rWIN(TIT DAILY : SENTINEL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EYEING, APRIL 5, 1906 J RICE 5 CENTS -- ; OTHYEAR. - ..r nniiinr urTituiiiPDiT m i.HAniir NiiMMiMiH inuance of Strike in The uhracite Fields May Be Werted at Last Day. Will Repeat Demands Thi Af Operators IB J DIM Til 1 DILL IU BE REPORTED . SCON LAVA IS FLOWING. PLAN OF GERMANYCRiTiGiSM of nml . JELKINS TO SPEAK. migration will he t an uiiniigiatiuu providing for im b- Mount Vesuvius In Italy Again In Eruption and Situation i . Is Very Serious.- and from wiil In1 fr; Reject These Presi-j Mitchell Will Then Propose ;,r ; 0'ff:rences Be Submitted to bl;; i irat'Cn. s U ha , in Tli Sentinel jcaler.dar "l!s fV AI-MI o. IU ri:i I'l.uii'itv uus ,i i (.; . Titoi : refusing ac-jlk vsm tuially , t , iu:tds of I'm miners . i.iiinic r. "ati;rs :h.- W modified cr iu ous- rcau. The ma i lit'. I at tut; joint run- in i;;e ei.i:u rcwilis, providing tor im .-'.laugeJin the laws. A sub-i- e.ul v itl' Vini; Hit "di;z "bill before the commit I'll W Jl: clu'.l till, ill last i II in avj. 1 :i strike propose that . :i 4 differences bo . submitted ra'im. The refusal to col the arbitration prop'jsltlpn a.! a strike. ' mUrik cmiinilft'.-c met again naiusr !( ".ao over the demand !;;.-. lire before' the joint run niiii operators tiiis 'aft err. win. x'm' o'iu raters' ticct'pt the pro; fi i ail-it rut ion the seals cum- cull convention next wtcck ; ).! or Wilkcsbarre. . vas uncommunicative tin's ; e" t!'" olltt'OIUf. ..i.i:ji (if t he operators to . aiaitct i is unchanged this ;. Win ii the proposition lor ;.. i .was suggested they said ie iminiacne commission repre ari iuatioii piinciple and that iiiiu-rs hail virtually refused t by it nr. continue operations the commission to another It is not known whether the u i' i'lii afternoon will , be a 11! one. , ujvmtm-s liave slated they will le tut iters all t lie hearing l hey .JU'i iH'oli's si-ssion of the cou : will be called at 1 o'clock. r People of Naple And Neighboring Towns In Great Alarm, Many of . Them Having Fled In Terror. I Pedestrians Using Umbrellas to Protect Them from Showers of Lava, By Wire to The WASHlNUTOfAptil i The Ik us Committee on prv p tid to n if bill in a fewi poi ant c eonintitu en or ni ne .s inmilii r a gem ia. el. C'lutii auui How-1 the Ij ill on the IL.tis W. So far as the com-' Oy Wire to The Smllm. the bill reiKjitid wilt ROME. Apiit 1. Mount Vt uvius fioin the lee- ls KKain tn I' Hie fciiustum is the Immigration H i-ivt,y terions. Kive s:rtm.N'of lava i'y of the UHinlK'rs K cfiiilin: the nSiHtSitala fide4 are in favi r of a':i:,i villapi i'hu'wiU. iin.l.mhUihy.:"'' ''-'1?' iiol.ioiis of the biil. on will piohjtlily ro ijrr.uits. siiulHliavt' a Now That Morocco Matter Is Settled There Is Much In- m wrr. rr.m i. tcresl In This. Prominent Newspaper Asserts Belief That Kaiser's Next Move Will Be , Relative to Siam. Peacs of World, WASIUXtiTt'N. Api.l i parlmrnt pfficinls who t.ive y jthe i i vinit- Niv y IK" . do mlth f the keiiee an- lum h mirprKod ;u U vn thus any fault .) i Clkint found wliH tin aii'lioritiifc imrlliit i sue of orders wliii'i liau fr Chap-l West Virginia Senator An nounces That Ha Will Dis cuss