THE TWIN CITY DAILY SENTINEL, WINSTON SAL CM, N. C, aphil tt Hv4 Lafties Who Appreciate f Fi le perfumes an J others toilet specialties are invited to inspect our French line of AZUREA PERFUMES and toilet articles today. These jjoods are decidedly I ; swell they represent the. highest possible mark of ;; perfection. As dressing table requisites there's noth ing to equ them. TOR THE. EASTER SUE ELY PERSONAL NOTES. G. frank .Iw-k!ns neut SoufU todsv. W. U. Wai taker, cf Durham. Is the city. FAMOUS CASES BEFORE j U.S. SUPREME'' COlhTr of Jenesvllle. was. I Learn the Way to Simpson's. i THE By Wir o Tb Smtlnrt. , j WASHINGTON. April Z The Su-j pieme Court of :1 l"uiu-,l Satv 'j lay bcean the har:ng of the aprV. 1 'cf Soca'.or Jo-ibb Ralph- Burton, ofj returned last b!1iI i Kn. from the Judgment of tliVj . . , , . .. c. . . :p !3 Ua.UUiote. trtuerai town oi. wu., , vii-Kn. li-ni nf Mi-n -inia-' retainer in; he rereue rcasM te the depa.tai.-nU.! oday enroate to, ....... . , ,., ,! ai i u ta.i. iv-,,.,.., . .... .i t1-- ileeided on because ih t'tu'e aud-tue CitorRp Cos'.- after spend'ns a f 'ycoiik of Kansas were In-'uig deprived ; Cays at. home, weut out oa a business of f;?l! rtpros' ntaiion In Oie-- S-ta;e, ' fftji this niorniny. . - tMr. Burtifn lias taken no la!t in ; Senate tltiib-. rat urns s.nce ne a : dieted two yeara aso. Anotti: rae, the bearing r, . . . will pioaatiiy oe takru up touay o, tamotrow. Is- tbat of R-'ieri Sawyer j John J. Jo-es. bete today. .. A. F. T"8, from a bu.- (J. W. SurJ fleer, was bin Giecusboro. L. M, Sw'uk. J. T. I!ei;1ow ami W. M. Itendrvu are aticudicg federal " court at tlreiusboru. j Mi. Gc.. V. Coan and Laughter. WELLS-BR1ETZ Co wi ni to De.aville today in visit friend. Mr. Can went to N'tw jYoik. M - uuj Mrs. 11. C. Butlcr.f IU1 elrh, who have bt: vialllng tamr .daughter. Mrs. J. E. ..Alexander. turned home today. J, p. Tliompswu,' of Chattanooga. ,Tcnn., Fpent Saturday an.1 Sunday :iu'ieH ihu g ust i;f his brotuer. Di)u;y .Mru 4, H,:r . . jstatis Supreme Court. acd-Arfnur AUaai. tno initio seanfu , on. the steamer Detwtn. -who. with aa- atbtr iiiiu by the nui.ii' of Scoit.l ; killed the ea-i'S'ii. iv.&'v. ii;;I:ur a:!:t ! rt..i:he cot;k 'if the vov!. all white men. i.T l:i:teris. last fal'..nni t'm-w th?;r baJU-8 ovirboard. AH time were teaeed t.. be handed by the Fe-Jeful Court' lr. Xartli Carolina, land Sawyer and Adams ap.ea!ed U tlie I'uitod Better Class Groceries and TOOAY'S CM MM. Family Supplies. 7 -' ' ' ' - WATCH THIS SPACE. !3pi'dal to The'1. New York Cotton. 321-322 Main St. Salem. I?fione. 508 - NK'.V YORIC. April I-C tton clod qu'et kxly, a (ullow Oet 144" - May U Ul June li 14 , SPOTS-U 03 ' SALES 50 . Liverpool Cotton. 1 i i : "That V aster Suit Anrl 5- May 5K6 June.... 5 87 July ., .. ".. 58 August;.... .. ' 6 85 HeixonrMP ... ... . 5 lit! $ Comber .. .ABU- T!i.' iictlon of the Tnlud Statt-s Sui'irime Court iu the njat'er of the K'.n EJ. JoUiiion, who was lynched a'. Ch,'.t!, Tnn.. al'ur an up rial bad been KnuUid to him by t.if Ciiiitd S'alt's Suprnce Court, is availed wth oonsi !i rab'e iut'oiest:' As .lonuron. U dead the hutting."