-CITY- DAILY SENTINEL 20TH YEAR.- WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 3. 190G TRICE 5 CENTS B OPPOSE" MAY "QKIITiQUARANTINE - BILLIIN FEDERAL COURT " . . .. nr,.-1 T.i fWpt Laniisjjre. Conference Beiween Anthra cite operators and Min ers On In New York. -Man Arraigned In New York Charged With Ttieft Ag- -gregaUng $150,000. illman win ,u "v,v Workers In Eng-lBIg Fight In The Mouse of1 Several of Tne bmaller Cases land. Cfltton ,Mihs Demand His Nomination lor ros ier at Washington Representatives Tixlay Over This .Measure. Have Been DIspcsjd Of Increase in Wages. Tnus Far. msTT A T ' 71 'TROT BARNES:AHE MEETING NOW AD M ITS H I S GUI LT i 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 1 :iys He Is ... C3ici.ru Senator r r . . . . - B ,ibi i . . Infideni-. fetCJuM C Keceni iv- - k.raet Berg Assistant Secretary; feres-dent. .Scjii'neL ,T"Y Ap: .1 s ti ll i: Win in . ; i !;;: beer. ! , !.' :.s ii:. i ' 'h1''. " ' aiii '1 ,.. ;t, III,' i.ll'.vlllS ''"')' s ,.f W.ishii'u't.-n i; 1)' f'i"ui to fill '.hum f'i: i '1 ' '.s. ,i t,, . i:: 1 1). s on ;!' ew .it y una mis ii on hi. i.i-s n.Aii u . senator i' vtiil op uj.iinia W. -an' socre- l'n';-b;iR(;iTA '.in. 111. 'l! i" inhabi pali!" ma. .a l.t wa.- .iir.t of Hi" iS a citizen a i.; Wash-ars. STTAGKED BY II BULL ikr .hudi'i;. circulat.ou niaiutgu ii. M irniiii; .1 n i rial, l.-.l a narrow 1 1 ibis a(:i l .iitiiL from being ser um.. i h tin u:r. bull. Mr. However. It 1$ Not at All Probabl That Any. Agreement Will Be "Reace J.Viner Will Offer to' Ma-ke Blight Concessions, But lt Is Net Knon Just Haw Far tray! WJil Go in This. J Hi' Wire V The Sentinel NEW YORK. ..Apt'.! . :!.-Prospect-.1 for act- in 'the coal niniis scnij a j-1' H"l.i and ti:;.; is iiit'it like'.i-l hlijd :':;; the j :i..t f .i'.oTincei ,f mitl ' Cts t(l i. .f r-. which ticets at j ujn tji'a.v. w n-ul: iu the adjus tment of uiitt-rt nct-s uul.ss tl- alti tude of hr-th siilc- uii'lergot s a tea! ch.uisi.-.- - ' The op. taloi s iliis niiiruitiK say ihe wi'i not yield an inc's in their position but are wili;rS in siun t(t ..-nu nt ti, f:ir.t;nm n ;a! umhr award o! iht" amhudu- '(immi?iuii for annth i a na if ycai.s Tlie miners will ab )' luis'ly .nfiise in ( liter Uiu another ::.m,;imm iiiuiei t';e i-iinimispioi' a aid bu: aie wiliini; .to. modifx the oiit'lnal denir.nds for tut sake of u tee. Uuw far these niniliflcatlon will ko is a matter of culatimi. Thu Wai Taken in Valuables And ,f r,v, ptr Ct,t BCrMM , Nat Al. Securitie. In Systematic Way' ,ewC(f bj tn(t of Month Th, 2M,. from Ho-ne of D'. Josephua Pinuit, CC0 Man 'Will Co On Strike. M.ll in Minneapolis. When Arraigned, Cutr Oo Not Seem Disposed to Defendant Tola" About the Theft And Cave Infoination as to Wherj t Valuables Ard Securities Wer De , n' Wre to The Sentinel, posited. I ( I.OMH'N. Apt il 3 A .setimi ritua- " 1 ' tion has il ,veio etl in jiu.ish;re an a li.v W're.to The Sentinel. NEW YOKK Grant Demands. lu!t of the iln-isxn rtaebid b J5i.