Rate Bill Friday. T May Be Put In Menace by Early; bin W. It, I H Developments. iiein: tax of $." lie one of til. An .tlii r pio quilt tl:at h ci i utiii animal thti.i when Ail i sii'.e n is of the vliiaKts I' .ie It f; tin it , ..nKs ami taken refuse i.ut of n aeii !of the liiva. A diH'elt fioni Najji 4 tstifs that showers of ashes fiom V11- of pocket money with, le iS that city. y rrive later. The The 1 ATTEMPT ASCENT and t'he c to Tlie tientinel. ME, April 3. Tne Duke of 'he m has almost completed his ar ii.'nts for his attempt next July 'v lh: asccni of Miiunt Kuweri in I'qiiatoiia! Africa. ; Ju view c-xH-rien!f of Mr. Donglwii, Hr ltt aitit VOIlief V "cxulorei"S:"Uie consider that Uil lime he lias 'd is the most propitious geasoti e iitteinnl. Itnwenzoi i . w hleh 1: iieiiuii'i; of abojit IT.lMMi .fret, "'cii tin Lakes ,.M be rt Xyanza ''"in 'Kiward Xyanicii ami Is I'd by Stnnlcy tt cue of the ail.-; hi n, j, ,,; (i,,, raiiKe I'lnli in;.-. (jrt,,j gf oKrapher v:'!'"i"l century, believed was mi' ' of Hie .Nile. Duke and the Italians whit will i'any him will probably land at "fa and wiil travel by train to Florence on Ui0 Vicioria. f lu... 1 i . t in iin t in i i-.ii "Oi e. It is here that the reil win b organized.'- Besides ll will, consist, of about ,iivi!r. 10 he employed inMraus ; the biiKunge ,of the expedition. e'!R Lake Vicioria, the cxpedb 'Jj1 C10'-s l hat part of VkatM li's beiween the lake and the Minis of Unweuzorl.' This is ": ; ' 'al;e fifteen days. A. this ; l he flrltUh protector- ':"t f xiuoted that the expe- 1 " ." -'IU any di fficukle. wl-i ta4,e with him a nuin e 1:1 wtst scientific instru ""h have been tested in the 'ca! ObnTvattfi-y here. He " will succeed iu his "'i' -s heavy tains or mUis i'l'en fei-e. u saie. rhnt '"i. a (lernmn. niemtier of '-' lb. has' ever,l- hnS !;H' top of'iiuwenzori. or Eaton's Court in March. lUire frmehlle! "t';'- 'il -ih! there '!'. 1 i stiiekm cla- l.ltiol'8 Of tl There will n till for an t 'trants. IS.:-1-Maiaeh!iseii fort to hnvj largely to it station, but column ue at ruptibn has become so activs KurrotindiiiK. v'.l Kieatly ularmitl. are laiims in tui-.i Hid a'su ti prevent vio- c".v 00 ll"CK lnat peitestriaiu are ci'r contract lalmr laws. 1 r.v'K nmbrellas. Tife sky is .oijs-iu ! 0 be a provision in thei"0111 view. ucBtional test of iiiimi- - Htr.innt now Iivored is J.1. for t !;.!''" If rie Ihhe hv-a.l uf tin- Imitllcs. The object ol jia'W.i have become thl,- provisio.lis' to keep out p;iyeit- S:;ow"rs of ui-hes a sontative Gardner, if is making a struns. f the bill so framed as let the volume of luinii- ther members of the in favor of regulatKnis ir.uiiiiK phieal, mental and moral soundr.esK. rjardlessi of the number ;if people aifc.iltied. T BRIDE MAY VISIT CITY The honiei jf our townsman, George P. Tell. was;'liiiKhteil on yesterday at ! Oy Wire to The Sentinel j IIKHUN. April 3-Xow Hat Mor occo ttt -kit liu has bet u nettled p.-a-o !of the wuilil 1.4 'Ikelj to 1 !n tmnaee 'aitaln. Ka'ii r, eneiMiiaKed by the k'jtioinc of the M.UKCo rmifei uce, Ueeirs i!ttimldl to th.iie in Siam. j Thi Txfl G.Miun Week!;, K"vi w I'.oiav puMiln i un article entitled. l "Afur M"neo eouii s Si.ini," which !'