! .the jappra! woiid natmally bp n;:Kata:y irti l iiii'l In: dud a natural death that jwouhl hae be! tied thy matter. In ;t)i!s case, however, the diath was not natural, but, a eeitain measure, in volves a ease ( f , eomempt of the Su IKcnie Court. In wt'l! informed oii-;e' U !h bilii ved that nothiMR will be d'jr.vl hi the tnalter to far us the S '.intern 3 Court is' ' court! tit J. beyond . takius, formal coKbisanrv of "the appella-t'K death. REPAIRS TO BE MADE : ON MAW BATTLESHIPS PIANO VALUE. When you hjv seen our line of piano, and compiled" otr prices with the pric's ehajed for the same pianos . and ctcr of equal grade by others', if you are not interest ed, then we have nothing more to say. It's no trouble for us to show oj a piano, and if you are thinkir.ij cf buying we will i. -. . be rj,a1 to Put one in yuf house for a thorough test. RJ.BOWEN&BRO. (Iray- block. Phono 346. ' . IN OTJP. Cut Flower DEPARTMENT Confed?rat8 Vtterins' Reun i Fo.- s': j above oee:is:..-. tj i-rx Kaita,y Ut s'l iii-k. Orkats au3 re; am ;.t t; -btiow:. 4;.i::i-t.roa :!.: nia. 1?,": Jtal.-'sb. !$1S.5J; KSlpb. JlsC'J: nry. tij-T: Ch-.iri'.'i,-. Jli.;;, ApptC'-itii-lte' . I.m 't :.'.vt !e:nt. Tickets Ii ,ti. ZZ RBd I!.' . :th fill::; j'l . The t.ilnlifl l.nroba-. ili'M t.- 3si.; .f fiual hie' ',1 ty iio'a:iy dcpi..!-;Ru l JienU nA-eruAin "' 5 mils-' - o N, ' Let 1 111 .,'! U,- ; : A,,-. ' -v .... '.i Mf I. ..'V, ,. W Ol "l PHi Lor .::!. e. and j-a;ug f, e , f T!;catr' A in t t'a-'ie: tuaa Artil cs nts. OeJira! Jullaa S. Carr ! as ;,' he S..u1.rn Ball v. ay v.a A'.lan-j ?lr :itc(iniLt y and Mo'tlb' a tl; ufficiji : r.iJJt.' f.r V.i ".V t.t.::; C u?'iivrr 1 W-'e :a..i' gyeflal"- v.hich. al '. cons., :..f day coae'ies and tiamuiri i f-flnui? -ars to be !;a;!'ed I'iruup ta New O.K..:;. without clui'E -i Th ' bve.-ial train will have K;C i X. (.'., r.t -i.i p. in:. Monday. A-.:,; iZ-i. and will r sch X-.-w Orleans a.J ;S:2 p. m., Tuesday; April 24: 'Anjose ' -nay use this special, train. Iterth r 1 from R;iU A and Durham t;. iUretns!;nu ."(.-, Sails bury and t'tia.--i lPtie $5.00. Kxoeib'i:- service otwij. jular train !ii each .dirretion. Ak (your af-'ent for rates from yoiir stfeliiii -... t , .. j, r.'l uu.i.ei oo'lh iiiil'.ioil anu ru. man reservations write H. i. YKKXON, Trav. I'ass. Agent, Charlotte, x C. ouiiamg lor sale. j Kids will be received for the nev'i I') dajs lor tne sale ot tne Pledtuus ! tn i-. hnnyA tn'll!n 1 tir, u!ir. n k -i.-enioved from the lot Lot later tha Inly 1. l&ctf. Applv on the premises. I WIXSTON-SAI.EM AfASONIC TKMFI n C(A . i Xov 6 04! LOCAL PRODUGE MARCET $4.75, $7.98 $5.98, $6.98 and will buy a fine sample suit at f, grjtV. Fletcher Bros. 430 Trade St. , : CORN per bu.. ,", . ! WHEAT per bu '.. QATS sprlp; per bu. j ' AY pcrjt.. .... KlilIK peTiO. ' lU'i'TElb-per CATTLE boef, " calves.gross. . 'MEATS hams :PORK-per lb.. i " shoulders. .. j " Bides .... .. HEN8 per ft.. .. .. ., ROOSTERS per lb... J FEATHERS new, lb . J HEESWAX per lb .. t IIOXEY per lb .. .. f ! I 1DE3 green, per lb , .' dry. per lb.. TAM-OW per lb.. .. .63 CO 40 60 10 20 3 70 60 30 14 & 6V4 SOUTHERN SCHEDULE. Arrival And Oepsrtur of Southern Tralna from Union Passenger Sl tion at Winston-8lm, N. C. Trlng Arrlv - r I , From Greensboro .. .. 9:00 a. rs j From Greensboro.. .. 2:45 p, mi From Greensboro.. .. 