H V VV II I M vU J II II M II It . II II a U V II 1 .' I VN II II I ' V 1 1 a 1 1 20TH YEAR. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 4.; 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS mn nnnr ni ruii'n nrniu Tn mnii 'niirimnp nrnnnpn nnnTrnf mi nminr nmu iiitiuH ? SJwiutiLiitiiiiUtyfiiyitJii mmtm ru n ununintuuLS ; PEOPLE KILLED Sieved Anthracite Miners Will .Make Some mm sions Tomorrow. Offer -U e? " Contmtance or Will Avoiding 5 Cf3,r3 Mtch r3 Ta-rorro'$ .tCe Anthracite . T'.t M : ..-.I. V(RK. April- 1 The , , .- . u- ci'h.mittee It "Hoped Conference Miners And for Be the W:" KW V ! ' tie ., till lit' p.UIIS fi - in it , mil, I "f I iH- lu. -A , (if tlit- I XUtltlg hard coal WI'll-' coinmUttf .will ! justim in is to bs il .that certain a uue ai-limttiat Special to The 8er tine! r ' KAI.EKiH. April 4, tiov. ivi m;.d a iiaununt this numiing re uinllng i t- letter he wru'e ihe u:'.:ii:i nun s-t High Point ' t.; ivply so tif f:oi,i t!;- union men skills; the fc:v finor to Silvia in ntat'er of adjust ruir: of ttjuble on lictwu 'i the union .J n-.;rtinfarti;i Ui t altr..-dirtieuts in hat rity. Ht w:v, in-W11 t'- thtin to ec 1 ffi ( thiil a iroven: if tii- was not, ::flic-i. ;:r;- familiar with dlffcur.ci belwtm eliiiiiov, is niitl n:;iiii, u giv. idvlee iis to roiuse xepi. giiitra! cauiuit'. step Is' Man Entombed In French' Deposed Leader okW GHICAGQ ncrinrq ULUIUL it ; T. . . t- -v mine ivvnuy-rive uays Mill Alive. An Almost Miraculous Escape fro-n Deatn. At Final It Was Reported That Ten More Had Been Rescued icity People Will NotrniV QJe ly to This Move. I B xTu i?vr i -Th, -xJ Not to Operate the Trot- Btt This Proved to Bs lncorr;t. rM::rt-. l : d 4.- AI u for . Jjr iiRius comment tv.at they uw rih at at) i !i at u . !;rh !'! 'uptiatoij. .1 tl ' ih., it. rto.trs l,r II'O'VJ 1 o o 't'at mi ' ,.,, ,f r ht 111 without ft I'luip that :ilittl tlit ir pivst'iU post- itul iuml'rirt ii wiutuvtr (iowrnor Cltnn tlor.ii's im!i; nathiii Insimiiiiioiis mailt by somt in spi'iiers1 chat hv in ar.y wa avoidt'tl t xprov.iiK Iiimst If. Ho a li.it' iiit Mirt.ift' if Inn; tiithinc. llthinil ai'SWoml the Itllir coutsi' of cotn-hpoutlt ncc, in n g.nai' bit! Ik not sufficiently familiar with the situation, to. take Issue out' way of tin oihcr at this time t-xctpt for general imlicatUm of ur tncour.s.l of lilH-ral spirit. riKitii: there is a cm- iiirhraril 11 iikii.n lor peiicn witieh nppea .-sti-ii;u simucen Whttlur a I'iic ii.i . Mtint.ioii . i!l be woikt j ii'p.T.ils upon how the present ate t.iiiittK.u is hanil'i.d by the , r of birth siiles. . ' . !tiui! Miitlpil, iif tliC M'niTs .11. ti.!l not talk about the out- t,K;.!.v"; in fact he' has nothing of ,1 'Hiiee, tu ayVftfflitK'o?rnhiLi- INTERESTING TEST CASE Illicit iliMilllnK. Lb, "of Diivliisoii nii:. ;l !. nC (irange, rviallliiR, not W. ',1m it!:-. ,,f Si;ny. IhurhatlliiR, . I"' mt.inli.