the Alieced n::i- road Abuses In Stat e of VIrg'nia. TiIIS .TIME NORFOLK & , . " WESTERN IS CRITICISED Men on the Tw) Teams: The first game of ball thU season tn this city U being plated at Fairy tew park this aftonuvnf between the teams ot Davidson and Guilford. ' The Toot trs were out In full force, thought the crowd was not as Jarge as usual. Cooper on the firing line for Da vUleoa, hlit Sherlll ts catching. Bill Pailej ta again playing St ahort and Moore 1 tn crater field. TSe Guilford bos have W. Hobbs lu the bos and U llobbs ' catching. Thia the Dnt game llubb bas pitched this year. The line-up of the teams: Davidson Cely, light field; Moore, center field: C net rant. Sd base; full ey, short ittop; Falson, 2d base; ReeJ, 1st bane; Dogg. right Held; 8berrt!l. catcher: Cooper, pitcher. Guilford L. llobbs. catcher; Price, center field; Hill, short atop; W. llobbs, pitcher; Ames, left field; Und iay, 3J base; Murrow, 1st bae, Vhke, 2d bae:IJrdlcy. left Held, Guilford Ahead al 4: 30 O'clock.- At XM of sUtb vl'jnlng the score lood: Davidson. 1; Guilford, 6. ElES llh ! ap?ropr!atlc3 from tTOO.W V. 7''' ,..,,, , .iU'IK'.' B.iyJ a cliVJ e was brief but our public bulldins.. I ;., f ,.fcTf u.,, . The avt-rage price brought by leaf tobaccc sold ' tm tkls market las: mstb war $9.20, pet hundred Inirtcad oi $8.20, a's pubilbbcd. Engineer E. E. Harris, pt the South ern, is ccnfincil to his home by sick ness. Ik was taken ill on his Tun up the Wilkeslioio road Sat UK 1-. . Rprejfntiltlve Kiterilr; iffe it:y in .rodjerd a till in the hoime fr nn ivi dltton o(J20.0W to the $6'9V a'.Jvr ?d this city hi a former se'slaa of Congress, U appeal sthal' this 'ai.uoaut Is to be allowed. Superintendent Roberts. ' w':o .Is Sore . teprcscnllng the goveiam'-nt, was aaked whether, If the bcreas s:l appropriation was mads w1;hia the aext few days, ju enlargenienl of t!'-' building, which is row In fg.irso of jonst ruction, "cr.i.l.l be airnntd Ur. He r: i lli.d that It c itiid, tajlng. thnl .he plans could bi changed in v architect's offlre at Wshinsfcn htfl fovwHide.l here without much riela. Superlnt?n:lft:t Robert's udd-vd - t'-.a. freiiuertly when' jroiirlKti6r. art? .rad the ifi.tnej is not ava!!al)le be fore July 1. but be said that tfcU was matter that coul.i be aria-igi fl' sails facto: 11 y to all pariii ((irei'rr.ed. - Supeiintindcnt. R-jit!itst inakts a,. re port twice a mon.h tt the depart mer.l. !D the progrrss of the work on tin public biillJIn?;. !M.niirc!)enslv-, theVi btMiig Da special slltjs tj any particular class of of finse). ' . - "-. Tl.ue ate mat' a on the docket ft r trlil. Vjtviusive of tho 3,1 cases Hsuinst the revenue officers nd' dis tillers. -Mo.