N-CITY DAILY kH YEAR. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 9, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS If THOUSJ E SENTINEIL W JL l-r- I PEOPLE ID SEVERAL SPEECHES ON RAILROAD . RATE MEASURE DURING THE WEEK. DEBATE ON THIS BILL WILL PROBABLY END SATURDAY Herbert S. Hadley. HOMELESS BY OF 1 , - "4 M LAVA PHI IF VESUVIUS DESIROYS MANY VILLAGES. L Thousands of Frighlen- r people Are Fleeing From jples and Neighboring lu-ns to P aces oi gaiety bart-Rending tales Told -.Some of the Refugees ho Have Narrowly Escap- : Destruction--The Earth- LaKes Are Adding Much to he Horror of the Situation Ioduccd by Terrible Vol nic Eruption. lie 'o The SMtlnei. i M.ES. Apii! 9. The devastation jt by the eruption of Vesuvius ijta so widespread that fifty urn! people are .estimated to nave tadV homeleM. Dozens of vi! have-bet u wiped out and two .mil am of vineyards, olive i ami faim lards, destroyed. i:ui,;im U (trowing worse ev . dir. As u consequence a stale i.ic prevails throughout the conn-.Tkeus-aney of persons art join : itifusnvs who are leaving the 'y'of the volcano. heavy fall' of ashes; and (lust ..living so unpleasant that of the better elasts living in iity anil oilier towns, who fear : danger from eruption, are leav ir same other places until the no's activity ceases ami the air U's cleared. lupfs reaching here tell of e.-capes from the flotfiug lava f-u iMiuMups ui iicvais peasaius .dingers. , tuquakes have added to the nor- f the situation. in stories . told by refugees ifig here of persona who lost lives during the emotion it 'ft nt at least, llfty deaths have oc- .1. vary is brought from Ottanlo number of school children, ii from the school house, lost way. Three wcr picked up but of the others have been heard REPLY TOMORROW Anthracite Operators Will Then Give Answer To Mitchell's Proposition. . another town a church In which K'tl had collected to pray col-1- Thirty bodies have 'been re- "-d from the ruins. Nearly all '"8 reaching hero brimi news of similar report of ..finding,' bodies 1'. d nonces. 1 ' '''I'. Th,' latest -news rerirvrit is 'that Vesuvius has suddenlv rated, al lo The Senttnot ''l. April 9.-J. W. pi-ic. inowu machiujit in the senium r.i Ull shops, w-aa caught between John-son street station here i'lght and badly mashed. Several 'V.re broken. There wm !,, injuries, tittle hope is em l! tl.for his recovery. Answer Was to Have Been Given To day to Mitchell's Proposal to Arbi-j trate Differences But at Request of j Operators Conference Was Post poned. Operators Preparing a Counter Proposition. J By Wire to Tho SentlnW. NEW YORK, April !. Many dif ferences have developed among the anthracite coal operators as t'o tho exact ualorc and extent of the counter proposition that is to be made to Pres ident 'Mitchell's proposal for arbitra tion and after a short meeting this morning it. was de cided to request an adjournment of the Joint conference scheduled for this afternoon, until to morrow afternoon in order that the operatois might agree upon some form ofr counter proposition' that would be satisfactory to alt operators. President Baer, of the, Reading, and E. B. Thomas, of the Lehigh Valley, who is .chairman of the operators scale committee, called up Mitchell over the telephone shortly before It o'clock this morning and- made a re quest for adjournment. 