- i;i Atlanla and $1ih By Wire to The S.'inlwL .VHAUFAX. X. S.. April 4 Tlf ctwe of O. M. O'mste'aily vvisuk the- KiiiR a' taken up for hearinic before the ixchifitier coint this niornttiK. Judwe Hurbiltlge prpnldlnK, The plaintiff Is from New York and is suitiR the Pom- jlnion govtrnnient for rmniaKe.i for iti- jiirleK, tie., uceivud 111 the Milford wrerk of the Inured onial Railway In r.lof. was one of 'he passeiistrs ;n tlit tiain leaviiiK Halifax on the morning thai the railway ijisasttr of carted. Ife elaimtt that he was slight ly injured, ilia! Ijle lost, a diamond valued at benvteu $ui) and $.'iia, and itiiuncv.-wcie tiled ami Hciptltted O'i'fr pers-onal piopeny. He ulso v,,f ilileii ilisiiilii c. j.'laiuiH $2 Wki danrngos for' loss of ial 10 The SeiMillel IKKNSIICIU). April l.-r-lu tin hi! Min: this uiorniiig ..l.ihti el Sip ry, mid I.. ( I'riiver, I.EXS. hia::ev. 4,i:i! 4 i iiiVt h . 1; ixp:oi-:i:jr Sa siuei I .nil!) l.if. when l iaiueu itnini: bi. had In i-ji eir.onilu d 1 dajs w-ie tktn tei' aiie, toi'.ay eaim ; urtMi tea ijhr mifivr with 'life ;;r jin tht ni. Te.ey were foiliij in pi Xn ; I and qutftJy broupl.t 10' the Hirfao ) Jh.' mm'Ui- of tUee ryeii is iei.ud-J ja- ttn more mip.ieu'ous than ihe ifl-:;i;ng nf o-htis n:)t o'.!y beo:u"M :hey hae esi.-ud twenty lite !.;. uniUrnw.nnd, Ave days more th;ui ihe Uher nitii wert; bmied, but because piwX'.i. t was tiamared more than any Diht-r by th' explot-lon. The newly .llsrovtied tut n art- in a frightful condition of t-niaclnibm. Th ilangers I hey faced and hardship thev endured wore ewn gnhter than t!u e of the men found) lust wteti. Laser. One nddlilonal survivor ot the recent mine disaster, in whicli liiiio nieu lost tllt'i' lives, was taW-n fioln the wrecked mine this lnolnin? The rescued man had bien uuder Sioitnd twenty-nve days and was In a pitiable condition. He could senrcely walk or ta'k. It wan coinnejiily re poi tThoit the niiue this nunnlug. when new of another rescie Korea,!, that nine other men had been rtsrned. So far but one ban been sent up alive and It is believed reHirts of adtlition.il nun amse fiom the fact that lie was fourd near a grr.np of bodit s of ir,-n who only rc.-enily died or were flying when readied by the rescuers. Thf rescued 11 an kh itl (hat, after l'oo;l be fame 1 xliaiistt.d, lluy inrtied cautii lais and ('evo'iiitj corps' of two buys. . tnon K.i!l." ps i;g, r ua.n tin ihp X k V.. tlao i, arrive her at 11:3".! was wreck,' I at Juiuper, twelve nsi'esl Orders o His Chief Counsel rf her. I.t e.f the dead and Tn In Z en Cltyas to Coarse of Pro- lnjuud l mW d be lare. Xutubirn jesetre He Has Deeded Upon And and naim ate lacking Phvulrians Which He Urges His Counsel to are being rwhnt to the cen in' Pitrtte. Doaic 'Has Been Jn spi-!; 1 rains fuitn khU Norfolk, andi Mexico. iSrffoik. 'iThat City Votes to Own But lo Operate the! ley Lines There. 1 Matter ef Operation, Maysr Dunn. Bays, Will Taken Up Later And Decided On. OwnrsMp Only Authonisd by flection' In Chicago Yesterday. 1 - s lUlnt !. April I. J.ihn Alev wlili im r t'u:h' iff -in ry Wi-v 't. Th cifri;o auiler lote. siinct aiiiistd to the hightst dgre.) is on bis way to Z!t n Clt,4 - lit. .wilt; aake a Ut.it d.