8:30 p. ui ' From Mooresvllle.. ..10:40 from cnariotte.. .. .. z.ia p. From Wllkesboro.. ..10:45 a. m From Wllkesboro,. .. 4.58 p. m From JJt.Alry E;30 p. m Tralna Leave For Greensboro. . 5:05 a. m For Greensboro 10:50 a. m For Wllkesboro.. ..9:12 a. rn For Wllkesboro.. .. .. 3:15 p. m For Mt. Airy... S:U0 a. m t SORGHUM per gal.. FUICKEXS old . ' " --spring 9 10 7 6 50 22 10 7 10 30 30 ITS & 75 12 25 3V4 in 1 10 n . 8 8, 60 ' 25 li ' 8 10 4 85 40 20 For Charlotte.. .. ... For Greensboro For Mooresvllle. . ., Connections (Southern) . 2.25 p. m 5:1);; p. tn. . 5.30 p. WEDNESDAY, ApRIL 4. .I.jUh .Mnirv's- Own Company, Ir.clutl :ns Mr. Wll.ll.VM A. AVllITECCtT.' In i.tisi sr.j.-n'a Dlgneat Comedy Sue-' KM .;'.' - ; : The Mummy and the Humming Bird. , Mi. Henry Carl Lewis, Who Made Such a Hit I.:' t Year a Giuseppe.-the Italian .(;:ia.a,.(l)i:ul;r, Will Again Ap p: at ill That Ibile, SUPPOHTINC CAST BETTER THAN EVER. P-RICES 25, 50. 75c and -Ji.OO LOCAL TOBACCO LUGS very common '. ...4 6 , " common ...... 6 74 EAF very common . fi 7 " modlum 7 8 " -good.. .. .. .. ..' tVi 12's " good.. 8.0 11 ' " fine .... 20 25 WRAPPERS eommou' 9 Q 10 medium , 10 12',4 , " . good 1214 15 "' fanct.. . 30 50 By Wire to The BentlneL BROOKLYN, April 2. Couuidi fable work U booked fur the navy yard in this city for May and June. The pro-, m of repairs aim aoeiun oi ves- ie!s of the Atlantic fleet is now befire the Secretary of the- 'Navy,-who will pichahly approve of the scheme. It U Intended to have the. ships seat 'o the itavy yards by tin; mUVUo of May. Tlie Aiahanta will go to. Brooklyn: "liivy vatd, ilie Illinois, lo Boston and thf Ina to Norfolk, and upon each ij these snips work will be authorized to an extent of $15,000. The Indiana will he st : t- to Brooklyn for some mi nor vvcilc. The Maine, the. Kentucky and the Kinrsaise will bo docked ihtfe. mil the Mlt-soiirl at Ibstott, and jlatef the Kentucky will' be surveyed at Norfolk art'd '.he Kcarsarge at League jlsli.-.d to ascertain the extent and rh.n-.'Cler of repaits which, will be ap- pjied in' the fall, ire vessels of the coast . squadron, the monitors, the Denver, the Iks Moines und the Cltve Tan 1, will bn-fitted up for the nii'dship men's pi act ice cruise. . The Texas wiil MARKET pj'oun,,!' cunit' hire foi' docking hd i to vectlve' some mbier .repair's report ed as accessary. The anuaved cruls i rs will also be sent h .'re, one at a time, at Intervals' '.of two or three week?, to rcrrlve nltentlun retiulreu (o eonipletp 4 he ln!allat!on of tUu: ships, Such as tiiu filling oT the au tcmaiic shutters cf the turrets. Some of the destroyers will ko to Norfolk Et:d the rest to League Island, and ult of the btiwiler vessels will be stjt io the former yard. wo make a speclaTty of Tunera!" de-. .tlgns, .10 different shapes nr.d 100 dif-1 fcrent sizes, any price. Order same j by telephone or telegraph-and we will! isct tbem to you fpiiek and fresh. Wej ! pack securely and ship .to any point.; ' Plenty of loose cut' (lowers now,' ! Write us for prices ou wedding How- I ! ers. J. Yan Llndley Nijrsery Company POMONA, N.C. Send telegrams to Greensboro. MIS3 ANN7E GRD.fMN. AGENT. -r:; ::..f i-' ". Strong, Safe. Conservative,. Recur, Careful, Liberal, -Progressive,' Eularg