rWINCITY DAILY SENTINEL t)TH YEAR. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 6, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS n'Bll PIANJHE, IS r it niii i n nun 1 1 ( V.WMIII i - GRATIFIED fjibodying System of In- Anthracite Operators. It Is1 President Roosevelt Believes t . ft 1 1 . " I . . .... . introduced krwnMe.n Arrainnftd in Wake: -waimed. wm Keiusc 10 Kauroaa Kate Bill Will BO irun-f ; . 3 :a the House Today. Consider It. . . - f-.,., , An- tA b Insurance Conversion ir ,bo Rtcentiy Ana i HH.v - . u-.. ' ,. Oth 1 Special U The Sentinel, ' Roosevelt. Among otner . Court on Charge of Burning Standard Oil Plant In Ral- !nh anc Mnrrtftrfnn NInht Minera Union. Hn Hope That! Watchman Are Acquitted Operator Will Comnt to Submit-1 ting Difrrnct to Arbitration. I Enacted Into Law. However, President Mitchell, of the He Hat Recently Had Conferences at OF IN FEDERAL COURT A Number of Defendants Are Acquitted of Illicit Distilling , and Other Charges While j 1 7 GARS VVENTOOWfl Anjron Bridge Over Second Creek. Near Barber's Junction. Collapses. the White House With Several j OtheiS ATe COnVlCtedRap- "8 f " ck it Provides for Bureau of j RALEIGH, April C. A verdict ( ; Miners' Scale Committee Holding a Meeting This Afternoon. ' Id Progress In Trying Cases . . r... -il vnlln- was rnrnt.l I hi.-; moruins ance In Department . v..- - ;- ( UJ lue jury ill lts i.uai.iii -.'. n iiw iv iui iwnun . Moaie and Ranch Bmcb. latter coi PHIl.MiBi.PHU. April C At the: By V.ire' to The Stntlut-l. of Star: .irtHV of Philadelphia and Reading! WASHINGTON. April C Scaator Coal Coin pair here this niorniug itlKaynar, of Marjlaud. had a I'm con . And Labor. Tim W..nt.' . '. .. . ........ !.. oreJ. with burning the plan i a mode! nsuranet - - k..' . . k. .. 11. n .mn I U 1 1 i n i tpvrM o n i IvoK-lmr nnrih ami hinnelf In arson :OUUdel te Harding the lll:ne morWr' it! Jitls(l. I. ' 1 .-- ' Democratic Senators en This Sub ject. Among Them Being Senator OvermanIn Speech' Tody Elkins8I)orU: The Sentinel Replies to Critics Saying He Favors' GREEXSHORQ. Apill C The Rats Legiilation. et iu I'll' f'd-ial four; U r-inn -fast ' rdaieU up-tf (lie niootishlne raKs. j S- far this vi'L. elulil men have b..n ; w iitc:.! to the penitential y. nac ttuithi!li' rt,lt..titu.l v.r li ni ' ft' I . n ihltH lh tl Ac m,m Mnire had made a oiidssicvn In- ;nt anuiravue operauus nave in .hhur rnuwu ia' um He i-s the fifth lnioeia:!c senator Th'a luornlnR 1. T. Goff. of ndklo. H tiicj aud Conirtrd of iUii'lt illit- liliiuj-. 11U iiffta- man rommltU'J thitv ),-ar sro and he u 4 he -wf , ... . .1 .).... L ! !, . I.I .... v. ! euaoied iatj law for am 'm,C2r mv . I " ... i , " ' l. ,ZL, SI, ' 'Z H'uiie tian-. JudBe Uyd , , ., Tu, ..-..i,!,,,,. ! IntiScated sufficieii: . :.t.. Th.i lirrsldcnt. : . . ' . , .,.. , r.m. to discredit the confession :ghjr lis "adopt ion as a remedy i ' lS,t 9l lu.wer and privilege h ; Q in urj nil I nilir V.t itsiiauee coniiiuiM-ifnr oi t tben:ues ana was umuen -awmill-e oi flficen apiwinici puriKe tiy recent Chicago lit n VB insiiiancf. bill pmpoM Ij rstablsn a of lifeiiiraiiet' headed by an in-comml.-sloner la the depart f cfihttnetoe and lalx)r. loperatotn will absolutely decline to iP' pose at " uivnatioii r.( lie isubmit any of the Questions to arbitra-' deur, the otau tiina trlay. of Cor- U'NiiinK eiarupliM only of tne moan- Track on On Sid AHd fur Cirs And C a boots On the Othoe Ns On Hurt Passenger Train No. M Between Chattanooga And Salis bury to Be Run via Wlnoton-Salom Until Bridge ,ls Rebuilt CndK-" (ore experience With Thirty Ital ians. ' Ths rall.