'The request was granted and Mitchell made pub lic thetfl:s of adjournment. I The difference of opinion as to how far the counter proposition should go is not serious, but as the situation Involves an arbitration of an arbitrated condition which the miners claim has- undergone many changes, it Is delicate and Intricate and as'it affects the various Interests differently there ' arose 'among the operators -tome different views. The independent operatois while holding to various opinions, say that any counter proposition involving arbi tration that is satisfactory to-the tUe coal roads is satisfactory to them. HO COLDER TUESDAY u- mrecast for Xmth Carolina in tonight; cooler in western 'Tuesday, fair and cooler. TIL OF G. L. SHOOT 1 WIFE IS BEGUN. GRKI-W'SBORO, April 9. The trial of Mrs, Alice Smoot and her husband, G, L. Smoot, charged with .counterfeit ing, is now in progress in the federal court. The "defendants are repre sented by Messrs. C. M. .-Stedmau and lames T. More-head, Prosecution has shown by Detec tive Taylor that on March 21 lie ar rested the woman in Greensboro Juxt n she was leaving on the train. Kx imlnation of her baggage showed some packages? of bright new silver half dollars and five ' dollar gold pieces, each piece wrapped In tissue paper. In the satchel were -two bot tles, one of geld and one of silver solution. The doming were Babbit, metal plated andthe stamp was a fine imitation. Several incriminating letters that 1' v- . - r - f j-v. ' , , A", ji 'v v DOW ES TROUBLES Attorney General of MissoUri, Who Is Conducting Investigation of Standard ! Oil Company. IRK 01 SOUTHBOUND RAILROAD S GiMEIMIS AFTERNOON. OF Contract For First Section, Extending From Salem Excelsior Plant Through Centerville. a Distance of About Two Miles. Is Awarded to Pruden & Bennett, of Atlanta. 1 Ga. Work To Be Pushed Forward as Rapidly As Possible-Exact Location Along Entire Line Left With Executive Committee and the Chief Engineer. The Sentinel is pleased to announce has not been dcflnltery fixed yet, but that work" on the Wiufiton-Suletn 1 subject to change by the executive Southbound 'railroad wan begun .in committee and chief engineer of the rt-irnest this afternoon.' company wherever, a change of loca- At atiusiness meeting of the diwc- t ion will chf-itpen the cost of rights-of- urs of thl3 company this morning tho way and construction, contract for- the first section of tho The building of this road means road, starting at a point near the ex- much " b dcvc!iinii( nt of th- fine celslor plant, Just .east; of :thy City, and running through Centerville';- was awarded to Pruden & Bennett, of At lanta, Ga.. who put a force (if men U work on same this afternoon. The work nf construction will' lit pushed with all possible! speed. The exact location, along the entire line agricuitmal section through which it passes and iij Is hoped that the com pany will receive encouragement and bo met with u liberal spirit by the owners of land alow? the proiKisii.d-lln in graut;t;g rights-of-way and afford ing other facilities' for the speedy r.imoli t on ef this important enter-prise. Tho centest over- the ownership of the Academy school building and lot lu the town of K.-rnersville H s-tiil on and two citizens of that town report that it looks like there mignt.be trou ble and a whole lot of it before peace res'ow :!. gmi' of the opponent si C-irrf saying mat rney w;a hpwiu mm- were found in the satchel, which hadjdreds of dollars in the conns befijie Hy Wii-n lo Tho Hontlnfl, U r i'liUNKA. April fl Tin- death nf KMzabeth Blank, a slugie-woman.ftt the Vitndswi?ith l'nlnn infirliniry, has Senator Baiiey. of Texas. Will Speak Tomorrow In Reply to Speeches of Senators Knox and Spooner Kelatlve to Certain Features of, Tho Measure Which Will Bo Vol' ed on In a Few Days-Thls Week's Debate Promises to Be Notable In Many Re spects. By Vlr to The Bmtlnnl. u-ii'inii'l'iW II 1-1... ,...(... r nsn l.'NVI l AIM 11 I II.I t.IM- iou Is K- nerally conceded that tb irrt'Rt debate now In proRn-M l.lh I'nit.