Pd Capital. Government Depository, The Best and Most Desirable I'iaee. Don't fail to set us In retard to anr bank matters. People's National Bank ( U. S. Depository. John W. Fries, Pres. Wm. A. Blair, Vice Pres. Wheeler, Runge 6 Dickey RCHITECTS arlotte, N. C. 4C's IJHild.'iJg. Residence Destroyed. Mr.1. Geo. C. Tudor rt turned this ;m:inilug from a business trip to Vir ginia. Ik reiKm tbat the !of bi.s mother, Mrs. M. Tudor, at 'Stella. Va.; was totally UtaTtTrfir-i)r 3re on Thursday afternoon at 2:110 Train leaving t 5:05 a. m. n,Ket local connections ror Danville, va and through connection South. Train leaving at 10:50 a. u, makes local connection South tc Charlotte and through connection North. . $50 PAYS FOR THIS BLOCK MACHINE -- -, jo'cluck,' The honse burned was a new .. ijiiiliiiiiM and had only been completed I about two weeks. The oritflu of the , fire Is unkfiown, although It Is Ihonsht J il-at :t dcfi'-tlve flue In 'Iho kitcln n i?ki onsible for llio los of the Shvilillns- No one was at liome at the time of the flro and when first discqv f tort :;1 the kitchen roof had fallen in. The lo-o Mrs. Tudor ou her house J-rtttd f uiVI Jtc ever the instiraucc will i inUy iisno. ' ' PATENTS Secured JOHN IMIRIE, Pacific Bui Id ins, W tshinirton. D. . . r.cfcrt!ni:p in Winston Salem , i. I A tf f'fV V.- ii : Cuthrell, 1 in and cornice worK juat .stands the test. iiiaivaui;:cu sty ugiuswt.7 are the best. J If its hot-air fnrnicc work Skeletons in the House wc do tlic best. . 1 Have your Plumbmgj. put in toy- Crawford Plumbing 6 Mill Supply Company T$" ana Keep tnem out. AiOr&m & Cuthrell. DOING THEIK DUTY. miM 1 v rn .Si. rag i ujr.i'-'Bi-r-ua UNHAPPINESS DISPELLED. -r M-n ttni Wonirm iBKBlmsai Abont It. 4-1 ..... . a ..,1 -,... .... I...,, , 1 Jiniiy wunimi rui auu w.i uu vfiAiW--"' ' - tD heVemfortcd because tber oncu mas' Hdcd fjtntiy men Inclin' to prpfanltjr borau-.lV.the file bit tarqfiRh ttly thin thatch I thclr cranitiins. will bo good news t. l v miufiribl of jhi'th acxea, ta Ie:'.rn til lNwlrfs Ilorrfflde bas been plneisl ul markot. This Itttha new scalp kcJ f'u ai'eiiio tn&t acts ine gwm or micro ie ma; MJtei t different ttylei of Moclu. Kai . , 14 different pieces raiting. Can be ad. tinted In leii than a minute: 2 men a nd I io)- can mtke IS) blocks par day f Ian hours. 'No progretiiye contractor should be without one, It'i cheaper than brick. To the Trustees of' Winston-Salem Lutheran Church. tlenUetv.en: 11,'s sound sruic that wa tell you. ' . f It will rout less dollars to nainl your churelt with L. & M. Paint, because trmisc.1 have become thin and moca nainllng Is done with one gal- leu ni L. at .m. titan wun two Rations t.t other paints, and the I.. & M. Zinc iutrdrna llio L. & M. White Lead and matter the L. &. M, Paint wear ilk iron. ,'".-'- Any clutch wilt be given a liberal fjuautity free "whenever they paint. 4 gallons l & M. mixed with 3 mod- Scores of Winston-Salem Readers Are Learning the Duty of the Kidneys. To filter the blood Is the kidney t duty. ' . ' . When they fail to do this the- Kid neys are slcS. Backache and many kidney His fol low; ' ' "' ""- --: 1'rinnry trouble,1 diabetes. Doan's Kidney Pills cur thqm all. Mrs. K. V, Priedell, widow, of S6 Green street, Danville Va., says. 