. nis to (tiiv- a to the German jt' osrani. The Ile,.ew aiRlu. that jtlernuay cam., it leeoKiiiie the e.tlnl tit:R asi'finur.t bstwetn Enn'and and jl-'iaiiee. i.l' ftnitiR splieu of lndiutiee In S'am ail t raluti out that li t hi! 111; ' ri)ivmere'.al Sutures: theie are in.r m tat:t and in fact greater j.:ho.-(- nf Kngtund or Fiance.- In con j elusion the aitlele says: "We txpiCM j .11 m-jit dt sire that the govt rnnu nt j will ib fi rd i's inieriM In Siam more , viKi rouVl) ,and with lis tendency in comptoniise than it did In Motoeeo." S.' developnieiitii are ex peeled soon. m . of the K irran , jt'athulir rliintii. fr mi duty si thoj 'l'rei:klu nai.) ai'tt. to the vmd at j ; I'tittsmouth. N, .11.. whi le lhat t'lfletl ! 'Ill be atlaeht I to I'll piho". ship! !Southey. The c iigaiurm was recai'd-j 1 la Chairman of tnatt Com- mltu On Interstatt Commerca Aad , Has Been Regarded at One ( Xbm Leaders cf the Opposition to th . Bill Panama Canal Cemmlte Appoints 8i-b Committee. Business ' of House. . '. . v . 8,V'he , W Wire h The sVaUnei. WASIIIXGTOX. Aprii, -I t a compluii' 11 v ;o Hie fUiipi.1111,. ,,... ,hi 11,01 11 1, -e lit. an l t o on;.' her- dre.-tmed for a nnH,-lki.. . .1 Vlialnla. rhatnuM. tit the rnnimittie a ttitrtat cm- ni' tlt tl.4!t It r.iuld be construed In oth er way. Any niov.mei'i In behalf pf ;1. rliapliiln on the in New Y1.1K 1 niisKi llt ; end et 1 ;.'ily wlilimit the authority imteli lem the lnlane ol Cantuin Hsney. He is .leMrihJHt by nierre, five Botlee that , Kn ireilld tiunorrfiw aftcrooju en tao an 01 out 1H1" sot-ak 1. , an:, . l nm Define railroad rate bill. the leeepiiol Lord His Alio has of a telegtam from New Votk ui.noif icing the arrival there from Kuroij" of Mr. Pell's ..eousliis. Gmiar-dc Strnle, wife of the L'hatiiberlaltt of Sweden jitt been placed in charge oC tho affail of Sweden in Wsshing ten, anil Mr. Duncan B. Harding, a famous urtl.-t of Paris, wih his beau tiful bside. into Mis van lleinhuyeii. a New Orb ans .society belle, to Wliom he was v. el ed on ihe Tth ultimo, at Geneva. Switzerland. Mr. - HaiJing and 'biide lassed Greensboro thus mbrnltig 011 No. 117 and were Joined by Mr. Pell who rode with them us far as Ci'.ar'iiite. They were "on their way tii Xcw OilnaiiK for a visit of two weeks ami ic In probable that 011 their return they will visit Wlr.ston-Salnii. . Ii will be iulerestlng to Phe tdiler Ni.rlii Carollia families to know that Madam i!e Hirnlu was Miss Mnrie Vir- Kinhl Hiirdliu', daughtt r of Mr. Ed ward I., -liariuug, n t'oiiin client mi r- ckSnt win; n.ovcd to llaleigh In foi'i- the war and married a well known Carolina belle. Miss Lucy llookr Hatm-ny, cf that city. Mr. Harding. 1 he artist, is tfu second ton of that nuuriage, and was bom in llaleigh. He now resides in Paris. atctal to The S-';r.tinet. RALEIGH, April 5. A runmittte coiiiifting of A. M. Scales, 7., V. Tay li.r, P. U. Gold. ILl). Iuiglas and G. P. Newman, latter secretary of the chamber of commerce, are here to appear before the Slate Democratic Executive Cotninittee . tonight and urge the selection of Greensboro lU the place for the . stale convention,'" ' It Is diflieult to Judge at tills stage cf the contest what the