v v B5- Have You Visited Our CONFECTIONERY DEPARTMENT YET? If not do so today, there's a surprise for you in the fine assortment oi MAILLARD'S confeo tions shown here. Our Easter assortment is at your service when you're candy hungry'- J Learn the. Way to Simpson's. HKIMIiMUMIWHWWtUIIHIMHHHHItm ; NOTED CESPERADO CAUGHT ! h,i.u Ot'i Capture t B'J "Mivfl ' hmt n Cill CMi.ty, j i.A MjJ.i. s wt4 B,g..-s-:tliiH j ,3li.J d. SI-IS''. CiStell tuUWJ. BO !ha- h.--r. fii the pa.-;t six months or lni.it.. . fnvuiw T i .til Itistloe. J OD- t.nr.l Ci'ur.lav nttfbt at hit httUltl OtlU I ' Mr, pfrsonal notes: y&i&ilZZZl&'&ZZ C'ZZZ .Tl";: rr -1 J Is ihf II ... ! R;. I A ll au John tureil 'Saturday n.sat at. hit 1rhu nt-ar Mltitt bv ihro 1 nift-ei States officers. uC..ir cm fc this o-a i j tU'iQM; 'lip. it J Mrs W M. Rcr.t.0-. t.f w.nt t ; ;i eon -.bono ' today. 1.. dlmcr i-eturm-d this morn ui a business trip to Charlotte. J. y. Holton. of YadklnvIIle, aal ea:rid i jail at R.ri.lvi!lr. from which he !as!"scp.-l.- ' The Danville Register ays: Some inx ago l: will be remembeifd tuatjship. f tiTfit.rt a i.vty of :mrer caugnt .viaoiocK sr ciiv to.ta;.. las! evening ennut to High was h Poiur. Ir. and Mrs. J. f;. Ector., of KticntV county. were In the Dilworth Floral Gardens ft ft ft ft 3 a. w ! Five Important Necessities for the Pantry. re v lt,nl 1W 1. See the flour chest has Royal Crown " n - riuui. 2. See that the coffee canister has Chase & Sanborn Coffee in it. 3. See that the meal chest is provided with Side's water ground meal. 4. See that the lard can is filled with our pure hog lard. 5. See that one of our fine country hams is hanging on the side. J.T. JOYNER, . West End Grocer. his brne after a dt-3perate struggle during which-a volley of shots were fired. While bei.ig conveyed to Rdds nlb in a buggy and with the hand cuffs on him Madkv-lc grabbed a. pistol from out' of his raptors, and attempt ed to shoot him. Had it not been for l:.e immi-diate lot i fert-nct' of. anoih- r olticfr a tragftdy mlht have d. Madlork was giv'n a prt-Hmluary niltij? and IiwIkhI In the Jail at Rclds villo. but excupt'd aftpr being eonflntd a sbort time. Since that time lie has defied th; offlcora of the law, and it was learned that he had returned to his old home. )fit sear Milton. Firtt And B:t of Scaton. Trie first vxrursiou and from all In- 4 iliraituns the bfst of the Heason. will j!e H. l-ee Huppei's iM'rsonally eon-j jtit , .; excilisUrt to Roanoke and rc-1 tut.'i liaster .Monday. Mr. H;pp'r has! Icoiitiacteil for nine flist-elasi caisi . . lull 1 n I r.i n v...) fit" nil.itri.tr.il .klipu if' jut t'.U .1. Mr. Hopper !eiiieis u to V'state tliat he will personally eonduc.'. 'tiu' train I make Kood ord' r a speidul feature. The fare for the lonnd tiip will he only $l.7.". You eau't afford tt iniss the trip. Train will leaveUie union staiinn at S ' W. C. Hicks, cf Ciiarlott?. and T. A Vincent nd E. E. Leak, of Grens boro. w rr in Ihr city texlay. Mrs. !. E Allen, of Concord, will sp d Kai with bt r daiiKhter. Mrs. iHans I Thomas. She. arrived today. J. E. Brijsrs loft last, over.Inx tor .w York to look after samp matters pertaininK to his Invention machine for putting bands on cixars. Rev. and Mrs. U. E. Sampson, of East Hend. parsed throiiRh the city ;his mornlnK. returnir-K from Bal;l morp. where they at;enihd Friends' ready me-etin:. l. O. Leak, after spending several lays here, left last evening for Sum .er, S. C, where he has hia headqnui " For choice Cut Howers. fir J 1 Wedding Flowers, for Floral Designs everything or any- v thing in Cut Flower. We are fully prepared to ft handle any order for any kind l' of Flowers on aho.; notice. Telegraph, t?i.phon or f w write us if you hare time. V Promptnes !s our motto. ?2 G.H. Mc'Phee . Proprietor & Charlotte. N. C. & P. D. Box 127.... Bell Phone. 