'l have every reason to think well cf Loan's Kidney PUIS. I used a bo with good results. My ' sister, Mr. Kdfly, of Roanoke, also used them, and praised them very highly as a kid ney remedy." . . . rienty more- proof like this from .Winston Salem people. Call at E. W. D'ihinhm's drug More and ask : what ils customers report. Tvt salo by all dealers. Price 50 cents. I'oster-Mllbuni Co., Buffalo, N. sole a gents for the Vnltcd States Remember jjlie name Doan's and rak no other".' ' . , J C. HERRING GREENSBORO, N. . I'V rtpatr. j.. v. . I fclvhifr ofiitsp tt nil hail Aft, I Vreleide Is new nraniira. ' gallons LlDSOed Oil Will "paint a tton. muul V,w a View formula on mvirtate shed house. - principle. Anyone wno m ' . u o ai. cost ouiy i.;w per sauon. fstlfy as to Iti wor'h. -Try j - J. K, Webb, painter. Hickory. N. id bo convinced. Rld by writes, "Houses painted witn L, & M. S.,,,nd ,10 bvstamM 15 Voins g0 have ,,ot neodud palut- Ths Herpicldo Co., D. . js . - Sold by 13rown-Roers Co., WitiKtoU- , entirely n i tried rt w i It yourse! 1 Irailliiir di i for Mm r; trot. Jlli E w I iNLON. Spsclal Agent, ''j Salem, N. C. The Southern Life Insurance Cbmpa ny, fayettevllle, N. C. , Is writing the meat approved poll ik-s and luvitutf-coiaparibun with any )thcr company. The company wishes .t reliable, progressive district aont for the counties of Forsvth. Davih Yacilrln, Stokrfi and Surry. Correspon '.encf is invited. from reliable men. Southern Ufa lusuranco Citaipauv Fayettevllle, X. C. ' oa. fisher, j. b. Mccreary FISHER Livery Company PHNOE 16 FOR the be9t anrl mft?t stylish Turnouts in the city. Prompt service and prices right. Special at-t: ler.tion tntxTai-fiirisrhorapH H. Clinard, Painting, Decorating. If its new we have it, Personal attention to all work. Phone 471. If vou want vour Building "done at once, or a bifl of For nice 10, 20 and 25 year gold, ailed welches go to Gentry', 4lii Malu street. . ... ..'..-.' J I Tax Notice: . Ail city .taxes remaining u.npai April 1, 1900, will le subject tp 5 cent advance. This la the last week to scve cost , T. L. FARUO'W, City'Tax Coilpc.toT. , ; To Remove Freckles Pimples I InT.nDays.Us. W - tntltrr polttTe guar- j nte and &iuay re ' tondod in errjr caso j vber It U lo rcmov ffw'sntH, fttmple, lirer- pom, inn -urn, Mi low i Ihm-", blartt rteatt-, a ad ft H flrupiiuas (if Uie tskiik no ; Diatiff of bow lang i m .. Building Material i nMw' a' rrnnred to 'send it out for you imm6' :diately and en n quote yo 'V priccRjrv'Wlll interest you: 5pcr M.Lr Tilini ADytWrj? in. Building -Lfo Fogle - Bra's Phone SS u T. A TTTVP.T?.. Loans oe?ot!ated free of chn? l-litntPi SettiBO. ' ""...ii Cas in 10 da?, and llm t .. i ' I U". . ( .b,t ,nrBn Wl IS A lift P"-. . A thos def-ecta r remorM the iko wn, inland Morttra tiefi, carefully ('inf. -V.'U BMltbt i.ft Ikaintll,.! tl . " . . 1 . i nrm nn L inZ i7. T w,.Vr .V .1 i tiouses awl lands iocs" - loo iwu in roller kaw-s jitKt 1i, nt . wi n .im. r bt , (Over !0 ?e-rs Hege Dros. Prices from 75c to 1. NATIONAL TOILT.COMPANY, P.ri. Tenn. ' 2i Main Street rv II rt i of r1 suceefuf. P

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