- wd bi Mc on th Wstra Noilh Carolina road. - over aWue4 ci.-i k, to ruilett east of llarber Juno Hon. rotiaped this uiorulng from lt .of iev,.-.u.'a freight can. whleli enl djn in th crvek. falllnj i . . niiun m fi- L lilt uiiaiurM hi me H m tloa ' isla; Iwrr. of lAxilMana; lXioi-, of ,, , , , , a niuur oi ;a or jw ieu i NEW YORK. April .-lVnd:..B a j Virginia, Overman. of '.North Car-, wa,l8 ro,llMlf;f M ()M M M ' i of tlK past two jrata thai they had , ,k . ,,. . . . - . idee kbin v thi r.;hiiu-l! nnerain's 'oil '.a. Kuvuor lecentlv made one of . . of Ihe tralnn.eo tH'k.g OK ta lib whether they will accept the miners' the wont briiilaut peches yet deliv .belter fuit. The uxi ca. UM a ansHst fl I, M, U J. UN OH ! 'Ce r Ur 1U thhu,J l;';KariVra,!tfH Attorney John T. Ht ..-.ion hatpin h bnlauee. . jthe Hepburn b.ll aim sotne UrM ' fat. J cars. The engine and four car. which iro si-Mux the ireetle, bioko Hi ulxiw Bt;ht for iScDtt.- The Jury ntunxJd a teuilct of1 churned lt lvKJM. nA ,M,,,.j, .mi, tho booo AS MEETING PLACE. in The Sentinel. Kill. April & Til? state dim- x.ciuive eoiiiniliti-o in ws hist t.!j;1i: .decided to hold timv.utlou in CiiwnsiKiiO on lii f.iu- t lie , matter of Hie is u up J. 11, Pon, for the lla! lah. kave notice that the Ipiiai wuuld not urge tne seu'e- lialiili this year but would s lunce have thp largest im in ihe Stale and be in the ilii tin d.teiniinmion to win. viuiion fr.mi Greensboro was I by (;. S. Hiaihhaw and 1 by A. M. Scale3 v il. Cal'tertr-of Riithei-foriltnn, a a Inviuuiftn from Ashevllie, Hksiams from city author!- the liiiard of trade also lioiel raies from $1 to $2..rii). ipnian seconded Ashevllie in ph.a (or a iinnnimous vote lor us m.uiniain resort. The voie to Ashrvillu 29. was Kipit dlvcralty im to the for the colivontlon, Juno 'itt, .lun(. ;'G and July 3 being il by vai")iis committeemen. he vote was three-cornerod lli' buit ilisr was fnr Jum 27 I ml. .Inly 25. There were -ii July Zi for June 27, and he timj. ami place for the ii lia-.l been deeiilvd Senator p'imi ns called .1. V. Thoinp- r ake to th'c chnii- In bin tternl ssi-d the committee on. the "cesshy there U for steps to 'o K'-t all Democrats to pay tax so thai a full vote may lie declared that last fie Doniocratic majority was ''ti thousand less tha,a- it live been if thl maimr luwi " closely attended to. He ""I already written to Di-iu-ft'nials in every county to o .this matter but lie felt bi-ts of the state committee ""ich in this direction and 'lie must In' docc uuickly. "l""ts received by hlni 'at in s,)ine counties the poll v R'-inTal!- paid but in many "a .ia.;v.jy . bad ami Demo ''' "'t.ftrr badly if som.nhinK The oiKratot' decision will be niodincatlotis. The came of basket ball to be play-: A , , , . , . m ... ! ii i in'li.M-t.-vv.f hi ti.n nrMti.w.nt uiailt Miu.n til a cutilt n uur uu Ji'iu- --. w-,.. ...... .... Ifiilllv e.l iu the Y.-M. C. A. K.vuinasium to-jdav atUM.uoon. Thl,rt. iw intimations;'" niuch enrouraKcd over the outlook; ' " ' i. . , r . J n!Kht between the Orange ar.d Wbllr,;ita ,norn, that tho xt w8u,4,'(or favorable action by the senate .vJ..,"' J . h uLv tn i i.i,i. rni. i. nu.,r e,. nin.ii . . ....... .. ..... . ., . wiiuamao.1, m Uiii cvuiuy, in-1 n-fiise t submit the difference to an'b - he besau sjundlnit Dem-j)lcu (or "n.,ai"iiIJ(r interestin.? contest of ihe season. :uiuitlallim boa.