-d States senate on the rsllrosd rate question hu- seldom If ever bpeit equalled - In brilliancy and ability la any parliamentary body of the world. This lieing so It Is Interesting ti not that tipeeches . for the present week will probably mark the culmination of d"bnte and make the neat six days most iiirtiiwtHthy In the history of re- (..',. o . - . -- TtiniorruX t especially looked l srd to asNv great day. Senator Bailey, Democratic' leader, conceded to be one of the bent coutilltutionsl lawyer In public life and one-of h numt able orators, will speak. , More than usual Interest manifested la old flerce assertlveness Is teen. Then I'"" U,TBU"" he break out Into bitter denunciation nl t)urp0",, 10 pwincnJF-w Former Head of Zlon City Set tlement Seems Broken In Spirit Now. Revolt Again Hn Seems to Hsv Worried Him No Little. His Fol lowers Art Leaving Him And Othera Are Taking His Place. As a Result He Is Much Distressed. itv Wire lo The Bentlnrt. SAN ANTONIO, Texas,. April 9. Dowie U tiMlay an exemplification of the n ighty falUn. The one-time lead er sils rper-kly In hii hotel room here HnA ..fc.m lt, .l..M.,f..ll tl, I.. 4im ml ,n lll.t UUn 4litl, IH- la I . .X' Xiwle, the t.mie IViwie who swayed thousanda. Never physically Impos ing, IViwio today Mems sUiiveled. His overseer ws the desert ion of his wlf. and son hnst thrlveled hln soul and l)olV body eems-t hsvo' withered with It. HI face in repose Is subdued like that of a man beaten and his flesh Is tot of a ruddy hue. Ills shoulder droop pathetically and Tils ryes when women sympathise with him are appealing.' It Is only when talking of his wrongs that the of Vollva Uianger, hU son and wife, who have; fostered revolution against htm, the argument advanced by Senator Knox and Spooner, who are ricog tired as 1 -adlng lawyers on tho H In public Dowie speaks bravely sud . 1,u,llUa" We ln UM,,r ,0 looks brave, but his words have a hol low ring and hU bravery Is but a cloak. Dowle may run against another financial snag when he reaches 81. Ixmls. Deacon Paxtoo, to whom he wired for Pullman car and six tiekirt, Is without sufficient funds to comply with the demand anil Dowie's chuueca for a private car afe slight. t)eawin Wilhllle, who wa naked to inett Dowle at ,8t, Louli and bring five hundred, i nmleclded what to do. He is still 4 ii Zlou City and Is said to hao been able to raise the five hundred. Ualley s propoaltion tbat the ctwrta may be prohlWed frota Issuing tem porary Injunctions Viisprndlus order of the Interxtut commerce cornmU- klon. . JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER SEEMS TO BE UNWELL Uy Wire to The S ntinel, NBW VOItlv, April '-Jolm p. Rockefeller eiiierKcd from hU seelu- slon at Ijikewood for the first tiinii since IX-teniber lli this morning and came lo I he city. Ills, w hole' npin a r- ai.ee tended in (onllim minors of III I'1"'" Collender Cmnpan health, On aiiiving ul. Jersey Citj rioekeMle r wi,s .slr.'ed Into mi auto- Ja'Ti.ui t ami pending mobile and diin u to the hoiiu- of his,1'1' "t fused t play. IN NEW YORK TONIGHT A son to see Mm recently arrived grand sou, New Advertisements. .1, M. Woodruff &. Co. Glad rags removed one- .of. the few remainingf ,. i,,,, ,ir ti,i !.,., By Wire to The Bentltiel. . . NKW YORK, Apt it 9,-Tho great In teinntioral billiard lourpaiuent ' f the. (-hnniploushlp of the world in the lH inc'h balk line game, with two hot' . in balk, will oj;?n- this evening In the concert hall of Madlirtti Kquare Osr-, den. Only six contestants art enter ed for the gn at event, Jacob Bchstflf,', Ixiuis Cure, Oeorgs Hloswja, Oia Mor-'f nlngstar, tieorgtr smton andAthert t'. . Cutler, Willie lloppe, who recently won the championship of the world by defeating Vlgneaux und Rloshon, fas -x . I'd ; il to play, but at the Inst do- , incut Hatty refused to' take' part. !