1 IN OUR tt tt ! o'clock a. in. COLUMBIAN Brand Evaporated CR.EAM 5c and 10c Cans V KCONOMICAL AND CONVENIENT SIZES. FllU Evtry Requirement for Milk or Cream, Fruits, Desserts, Cereals, Etc. SEND FOR RECIPE BOOK BORDgN CONDENSED MILK CO.. N.w York. The Talk of the Neiflhborhocd.- Some of your neighbors will prob ably tell you of the good results they ! obtained from the use of Tar Heel jCoiiKh Syrup. It is made from the tar of the North Carollnu long leaf yellow pine, and is highly recommended1 for i coughs, soreness of the throat and (chest, and asthma. Be sure to try it. ISold by all druggists. 25c. E. W. lO'Hatilon and Laudouist & I'ftibl, special agents. FeoDle s-H uel anc ice LomDanv & WOOD People's Fuel and Ice Company. jlf you would lose itiat dull old head i ache, And frel iis lively as a flea. Make luiste to your druggist And liny some Rocky Mountain j Tea. For salt) by O'Hatilon of Winston, 'and Landqulst and I'fohl. of Salem. ters as salesman for the Llipfert Scr.les Co., of this city. Miss Frank Hanes, who is attend ing a school at Washington. D. C, arrived this moiniug tti spend tho Easter holidays with her par.-.ts. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Hanes.- Jacob Strwait, of MocksviHe, was he ic today looking after some legal biisinevs. He reports that the Pwsby :e;y will convene ir. the handsome new I'lesbyttrian clunch in .Mock villo tomorrow. 'Mrs. C. 11. Heard, of Mt. Airy, wlio ann Into for a confeie,.ce with Col. Iotm A. Hnrrliiger. couiiMd toi Capt. Boai I, who lias instituted a suit against the Southern Railway for damages lot Injuries sustained at tlr.. freight depot litre a few years ago, r.airned home today. . Capt. Jteard's cor..lltion is by r.o means encouraging. Gut Flower , DEPARTMENT we make a specialty of funeral de signs, 40 different shapes and 100 dlf :fevretit sizes, any price. Order same ! by telephone or telegraph and we will get them to you quick and fresh. We pack seen i el y a-nd ship to any point. Plenty of loose cut flowers now. Write itii for prices on wadding flow- Fcr it Atove .;Cii ta Kiil.iv a;;) "OrItat. iTiJ iriuft btrir.- 0..-;-isL ,r j ma, l? Ki!;. " 5 . Iissr.; Raleigh. SalWn. $17 rnvaiiM.ii' ,' ory. $r..::.; Charl..-:,. I, Apiiri.tini-.t..y i,v ' other ihiitv Ti K. 's , 52. i and ;t. iltl ,-, ' The oiUir.al p.a.-r. , tain extnsio:4 of run: 21 by perona'.lv d. Joseph Richard son. Si. Theatre Arcaile. ,- i not ea:U?r th;.n ., , than April So. m! jwu;: cents. General Julian s. ( :,.r the Souihr.-rr KaiiwaT" Montgomery and Mo,i; route for his "A.init. Vetersus' Six'tia'.." h of nist-clas day coach. a. ,, FuMman cars to be ha:;.; , ''.! to New Oikans with m- , , This- special train .::! eigh. X. C. at U.::. p. ,.. A! lt., .2:!. and will remh v... .... S:2i p. m.. Tuesday, Apr:;":;"' may use mis special train from Raleigh ami lurhJiu Greensboro $3.50. Salis-b-irv lotte $5.no. Excellent se;ii(V'8. ular trains in each ,lir,-i..,.'' 