(1 Tnls b,.i,vf was !ocrutlc membeis. He boilevi he can Both teams are In (rood form and -.'streuKthencd' by th- public iitteh.'KU eu.iiiRli lVnKicratlc vot for the iwlly confident of victory. !.,nrr of iivid vilro-. of the nela'UI with a Umlte4 Judicial review The Oiaitfe team won thv fit-', ware and Hudson Company. w;lw a amc-admcut to wako up the Iom of game of the series from the Uiw mi (h( award of tlliA. thractte recalclirant Republleans, NSveinbtr iJanitary 4 30 and lost lo the R.l u The White team lost a ' loiiiniUi was cbnclus'.vT as to all j Spencer Rlackburn with counts as In- v'm.enti.,l In t V. u frfir!nf .1... mi . Th.. bimnc on nmm Pin .... . .. ... ... 'legal procedure1 was ueeesrv Iu or- facts and that no new facia have been! "n tne iioor or tne aeaaie tin alter-1 , .... ... .... Kame to the Red on December 8 andIbjG it () attention. Mr. Elkins. of West Virgin.' 7 won from tke Dine on F.brua.y sinr the award Icluilrman of the co.mmlttee on Intet-i'" 'r"1 " CtM,lct ' Cl,fUlt Each uam havliiK practically th-; Many . mtnnb of the !sto answer. thoi who 'M same ptevious record adds bCaI(? nin left ror; ed .bat he was t Vadkiu we to the game tonisht ar.d has had much i molBhl at)d wIU mur.a. onenator, that he bn conducted bear-j ' ' h?' . and four cats icmalned on tb,oo poshe side, Th- fact that all ot ts iralnimn eicanid Injury U eoideoJ mlrculoii. Most ot the cars aero km.led hh ILr-fchlilullv-. n, I I hi" Imtrn austaliukd was ieturm,l by tt(V,(t.(l g,wtherm ' i asv k. bnvr The Rrand Jury yesterday found a, ., . .wn .. , .an !.- uu .Hia lin.-. - t uu fv jne Mts.n- tiain, which handle lulluita car 4, opei at ed btf-o ChallnouOKa.. Tciin., and HullKliiiry, came throuRO the Juiy. The ri bill of tudlctmvnt aitalnst (he Hon 4 . . , m,n T a VI III." IV 3 ! , Mil II IIIU k, lit' ' , , si st Orange, Carle Da.ton. ct-nt.-.e, I j pfacUcaUy ld that w. attemptinK to becloud the ZZ RrTni J ('as" Ca',l '" T' & u.n caventio, of miner will be and prevent the enactment of a rate ' orJrplanJlflJ(; wards. W. K. Pike and llobett . . . ... ,,a resuUitina; law. -I have no nirsl ", ? ' , n . 1 1 ,.,.i .,n,..i. tt'ki,,,. t n n- at uazeiton. t a. . , guilty of removlnn. were fined 3rtO n.n3(k Rimid.. Unite. J. R. Da,. MltcheM Not Talki(,B Much. that can affect r-y Judtfmeu or pre; The line-up will probably be as IV 'ovvs: OraiiKe, Cliarles Dalton,, I T, I'r.rwards lliai ceaior, Fred Khectt (Capt.l and .las II. and Claience Maxwell, guards, OfflclaU: 1'. M. Colusrt luter. e, T. W. lllaclvwiil and Lulher E. Martin, nmmi'PK. Murnhv McVw r. time ! keeper and Owen Norvell. scou-k cp er. Game called at 8:15 p. in. interest of the rsHways and that hei ing There was a brief meeting of the vent me tloltiK tny duty as senator as Cofer forwards. Job A. Xaloi-J.0)e rolumlttw ,Ua -mulnln(c but f It," he said "My desire and jnotliini? of- impoiianco was diNM.l'"Kh't I'urpose Is to eiro and Mitchell was asked what' he -bad to;"' P"'c Volerest." H mated Isay rfKiirdlnK the statement of Wit- U. S. NAVY MEN AND SUNDAYBALL PLAYING i By Wire to The SmttlneL ' WASIIINOTON, April C Hear Ad miral Evans has been asked by The; Navy Dt'partment to Klve bis opinion of the petition received from the citi zens, of Piovincetown, Mass.. protest Ing aRnlnsl baseball pl.lylns on Sun day at that place, while tho ships ol the Atlantic fleet are there for the! summer excicises. The navy d.part-f ment will not be drawn Into the con-i troversy with citizens who fnul faub with baseball playing by euKsu-d men of the service. Rear Admiral Evans will pr.ib-.ibly communicate bis views to ihe Navy Department in terse and' vigorous lan giiaxe, of which he Ik capable,- person ally and officially, and it is expected that he will suggest as a remedy and a lellef of the objecting citizens that the ships of