.WIN-CITY' DAILY. SENTINEL JIYEAR. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 10. 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS 500 KILLED FAOYBY THE fill LAVA WIJWH.1I PROPOSITION OF THE INAUGURATED TODAY. Inter-State Commerce Corn-) 'mission Commences One; Authorized by Tlllman-Gll-! lsepie Resolution-The First! Hearing in Philadelphia. Bv Wire to The Sentinel PHILADELPHIA. April 10 One 'of the ir.utC sweeping inquiries ever un deitaken by a, goveinmcr.t 'commis sion biSuu lure this morning by the intt rotate coiiimtree commission. 1; is Investigating the alleged communi- ty of luteiet'.s bit wiit Ithers Have Been Se- injured by theTer- e Eruption of Ve suvius In Last Day or So. v i -in ooo PEOPLE U ... r-rx rno unup v v , u ire io id sentiu t rLLL riWi'l nv7i'iL..jC0mnil.r( , carriers and Wal n i.uai-1 MINERS WILL BE MADE TODAY. ;e OEcisi CD'.ViE in seek BELIEF IN CUT. RAILROAD RAT E PROMISES ' TO BE TOO WEAK At Joint Conference This Afternoon They Will Say Whether Or Not They Will Agree to Mitchell's Proposition to Re fer Their Differences to ArbitrationSome of the Operators Said to Favor Referring Matters to The Old Anthracite Coal Commission. ''era tors. The solicitude of coal reals intss of the country. NEW YORK. April 10. The reply. for ludtpeiidents U much a sur-j Stops Over In Chicago Fori Purpose of Carrying His I Troubles to Law for Adju- dicatlon-Crowd Meets Him General Opinion Is That The Foraker - Aldrlch - Knox Combination Weak- ened the Measure Very Much. ADVOCATES OF THE BILL ix, I PUT ON THE DEFENSIVE at the Depot. By Wire to Thivu'tinct. CHICAGO. Apia lo Weary and worn from a Ioiir Jourccy. Prophcl j IXiwIe arrlw-d in I htrago at :t" thlsi im.rnlng. Piolmlil.v three .thousand j ptrsons Jaunmd il:U polk, street de- pot to cain a am point to ret a of the oiierators to Mltcheirsjuoaos-.l arls; tjJJlVJU, as in set.-slon of the joiut confer- ... ,.,. I. Enveleocd Munln wM ""P0 u'u"'r lhe luv, s" i 'e-erbti ration wilt be MUde- at tbla at . . r MRtiticn covers, evtniu ,-.....i r r.r,.., flmjnl,cr- lno n,W conUmpIattd In the. OC t"t'tt4 ' Volcano In Addition to f nown to be ueaa ana in Uny Are Misting Terrible n Neighborhood of Volcano. I hi: linl'U U '!. no glimpse of the famous man. , ft Suntmet ; April in. From the cui ooi) 't, iiicon elite. scope of the Tilluian-Gllltspie. rvsolu- Wall Smt't in much amused today llon- U:. the offit-lal explanation mad that Only three witnesses were request-: adjournment tequesled yesterday by ed to be present at fxlay's st,Asion. They were Wm. V. Attorburg, gener al manager of Pennsylvania road: J. G. Sv'arles. general coal agent, Penit- ad eotne to be" venture a inch thin? as an tudeH ndetit. It is Slid that some operators are of the opinloi that thv best way out oft vice pKsident of Reading Railroad, !lr of fatalities reported in ( limirsi has increased Over five hundred deaths In have occurred and full Mury in written, If It !io number is likely to be r hi' people are minting and 'i!iip in confusion which iiiglioui thu country to try fur Hu tu. mew llillliliir II f Intureil hnp'ushlble to furnish med mie and a great many of die. ( tiie general njarket here 'his niocnltiR while a big slu-lirred botJath It. At VHX . I'l'-sln in such a wayi"cirnn recue dlfflciill.' fp to i linn i elve corpses have "I out anil liS harllv Intnrert ,ak, ti fimi lhe ruins. :l"' market was being used 'f r'.fiu-o for refuses front ,n '""lici. Many of hem ; Hie injured and killed, ure ctevlid Imb or.e sec-. buildiiiK and became wHd Mn the roof fell. A e:.(;ip,, frm t)t. building '""'c f'f the greater nuni- rdU il ?l. - 1 Pnte to Send Shioa. April l.