OTHtEAR. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, SATURDAY ErENING, APRIL ?. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS ilfli ,e Think Operators Will .nsent to Arbitration hiie Others DouDt it. HUNGHISE GRANTED fOR BOTH SIDES APPEAR TO jPHILLIPINE MATTERS ML AIR! ELECTRIC LINE BE STILL UNCERTAIN? BEFORE THECOMMITTEE. i Special to The Sentinel. MT. AIRY. April City I here have giasred a franchise fur in! ekcttic railway from Mt. Airy to tue ., Generally Believed. How- aJil-mr pr.u,. I ' operate Content to I ucu.m.. -is to tie lor niir.y . I 1 . -. uiuii itMri ami asks fa- :u rii'ht to liullil ' .r:t,or It Will Only Be ., 7 . I e l0 Those Matter. .Thati street railway ca one or uu.ro in ;eS Not Considered by Former i nets f this city from the depot to i -!- p. a. Main streot avu ;htu u;i Main stu n I t-atic" comm ... t Armiration nin - , - - - - - Ajreed To. TRIAL OF C. I. IS T 11UUI T CI IN AN AUTO ' I. ! iiurhl t. T-.. ....! fathers; Advocates and Opponents Of House Committee on Insular gkkksihuo. A-.rii court was !u."vc:i bit a s'sort white (this mcrnlng. the jut.ua and wr,ncae Rate Bill Both Seem Afraid to Vote. Affairs Considering Reso lution About Them. balem Commissioner Shaft- . . , ner Had to Hurry Home to ..-Federal . , make tusvouLegai. THEY FEEL A TRIFLE UNCERTAIN ABOUT IT. . being excused j The rase asa.n's' G U Smuot. 'charged with counterfeiting, wa ti have been trlirf tudnv hut Mir Stetl- t CONFER WITH POWERS. ' wtau apptai.-,l l tjtf ill!- Judge and , rUJ that it- and (i. James T. DIRECTS PRESIDLNT TO 6 The S-u'.inel. ;,:,.r.i railtvad o.mploye. c;k owlms u coafstU ... crd-'ied to r.port for At' relay morr.ing. which B.a!. id believe iipctators to- siting t't some :h the ir.ii.;' Yl'Kiv. Ami! :-ir r :liif.ty 1 satisfactory con- rs m xt Week. '. Kepresenta- coal riaiU ami I. i.r it r.-,nil,nmes U I meet ,; n;iHn in accret' confer- 0 final iwiuiwion. to :; i!i',sii:on of arbitration if; ,i ttp! fr i ho presentation r .no rr'itr Mortlay. . jt ,s ,': iifially . Ik'Ufvcd thv ,! i!l rcfttic proiiosal thw i fi i ti.t s-.att mi nt that tiioir :t ,tn)i;ia'f will 'only 'apply to p:i l ;'.iat w t rc laiat'il hu' c i ivlir.K itc .conuiiiskion. Tlu: ,is. ihrnmii, will concede will , 'u ai bitriiif any new nut'S ha: nia have arUson in ttgion ,.;ril a.i mailt' anil lucapablo ;!ii.u by rout illation board iliir- ix .s't i.Cf in the last thrte l'Cnii.:!it;ii to aibiirutf any of ! qnt at't'Di is rinnairuotl as. a 1 i. inhi'raU' any of the qnt'S- liaich MniSitil hii prfnitwl at i ;;.!f 'i net s, for Dr.yiil Wilcox, iivaii' aid Hiirtsuil (.'umpany, In i' hl;iit iMfiit, has declared that r.us lmi shown there are no 'i"j".it.i'. iii tho protj'osnU 'of f!nu;iit i ( (. as here today 'to n. Una! arranit-'iiHiilH for the l'iculo of Dr. Smithiiri) Rail niplovees of Siilisbuiy and i. t'i. ! lull It. this city ou Oalrniaii Swaim stated lotlay " I ii iilci im iiii year wtytld out- lio-t rrowd by hialmI hunOn d fts will be reQiiUt'd whert caiicwere iuci.1 lRf year. The i'l !' run In two sertt,);;p. Tf.e will arrive litre about ' W t.iuiiiit ;, re s eonip'jhcd of ii;ni. chairman of crnnm!- mi, c'.ialinian of Honeral coin I ;i''.v .Sharp, comml.ltffnian iiHill.er.l; also AIiiiiulti- S'mw 'it-, r briM ball team. Mr. " !:' lv to arransi! for the biff ll"' to lie jilajed in the after ir'!'irtew park'. vtiiini, in ;m interview toilav. Jlil; .1 1 I'jin ,r. in n ii u u. :i-.i.i.i.n i -i t- iit'lll 1 bniiK "."i0 peoiile here on ' 'tciiuitm. Th local ,s of Wlnstor.