outcome wiil be between Raleigh and 'Greensboro. Committeemen, many of them, when asked as to the situation tay they are in favor of Greensboro hit! it looks like Raleigh will qpl it. However, to a in a a up a tree ' appears that, the committeemen lavoriai; lUIelgh ar mighty fcVce. L POSTAL PLANTING Of GLASS Iff no; niie s report were 119 1 l lore. the-. mayor, ami ,-r'' yie si. nt on ia i;je ' eo,,:,.' Ti. fl.I(l nn1 C(wU ' moii:i!eiI -j;, Jlso.T;' : (,ash, :,.;n us. 1 'nrv had II CjI- M THE S. F. A. SENIORS Tho Seniors of the Siileni Academy mil College met. at II o'clock this! :nonr!ng ar.d planted, the class Ivy just hi low the Jllth entrnnce of the Ara-j demy. The happy event was attended by the entiie school. The following piegiam was ca.i'led out:'. ' Song. ,'galelif.,i-"-" Short iii'iirr s.-ts by Bishop Ttond-1 thalir, Dr. J. II. Ciewell. Miss Emma Leiiinan and '.Miss Blanche Nicholson, prefcli'.t.nt of the Son!.. "Ivy." ' FJiir. GauUtaiiai!-'., Plantiiifr of Ivj; hy ciass oflieerx. Hy Wire to The Si nllucl. HOME. April JbfiJjIve.rLPii'r. tal Cor.greys. opened here 1 today with every country . belonging to the Uni versal Postal V11I011 represented Tho t' tilted Stales is reptesenud by Capt. N. .M. liKiOl-s, supi l it 11 nileiil of for eign niiiiis in I lie 1'otloflice Di puit nienl. and Edward llosewifter, propri etor of the Omaha J!ee, who was one of Hits' dcltgalis lo tho Gongnss of IS8Z. whicii was held at Washington, I). C. One of the questions which will probably' come -up for consideration is the niIo.:iou of a universal postage slamp: Mr. Rosewaler in opposed to 1 ho plan, on the giounJ that, as the stamp would be alike, it would be. impesslblu to strike a balance, for there would be no way of tilling where the stamp had been purchased. STATE DE WISCONSIN. lv Wire to The BMittnel Mll.W.M'KEE. Wis.,.' April fi Mr. Miles M. Dawson, of NfW York, the actuary of ihe Armstrong Insiiianre Iuvcsiigating Committee, arrived here today to assist the Wisconsin Legisla tive Committee in the Investigation of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insur ance Company. 1 H . : , CIRCUS IN CHICAGO By Wire to Tho BrnllneL CHICAGO, April S.-lllngling Biok. Citrus opens the circus season In this city totiglit and will give its first per loiniance at tho Coliseum, where the prumr.'itloiis have been going on ever fcinco March 9. According to the iinuoiinci mi rt ol management of the liow It will ! bigger and 1 Kre-lntert!tlug than eer: before. The menagerie has been aug mented since last year and Include tare and valuable addition. The cirrus has a herd of forty (le p'.unls, which is said to be half of the "!i phant.s In :h(! Vnltcd Slates There are XUu horsis with the show thl yi ar, also :.!"U daiieiug girls urd a total of l,::iK n rfonners. Among the monl tluitling fiatures will be a young tier mar, who will ride down a del p. In cline on n-' bicycle and after tinning a rompii te somi isault Iu the air, laud on his wind on a plaifoim lif-ty feel (listimt. A Kriueh woman will do a similar trick Heated In an automobile. jlre of the Bureau of'XvU;:V jtior. as one of thej best K-ul nu st I useful i f the naval eluiidallia, ftt'.tt un 'ihU account was siKeied (or duiv ..I, ukt,. Ml,.,.. 