-CoutxIl of mln ileciiUd to send a naval ' Nl;es to assist in the v "''iii's of the eruption of alvr lhiti '"orr.ing he vlo tiiiptlon diminished and a n conRonunia ihn :,s aiid tinders slackened. ms are advancing slowly. "a,Th of the collapsed aii-fiuiseplior resulted In r i mor bodies, bringing ' 'O marly 2(H). i have been searchtd, 1 'he discovery of forty s' of these were of aged " '-"I nut strength to flee. f Kola the streets were ;Vli 'f fourteen feet with volcano. who was in High renins that several mar. Allien iu the furniture fac- "'t their jobs on account ' a union, have annllxd 'uiwtlcn.' agreeicg to the union. Two mem llKh Point union were In -lerdnt. 1 Sigg U lis The Sentinel I'"1 win not be formally '"f easoii until Saturday. however. The Btrett cars, he park next Sundat of Walnut Cove ' viMtlng relative1 here! Fill BETTER STREETS Us Wire to The Sentinel. CINCINNATI. O.. April -an to h Adriatic the jf yl,van,a roaj. Theodore Voorhls. first in in portion of Italy is eti di..knes and ashes are l,i.;itig i'ioiii the black tky. , .hi mil.d In vaporous link . is i mining flashes of tio'ks of white hot stenv. hurled upwards and then g' kn its -ides. . ' tUattuci. director of the 'ih n mains the sole' watchman i:i)h. noting every change in sisnal the slightest a!gu in the flow of lava, which iikily fur some' time, ane swept over Naples dur- Kht. . ' tor Knianuel and the queen Miniiil the coast in a VV"ht nuirey to the suffews. i.v'Kumhed 510,04(0 to risen nt Naples, which he U ilistiibiitlng among the FAVOR TREATY WITH ITS. By Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK. April 10. The! Ger mans In this city strongly favor the conclusion of an arbitration treaty and the foiled IujIil-uuii llumiuni' t. uiein-1 . o. i h. ..ob.i , ,i f, ,k. it, -ies aim piopuse to sue npirssion uui una nn(vi.u iurj 4 ir. i, mat no streets need cleaning. Thanks to the lneflici,'nt street cleaninRllepartnient the condition of the streets during the last year or two has been so disgrace ful, that the citizens began to pro test. The agitation spread through all parts of the city and finally the lachets of the public scheols took tip the matter, enlisting the sttppm of the Businessmen's Club, A co-.ven-lion was caltod for the purpose of discussing the stret: cleaning prob- Itm and to consider ways and meaitB for impicvlng thj condition of th? public s'treets aud highways of the city. Today the convention will be opened and It ,1s expected that the deliberations of the convention will be. both Instructive and Interesting, An elaborate program has been pre pared aud scores of prominent speak ers have promised to address the con vention at lis vaiitms meetings. The at reel cleaning problem will also he considered lu the public schools dur ing the convention week and - "The Streets of Our City; How Can We tmpiove Them." will form the topic of discussions In which teachers aud pupils will take P'1"'. Fifty thousand have- Stvei't" Co".ven!!ou" bndgt s beeiidiiitt:ibut.L.d...flmiins . JJlfi school children of the city. SENSATIONAL TRIP OF AN ENGLISH BARK. v Wire to The Se.ulneL . PLYMOl'TH. England. April 10. The Hamburg bark Hebe, which is now undergoing repair at this port. had a decidedly sensational exper ience before It found a fcafe berth here. II was towed in a disabled condition Into Plymouth Sound, but. t their sentiment iu the matter at a meeting which Is to be held thin even ing at Terrace Garden. The meeting is held under the auspices of the Ger man Peace Society, and will consist of a largj uumber of prominent Ger man Americans, representing the va rious German-American societies. The object of th me.'tlng Is to dis cus ways and means cf urging' Pres ident Roosevelt to re-open negotia tions for the conclusion of arbitration with Germany. a I, aiing on the arms of tol as hurrlt-d to a carriegi amid Chii-rs, eat fa!!-', etc. The mob ut the IaiKtt pait of It uliid to gt a Laiiiie of I hi. fui mi r Iruiler of 7. 1 on the difficulty and one that would Prw;r, p ,.t.m (r () N))tn ho had not were struck b Hie rmaclated eotulltlou Of the mat). Later Dow le changed his mind add did nut go to Zlon City as announced. He will remain here and carry 41.ll.fUUl..,.- I... I. Ul.! I.I I... ... ...... .. ! th....- il... .1.. I.. 1. ' r 1 t. , I ,i i vi i s da ioi iui jwiftii vi ouuuillUK j mi"" "v.