- Apt If 3. Thii". .? ;ooii aoikers in the potu.n iiiil'ii In i!e- W.:iariisht. accused of s steraatic n.-11;d , fivt, ,wr rwit ,une of .obbt rj of i he 'home of Dr. Jo.m phus ) WSSli the ihix-at that unless all! at the Louitlana Aid Missippi Favor the Bill While Tens Is Agamst It Bill Provides for ISCO.OGO for Hand ling Epidemics Vote at Five, To day Senator Titlrrari Agam Taunts Senator Scott. Rv Wlr to Tho S.ntlhtl W.5-':iINiTt). Ars i" 3 -The BOJ' ,H S lifi r.e Iih!m ef ' h"' lllllt it betaren :o! of M'ssNsipiil . x. ' I Later In the Week Cas's Against Hartman, Short And Ranogsr, Yas hin Distiller,. Arte) Casaxe Caewpawy of This City. Will Bt Taken Up, SpTla! In Thtt Svotliif J. CKF.KNf'UORO, AprU 3.-r'lral court Is fiiKamd la Irvlns lb t)lisl nMMichme rane o far. The "klaXT Sm Hin'h an these aKulnut th Yatl Uti: an.l lliiiin county riteraaivnt .:. III. is and the bt l'Pr Com- tPiniht. of Miiineap.!is. in h'.ch ( 1 1 crinu "i ihev mitUs and valttaM . amour. tin t j0f the month. $ I3u.00i. are sa!d to have bt ett atoioti.; . tjr,sl roi: itert.a'ion was arraigned this morning. He ad the ttnpl.trs a rc-ulf of the mltted he waa the man wan'ed. ile:;aktn i,v The einplou-,.' Th , t .x. . . ...... . ... t M aim u tMi. smc'.' ieatt:K MlUUt'ap-.on'ra dulare thai -a exists tuu.i'ata on o-.e hsnil and Tn.ia on the ether ovtr t'"'iinal iitarai ?lne ' pa: of W.nntoq will tint b cnllei! ! cndibilK The measure iituoprlutea .fle; tii FtUay. The cnwa ar ladlft- jhiindred ' tr.otiat',j liars for MB.m-nta fuautl at 0 last term of taf amor.K pTsi. eridemle and make Mcrf''l""I at Ahevi;U anj will be rrsiir.o lnwpitttl n rvice let estah strrtnK'y rotstei.it by nWr foiMinl. r.e mnreir. over! I11 the Jnhn U t'anp'r Canf Mr. inn. 1 1 ?f nil!! lbhltiKrrtirraiititie I- y an. lo r U'tiirnini; lua he il him :i ifil. M. K.'.:. r tua I f. :.-arh. sidi to ' .lid s i a he the fi'i'.ll Iji'i ,-t Winston. from din :uts" that ; severely the . of Kt-rti-' s v i i le. 1 had i s to city. Witt u i'()r:iei of Map'e and 1 SSlei i s one )f t e' ttlllllia . iliVn, )Hil,il)! (i win i;;lim,e. Sev liii.'kcs et wale:-, v re'' timVwii t. Jmi -tie iii.ima! rttns'.'d to i 'li j m::it y una! Mr. Jordan wiiizz.r.it aioiiR .: !iis "uike." at- thU j.iac'tuie I' m the luii! niie It-.fmiat:-.!. iiri.l mji le a charge 'I'm. Mi. .Ii'i'imi (i'ufi'ed the anl- tin. e linn . Ot.ce I lu beasfa a nte v, iii.iii an jni-'t or UvfJ of fl' "inc. Mr' Joi.i.'it fliia'.iv- il ii' i;:is-iiii; jind 'C. Itiexcle v. bill' V'r.t.-iSl" tic ran' v:.vjtn.t In. i' Saw a; man ride se fast in hU TEN PER GENT BID PUT DN PLANTJN WILKES The .plan: (if the namas-k. Mnmtfac- . tttrin'K ('ouipany. coin-isTing of .ni'.ll, j watt i ;.7wTi',-land, ' etc.. located at ;R.)aiin:i River. Will i s e.ianty. will bf ji.'ioM. ;i ten per ce: : bid bavins btec iliied wiib .Majr J. K. Alexander, i referee in bankruptcy, who-has inadi the following order: The it )iir' of the trustee ax to a ; ku:1 of the prniierty of ihe baiikrupl i)iiiig co!;.Mdeu:i, it appeared