1... Hill thnn J 11' '"i i-'e. i.'v- ii. .'h !Kit sea duty n . ami the work requir f path nre, ilbcreilun ttn.l ' Industry. jX'iit every chaplain will do for urh jiespii. sidle billet, a lid tin lacl that lolijtcilou Is made on tlie i; of 11,11111 if the chaplain's udmlreis upptais to ihe naval authorities here as altogeth er unprecedented. It Is not likely that :ht or4erKrf the rhapiaih 111 he rhangedUttttner the rliruinaianres. He wan n'M selected by way of pimUh nier.t of any sort or us a result. of po litical operation of an) kind. It was his (urn to gel other duty and hls.ablt It y and record entitled hi 111 to the com pllmeneof getting some duly which Is diflieult In piopoitlon to hi fltnesa to (111 the Mil. FEDERAL COURT MATTERS S (lass jell.' . PRFOTITiyF k nui 1iL.ui.11 1 11 1 1 iu 1 uu ' ONE Of COMMITTEE' IAN 1.1 vV ir? to 'r!;,1 ctnti;i-'.. WASHINGTON. April 5-Speaki-r Cannon ioday designated iln. f'-llow- jing mi in bus of the house t; repre )ie tne mavor seei :t m I'lii'aibiu'iia A in il 17. at tha case.! co:ivicteu ! ;wo hundredth aoalvtiaary of . tiie 1 Special to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON, April 5.-It;ci nt rL)itnsuceived by th.i state depart nil itt from agents' In China show that eoni!!:!ons in the empire ate Improv ing. Stringer! .orders were lsnid about two months ago by the emperor .!o vat ions viceroys to take drastic steps to prevent any further (piarrtl fain. ' . . ' II. is new ihe opinion of the official of the state ib parlmcni "that a general iinrisiiig. w hich two months ag; so m ed en lain, will not occur, a t least In ille immediate' futuie. . Uv Wire to Th FmitlneL 'UfAJTOX. April .V-K Iward C. Swift. Cliiet-ri millionaire beef puck er, died lo i' tally this morning. He had lii.guct 1eiwicn life and death it lie pa--! four dayn, siiflering from I pneumonia. irlh . cf Hc:i jat.iln. Franklin: Olm- ever; F. A. tttad, Peaniylvanla: Stevens. Mill- "'" ni'r: J--R. Hasien hdd ' a'"' - baiind "U " f""- 2 bound ov;r;ntSo.a; I'd : I cases and 2 bound over; "'-"e had 2u cases and 1 Per; C. A p..,. ...... , . tases. K- Royal ""'I. of Oak Ridife, thlc afternoon. wan in Cousiis. Iowa; dlana; Fa-sit-it, . Niw Maasachus'jtta; Smith, Pou. North Carolina ; Watson, In-York;-.' Sear. Marlaiid, Ilyaii, " New York; Waikins, Ixjuisiaiia. George 4. Pell came la this after noon from Charlotte, going to Mayo dbn. - ' . . ' IS EXPELLED Of DISTRICT UNION. Be Wire to Tho Sentinel. PITTSBCUG, April 3. Delegates io the ejistrie.t miners' convention this '.neir.iiig expelled i'lisident Patrick Dr-las anj Vice 'President Bellingbam from the organization. Dolan still maintalus his legal right to the pres idency and the matter will now go to court. , Union Veterans' Celebration. 3v Wire to The Senlinel. I'T.'CA. X. Y.. April 5. The Onflda Ceenir Vrterant-' Association will eel finale the Himiveisary of the close of I the Civil War. which ended with lCc's j surrender ;to Genual Grant oh Apiil b, IK.', by a banquet, in ltaco;i Hall 'tonight. The principal speaker of the Untiling will he Gen. X. M. Curtis, now of New York, hut formerly of Ogdens j . burg. (len. Curtis ls often refi rrcd jt i us the Hi'fo of Fort Ilshi-r. Hb was 'rouiiimniii-r of the t'nion forces which hoi,!; l'ort Fl-her. and Is at prtfciit national inapee'.or of solders' humia. The thtcrtalnment eommlitea Cf the as tK-latlon has made special efforts ;o make the aiir.iveisary bannn't memorable affair. Special to Tho Sentinel. GIJEENSOBRO, April 0. 