- whv,h- i vui . 1 1 ri iiiu n lujst(,j iwle 111 lUlii'tll!" iuitr.tr opinion frotit independent op itlie old anthracite cdinmlssloii Their Fight Now It toe the Purpoa of Patting a Meeiure Tbal Will Not Be Mteningleee Preeldent Said to Be Diaappolnted Bomewttat at the Protpectt Senator BeHey Maket Strong Argument. Today In Reply to Senator Spooner And Knoa. '. OENTISJSIN BRAZIL Dy Wire to The Sentinel. NEW YORK. April R Dr. Maria Antoinetta Gheklere, the only woman dentist in Rio de Janeiro, liitiil. who came hue (or a two months" visit, started today for the West. According to Mrs: GhckSere'i statement llrazil is a gK'Bt field for dentists. There are very few there and the prices paid are extremely high. Kor willing a tc;th she charges $ri.50 without gas and net liss than $'0 with gas. An i.idir.ary flillfg costs $10 to $12, a gold crow-' abi.ut $50. Mrs. Ghekiere is traveling partly for pleasure, pattly to study American mtthods of dehtlslry. She intends to spend the summer in Europe. the matter directly to the courts f,r adjudication. He raid he ould re main at tht- Auditorium aiiuex pending Lhe action of the courts. . INJUNCTION CASE IS nieuiocrn ov iiinnr o 1 1 1 l lui i 1 i r 1 1 hi iinihr IIIIUULU Ul UUUUU T U,UI , . GREENSBORO. April 10. Clerk cf the superior Court John J. Nelson this morning received from Judg Fer guson his derision In the case where Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH. April 10. When, the tenth district was called In the sup reme court today, one of the most certain property holders and tax pay notable cas.s that came up on appeal ltr on 8o,l,il Elm tfeet nought to re was that of State vs. Arthur William I81"11" ,he fl,v froin maMng further from Davie county.' the prisoner b- j Paynit nts to lhe street paving con ing tinder sentence of three years on the public roads of Randolph county for murder iu the second degtee lu t)iiit-he-Ailled .Louis Laird la-Ht-.lHH-nary. Tl:e defense net up Is self' nVfemwtn-th.it Williams was protect ing his "pi entities when the killing oc curred. Attorney General Gilmer argued for the prosecut ion and at tor nt s for the defense are T. li. Bailey, E. L. Gaither and A. T. Grant, Jr. ESCAPE FROM DEATH. A colored man iu' attempting to board the outgoing passenger train to Greensboro last Evening had a narrow owing to the highly dangerous explos- cape from being, ground to pieces. ' ii . t . . 1. 1 t. .. t t t u . bir ..L ... il ne lost ins noiu on uie inuaoiiu imr ive nature of her cargo, Sir Lewis Beautnonl, the r.aval cirrnnia'nder-ln-chief at . Davenport, refused to grunt permission for her to be repainted The Hebe had on ioard i'JO tons of gunpowder and 200 tons of carbide of calcium, vessel and cargo being val-. ued at $10,000. "Admiral Beaumont ordered all war veel to be removed from the Sound to the Hamoaze. It was feared that, should an explosion occur on thu Heb the magazines at Hull Point might be affected' and the three towns endan gered. Dartmouth and Falmouth also refused the bark permission, to go to either place. ''' At last the Lloyds Induced Sir 1-ew-Is Beaumont to permit a war depart ment, barge ,to. remove the explosives from the Hebe. This was done and the damaged bark was finally docked for repairs. Ing and fell 'under the moving train. Parties standing near held their breath, expecting to see life crushed out: of he negro. The man managed to roll off the track Just la time Vj save himself. The car wheel, how ever, caught his hat and ran over it. Determined not to get left the negro, tractors until the navement was built according lo specifications. The city authorities fought the injunction vlg ofotiely. ...claiming that the work-was up to the s:f'ciflratliinn Iu every par ticular. Judge Ferguson, dissolved the In junction and taxed lht plaintiff.