thai i since the saU saie. a ten prr.cent bid !h::d ht ; n placed iiion llnf property by Mei.s N. li.xMiRranff J. SMo KJrie, oVft' F.'vin.o. iiiid that thesali' K.tm. $77iiu.' had been depuUlfd with lii't..inisu;e, whfretiiion It tv'us ort!.lret) thatJie sale of U:c property to J.. S I'aiteiaou, of Spiny, nt the S'im ol ." ti l.e nut conliriiiiid and ih tnn e is- (luerted to return to the salJ raueiSiiu tlu nioiley.. Upoi;d bv hint. It Is ritnher ordfitd and (le ci. 't-d. that, this said property shall b. lesoid by the trustee for cash to tilt bilihojt bidder at the court, hois, do. ii In Winston. X. C..' or fiH -Jay of .May. l'.liKi, at 10. o'clock, a. m.. first Kivinit thirty dajs nniiee of the time.' piace ,'it; l ttin:s of tale in Uio Char lot'e i)bs.'i:v(.'i;, Wiik. ..'w.io ,' HiiKtlt.r a vd the Twin-City Daily Seiii'iniil. Thr auctioiK-r wiii b.Ein said sale at the suili or pTice of $77uo. All Kaies tr ;Jn; li'.i'fjici. to the appioui! of th( r' f I t a nu e-tln.c.'of rreditor.s r. ;be luiil In fi;ic die nlireeon the 121 iiiny in' Miiy. l;m;, nt in o'clock, a. in in the liilici'i uf t'l.i ). 1'eiX'.; ii.. Winston Charlotte' May Have Election.' ',. A P'tiion is bein:; ciicu'laled in ; Chat lo! t' a -.kin the aiihrnii n t(; jcail'an ilTction for :r vine on the pro position of s:iioo::s' or dispetisary. Tin i town has been' "lry" fur a year'oi ' i more. dis. he hail Her.t motley lavishly. ha--i-ig broiiKlit a wouiHii ith him as far is Cblrwo whire ho It ft her. He gave iffirerK three ; address s of furnishe'f ijiartments whre a preat deal of "Jooty. would be found. He told the maKistrate that the bonds he stoit. valued at $:rtti.(ioo, had been deposited .n Coin Exchange Hauk. the mills busy fir many months they Jeeiaro the demands by worktis arc exct salvo. a strike stll istRtcaiithoritU . Milalpt and Tht y have or- LouisUn are for it,. Texas Is airalast thrive pn.ve very dlsuMiou. den on h.tiid IiYkok! that will ko.epMt. The nii.isnre will be befon bul the NEARLY ALL THE PUBLIC Supt. W. R Speaat reports that prac ically all of the public school In the oumy have chisej. "There may be Ive or six running yet, but these will 'tid wlthlr the next two or three TROUBLE HT MINERS' MEETING AT PITTSBURG Hv Wire to The 8tnttiiL I IMTTSrtfRt: Anrll 11 The nirtrn. tion of miners convent this nioinliiK. with both I'atrick Dslau and Frank Kiehan, newly elected district presi dent, prest tit aid prepard to act as chairman. lolun attempted tu cail the deie Ra:e to order. Kethan, foreseeing a h'liise and a vote il! be taken at thia afterreoti. "Tillman Again Taunts Scott. When Senator Tillman submitted In the s. n .He this iiiotnii i; Lin .1.1. eeka." taid the superintender.t Clash, declined to that the average attendance upon the; matt against the lliiii. ; Mi .li'i'iiui i! -.1 the 11 I ..1 ir i;:is-iiiir and iiu .i han ih.' Le. biiucie v- bul' a. ir.Joi, ,.., i, " ie in em, 1 1 - OOEPOJ DAMAGE I'll'" I" Th.. iMiliral. 1 L-L- Hi, ' r-M ". .vim uFim miiy nii.iP't-r ,!, .