() hud some trouble with the llrutiswlrli- whlrh l-i uiHiiagliiK the toumameiM, over B old a ki ttlenunt of He Issued a Attention, Merchants. of the Retail Merchants '"'on am renuested lo lie m-e. 't El.e ri'nlni- i,r,.i ... ... . HI Hie '!,'un's rooms over -'.ia(v,h' V I.. cKANFortn pi., WtlZZAKU. Sec'y. Clement, mrmit r: ,u- Hailway t North Wlllo. HI li) (JrpenKlinr-n : tA.. ... 'uo. iy ;u;'r son.,, of his records used in -federal court' cases. h'-one years ago today Oen- "uuenaered at .Appomattox. J- ftORtllthal. of rhnrV,.!,.. t.v of Durham; W. M. Chisman', " Hall; j. w rmfl, n ' ,, "vh ami iv ij. of ReidHvllle. and Albert A. rl; of High Point, were in the afternoon, f '. Bailey and A. T. fir,.,,, x, i .in.. "-. -. we,,, to Rai,iglrtwIaj. & "1U ,a3e8 vofore the supreme passed bit ween herself mid husband In We-.t Virginia, wire exhibited. One of the letters from Smoot dated at Welch. W. Va.i Instnicteil the wife to keep busy and be sure and work Win ston. Danville and Greensboro and Salisbury as they were good points, before she came to him in- Welch, Va. Another, stated that he would soon make some more "dollar marks." In the captured counterfeit,' there. were no counterfeit dollars. 1 The. following witnesses testified as ta having received half dollar counter feit silvpr pieces from Mrs. Smoot: .lames Shepherd, of Winston, and Obed Daniels, of Ashe county. The following from Winston -have testified to having received or detect ed counterfeit five dollar gold pieces: Miss Martin. Miss Blum, B. B:ard, D. D. Scluuier and Fred Sheets. Stacy Dwlgglngs, a little stuttering negro hackman. of Charlotte, produc ed a spurious silver dollar he said defendant Smoot had 'passed on him In Charlotte a year ago. J. D. Huffman said he met Smoot in Wist Virginia last winter and recog nized his face but not lUs name. Sinoot said his name was Smith. He was G. L, Smoot, who had been a photographer in Wllkesboiv, At this point court took a recces for dinner, ... they will submit to the proposition for the town to take the school property from the trustees. Some who are standing by the Aea submitting the matter to a oomniitiee for arbitration lint this appears lo W off for the present at least. Those who are standing by lilts Aca demy trustees are now talking about circulating a petition asking Major Liuvllle and the town commission"! h to resign, since an, act. of. the last leg islature will permit.. them to hold -, i until May, i:m7. permit them :o hold over until May, ion". suruvois of the -.Napoleonic wais.ine? Wdiitan was about J " t years old at the iitiie of her ih ath, and died from heart failure and other- troubles, aggravated in- bin ns winch she received a short t.me ngo while frying to extinguish a i,!ce r,f buinliig a per." Tho evidence ft: the post mortem examination show, , d Huh Mi ISiauk Mia mlieT'i d the il'liuiatiou of peuee after I ho buttle of Waterloo, She was a young girl at i;be time and. remembered well the re jjoicinRs on the green of her village lu Dftvonshne. ' Death at Bethama, Mr.-,. F. M. Tr.in.-"',i, ngd 7' ' ;ar, -lied tatjy Sunday morning at the horns? of her daiiRbier. Mrs, (leo. 11 Hituser. at Brt.hani.i, after an lilu'"-s of only a few weeks with pncumoiiu). Mrs. Transou w.v a devoted ntemle't of the Moiavian church t lieLhaiiia and was a most estimable lady. The funeral service' was conducted tMlay from the B-'hania church at 11 o'clock, fj'.'