his command perform the summer evolutions at a place where ccx, and he replied: "I have nothliK lr say." "Dd you think that the proposition for arbitration will be accepted." bo was ai-ked. Up replied: "1 have hopes that It will. I would not have proposed It unless 1 thought so." Mitchell would not talk about the alleged dynamite outrage near Wilkes barro yesterday. He said the situation In the bitnni Ir.oiiH field was v.?ry satisfactory, as he had hoped. He wild miners In In diana had leturned to work under the old wage scale and that other miners would not return to work unill the scales of 1303 wt-jp signed. eaeji and paid up. 8. 11. Jayrer, W. Y. Joyuer. of Yad kin, charticd will) Illicit dilstilllnc Judge lliyd told defendants on of unequivocal y that he was In hearty I , ,. . - . ... , ... ' ,. . ' land they had to dee d wh en of the accord w h he- president oh ho rail- , .,: ...... -t ,, , . ,, to. 1 hey were father and oil Th" way rat? retrulnilor.' proJi-t. He1,., . . uialnlalncd, however, that the Hep burn bill In its present form was lg definite In that h failed to provide .iKalnst many evils from which the people were sufferinK. fuilty of the two, but th son offered Winston Salem at J o'olotk thll sflilivxju. It went to Grtviisboro iu i make connection wlta the fjl train - Ml the main line. .. Late this afternoou R was rjat that II all) riilie two or thrto daf : to rebuild tb-e brllx. wbKh was irdu and considered uiotleru and obUh tfhl In every le-tpcd. I'otll thla, I Completed train on the western road will pass throuKh this city. Tbo pk , reiiair that went down this sflefuooa till tcturc tonlKht.' Moaluk tbw regular train from Oieeustxifo, du lo artlve at l:5 O'clock.' , . ' Thirty Italian Paeaengtfs. ,j. TtKr wcrA thirty Itatlan oo tba train that wet: tbrourfh 81.3 o'ckifk' thl afternoon.'. Their tlck Wer to in and so It wsh decided. He warr(,m "a'ta.-xiga to Hatimury. Nfll W. K. and the sentence Ini i"1"' r0ul11 M"" ' WW posed was 13 month and a One o(lBnllsli aud lhr eotidwtor wa pai linn. JidRmint was- suspended as to j l)l 10 k,H,w hcr they want jo R. II Joyuer. ' , V- He talked about puttln tlKia i f Aruei Tilce. nt Rutrv. erthvletevj' of J'rrf- A k Hc.-mao. iiMete.l that uckiulinii. was fined llm) unl en.flMrhnl,M pecluj to The Sentluel. NEW YORK, April C The summ.'i blocktulintf, was fined $100 uud sen- leni.vd w e The following were found not r,ullty of Illicit dlatiyinsi' Jule Huffman, of Alamntice; Jack . I Murphy, of Yadkin county; Dick Hen Idirsoii, of Hurry; Raney Rudd. of Ala- E SAO DEATH Of MEMBER fly Wire to The 8ntlnt COI.UMW9. 0., April C.Kred Castor, al'ns Frank Connors, who was sentenced lo death for the murder of j Detective HiKsins of the Erie, Pa.. iwllce force, was executed today b leluctrjcution to expiate the crltn,'. they will be more welcome and where i Castor plead guilty, to anoiher imir ..nH..1lu.!. ........... t..n f... V'..U. V...I. '-"t""" """Jnia-re; l-arayette Wiulv, of Cnswell. will be opened this evening' with a, y g. and meeticR in Hall, in whlchl q( the Rev. It. A. Torny and Charles M.',, Alexander will lake part. This will Ha thl. Si-mI l!m II..... hnn l,..r. I.r.t.r.1' in this city "since their, return from. 