-riynl !,u; p;;llt of l.v.l,ini..Tjn:e: The .1,(SH is esti 1 ' t ' rdr. d iimusiaid. The i Mili'.isii. ii by XormaU: K. Ii Hiiic.ia'ie itn : ;i,,,i :,. I1"..' i i,;,,. .... ,., ' ' .. I 'S w; to Delict : " ii:e ,:t,;,- ou. l,..was oii. I.v :- ':",!!i!'.. X,.,. ' ':ni)jiK, "lid lw: ii,. w presses, in- a fi wetks a no. we're ruined ,u. " . Tinu s wiii be pnbiisheif on th. i . - . -. 1 Vai.ila Ice cibsttu at Watson's to '-UlLj' Wat -oil's loiay. (day.'-'. - Arthur Pt Gorman.. I rn"""" '-'wwiw wtjj,- -v?1 '"vv . far '9 p 7 : ! i! .: take the chair. A. Wetzel chulr- protest of Doiaf. u-hools thiouRhout Forsyth had been, Wtdzil ar.J tolnn each attejnptwl to nuch better than af y yt-ar in the Ills- !r fesiile frotii different platforms ory tif the county. The curoilmen'. I Weuei had Hie largest followirg. )f pupils was alsu larger. . There wero cries of. "Put Dolan out, Notice to Tsachert of Forsvth. he In a traitor." We'zel finally a.f A m.l.tln aomlnuilrtH M-ltlti.' I.illrnr 1 the rnnVMlitlrm fn f hiuir eaclitrs will' be held at, Salem Aca-laftPr Dolan vefused o !eii.viH hall or be put fat, hi' 'he seigeantal-arni. VVetzel ald he witt!'o have Dolan re moved by law. ' . ' The rupture Is likely to develop Into at) open fight before the day Isjm-r. lemy Tuesday and Wednesday, April 24 and 23, A public examination for colored eachets will be hold at tho court muse in my office Thursday and Frl lay. April if, at. I 1!7. Tho examlna ion will begin promptly a( 8:3i) a. m. ach day. Please come prepared for i written examination. W. B, 8PEAS." ' County. Superintendent. :A(r!! 3. 190'!. . I I alius g Mr. Il.ile interrup;. d the read-l Ink. I ttilnk the s.nai.u- ban got ever," he expiulned. in anklng the South Carol ir.i st nat.ii to fori go read Ing of the letter. He had rcfvretir;- i to the recent sarcastic challenge of I Senator Scott that Tillman ninml l keep the seimtn posted 'dally almut 1 i railway ahuken. i . "This Is flash litht upon another, phase of railway diKcrlmliiallon," re plied Tlllruat.'. Hale withdrew hi ob jection. Tht communication t.t from C. W. Eads, nfflalisii.n. X. Y whochavRi .f the D. i R. H.olv. ,-. with crowding him out of biifciui.vs; ciiid that alnce be C0J1 pauv hail estiiblisht d a , coal packer at that place he could not get coal fanm the company or have It ship ne:l to him over their line. "And 1 want to cxpiiUr," gild Tlli nan, "that thta Is a voice In' the nigh; ippcaling for help fiom the operations if one of five 'railroad roiuomtton'r. Ithat have abjolut tvuitt-ol of and). nclte coal 'productions." W. P. Pvniiui and Clem, nt Msuly ap pear as com e for the defendant.