80 far the federal court has'dlaposi'd of quite a number of tho smaller raaea. Theie was nothing of seelal Interest In the pioccedlnga today.. The sending of three men from bne nelrfliboi hood in Surry county to the pchlieiitlary and ou to JaYl, by Jmlg Biyd ycsterdiiy atternoon produced Komrthlng of a conattrr.atlon among the moonshiners. For aeveral courts these back-wooders have been dealt with veiy leniently. Judge Boyd ha come to the eoiielu.ilon that niotj severe Judgment nre needed to re press tliriiicrf;aslr.g number of 'MHO stills In almcat every count y, lnc the Walts law went Into Orange county alone, where formerly no cases at all runic before Ihe fed eral court there are t ight on, the pres ent docket for blockade distilling. The men of Hurry, who wett suit to tot penltebUary'.rMt'fy'sre'froiU'at'Rtuf' lion where blockading has always been a regular business.. It was the scene of the killing several years ago of Deputy Collector Barnwell, a brother-in-law of Judge Kwart,' by iiKKinshini r and recently officers have been repeatedly shot ai from ambush iu that miction. JildgeBovd said In passing aenteuce on Jattell. VVjt.d and Copperplate, that tho law leitHness mong this eb nient of Surry county' population had to top, If thiTiJ was any way to do it, by punish ing Ihose convicted In ihe federal court of violations. In the cast! against a negro, niliird Will J.iiits of Orange Tuesdiy a white aian, principal witness for the gov ernment, Kiiltled he went 10 Jones' hoewStiiiday niornlng and got him to fell him . a Jug of whiskey. Judge Hoyd illreeied a vrdlc (rf not gull', saying a white mini who would admit he induced a negro on a Sunday rr.oriiliig at his own tome to sell liquor was rot woitby of belief. PICE VON BUELGW nrnnitT nnnnriiiu in K . SS N III innnnisi 11 ULUUIIILU UUUULHU ILLj fjj(jf MaJ. T. J. Brown and Mrs. C. J Summers left ttia afternoon fur Ingle side to visit Mrs. WilIU E. Hall. They will return next week. 1, 6,-puiy Sheriff Cofrr arrested a white man named Snow last night and committed him lo Jail- Enow Is ac cused' of whipping his wife acd daugh ter, both of whom are confined to their bed bt !cknes, the wK, hav ing pneumonia and the daughter' dip t her la. Deputy Cofe say that Snow, whose home Is Just east , ol the old Winston reservoir, was Intoxicated when anesled. H Wire to The Heiitlnrt BERLIN, April 5. Prime few BU'j-'.-j, German elutifllor, wa ' 'over come with a fainting attack,, la IWch stBg today and wa carried, unrou scic:i to an ante-room. It Is tlll iinctrtaln whether tho aitark w raue fainting apell or the resalt of oiot mote serion lllness.l . A SPLENDID PLAY. Federal Court tilt Pastes. ' A bill providing fr holding; of l niotths -term of fediral ctiurt ar-Bjr-' mliiKham, Ala., passed by vote cf tS to H. The measuro waa brforo the l . ;ise ji sierOny -but rdiled of passing then biraiiMi of th opposition of Mr. Vll, of Alalwma. . . Sub-Committee Appointed. The srnale coniniltlie on tho Pgi a in a Caral today appointed aub-com mint;, consisting of Senators Kit t.liU'e. Knox and Morgan, to dnis " .. . 