'abroad, and the meet ing Is t-xperted to be highly successful. The demand for tickets has been ( iiormou and It! will be necessary lo hold overflow ! meetings In neighboring chinches. Speakers, who will addrt-as the Car uegle Hall meeting will also speak In the overflow meetings. The eboius, of five hundred voice-s, which has beeni iVganizid for this occasion, will bei By Wire to Th Bontlnel j COPENHAGEN, Apill fi. The 'tragic death of Princes , lul, of Schiimbofg l.ippe, wliicrt orcurnd at the castle of her father-in-law, Piince William, liriiachoel of llrnua oo Wed ider. that of Officer D.iu Davis, Oas-!' ) Mr. Alexander. Othmuaicalt armM ,c A t tm . . ..... . .i,,. features will be the Park fiisteis' Cor-l .... ... , there wlll. be fewer' restrictions uiHml' tnd JlvU n(. I features will be the Park Sistets' Cor the admiuistiation of t tic enlisted! men. It is certain 'that Sunday base ball playing will not be prohibited by the navy. I! is claimed there are rea sons why it should be permitted as a diversion of the uieli w.Vj ban, their latter with several -others surprised him and bis accomplices while they jwere burglarizing the residence of i Horace Chapman iu this city on June' net quart ,t and Prof. Raffaelli's Ital ian orchestra of . thirty pleci. The Rev! Dr. Wilton Merle -Smith will pre side at, the mass meeting. Reside pathy for her, owing to her unhappy married day. fihe wa the eldest daughter of the present king of .Denmark.' ll-rdeuth iorcuiiej only five hour after Prince 5 RUMORS AS TO UMTS ILLNESS 7. of last The condemned man ' " " " -".William expired at the ,me cavl. -aa"fA,r!--..f Ptli-.f " Mh;-ahero ' Rev- Dr.' H. A Htlin-;, K...r. T ' ' his- pannts. said to be respectable i - "'"j rlflVK. It le r.'.na,1uriH l int !l.;u .... ut. I J - ,u... i.i.n..i u..inl. .u. u.. I... I .." . .., ,, .: . ;lf. iv.tliuiil I ..;, tun n... . .. I .., .,.,.. ,,..u .j li,..... Ullllll. , 9ll ' . 1 .J IIUIT Il Will. II, tl t .Ml.n 11 . . . rv., i.i a tl.- ...a it... n.... r. I Castor asked fe- a ne w .trial, but j -'" rjpftc.M d to b ' 1-. It ft.- ...k,.I....hJaHi ' the. motion was denied. He remained """ ""i" ' . "" I'nixcss Uiulse was wed'M and- one of our Ai-yrlan couli umlersiand the lanauaga of the forelx nets. One wne sent for but. wailu th ttnllanteKanla)kfuK"tae'AtIan qillekly teiunrked that thai was bo Inrnuag. of hi. Finally IVepulJ Kb -riff Cof. f appeared upon the oa at...l luceeeded jn convincing (lie coie due tor that hi passengers watUod, to go to New York. One aged Italia drew from bis pocket a large roll of, nioi.'y and lxtinllng around to each as-toclate gave the captain and officer to understand that he was prepared lo pay ihe fare f the eotlre crowd. "1 will haul the folk to (iK'eus Imi.i and let them buy ticket thet to ih place they want lo go," said IhC com! ictor as ho called out "all aboard lor (lieensboro." HiaMon AgeDt Jackson, who wwit In the tialn, report that tho Itat Una weie prtivldod with dangerous bKikliig wi aKingiin and tho knUes. Ho called the attention of tb ofllcei ar.d trainmen to this fart. CAPTURED IN TMSCITf time of tills suit on Sunday. at a time and a place wiiich do no: ir.te.n tere with the lellfiotis obseian(:S ,f the day. Is an important cintiil,u(oi, io ! individual, contentment. No one in i the service believe lor a moment that thi re w ill be any rliimSB i this ti... ..' .:. i-..i.., ' "e neuncei. pnl ii. Chancellor Von Pii'KieKsing satisfactorily. ,,slps. beiwever. are ai-i-sinK the question of bis chancellor. Tiiere is an 'ing on Doiirse, first be- "m m or VOn lllll low , D.. n-u. a..,:t UJ niiu iu I lir ' uii.1- i .certain: secohd. be-1 PAKis, April SJ-At & of win ' 11 -"tin, permanent offl-'j ister of Interior and minirer .,f public in offirc w ho will act In i wotka .onlnlon was exnrs.,M timrn- s-l-"ct. .luring Ills. leave of I Lib- th,t ,ha eiiiL-n n Uha .... nf 1 'iU I,e rf""PfPd o takpjmlnei In the neighl.orio,i of ,.ens f aggressive Pan-German j would be