- Nr. John T. Ibiihow will defend the cast again: I. O, Shore, A. Hartman and W If. K.uegur of Yadkin . There are several ruses from David son con.' ty, all the defendants bclni re'rteiiled lit .Mtttn. John R. Mc-, Z. T, Waist r The illy contented Jury ca this morning a where tiffierr found lot, of meal hlddt ti under noiii shurliS i:i Tom llalihcock's barn. still l-sr by, the still worm hid. out In sonnt we. it r,. ar his home nd a plain fat ti U tiling from the house tt th9 stiil three itartera of a mile distant, l-awvei Happ fiiHil AithelHiro handled the for i li.i defendant well. . Thi Jury returned a verdict of not guilty. In the (' ngaiiist Albert Ingtaoi, of DavlrUmi rotiiity, for bl.icka Jtng. n.) i!i f. i: ko was offered but leniency asked. No sentence vet. The trial of II K. ,(irubb and Joan OiuMi, of l)iiv.lon,'for blockadli-g, Il now In progrtsa. " .. . FREAK ITALIAN' THIEF ly Wire 'to Tho ficntli-.. I.. XAIM.ES,. April 3,The 'police of his city are looking for Giuseppe di Vlafcslp. a freak posseawd of two '.carts, but,, .evidently, no conscience. i some, time ago a medical Institute of 'ew York bought M.iggio's body to he lelivei'Cil after his d. ath, for $S.ooo. Vith this nienev .Maggio settled down n Naples aud livd merrily en his uipital. which was soon spent. He in ?ratiajed himself into the favoY of a ivealthv landowner, whose sister lie jroniihtd to marry. He pretended that ie was to receive a large sum of nion y fuiin America and supported his j:cry wi '.i a fraudulent, cahli gram. On the .litre 'Tin f his story h tipr owe 1 money right and left, including lis prospective biotherlnlaw and hm skipped. " A warrant. Is out f ir lis dm at.- By Wlrn to Xhn Bcntlnet LONDON', April 3. A correspon dent of 'the Publishers' Prisa has beet.' Hvn to utiderstaud tliaH. mc sa? s of congraUiUitlons on the out come of the Algecirns conf. ii nre havr been Vxrhanged by Great Britain with Franoe'au.l Germany. The lal.ter'a re ply il eTTjiore cordi'il nature than any communication which has passed be tw:. .'ti' the nations for long time, This Is taken to indicate tin; hi ginning of friendlier feeling between. Euglaud and Germany, TAFT WILL SPEAK AT EXERCISES AT TI1SKEEEE Hv Wlro to 1 he Aentlnet. SAN DIE(;o, Cal AprU 3.--l,etters from 'he Pacific squadron fil"l of some Temarkible shootlcg don.t by crews ot warships, which engaged In niani'irvcu at 'Magdahn Bay last mo' th. Both torped boat di-stroyem I P'rry and Pru) Jones, which are in 'clais competing for th- 'president's I gunnery tiophy. broke all formal J recori's. One of tfc 'ecoids amashcl !w.ih that of the-three-Inch gun. J. !Xe.i;;)i!, ol the-'Paul JontSi. made '1! ly Wire to The Bentiriel Tt'r'KKOEE (Institute I. Ala.. April i 1'. ople aie gathering htre tiiday fretu aii pait.4 of the S;uib and wine Wtiiein states 'to b pr shir, a? ih( ,.it 'iratlon f thtv ' tweufy-ilftb ann'-,; ersary of thu f;r.inding of Tusk. g" 'j Vot ir a.I ii;: 1 .Iiiihitti In! InptituJ''. T j t !e',, ati..n. vlll coi.tiuuu three . ays I :ad ibtre !!! lake, part la t'h'ft xtr is. i tcr.iv of the mast , proinlaent ; dtieatojs . and": stiide'.ts of s.'ciaij cor,..iiy in she c.ujitry. 