-, pirate effort ( rt- w - t ';tiu lortrol wiesin! fioin him by Iht 1 ailiU.instiiillve bed) of Ms church llcwie sent n telegram from hie n;nur TROOPS IN THE FIELD ly- Virt 10 T.b-.Sntiu-1. 1 WASHIXCTOX. April 4. -Tho nub- Mt-xieo, eirtrtir.g I ;s!stence ofllcr in th Army balUIng in V!il:vhall tiln rttirat in Dracoti V. I'ur.iK. his g.ntn.l conn, set. tt cancel dipiity overse Vo!iva' power of Httornt) and aiip di.t Kleld in, tl. Wiih'te In hi tilt ad. Willii'e is I'j.t u 'it ft i. n.l In 7tn f'i VnHtlv1 ,, ., ... . , ' ,, i equipped, tht-lr o!dbis with (hee 111 11 Id h hillownrit Hit not x i-ve . Hiwif will bf willing to rntt-f court xtreil. has bee-n In Mructed by-- tinnilkaary (leneral iSharpe 10 gft tip what 1 known a a J 'housewife," This Is mw of tht Idea j.ntnpted fiom the. Japanese, .wh.) J Wlrs to The fceatlaea. CHIt'AtiO, April ; I Miton Dan 00 altl ibia morning he would now to far toward releasing bla dream of the oil trolley ayaietn as la authortteU by result of yesterday election., T' iha'l proceed at once,' be mH. "to ake over traction line. Never mind thont operaijiin. That question can be Again sulimltlrd to the peoplt at a p-m ral or special election. I tat .Toing iti take Over lines and ao cer-1 sin Chicago uperaut them." will And a way tn a'ul suffi-r expesture of his private life. , - Voliva and his adviser have made plans Unit will combat Piaie'a tf fiftts to regain control. , By Wire to The Sentinel WAPIIINCITOX; April 4.. The pro motion of flfui-n c' U t iiglnet-rs from 'in rank of li'euieiiaiil. Junior grade, ki that of lieutenant cutittn as a sur- tle paiknfts,. eooiaining usi-ful article which nu n are likely to nerd when they are away from home. In the 'Koldlera' new kit which the gen eral staff of our arm) , recutpmended for adoption there Is proyltbd a "housewife," to conlalu some buttons, thread, pins, and, If practicable, a pa'r of small aclasots. The work of gelling up this new article, which will be given u each of the sixty thou sand Fiddlers of th. army, will de relope'on the subsUtatice depart merit, and for (be resent the army com missary In N'ew York w-ill have tiic work of prewiring sampUs, if be can flml nothing In the department stole lo answer the purposi.. ()f rour!, the eic CEIE8RIT1 ht article iiuist Ui- a model of eomlt iota The lioiiHewlfe" will have ran led by iht '," soldit r, and It Wgf ,4imu The case U -ji test case. as duv- on ('. M: Ki nan. of Oia.-ig f,.i- b! K-katliiiif but 1 be Imv- bar. M-fal other pa-.seiigerir,-wbu were !.,.. '' s - . . ii,iir:ni a vilillci at noon. nu sunu' u;nii, nnve iota mis 10, rull .wuia cii.i we-ie dls:nsed rtanutgc , and, wbeiher they will by 1 :;: John tirnlib. enw "'"i :.'" .nhuias on pujvnu.v of the lueneul suit. . MEETS AT ATLANTIC CITY " Wu.iil. IliUiiy Wood, Surry, ail'";;; guilty 15 monlliH in At ;"''! !"" line for it II. Wood. J!'1"-:. is in Jail far Hiliery WoihI. in .Vir hi. Sr.. Satn-iljiriin .h- 1,: 'I'.i'iliK. not (Jiliiiy '! '';l1' .Wie Ihe Jury was on' Cis- ;iK;iilis1 W. I!. I.u.