-Paleni are 8a!iahitrviuix. ....... m Vl rfenius arianRt ij.i iit. I. Ilin is i.Jii.i, ..i .i... ... ., ""I'" t-i uii- iin.', 11 S ATSTOKESDALE ii ... " " i.. or nr. city, wasi one l" i!.i ; lit ,. I.!.r ., ...- ,.. .. ..-i i.i.(, mining today. The jHagrwu n i:rnVi- the au.-pioes of .t he r '"''tert . American Ie i a largely at'ende.r ''11 ilaj: was raiecd ovethe 11 'li h!i; hiw nt e...i. .. .t rciuuimiait-' "''"n a K:blo was w,.Lhj --'iMii.tn. rast State Conn- Smith r,i n..i..!..i " nait-MBll, ana Jr. horo, also matle ml- year and the jtnnst be r-,.inizt'd u:i land work bruin in one roa-t tie computed at two years, oi the fran hi.-t is forft IteU. The Wfclto S tiphiir gprintts are to hif??.t.'" in tiiose who Buy tickets to that point. Vr. M. A. Murris. a prosperous farmer, wfc i lives near IKiIison : i I.U...L Da.W P . - L J - in nii;.tv.d;n;."""vua" Working Diligently Neither Been (That It. to Try to Get Various Nationi. Feel t Certain That It Has Corralled Enough Votes to Win Absolutely. Date of Vote to Be Decided on By Wire to The Centliiet ' WASHINCTOX. Apiil T The i.aW Bdi Today. raft;!l r.o a'e n:. lit has Ik en re'ac'j- j Wlr o Tie SenttnM. m the railroad rate bill in the! WASHINGTON.. April to Agree Not to Philippines After Interfere With Moivhead, who were Suiool'a atur. neys. wtre btith deuinr l t the very R etidentt of 'inikrtnt htarini; of the riiy str.tt Met at Tyro Shop by" 0r Mtge With His Automobile. Arrwed Just In Time for talem Offtelala (e Pass the Order for Holding I 111. 000 Bond Election for the Purchase ef Water Works Plant. ) The order calllog an Salem, lt be h election . In d on Tu.iila'; Jttt.o -1 Thoxe Islands Are Given Their In 'tJnendence. Wenevee This May -Be. Hearing With Reference to the ! jpavinK and trjiinrtlun f.te. JiiiU.-e.;ei wurn the question rf JitUiC rMi0d in this i 'I towu lotlay and made t-ii.t:e is tha: ntiihcr itle yt feels itiw.i Sr.nty. of Itn.-ton T Moore- !Uo.! ailowtil tl-.i- CH.ies to Rt over until Monday.' Snerul '.adit fiom Wiimior. atnl husims nu n, prtnentas ! wiint se, were mueii put nut at hav ; Iuk to go hack and eume uaiu' Mou Jay. that he was uv r fifty confident of havirc enough vo;i in ?t;uutj. was ;he lemark years of ai;f and had never bu n wit; ess in nun t i.r iien a jiule in h:s:;n ";o ftufe and life, lie was laised in Davidson 1 '"'.'" contested wir. the cotiniy but has lUeti iu Surry fc.r the past lift een years. LAVA FROM VESUVIUS. ty Wire to The PentlnilP XAP1.ES. Italy. April T. The con limit d activity of Vesuvius Is proving I'Xtrennly bt;d on vlt.eyards iu the region of tin mountain. If rain should follow befott the dust disappears all vegetation will be destroyed. The oi:ti.iiK'il (low of lava and the renewal of .ic'lvity of the volcano have ahiiniid the wlicie co.tr.'rv which is practically panic-stricken. II..? new mouth of the volcano Is 24i.ii) feet above sea level. fen- requites, 45 X tit her Tillman una tots are yet IKnioerai ;.t'.p ltul'in voti s to. succeed.' nor -"fouMM vatlvt " satlBflid thut these pres'dtut nf It .i. 1.. :i!l l-iiiij.iiia.ini iv jii. , iiii rai.u the ht.iiM- roninilttt e on iiiMilar i Thtre art 55 active Republican i i..if.,... . .nv."""" (,J( fl' j