- with the costs. '.Immediately noon hearing of the' judge' order Messrs. Justice and Morehtad, attorneys. for the petl liouera, filed a notice of appeal to the Mipjenie court, which acts as it con tinuation of the order restialning the city from paying out further monks on the contract, until the case Is further heard. SOCIETY IS SHOCKED . AT PRINCESS' ACTS. By Wire to The 8nthiet ROME. April 9.Arlsticratic sue iety Is gicaily shocked over the- latest' escapade of Prince Elvira. fore" of the dauRhier of Dim Carlos. the pretender to the Spanish throne, who has repeatedly become conspicu ous In an unpleasant manner, emu Is thirty-four year old and some time ago eloped from her father' house with the painter Filch!; with wjumi she went to America. After some months the couple 'returned ttt'Rurope and lived in great seclusion under an assumed name at San Ucrvuslc. a re mote suburb of Ilarcelone. A few daya ago 'she came to Florence to at lend to some buslnehj aml.whllr'ln that city the prlnetas was arrested as the result of a hair pulling match with a woman shopkeeper.. The- prln.-es went to a hop to,get Botne furs which had . ben repaired. She complained about the price and the difference of opinion' Jell to a lively scuffle, In which the shopwiituan caiire out i'fceeniVil . best. She had the prlnetaa urnsted. but matter was set tled mi't of court. , - T T. By. Wire to The Sentinel. GLOLCESTER, Mass.. April' 10. One of the worst Morula of the year swept over this part of the coast Inst night, doing miicb damage )o ship ping: The thiee-niaster schooner Gif ford' from Maine to New York, was adrift In the harbor and carried aernoi who was drinking. Jumped up. leaving ;to f,.fln watpr wve wn(,rp ,t his hat, rah after the train and;(aplBin On-enieaf and five sailor caught it before it reached the freight ! w(.r(, 1( 8CU(,(I by a,lother schooner The sleek of goods of the J. W. Hester Co., Trade street, was dni-, aged by smoke and water as a reault of a fire1 which started in the base ment of tha stoie about six o'clock last evening. The fire departments responded promptly to the alarm and succeeded in preventing the flames store. Easter news in various depart. from spreading,. Mr. Hesier, the man ager, duly -appreciates the good work of the firemen in saving the com pany's stock of goods. Dr. Wade H. Bynum, was in he city today. of Germantou. depot. C. I kinds. Tiie New Advertitementf. Sharp. Eater goods cf and went ashore but (not obtained. the name was alii J. W. Gen. Booth Birthday. I LONDON, April 10. The s.-vtnly-Heiler Co. Some mou-1 seventh birthday' of Gen. Booth, the eyaving pilci-s. Neely & Crute Call 'attention stinng line of Easter footwear. chief of the Salvation Army, is ceie to lirated throughout the world today by 'the various branches of the Salvation E By Wire to TIih. HenllneL A ' " , WILMINGTON, April 10 Member'! of the Grand Lodge -of Manor, o North Carolina are assembled lieii today to attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge aiT the cer monies con nected with theVLng of the corner' stone of the 'monument to be erected to Cornelius Harnett. The session, of the Grand Lodge has been called at the request of the Colonial Dame.' who have the work of collecting, funds for th 'monument In charge. The la)irg of the corners'one will take place ihts aft, i noon and an clahorH'.e priferam has been prepared- for the occasion. Ogburn-Vest Co. Why a realty In-i Army. Special thanksgiving meetiiig vestment Is the safe one to make. Bennett.' ni.ry & Co. Have (were Kid here and In otjjer citle of an the I'nitcd Kingdom. aKrartive poge ad, iil this lsue call-1 ing attention to Hdr three leading. Mr. John D. Wallscondi Hon con brands of shoes and oxfords, jtlnue-ritlcal. ' J.'A. Wie:-neTC& Co. --Screen' doors ' TV': '' : - i.tMi-iivw.r white carriage and windows; place your orders early. Hit i nbacher & . Hro. The bjjsy ments. " Ijinlqulst ft. Pfohl Olive oil and lis advantages for summer cooking. shop aiid this office, an embroidery cuff, fastened with a class pin, with "A. K. N "0" on It and the. Initials E. W. cn the back. Finder will please b-ave at thla office. Editor