-as. til giniii f - eonnt.v, chargcl wWiithiongt d wLih visitors ami to HiiiiK. I.ui as remarking ' to his prt tty eiirnatlon w'as pnsetitid ' "'ai. m ii' liiMd hi- would tuk, ide-oiaiians He Win- to TIib Kenllnel. -ATI.A.NTIC 1'ITY, X. J.,.April;4'.Tlie tw'elfili uniiuaT seHoioa of. ilio Mew Jer ; Slate Council Dangblers of l,ib "fty. 111wr-.1l here lodny. Pelegati-s tepiestntlng ev ry l;;cal 'councir in Ihe aia'e ate li .'re aiul ITTo" ("trand At lantic hotel, 'where Ihe dekgaic.s have .'ftablished their headquarters, is. t .,.-. 1,. ,i il. ..... ,11..,,.;.,., J. This miiiiilr.g tin- cieik'tuliit cont- The spilng millinery opening of ih.ia,nIU,t. ,.,, nVeilng in the amuse. Meyns Wesiljiook Co., is on autf will ,-,., t,.., ,1,,, u.i ... ,.., vu ,Ke be coniinued 'tomorrow and Friday. 1 c(1,Iltjli; (lf , ' Vielegnt.'s. whoj Tin display is large and just a it ad tcMixuI. t'lere bfini; manv maiiiii- flci :ii cnatb.us in hi adwMiv for Ihe lailii's. This- ilcia: aiieiit win all day. ji; (Is lanit st idV 1 m r came sini whin ih. t't-'unii d. II,- 111 eo'irt today, aii'l the miirHlial would titk, back, and veidici of 'inside hi.-i orderea pr.jniptly 1 1,1111 hi jiiiii. , 8itETlT ! AN FRANCISCO TONIGHT F're (1. The s..ntl,,M IX FRAN'f Is'rr 1 i'.i .. ,, . .-v vfi,., rtjuil 1,- I'oxiiiL- ;oun..'iin..nt f,. t. : "-I - ut- ,vui- !i n.:ir , ur ehnnii-lnns',!,, ,.-oi 1.,. ...nil, 1, in in.- M-chaiiic' I'aviiion ibis ..ven- It T 'hi' 1 'lynlrtr.u t.- ... . .. , . , , ,,. tjniiuc Tie nitnilj, r of. tntrim is vir t'al the vai iiiiiu ii :.. ...... ...uts ni 1 111 1 t'- ' eveniiiL' itmi r. l:x.i' from x,,w Yllt S!. ilostmvM'blei.Krt.-pblladelp'nia t"!ini....i of western cities v. Ill I" tlit coiiu-si,. Bv,,ry Cfln. :! In' caitfiiiiy examined by a ' ";i anil r.o ,, .,. . ni . . .. ' '., mil pernui ;,r '''k- ting mikM hn.'hii 'mil perfect lv .-.I ' DEFEATS WAKE FOREST. each a The Weie ' elaborate and the exhibition wim in every respect an .I'inoi- to tin 1:1 w and vi ry tntti pris ii.g firm and I's hriid milliner, Miss Poin.lexttr. The ladies were unstinled in tluir praise' of her work, .Mi, West brook, in an Intervkw; ru- niaiktd thai their sales bud been ... large, and entirely satisfactory; that ihe compliniontH b' slowed upon .their display were i tconraging as they ?ave vvidence thai the laditM appre ciated the efforts of ---liUicpnipuny, to be up-to-date In all of ita -depart ments. Mrs, Douthit's Opening. The spring m111ine.ry opening at the pcpiilar and old established millinery store of Mrs. T. It. Prmthti. is on to day and' has been largely attended th.oiighout the entire day. Miss Har ilson. h.atl milliner.- itcoived many nice compliments upon her iarge and artistic display if pattern hats and bnniitis and the .orders in ken', w-crc imbed saiisfactory for this, the first day; jMik. Pout hit will contluue her opening through (omoriow. pvist tt t!i. numbers of that corps, hut h luw 1..1 In imv mi mm. rein.vl tioti, so there may he a inltiinn'm of m ai. d the withes of' lliitsit who desire '.Weight combined .with' an economy of 1 hat tbr rank of the civil eiiglncrs , space. tluii! be liiitn.Ml in order to make! r i. ancli mure