1 A . - m bill lo provide perniniieiii 10 rm 01 government for iho canal lone. SEVERAL ADDRESSES AT TUSKEGEE TODAY. By WVe lo The BentlneL TV8KKGKE. Al. April .Odo or ' the Intel ostliig feature of tho anni versary celcbrattloit I the revival of old -lima plantation melodic. Th student choir has been drilling tcv oral week for lta occolou. , , ; , Today' addresoe r fon auost ,. part by negro, oltber gTiduate of Tuikeg'e or asaoeltte of Wahlr r . Ion In tho edueiaion of tho raco. Th first wa by J. M. Cnty. giidusta 0 clam of UV). who haa beea trtctwr for slxcn ycnTat Weil Vlrglnl, In tltuie. ' : -' - '. '' , Pi'nrlpal If. R. Krlssel. of lline ion IntlUuie, llamplon, .V;poko of the world-wide , lufliei)CO , if t,th founder of Ttiskrgee, " , '.;,, Dr. W. Hrtieo Kvan. principal of the Arirtsiroiig Manual Traliiln School,' WashlngttHi, told of tho in tiuence of Tuskegeo and Hampton, not only upon method' of teaching negro race but upon educutlon geoir all). . .. -V 1 v'r; .',. At the aftimoon sea Ion John W. Roblns'in. graduatii of Tuskigetr who has been six year In Africa teaching Ametiran ntv'thoda of eyiioii culture, (poke of Ills work In that count t, 11 u preillcii'U a great eonilix-relal and In dustrial future for Africa If coutnlll- ', lug powers thertr will only CUlllvulo Ihe friendship of the native, educate his mind and train his hand to culti vate the boundless resource of tho continent. KING PRINTING CO. IS INCREASING FACILITIES The King Printing i Company (bbj city, now has oue of the very test equipped plunt iu the entire Houtli and Is tinning out hlgh-cJsM work of various kinds. Some Idea of the rr. ;unt of buslnese be leg done by ihls com pa 11 y may be gained from Uie fact that it is operating day and night shifts a. ml Is arranging to Install auothrr linotype niaehlno for law ' hrl-f woi k. 5 , The Klnj Prinling Company la msJi lug a specially of law brief work and its facilities for doing audi work to mat and accurate way are nniirpti fi. Hpetlal att.-i.ilon I paid lo this class of printing and It mention In . the propir manner on short notice. I asouitd it all timet. tA small ait'Ileitce-wltnessfd "The and tho Humming Bird" latt night. The performance was a splen did one and chaiacterlwtd by , sonic really artistic work. The leading rolea were pori-ajed In an unusually effective turtiiuir.. The play deserved better patronage. IN ACERf.1 TOWN. ByWIro to The Scnfinel BKftLIt ,'Apill 5.-The large hall lo which local association lo Nagold, Strath Gernisoy. were celebrating, imHr annual fi-te". "ebllapv-dihlx rnora Inc. All wer burled benetit'li Uo ruina. estimates regarding the num ber kllbd vary from one to ihree buo drtd. Many corpses have already been extricated from tho ruin.--- . ' ."Mr. Paul Klklo, soil of Mr .J. U. Elkln. of lhl city, ha 'purchased tljo Slier City Grit aud will hereafter ed r that paptr, which la p,Hid weekly. Paul's n'.an.e frler.ds here wish him well In ill JoitrualUtic venture, y