Keltic, -wlthii ts ,, owing lo concessions fbicb nun- FRENCH MINERS' STIE MAY BEENOED SOON perftctly cool and firm to the last. A """"' 'i'.k" short time ago, when ihe remark was made that, there was a strong agita tion in favor of abolishing the death i penalty In this State; Castor ex pi e-j ed himself strongly opposed to suclja; course. "I am against the abolition! rf Capital punisbment," he. iald, "al-l thouirh death is staring me in the j By Wire to The Bentlnal innnnTiiiT mi i in nnr n i nm i n i in Mill Ull I III! I Ulkb III iiniisp nr nnimniin HULfbt Ur uUMMUNb J jin' Wrrnn, a young white coo- on account of lheiict who made hi escape from tho inf nunai passion she had f r Guilford countv rouiti at I o'ekx-k on ja sem of ,ih palace garrtner. The j Thursday' afternoon, wa capturod at husband tinned out to be a gambler j his former hom on Linden and. bully; The priwees tried toBai wi&ston, at U v'cUr laot iK-ciire a divorce but King Christian, j night by a deputy sheriff Cull- of De nmark, who died recently, iefus-1 ford, who ai rived hcra on Ihe S:30 ; permission for ber to go ahinrtran last eveultig. ;w!th the proceeding becaue of the .accompanying scaadai. , Bun time Wrenn was amoklng a cigarette and apKare-d to be a happy as a lark I1-' nntipaibii-s to England ' ff Von llurlow may upon international "sittia- ' unfavorable to maintain- 1 tie world. jf tit affairs in Ohio." face. The abolition of the death pes-. maij., .vprii iv-mc un. inirejWbw hstblng. She wa resriiod at ally would lead to a terrible si utn of,''1"'! 'n the House of Commons laatj ,K UMMt bt If. was rumored montn ana aimmg at. u.e removal m, courtlng Hlm ha(I the embargo oo the Importation f.f, llnK,r-n fro0l ccn-bral trouble tauadian cattle, will come up for sec ond readinj to day and Intel est l".g debate Is expected. The supports, of the measure include several Cana dlan mi-mbers. ago t!w princes wits almost. dro l whig (he lepor'er him. Just be- fore lie and the officer ' left, on 10:50 supposed t- be caused by a bullet (which he Ord Into her body, injur- j tog her spine during lilnes,' . I Neither of the parent of the hu- lltere is every nope . . ., . .,.,... Th.. i, ; ,,,j, , thai I hr l.itl mill hass tiir- lowpr house., . ... . I. Mr .ar.d Mrs. J. W. Jones, who spent i b(lt , f,.ar(.,uhat lt wlli b(. 0(.f,.ated John Haiz'.lp. ho has be-on living in Indian Terirtory for several years, was In the city today, enronte to hi old home a' Donnis. uo sign ef mourning at th" court. panics granted. Miss Rosaiec Smith Su icu.' C.a., Is the guest Mickey the winter In Alabania, were here this afternoon enroiitc to their liome at Rldgewoy. Va. h. of .mer- f Mrs E. T. in the House of Commons. Geo. Ilooze-r, E. H. Btockfon and T I.r n f ninr..n ri.Ml.ul li.le. R RnrtnLl r..tnr nlelhil KTAOIWV aram trxlav stating that bis father, 8. Sprinkle returned this afternoon Phone your orders early Saturday was critically 111 at hi borne for dreed chicken. Sam Rose. , J Stoke county. -- , . , , 1 !- Inifrom the tal Sumlay Bebool convpn- I tloa at Charlotta. tiala to-lay, The pilsom-r had on Mi, irlH-d suit and siuted (hat he walked from the Guilford ramp to this city, striving hefe late last night. "I was coovicied In Guilford supe rior ceiU't os the rhsrge at ',irlo an ovreetMt from a party at v If ig!l said Wrenn, who stated lbt he had rve! four iA bin !n mouib' diien'". ' .... ... .... ,f' Albert Diaa eut to fcilt Road, near Wa;kcrtown, thl afternoon, 10 ee hi father. Tho. fan, who la dafiferouriy ill. .Hia tf Ii T jn. r r it ' i

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