aiuaeiive to civilian 1 aV'slrolis that tin' tendon of the .infl lities. A pioposltlon was rocrnl-i "'oi r shall be iiiereiMeil as little f ly iii.nii i'i favor of having the ra:.k poMib;. vi fixed a i to ike additbuiai oitmbe.ilj, ) ' ;" 1 ! in -tiie-titgher grades, t'nderf ho law this ran b. doiit! b,v t!u piesltlnit by tn el; iMiiiv nrder Th( rerrmiiiit'n'lii' '; ( .ens m. tde by represt uial ivt s of the "Ivit crg'.herrs weie init udi.nted: In-, lead the pit sldent decided to coiillae; ' . . , . . lin" chiint;e lo the rank of lltiiienan!' This evenli.g at S; IV o'clock, Vn mid lltiiurant junl ir giiidi'. n ;ls lojtton people wliuhave tiie pleasure of 'i.ive promotions with the iii;(. oflb , heal lug the eagerly looked for vard eis with whom they lake prert iler.ee,' to (Vjitenary chum's in 'their beauty nt Is tin; case with --officers of J'vanil aweetnesa. This Is the quality id lii-trrrrlT 101 pH tif t navy. I bis.alnied at by ihe manufacturer. Jits the' Inini.lllitte f fleet of proniot-! M t,srs.' Walter II. sfhirfrec Co., of I::k fiflten Junior civil eiiglmers. but. Providence, R. Ir This "gi ntlenmn Is t is not considered as nffjiding Ihe present hlirsi If to soe that they ar-' . .... prnpir'y arrarireu. tarrying power i an i swettness ate Incompatible quali ties, so the latter what Cetiiennr) jehlnie villi iiosetss. Tbo almosphr!c .eotidlllons, as - well a frtedotu from MttE INSTITUTE; i-lli f which the civil' engineers have bun hiddjig out as their Just- due STJTE SiFofflED MISSISSIPPI CONVICTS EIGHT EI MISNTLK B"te by Score of 6 to 5.-I Mny Errors Made. I ! Th'-Ser.l'.r.;.i I IlL-l .. .. I N r-l' ML. I.., I) , .. ' -l"i. '" le nit't (itft-at y,.R!irtl.iy .kin county, .two wiles' fnim Juckoon "'' I'l-l or f -1, Ki'miii! 1 1n1e to rigister. The opening session - j-;f tlit council w ill In- In Id 111 the jteel Pier thi'a're 011 VirginiT avenue and the lUiartlwalk 'this afternoon, This s'-V-lon (;f the stale coit-cll will be the most important in the his 'ory of the onLr, 11s i; will .b cidi the qiustii n wlietin r or not men si'.rtl! bt iiin-.itteii to wembt rlip .without pre- vioiisly becoming adlliated win, Ami r-U,,.,., , Tll(, s,.n,,,l. lean Mechanics' orders. 'Al the nat-j .RALKHiH. April 4 North Curo- ional contention held in Chicago ia?i;t,,a stale IJranch Xstlonal .Red Cross August It was rt iiilvi i to make the Society has W-eti' formeiiXat Aslbwllle question 'one of state option. Nineimj ytt y, ) Vance, widow of the itatts at lhdr aiiual convention. jut: Senaior and (Wtvernor Vance, since that time have adopted tho j;r n il-m ; Mrs. Thto. Davidson, wife measure as follows: i t nnsyivarl.i. J ,f former ultorney gwrnil of state, Vermont, Georgia, Tt-uui-avt'. Ktn-j stirrtUry. Other officers will be lucky, Missouri. JlVitfiado,- Wlseoi rsiii Jrhosen Intel . unit f'lilifoilllH It Ik nilitd llkelv that I 1 . W. A. Sullivan, of Pinnacle, was """" me of Winston-Salem's Visitors to- If - ' tin usual every daj pilsta on HjiiiImj. will enter -lrgey lnl dii'atiee at which they can be heard.' , Tubular chimes, similar to