nffaii i this niuinlr.K iu favor of the Mrt all i si.iiitioti diitrt.ng tbei prisl deni to reach an aKreeimnt with for eign natlot a of the world that they keep hands off the Philippines, should tl:ey lu " ivtn thi-ir lnilt pei:.lenee. Stoi.'y declared this was the most possible proceedings lu court after in- jfawrnhle fine for pressing the nati;ihs to aiiow rhillppineH to itniatn 15 vott s are so corral .'d that they are i.adj to risk' the question. ' Tho. I wu main issues are scope of t terstate cummerco commUsion hat, ilt cided that a certain ruilioad rate i.t unjust, and whether, pending litiga tion In court, tlie decision of the com mission shall remain In t fleet or uot. Is though; the criminal tlmkfl b- ront'lmVd bv Monday night and m Tutsday civil cas'ts will be jeallt 1. The firs; tns to In" trlt-d Is the one fiutn Wilkes roui.ty, whtte rr. dlli is of Hardin, Davis and I'oiiibs iate seeking to have them dtslared ibaiiktupt and a huge stoel; of hard ware tlilijectid to laymen! of drbt. j This case will probably eonsume ser letal days. It Is a eiy lnis.iitnt one I and at Uast '. big lawyer are In It JEROME'S ATTITUDE AS I UANGEO MAY 25. Special to The Sentinel. NEW YORK. April ".This Is a stiiteimnt of the contentions of the ftii'tii'.s of various insuiance officials: Tie! public has be'en very much in- Itetesttd lu the treatment cf Mr. Jerome of the insurance, men whom the howling dervishes of the press have b cu deninudlns b? sent to priun or set to work on BliiekweH a Island. Kqunllty before tho law Is what tl;oV weic houtlt:K.. bta hatv can tht.re'bc tqmillfy brfoft till' TilliT To catch a tramp, and convict hlni of theft, nrd send him to prison inflicts but llttlu punishment upon him. He finds delight In it In some respect, for hchas.now that lit- Is In quod, a roof over his head, with good food, and lie la safe from, all alarms, for tho walls nf Hone are thick and atnjng. He Is rot kept awake by pangs of consc lenr;', nor does h worry about what the public think about him. Indeed, unmojested. The passage of the resolution-did not no an that the Filipinos are to be given their -independence to day, tonturtow or rext year, he said. Mr. Gilbert asked if it was true dis order in the island was prompted to a Rreat ex'ent by the belief that the I'nlted States would never give the Filipinos their demands. To him Mr. IE. AS ONE OF COMMITTEE Bpeclal to The 8 ntkel. RAI.EItlH. Apro :.ovrnor R n. Glenr has announrt l tlie menibi rs of S'.oreiy replied that disoiders undonbi I tho committee from Xorlh Carolina to stilly Chate from the people's 'dtsire for. atttnd the confiri-nee ut Wa'iliiglon fieertom and tliat some promise for in-j April 25 betweta the congressional dependence held out would have great effect in. keeping turbulent element down. SiMclai to The Sentinel. RALETOH. April ?.ate yesnrday aftemocr.. IKhj Williauis, convicted lust wet k, was, brought before Judge Council in the superior court, and sen tenced to be hfinged May 25 for the murder of Alex Clark,' a negro brake man on the Seaboard Air Line who -no'e to Raleigh from Petersburg. Appeal was taken to the supreme jourt. Garfield Williams, another mgro -lio wa convicted iast week oi 'he; he knows that the public isn't Riving murder of Chns. Hunch, colored, byjhlm a thought he's too obscure. Hut laving kicked hltn iti the abdomen, luring an i'ffray au a dihreiiutable liouse, death having resttl'ti'd In a few Jays, was al.