-:t of thei'S cases are ol tlic "uioan-u'jliii!" vaiie;y. Thee have accttnuil.iieil on aocount of bavins bc;i srde-tneked for tht laat two leims of c'iiirt fv-r the bigger cases, 1: v.l.icli oSicers buve been on trial. BUSSED lit mm mm i!y Wiro lo Tlifl Seiillnet Ci'.JCAdO. April 2 Following ,lhe -.'unal t.'cllou fiuiida- In which AliMniief Dowie wit 'deposed iiiilvf! k'!i;rnUlii of 'Zionists." ST. 8T. PETERSIM'IWl.' April J. Pre miliary itctlor.s of members of the uinlelpal ,conv$ntloD, who in turn vill st iect members of douma ire proc,diiig today amid Intensa r ItemeuC which has spread tbrvugb iiit the city. Constitutional democrats aem assured of victory heTe, v ' Many Soldiers Influenced. NAGAfiAKI, Japan, April 1 A age number of Russia reVnluittftrtr ho find from Siberia anJ settled rt, will lssd" 'hutsian Bepapr, A gri it n imber cf Russian soldiers rtumlng to Russia havo fallen under of the-se exiles. ' ; " 1 Truth ar.d ho, teal j have btit common witti iTIplnnincy.. So-culled ptiiitt picvenu some front riding on tin- nattr wafinn. ii of t. n, !!!.: ip.itiiig Wait- i.f, i- .wt rfl Hied at thin tiioiltlj-.g, iegully .in.- move, Dow h) might (". in.eiitx wt'te lurnud iiv r (j Dtatui '',xiiinirr Granger. C!j n iiii".l';:M.u can uffjrd to wear a tnislii-siiit. j. i. V; ii. continues seriously til. VIISSIQNARY INSTITUTE IT mn TONIGHT A nilihloiitiry Institute for the Win toe, dlttrtct. M. E. church, . Etroth, .111 open In' the M. E. church at Moti on tonight., Tw.i cr three sessions 1 ill, b jtU tomorrow ' ind tho If-stilts may'not clos nntll Wedneeday. V larg sttendance Is expected. A arge delegation went to Mndlton vora here this afterniKm. Among bote noted were tho following: Revs, ti E. Williamson, J, Ft Kirk and U. F. 'srpenkT. of, this city: Rev. Z, Hlno- aia ,of Dtuhnm; R. r. W, M. Robblnf, it Advance; Rev. M. H, iVustnl, Miss tlire Zimmerman, Miss Oflle Ripple md J. Chitlfeltw. of Davitlson rtrcnlt; Uv. V', H. Willis, former pastor of Grace M. E. church. Presiding K'dt-r ScroggM will alto be in alien- lance. Ho camu lo Madison today it is Alleged That Norfolk A V And Chrupeaks And Ohio A L (tar Control f the Penn , 3steT. Houet of Mpre .e Doea Nat Agree to Senate Amnd. mem to Pension Bilk Houe ' Agrees On Anti-Heslnj Bits. ' ;v Vh- tit The rnttnel ?. ; .WAEIUNOTPN. Awrll .'. 5. See! it v. tillnian la the senate this mom'r.g la- jduecd s l'ter from U M. Williams. f William k Son, bankers, of Rich-, tiond, Va.. Cliargitjn gross dUt-rimlna- ten by tho Norfolk Wcnteru Rail way against that cltv 1 11 favor ot tjltlmore and PMladklpbla. ( Tho writer dvclirej that this due lo : he absolute eont rol ot that railroad' und Chesapeake-, sail Ohio by. IhJ JHansylvanta Company. "I have sent , ibis lu the desk," explained Tlllmun. . 'In reptse to ' Senator Srott'o re - quest recettly. that f keep tho aetiato tstion in the hous, .- Tb bouse today disagreed to ti-.'J. senate ttutoduient to- thd penslou ip-, prcpt-tattott bill tui sent the bill V oonl'.-nmre, The report of the confer' etco on the sati-hailng bill wss agrtesl to. lliQHCuSjfi. : to iiD tp.i;:.E At t cengregatlonar meeting of thi .uthcian' church yesterday rnornin 'ifter divine, serf lees It was ' tii..i.,! iiously dsci.Ud to proceed Immediate-, ly to wt a parsoasge, ; committer consisting of )Ui.r, a . Hire, D. A. Bwlnk and T. II. f.lid. with the pastor as eiialrmuu. wis appn!ste to solicit funds and prosecute the arrangomeDta. The congregation owns, a beautil lot adjoining the church, and hopes o erect a building that will be as jraament to the city nd a credit to' herr.icSvrs ' 'rom Leaksvilio. PUBLIC SCHOOL EXi-IHITlONS. Kogofo . Takahira. r i Vi "UK;.: V. - ': -7 V co?v r-rilT ct.nterprrtiT. t-.trr JAPANESE MINISTER TO UNITl D STATES. t . ............ " . Nevn Advertisements. WUston Millinery Ca New rivals. Th best line ot popular priced hats In the city. ' . Joe Jacobs Clothing Co. Swell tine if Easter Suits for ueu and boys now 'a. The best $7 SO, $10. f 12, $15 and 120 suits In the city. 8e theui. J. V Nfw ninn. Announces the sr- iva) of big lir.e of new ehofs, showing ill tiie nism otyles and leathS John G. Yonng, Beveial cars of Blue Gem Red Asb lump coal, subject to yoer orlers. Brown, Rogjrs A Co. Roller skates for all sod to fit any foot. Bmoketa' Ixn The Cuban cigar, a v amoko bur worth double. ishmii'a Shoe . Store. The Crad dork ,hoea In all the uw shapes feci) leatbi-rs. A. Doye A Co. tnnoutco 'tis w rival of a big Hue of m-w foot, wear for mtn, women, boys tot girls, RoM-nbacher ft Bro.f Specials ia every department. The M-rvWetbrook ' Co. At 04ace. days pf sprta lUllIcery ope.V inf. Wednt-stSay, Thliaday ad KrJ- uy. : rv'--' -'V'.1 Fletcher Brcs. Flee taanplo suit, big Wjiia.m, fcr fin upv i' f, ' Wells-BrMs Co; Watch for ificlal Entertainments at Fried berg And In- trprii Largely Attended. ij- tvlr m The HminniH. ; '''"' i"' FRIEDDEHO, April .1 Thf achxt stiibiiion here fatnrdsy'attiiietcd a large crowd, notwUhsianriig (bo ill- jr.eesble wtather.' The CruUnillo trlng band furttshetl the wuslo to- !h- enjoyment of all present. 'There' was an exhibition at'Euter. prise Saturday, the attendance on which was also very large. - - , Ths-school at Fist Rock will clox April ,. The public ts cordially in vited. ., , , " . - Mr. Arthur fipnugb, who has bei-n at-ton a trip to tho mountains, rctumM home the Other day, bringing several horses which he purchased whita 'away. . After spending a short while1 at home Mr, Chester Anderson will leave for school in a few days, , ." -., Mist Btevenson, of Bi'.tDi, bas ten vlkltlug Wis. J, M. MoCuUtoo the pent Mr, Luther Oouso and sNer, of. D.nie county, are visiting Mra. lUry Johnson, ef this place, v. ' '1 '. Miss Etrtle Davis, of Clemmoti vliiul Frldbrs yesterday. .', Mr. Emtst Mine, of CIibiidoos, bat beoa visiting B. B, 8borev '; Mltwf Wofc'ra TrtxU 'aV Rtith - Crist, pf Salt m, wrre tbi tu it Mlrs C!se ftsfford a f'tw day sgi. Mr. J.jhn Burk Is critically HI. UNIOn T.!EfI OUT; j T AT HIGH FCijT TUn cw grocery firm, thi-'flU' Biiett Co.. , in fhe Melnung Jbt lng. ;in Main street, Salem, eipwi M S! doors this morning. vTbu Intrfi' r of liils atortf. makes it one of the irir.l iomet giocevy woits in lilts Hv Wire W The Sentinel ' HIGH POINT, April t-Abrmi S09, aut cf Z'M men quit work this morn leg. All the factor! are running ari l itanr t them are not affected at sll as the SOU men sre scattered ov f various factorttMS, The town it jul"t an1 oi difficulty In filling places 1 aoUclpatti if deflred. P.. O. Leak, of Sumter, 8, C.. ar rived In the city Uils afwrnoon,

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