thee, have been placed In Jjiwrencov llle, X. J. School, a preparatory school to Tl'SKKOEK, Ala.. April 4-TtxUy is tho opening day of the ci lehrstloa n honor of the iwipiy-flfth annlvcf taiy of tin' esiuUllsbmenc of theTua- ' iogee N.irms! and Industrial Institute Hid everybody set Ills to bn In a fever if exclir'niert and anticipation. Tlw celebration will last three Jn) aud sill beglu 'this evening; with a Utgn ' Jieetlng, which will be attended by the studenls, (In) niembers of (ho fac ility 11 ml a large number of Invited juests. Including Mr. ,Udrer Canie--lie, pr-siit ut Eliot, of llattarit I'm ifeisliy, Htcreiary of War Taft. ftoibert 2. Ogden, tiresldeui of thn HoutVru Cd' cut Ion lloaid. Hi 1 ti Low ami. many jther men of dUtluctlnn. , Home of lite Itvlied gnels have si- I .. -. -1 . I m.I.IIa . .1 1. ..k . vl ,1KU llf-u, tiiuv tj.iiv-iB p.v t m !wtv'd heto this' afterbotMi. , Mr. 0v ven. 'who Is also preetldtnt 'of'fha iioard of trust"1" or the hmtltnte.'wfjr' iilug u'aiiiiiiiir of his friends frtm . J Xw York ou aaueuial train The Hat )f speakers, who , will deltyrr , flJ li esses during tho three days ot thi eUbratlort lucluiles, besides those al .eady mer Honed, (lie following , . . Uishop. William Cnrwell iH'ano. who 111 preach (bs aonlveisary serrut,; Dr. M. C. II Mason, corrvs pondlcg ucreiary of the KreednH-tta'Ald atlii , itiutiiern KdilralloB Hoelety, of . Ib -Methodist Kplscopnl fhureh, of Cln lur.tli; Principal Bskir T. Wa'shlni,- , 'in of Tuskegeu Inslltule; Judge W., : II. Hurl, of Tuskegee; I'rof.'H. y. Mklns, ' at'Cietsry of the Hoard of . Klucatlon, African Methodist Fptsco, ;ial 7.l4 church, Winston Hsleni,' ', C; the Right Key. A. arant, bishop of : lie- African MrthudliH KplKopsr, iburch, Kannas City, Kss.; J, O Nap ir, president of (be Ore Cent'dafinj tlank. Xashvlile, Tenn.; , Preldl : .lyhu II. AbiTcroinble of '.tin- t'nlvar' ;ly of Alabama; Ir. K.'C. 1 Mirrrls, president, of the Ntl'?l UapHst Ciju venHon, Helena. Ark.; Ir. Lytwwr,. Ab- Xew Jersey will billow suit,, an hough the deli gales are said to be nearry equally divided on the qutstlon. Emperor of Japan. I lt.v Wite 16 The Sentinel. 1 ) JACKSON. Miss., Apiil I, Pmld-j I Wake; lugs of th.:- t'ale convict faini in Hn- Hiliua mi the 1'iii-iwi ie Us'trovid bv fire early this l The score '.vasC to' morning,. Ti.i -f-ristiil was ctrupieJ b; ! ft.'stui.s of lhe:l.ji white prisom rs, :Nol ere tse'ap- r ' ''jd but all fought valiantly ft. check ' . ron-t. -Tq nef and 'hi ttuiitesf' Flf; y hi ad of caiilj, iarg.' 'Thompson, Rog-i 11 mount of pi jvUimis and faiming itn- j r ; pieniii : wire tHsiroyeii at a n-ss 01 1 s: Wrfk,, Ctin.-'ina K'llK V C. is a ,,.,,. W,'S(! Per, .a nil Moniiitv iitimt 1 1 il i;,.. h . . ..it U last r ght 'fed tt'Hiav 7 - views. "f the :;( ,-. . -V & M. d'.'fea 1 d them ; iiei e, $iiil.f" A leiter -was teceived today fiom. 'MaJ'.i ,I:hn (1. Young. , of Wiiuloti-1 aiidiSaiem. f.;atig that thy city mitlfia and four of Winston and two bands would" conic to the' 2Kh of May celebration. Char iot It" Chronicle. '-''--"..'i'.,'-i---.i ' i aY "rV 1 :- 'few J Erans, principal of the Annslront M .m u al Tralniog school,- Washington, P. C; UUhop 0. 