-o Jiwurht before Judge Council . a;.U s'enieneed to twelve yeais in the penitentiary. take the rich man. On the merest suspicion of wrongs doing, which may reu?r be established, lw becomes a fiailng picture, before the public at once, and continues such for months and months, while the' newspapers MEETING OF PYTHIANS A DECIDED SUCCESS. The district Pythian meeting, held with Forsyth -luuXe, of Wa uptown, last night,, was a decided success onn'O'f the best ever held lu this (eighth) district. s The attendance was large, every lodge except Beib.nla belne; repre sented; the reports were encouragltS; ttu' addresses were supe.rb and For syth ledgo entertained' her guests royally. . Mr, C. C. McLean, a prominent and enthusiastic member of Greensboro .and a. car lli'.ato for vice state grand chancellor, wus present, representing State Grand Chancellor A. S. llarnnrd, of A.'V. nille. who was prevented from atttmllrg bjf priva'e ' busineM. Mr. Mcl.tan nun),- a b i iff but Inspiring Ex Confederates And Public Offices. From Stiltesvllle Lundmark. Hrl'eiring to the suggestion of Han. P 11 VV-.ili(in fur t'niiiis in ttw (ifth Jlstrlet. the esteemed Greensboro Tarj"lt,u Monm to niter probation. witn neaitnruine'ii. we must suppose are trying and txnvktltg him to their address on Hie good of tnc oiii..-!'. Uwn s- isfaetloii. If we may judge showing how It was growing in mem- from the. effect on many during tho hership an.l usi fult.t-ss In Xarth Cani- past few mouths, whom this treat- K.-t't says: . l! .is nbnnt as diflicult for an old Con ft tie rate veteian to be nominated and elected by tho Democratic party in this State as it Is for a decent Republican to be appointed tind con finned to oftice lr,. t.iis Stato under the present uilmlnisti'uiion. Oh, no! Xot so bad as thai. As a matter of fact the ex-Coufedetates, u it t II tiit- past few years, filled nearly we that these men. lire in hell from the very (list moment tiny are licensed, ami continue in the Inferno front then until they die. If the law clear them their ripu'aiicns are blackened any way. If corvicted aid sent to prison, what to the tramp is luxury, is to tlii in excruciating torture. There is no equality of punishment at all ,n 'he two clasvfs of cases. The point that Mr. Jerome uilis to til the public offices in Xorth I aro-. impress upon the court and the public Una. Tin re are yet ninny In office aiid the people haven't quit electing them to office. The latter part of the extract fruui the Tar Hid Is Interest ing, tiovvever. f ;. i ALGER MUCH -'Preparations for the observance of Faster iho , rifieewli instant have passed the ir.i:ial stage and the. churches of i In- city will make this Easter Mason notable'. All of them are anarjritig lor special services-ami the musical 'programs will be unusii- aue jittraciivi. in me respective liuiches the usual Easter . services ill be. as of old, a part of the dtiv's seiA'ii.e hut !ht;y w ill be. supplemimtetl y special music. . PROVED II HEALTH ' Senator! Il The Sentinel. !N,;TO., April k v. " " wear o -f"f lils hiaith.l'has return " rU H-adily :.i,nIi)VinK. !H. '!'' reix.ns from Detroit " again bo n candidate ,c-lo too senate. Hvery male citizen over 21 and unilr Wt jtais knows he is liable for poll tax, and evey citizen who can A ad knows and those w ho eunr.it i ead kntV it. 