8(cre:aiy Taft -wril repreee'nt. the prts ilent an 1 1 ;;; Oliver the addreus at ..thj optc-; ng r.esf.on tw.rivw. AMERICAN ATHLETES LEAVE FDR ATHENS. (v Wire to Tim Kcrtitnot. NEW YORK, April .i The thlity wo rt prt si illative American nliilt te-i ho are to compete In the interrUI' onal gnmis In Athens from April 2"! a May 2, the grerftltt aportins even it the history of the world, stilled f.n Vaples tills monilng on- the klesmer FLOODS IN ALABAMA. MOBILE, Ala,, April :. Th a(tiw lion lit the lowlands of lh Alsbsnis rivvr and the Toiublgbetl rivor due li iho 'overflow of he ,wo rtvers. grows worse dally. HtUnihoaia htva tjeca romitf l'ed to ' dtsrottttnun WtI6', landings for 1f0 miles above Mobile I,, n g under water, In 'addition to fuel is to lie had In the Inundated d'Utrict, : : The flood already baa reached prr pot lion of the dlsAHtrou ovnrflow of issi; nail now threatens to rival that of 171, when the rivers resvch-l stages never kcc.wn to havo beo equalled before or since, f'aiiln are trvliig, farmern arefsnt exhausting iheir stipplli a, and bwaus of the sfvere clwiugi' In -Uia Weather pneumonia has appeared anion catjj laibnioh'sa. Huudrc.U of spoit-lovei,.111"1 '"Nr live pttiflc f 1 t. ui ll. ...... ade them bards and Win voyage, cheers. with niufic of Clay Blmliiolis drew Ihe watch tlven away by the Hub Candy' stor, csteiday. ' The 'next drawing will be n Easter .M niday. CJemi.'it. Manly wi ni to Mocksvlll. iila afternoon to attend DavkKjiiie lor court. Major mid Mrs. J. C, BesHi nt -wiii! to Mocksyllle this afieriiMin to. !i elatlves and friends, lix!(!, Ala., ever a hundred miles above Mobile, Is under ater several fi.-t t doep, with the water still flslng. Since Slitillday the overflow has, in tended about fifty miles, Only one or two loused of huniati life have been reiKirle'd ) far. . ;1trf-aiid Mrj.. AE. White, of I.um bi'iton, who attn. led the funeral of Mr, While brother. WalUr , White, lit Id here Hinday Afternoon, left this aft ruoon for home. ! hits out of puttslble 12. WMiTcOiTD i . nim n iirm iiiinriinimr I E. ! aw,. C. Uowmau . Co. , have been !"d tho c intrsct to build the new P!-dn:'Ct wait-hou'-u on Norli Trade '.)(! next to Zig'ar'a livery salik'. ; Thu b t'lding will be of brick, 'jxl'u !'i-i n. otitt story w th basement and wlti i fee the .most n-totttt arehone In I ihe State. Tiitj- exeavi'lor. worts is ; j now In progress an dtb? contra !: i liiutrt to l.'cidn. lavilik bilrr. in '.hrtjl . WekK. . .. - 1 . Majority 'or wisp.ns.ry. ... Mr ,.omD,aa .lu Tht. S:mini. ,ba, Tae 4Cn of Wii&cm will retain berj firm . Is a r( angina; i "slablish a ::s-, enry. Tho election held there ' ju m,inufse::ur!(:g plant at Belivanli Monday ntuiliid in a victory for the ttI.h k capacity of 30,nn0 Ittlck a diy. :;rjeBsar.v. the majority being 1 12. . ' Tine, yeaia ag.i it carried by a ruij j R. E. Palis, (if Norfolk. Is the .iiity f oriy 21. , Uu.:: of her sister. Mis. W. U Btagg. j --S I) k'ellv-lB slightly lndlsposd f ia I--... . tr- . . : ? l ( ' I I ;.vVA f " v .j..iV " . " William W. Eoc:kiiii:l- Uunited State Minister to China. . , .... , ' ' Jlr ,rm Mary'a"d. Demoiratlc Leader in the" S:nate. ' ' ' ...... . t ..IV