H. P. Deaton. of the Sloore. vllle Euterpilse, day. was In the city to- W. J. Weatbrook. of Danville was lie the city today. J. Casper returned this monilng from a business trip to Roanoke. By Wire to The Bentlnel LISBON. Portugal, April 10. Tke sessloji of the Internal lottal Mtdiral (,'ongn ss was opened her today. The dlt mimic Is unusually large and ev ery civilised country of the wot'd is represented by delegates, Among them ate many of the most noted an thoiltis in vailous blanches of niaJ ical'scltnce. Among the matters to be discussed by tbe CongreiMi will be the case cf Lawr Patrick, who la charRid with baviitg murdered Win, M. Rice, one of hit client. For. the firct time In the history of the Inter national Medical Congress a woman physician, !r. Jenni McCowan, of Davenport, Iowa, will deliver an d dress. The' Wttls Brli-U Co. has erected a uamlsome sidewalk sign In front of their store on Main street, Salem. By Wire to The drntlnrt. , WASHINGTON. April 10. The a sertlou It made on the rapttol bill that admlnlst ratio has lout til Ita railroad fight with Aldrlch Foraker Knox forces of the senate. The fact that the president has ihoan a will ingness to compromise on ccWaln ''.lent points of the rate mi enure la taken by many at a proof tliat there is wiine gnuind for boust of opposi tion. 1 Thn presldetit haa front tbe outset admit hd that certlan concfsalona might hate to be made to constitu tions) txperis of the aenate and rather than plac law upon tb tt at ute boos aijleb would go to cor tin d ath before the xupreni court h la willing to accept Home amcndnifot of opposition. H'nalor Bailey la making a atrong nix eeh thla afternoon In favor of fata regulation. C. L SMOOT AND WIFE ARE OEGLAREO GUILTY. Husband Scntoncod to Two Years In Atlanta Peniten tiary For Counterfeiting and Wife to One Year. , -? GREENSBORO, April 10. The Irlal if the Hmoet counterfelttiig canoe was nor concluded today until a tew mimics' before the dinner adjourn ment, : ' .. - Major - Htednmn mitde slronK i" ch for def . nils ni G, L, Hinoot. rgnoilng ihe c!ise of the woman. Dlw trlct. 'Attorney Helton, in thu ckwilti aig'iim 1 1, made an Vffccllvc marvhiil' ling of Hie rlicuinstaticea against llio man., roiitt inlliig that, .tils piirt'litslrg ,il every Ingredient uted for the pur pt.se of coiiiileffidtltig coiinected him wltlt bi fug h.e. mie who made thu nii.iwx' ,,n,l toiu Wir.. Jib IS.t illu. trlbiillng agent. The Jury was. not out over flvo minutes Ifefore It brought In a verdict of guilty as lo both. Judge Boyd fun tei.eid the mail to the penitentiary at Atlanta for two yearn and tbe woman for erne eur, saying be Consider" d tba mail bj far the guiltier of the two; Mink Ptiiett, father of the woman.' who lives In Wilkea county, has also been Indict. d for complicity In Coun terfel'lng gang which lu one form' or anoiher haa lnfeid that mountain section for many years. there are many Wllken lawyert and wil ileuses hero Interested In thd bankruptcy proceeling against liar din. Davis, Combs and Hasty, of Wllkiboro, which wilt be taken tip thla afternoon, a soon the caae against moonshiner from Catwc!! couniy, who .was arrested Sunday, I. tried. Many Vieitota Will Be Here. "The miiilter nt Hisler vtltirfe tlila year promlles to brtak all former lecords;" remarked .Mr; A. F. Young, of Hotel Ph'H'nlx this afternoon. He tlatid that he hd received appllca tkjn for roomt from mote tha 109 people. The Ixautiful Moravlao mrvlctn on Sunday an dthe attraction here on Momlay are sine to draw a largo crowd. lAndqiilxt & Pfohl' havff e nipped their dnig store with oxydifcd metal labies'. stools and chairs In connection lih other improvements to their soda fountain and fixtures. Mrs. J, A. Dean returned thU after nixju from a visit 'o reiatlvi at Ker nerwvllle and B lewi Creek. Cole k Roger' dog and pou? show Ik cooiing litis way aod will probably rxfillbt In this city. Thla new will be received wlib delight by tbe children, ' . " ; ' . ', ' '