'too. for. that matter thate unless ht: pays jlial jxill tax by Mav 1 he will be unable to vote in j any election this year. .Now If any citizen wants to volm.tarily disfran chise himself that is his business; committee having in hrrrd the Appa lachian Forestry Reserve ltlll and the delegates from the State Interested. The committeemen are Frank H. Hew itt, of Asheville: H. B. Fries, Winston-Salem; I). A.. Tompkins. Char lotle; Hugh MucHao. Wilmington; T. 8. ;RolUwj, .Ahevllle; Pr. Joseph H. Irf It, tfcapel Hill. Una. - After the futnial ex relst s connect ed wiih i he -opening of ihe lodge, li triet Ii pi:ty F. II. Vogler look charge and preKidod our tlie meeting. Mr. Sparrow, of Forsyth lodge, wel comed the visiting Pythlans in a hearty ami enthusiastic address. The i;-sKinse was- by Vr. A. 11. I'. nuni, of Damon lodge Xo. II, and ii was no less earnest and pleasing) than the hupp) adirrts.-i of welrqine. I Mr. J. F, Ik-mlirn, of Eltir. the sp-ak.er of tlie evening, was happily introduced by Mayor O. 11. Eaton. Mr. Htndreti is a good lawyer and an en- Ittitainlrg speaker and hi nddrnss on this occasion was full of Inspiration to ail who heard him. .He spoke of the jgnat brotherhood of man and of the (principles of Pythlaniini. Friendship, Jt'l..il.it . and Hem voienetj. ..... He . told ir.tn today, oe account of the . New Advertisements. The Huntley-Hill Stockton Co. Kjuse furnishings at money saving prices. The advantage of our divided payment plan. , ' ' Owens Drug Co. Best drug worp service. C. A. Jerkins. Best bargains In town In real estate. The Uomlngii- H Crlm Furnishing Co. Last week of great special sale, specials in rugs and druggets. Watkln Hook Store. An attractive kodak ad. on the Nth page. The Lick Co. Jack and the Bean Stalk concentrated fe'rtlllwT for lawtm, for sale by nil druggist. . Reyholds Bros pry' wt arriving dnilv, the kind that will burn either morning, noon, or night, r .. . . . The Missea MaitltLSpeelal Kas'er mltictUX- silt- begliiiiing Monday on silk costumes and tton uits. Dean Transler to. Phone .Usi or 5CK for either carriage or baggage. W. F. Croupe, superintendent Win ston branch i ( Conservative Mutual Life Ir siirance Co,, of Cnarloite, X. C. The advantage of'nn Inliistrlat policy. is that It is a much more seii.ms matter to accuse a man of standing and proink enco than It is an ordinary knave. And In the matter of ealilng the playing of political eoiitribuiiniis iaiceny Mr. Jeioine evidently thinks It U absurd to thus desigi.uie wti.it U.... 1 .1 " (.. r. -, . ildv mill iieii.v nil ,i iru i o I'.i.j,..., niiestlnii hv men of, rhar.ieterl without any thought of offence. Ifjniad rush for money, forget to scatter !wks too mueli like blackening peo-j ". nt Rludness ut gleet many pie's reputation on tecliDkallties. Xo (f'f "? 8td things In the Hfclal life, hotly can think for a moment Ge-oige W. Perkins tflought he comniUtlns larceny when he ban led '"' ' ma'!e H A. Kbert. G, H. fU- that etc . was I Oher brief and linpioinptu remarks UIITI DEPOT TO BE - BUILT AT C0LDSD0R0 special to Tbn Sw.tinel. KAI.EIGH. April 7 The corpora tion commission received not lett from the Atlantic Coast Une, Southern and Atlantic 'd Xorth Carolina Railroad Companies that they have agreed on a lot-alien for a union depot at Golds boro, It to be In the western mihorb of fh"' town.