11. (vlbiway, of h Methodist KplKcopal church, HMiIh, of Jackson, Miss,; Oswald Garrison Vlllard.-of- "The New Yoik Ku'Dlnu; Post" and others, ,. Princeton College; Vassar College, wln re (hey are used by the pupil for,,Ki r, i( r . prlsselt, prliiclpal 'ot marching as welt as school rails. In Hampton Institute; ' Ur. W. Brte snmn hemes .Norm they are uset lor the morning calls. In Charlotte, Mr.' Stewau W- Cramer haa a set con nected with his organ In his home. ' These tubular bells lire" iisi4 In of the caihedrali North for altar bells. Itideed, music never sounds sweeter I hall on some clear night when the' usual traffic of tin day Is ovei. 1II two lio-bes Ju diameter are used In thp records on the gisma phono, grahaphotie arul . most of tidlson's Inventions, The -lulu's th m neivcg;. flf!(.( u In niiiuber, aro wor'h exnmlnitig, In the tower of the belfry they aie so placed that by bands and groovw no acebleiit can possibly hap pen to tbini, also caps above the tun- ;ne!s, preven'iug any water rioin inur ; Ijjk Ujc key boHrd. This Is compoMrd iof fllieen nolts frjim A Hat (o 1) flat, iin which p'.cs In ti.rco keys are !p!a)d; sIsd below 'this nre numbers 'sit that ven "a child, aft' f little pi act Ice, can use (bun. Rupes -run thiojgh groovt are used lu tbu fli'!. ! landing:' thepe are tounected wbh,; wires whlf'B are a"'aed to -rut; bain liters above and mi ike 'Jie hsd! St the ..p of tiie 'cylinders,' Th" Provbb iii-" i J n.miarv. from inch tli.-s.) rliltiie.! Card of Thanks, ' iw, purehasetl. I,hv. for...ded he ! . d-slre to lake- this method of W ihfK l-K-.t ss.'s. ' ' '' edlng to our nt .' friends our , -riv. ,1 ..!... .-it m..t sincer- thanks or' . kli'dnesa be tiia l. b M.'- loS iiii. I.t ls-h iii ' net KjH-tr. rb'-n tlit will be flseu ; iso '(hat tfc v can bo attacbed to or dt- Mached fiom. the oigan. The tnimf-- - " - 1 , will be qulie an addition to Ce0tnar.v;.-' Tfr- Hnrtft .W-K-latiou hi.rj Its church and WH stun Itself. '.jmontbl- meeting yesterday Kfinitsu. ! The cone-it loiilghi wili be of It; Oniy. routine b'tslneaa was traasact4. iieiest to all. Mr. Huipien wli! ring ' HeTeiaf Mils against tho lrtl(utioU 'the chimes.- e- Uirj paid. GOES TO AFRICA TO : STUDY SEVERAL TYPES Uy Wire to The 8ii!lr,,l. NEW. YORK, April' 1.'rPr. Nlrli tjnn Henn, of Chicago, snijed today for a four months tour through Aft lea for th piupose of making a study of tbo lowtst types of hmnani'y to be hrtn In tiie eqniiiorlti! icglotis of the dark coiiiii,ent. He will flisi gti to LlsliOD, IPoiliigsi. to atienf be annual session j of the Medical C'JiiJll ess. .J-'rollt tht jf J he wili cross t'te Metli( rranean t.'A 1 Africa 'and travel by carsvsn and rail from Nor'hiitn- Africa to th.B'u'b c!d 11- ixptcis to arilv Cap4 jTown-f:i r a" Journey of lor immlha. shown ui. during the I1Ii.'m mid afl r the deslh of our llit.'e J night'-r . Mr. and Mis. J. II. Btnlti. 'I

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