.owed bj the Intermet.t in the Moraviaji graveyard. George S Norfleet will leave Wed nesday for Hot Spring. Ark., to if-er-ive treatment for rhtumatlsin. Mrs. Clarence Hodson and little flaugirter. who have' been the gticata of Mrs. Robert Norfleet for several weeks, left today for their home In Philadelphia. W. If. Mailer left today for New York to' buy .goods for the Marler-Dalton-Gilmer (. -Dr. ami Mrs. John R. Harrell. of li"il. 1,1(1., pulsed hrough the city this morning enronte to Kernersvilio to vi-!t re'a ive and friends. ' They are re-tuning home, from Florhl.i, wher 'hey K)itit the winter. Dr. Harrell trat(d that, he a born In or, near Kerrersvllle lu IS ts, but that his lather, Isamor Harrell, moved to In d.ana In IMS. A. R. Dennett returned this morn ing from Rockingham county. He has bten to se his fa.ther, who has been liilte ill.' ,Dui is thought now to be slowly improving. . statement explaining his position an The couijCKt will begin this evening u-t:di ihere. ...f 111 be In all ui-ue matluevi ind twelve evening games. Accord ing to the condition of the lMiitis incut every contestant will In? requir ed to play evert" other contemnnt er tered In the tournament ami eactt game shall consist, of i"00 poititH up, to be played under the H'stabllslir.O rules governing the IS Inch bslk llr.0 game, two shots ln. All ties must be ptajed off, The Hrunswick llfllke.Col lander Company hat donated . $:!,0)0 as prize money, and" Mils, as well M the -entrance fe-e, will he divided amorg the routestnms as follows: First, forty per cent; jccind, twenty five per cent third, lift. 'in psf cent; fourth, twelve per cent; fifth, eight-' per cent! ' . . Then; Is no pronounced favorite for the big toiirrams-nt and the bels are ; to I on any one of the players, the better having his choice, Scliacfcr, ' Sioswn and Cure are considered th strongest players smug the copteM. ants, but the ctfiier three have shown themselves lu such good form in the" practice games befora the tournament that the result of the contest 14 not easily foieshadowed. ; The dropping out of Hoppu has diminished the gen eral interest lei the tournament 1o a great extent, but JudglAg ttfta Ibe ad vance wile the at'eii'iaitee promises to be. unusually good during the tutire lou'rnainent. ; s Marriage Heeoses ltate been is sihhI follows: Sioiiewal Jucksutl n Nannie Fulp; W. W. lolli)g lo Mat- Clement Manly went tie h. Henderson; J, R,1 Rumley to ISallie A". Carmlcbael, of Walkertown. t-ihaffnei's Drug Store. Easter noveUles, fine assort incut., Nunnallj's candy In pretty packagen for Master. The Mej its West brook Co. Some HTial off.-i nigs in American Uoly corset and n aiiy to-wear garments. "Seeotnl ll(Kjr," -SitioKeis' I - ti , In the "Cuban" you tet practically double valuet for your cigar money Drown Rogers Co. Money' In your pocki L If you buy here, ' Rosenbnchcr A llro, Only five more shopping days bcforti Kiu.ti-r. Specials lu every department. Thompson's Drug Store. -Raster egg dyes in all the different colors, O'Hanlon's Drug Store. O'llanlon's prescription service. ' The Ike Hive.-SpwiaN for Mils week at the bust Bee Hive. Simpson Drug Co. For clean end wholesome drinks learn tho way to SllliphOtl'lf. W. M. HeiHireii sitent tin-- day In Greensboro lik!ng after nuw; cases before the fmlr ral court The passenger and freight trains, which were operated 1 Winston Salem Friday and Saturday on ac count of this bad wreck which occur red Friday morning at Second Creek steed bridge,, two miles from Barber Junction, ate again crossing a tempor ary structure ou-r the cieek, Mr. and Mrs. to Baltimore today I

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