-" the traeUn to fklrt the town rather than traverse the main tM-i-t as ut prewit. A may showing the location of tho proomn-J site 1 filed, their selection being sub) -ct to the approval of the roinmtaalon. in the amount of; IllS.OtW for the pur eh.ue by the towa of the ftoleli mtt Works plant arl IN ImproveBiwrt !f s.i me, passed seeomt reaiilrlf'at 'lae , regular monthly meeting of thffta- Ittu commissioners lal nlgat. , , The i.fjlrlul ordi r. wtlch spet ara In tilts lsue of The Henilnel, wsa 'bt pasMtl until It o'clock last tight, ' . Three members of the bnatd mt fltl !i o'clock last evening, hut could ! 'tgiilly transact any hnslnese until another member arrived to' make a qiiormn. It was dlscoveietl' yesterday that ' four members of the Unard aerc oot , of tow and for several hours It looked like the second readiog Of tho special 'ticiini order would have to bo dtfetred. which would mean a delay and the necessary seleetloo 'of ' suothe'r'daie Ut holding said ltrikih. Legal advice was ibtaliutl sad a tntmher of the 'board a told tha ilf, the uribr was i(K pased last ttlh!. " tlie elertuin could not be bold within ninety days. . , . , , .' How to get one of the abaenlee ' hack brfikre 12 o'clock last night as discussed. C. K. Fa, who recently reeved to Roanoke, had sent in 11$ ' reslgratlon as a member of the board. but it had not been acted iipon; H. 6. Fries and L. fl. Bi Ickensteln were In -the North, white Henry t. BhaHalir was at Rpeneer looking ftf ; fcktj buslnjsa for the Wntchovla Lttty a4 Trust Cmianr. of a htch be la lrna-' orer. Mf. Bhaffr.tr dlscoveritd JvatfN Jay that oo account of the colltpsa of )he railroad bridge tarr miles Ootn Barber Junction he could not resch home by rail In tlm tor the m eating last nli(ht. He railed up member of the board at home and flleiiMej iho ' matter over the lonf illetanca phoHC. Mr. 31) u drier was (old what Would h.ippen If hw failed lo ebow up befviw"' midnight. He was "asked to hlr a hst i car and coma to Wlnstofi-Salem as quickly as possible. He refuted this -pniposliion. laying that , he j4 not care lo risk Ms life by thla rnode ' of tiainpoifatloK. "(let at. autquioblle Ihcu." at Id tut, rnmnilssloiii r at thla etui of thu line, There are none of those lb.lfl uerc, replied Mf. bhutftier loiter another jflan to gi the abct,t e'on.inlsslnner home In time ass vised. The proprietor of the i I very alablo at Salisbury said that owirg to the bad condition of the roads he did not . have n team that could make the trip to the" Twin-City befor,?' midnight, lilr. Shalfner was then told tt) hire a lwv'r horse ttani and drive to Tyro Hbop. Davidson county, where he would 8e mi t by Oscar Ikge, of this 4t, In his automobile. Thla was satisfactory and tho plan was adopted. Mr.-I lego can led a clrnd niai alot to look out for slumps ntjd tutllers and to prevint the auto fnmi getting too gay when running at full speed,' Th absent coiimilaMloMT arrived at IdiJi. It is Interesting to hear him relatu his experience dining the fun from. Tyro Shops. However, it Is admitted that if Dial roads had been flrat-riaJ the fifty mil1 run would have b'teO made easily in tifa htiirs, Mf. Hegt) and his automobile are entitled 16 (be honors for th valuable) service red-der-d the gtHXI old town of Salem. ..- At the Skating Rink. iver nwin .r OI tr..i cir ti,rv l.tle : m-ii m-ii-Tin. i . iw'su, - Issnr-inri. rnmnanv to re reset:! p live ! ho reside at Greenhboro, told of' facUry oh West Font th street Is draw of a political party. A rjut tasting picture wa in rent at the very moment that Mr 'said that more insurance was written Perkias was anested, A boy of t hlr- In l?n5 Uiar.- auy year since the order 'the piogress of the Endowment Rank, presented jtbeinsuranc e branch of the order. He ho expressed the would be ahctber Mrs. J. E. rl:on. of Pine Hall, who has bcu visiting her mother, Mrs. vV. M. Harris, returned home tfcii uf ternooo. . , " Mrs. A. B. Kimball, of Greensboro, Is visiting her slsler. Mis. U. B. Eerier, teen ti, sent to a. corrt-cU'nal iiti:.t.is fount! ?d and tut ion for threw.- years for fteal'ig Lpli.loa ' that 150C Oeat, But the ateallng of that cent i r( (.r,j breaktti. sb;wvd that the boy possessuil the j District Ivputy V-lgler was perhaps r 1u:Die-ence m tut, .P i ,,. h,pptmt ni.m at Uie Tlse ,i. ;-;n to , h,r v froni!lar,?" attendance, tnihuslasm mad-tChurcb of the Holy Cmrrt , ... o v . .1 .1... - f - K .t U. I.,... U..M.I...- Steal it. "W liiv viie'juraKll'K rtr(.;jni""i,l,i oiei nt, i eu i m, mi, 1 1 - subit. lied, were r.fk.nslblo tar hia "'"' "- ,: iirmll' s and gtxid humor. Lng large crow ds, The m.inagi rs are njw using tw'6 (1'xirs of tbia large buildl'.g and with a big lot, f new skates are ptepared to accommodate more than two bn-rjd peopte. ' - For1 (he purpost) of organlrdcg tlie Men Misslonai-j Leagnrf In Charlotte Hon. J. C. Buxton, of Winston-Salem, will address the congregation of live Dl!- Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Cannon, of Coo cord, arrived In the city Mils after noon. They will be the Meals 'f their daughters. Mdsdames J. M. IVig lass and Chas. Hill for a (ew Jay 4. usual time of service. Mr. Buxton is secretary and registrar of the Men's The leaf tobacco 'Sale n .b locn market this week amounted to 977,41 rounder-- ', t' . Mrs. J. C. Ferabee, fonnerly Ilia Bertha Lloyd, write rolallvea ehera that she, will leave Tela iient Te. day for Wintmi-aUrra. Bh? ' 4k 111 probably spend wVeral' weeka fcpra'' the guest of ber father, 1. 8, Lloyd. E. L. Gait her and daughter. Mist Arf-ialrto. of Moekavllle, were to tho cl') today.' , Miss Mabel Ireland returned thla af. ternoon from Gtddsborof where she at. ber litcause hi- wanted to steal it He- was tiuly a thit-f, thoroughly lm- m fi nniMit u tih ilis'iuinistv. ar.d when . he wa being taken, awae for punirh-l -l c',s or lb" w" - Mlaskmary Iveague in the (V.nvra-) 'end i tne tnarriagt Dr. jr. U , turned and lau'elied Theft yi A M eerVed oranges, bananas UUm of . CnarUnie. an organlratloti ;Sm,t, of Bpi ncer. to Mlaa Martfarct is theft. Is tiere any relationship be- i'wt't:n that 'boy's forcible taking of tliat pea n y atnl Parkin.' bestowal of a eoutrlbntlou'oo. political par'y? The mevting closed and P'anneo tp eut tae n;p ami sympa- oi uomanoro. illj '71 nn. in iu3 f ivusiijii in tile i ' , work of the Episcopal church In tbei Wllilams lypcwrlter In fair Con4l Dlocet-o of Xorth Carolina. Charlotte jtkin lor aalo at bargain. Wktori Obaeiver. . 'Ml Buppiy Co, ard cigar the visitors were on thej street care enroute to their reejiectlve honiea be lore 11 o'clock.

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