'your agent fur rates from vuur - For further infornutio:. man reservations write U. L. VERX(i. irav. i-ass. Agent, CUarlotw, Notice. ' If the man who excharet lollar bill for a the dollar Ki,n . at a oar room in tins cit ,m i uay. warcn i6. will retut gold piece to me I win return to the amount paid for the av.,t t,i, counterfeit. F. (1: CRITCHFIEUJ. Ch March 27, 1906. ers. ' J. Via Llcdley Nursery Company POMONA, N. C. : Send telegrams to Greensboro. MISS ANN7B OROQAN. AQENT. : I ltlowti glass (Imier bowls. Reld, ATTENTION ! Special to The Sentinel. New York Cotton. NEW YORK, A pr 11-Cotton clossel quiet totUy, as follow Ottt 1( I. May , 11 .4 June ,. il 18 STOTS-U m SALKS Dry wood arrivin"; daily somethinj; you can burn! Apr I.... on morninir. noon and niit.jr.;;;;::; rrompt uen very, l.oaus DUCiJuiy tn: August... , 0 02 Sepember ... 6 17 Octoter 5 7 Liverpool Cotton. Market close LIVERPOOL, Apr .II log- quotatiODt Headquarters FOR i i Mill Supplies! THE I Strong, Safe, Conservative, S Careful, Liberal, Progressive, Kr.J ;ed C'aDital. GovernmeuL Ue'nnii'i iThe Uest and Most Desirali',(Pi I Don't fail ir uia lie In p.i..r.U.J . .. (V ovc M.-5 III lljuiu Ibanli matters. People's National U ' ( U. S. Depository.) John W. Frlet, Pret. Wm. A, Blair, Vice Prei up. rnone.-4f. Reynolds Bro.'s M . 'W - Nt, 1 'I'! ' ) lu ll i'T " 1 U ARE YOU JUST STARTING OUT ON YOUR EASTER TOUR? i'l.i win need anything in the way f Fine Knamoled Ware or Cooking t'ttits;: ;f any kind? It so note this veil, for il tin. ins money In your pock tt to buy heir at little prices. Brown, Rogers & Company. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor of the estate of Mr. M. F. Green, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to undersigned within twelve months or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment. JAMKS R. GREEN, Executor. March 14, 1906. . Nov 5 78 LOCAL TOBACCO MARKET. Crawford Plumbing & Mill Supply Company Winston-Salem, N. C. Wheeler, Runge 6 Dickey ARCHITECTS Charlotte, N. C. 2nd Floor, 4Cs HuiMlwj H. MONTAGUE, LAWYER. Loans negotiated frte of charce to Lenders. Estates Settled. Titles In-1 veti(?ated. Willi, Abstracts, Deeds and Mortgages, carefully prepared. Houses and lands for sale or rent. Over 20 years successful prsctloe. 213k Main Stmt. r vwniiiHBiPsisFMsnrjn Ai T IB ijWiM ITU mL ifiii i"lMaMJLtflLJ sllaaMM Asm W 'XJmMiBMMm 1wJl'MBMMBilk 1 A WHAT THE NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY STANDS FOR The scientific, reconstructed baking industry, whereby the goodness and -nutrition of Biscuit and . Crackers have been marvelously enhanced, The new method of protection by which all dust, dirt and moisture are completely excluded from the package . and the freshness and goodness of its contents are care fully preserved. This is the trade mark which appears in red and white on each end of the package as an absolute pledge both of the quality of the baking and the purtty of the packing., . CORN per bu.. .. .. 65 Q 70 WHEAT per bu .... SO Q 1.00 OATS spring, per bu. 40 60 AY per cwt.. 50 75 KG OS per dos.. .: '.. 10 & 12 BUTTER per lb 20 25 CATTLE beef, gross . 3 3 M calves.gross.. 3V4 4 MEATS hams 14 (f 15 PORK per Tb 6H 7 " shoulders. .. 9 fi " sides 10 11 HENS per lb . 7 8 ROOSTERS per lb... 6 8 FEATHERS new, lb . 50 60 BEESWAX per lb .. 22 25 HONEY per lb .. .. 10 12 1 IDES green, per . 7 $ " dry. per lb... 10 10 TALLOW per lb.. .. 4 SORGHUM per gal.. 30 & 35 CHICKENS old .. 30 40 " spring ... 16 20 ASK FOR FORTUNE ON FREAK WAGER. 1NDTHE '.'.'! i4Sft-.V . fjMW Concentrated ? "fertilizer. Jit FOR Vegerables.Vircs. Flowers.PoMedP!snfs. .. ....... ximvt Minurjciuftd only by fiVrWirjJp k. The Lick Company. wwtc-SlE!I! Hosts Caholin. Morgan & Cuthrell Tin and cornice work tif stands the test, iGalranizefl sky lights tb are the best. !If its hot air. jfurnifc w i we do the best-" j Morgan & Cuthrell W. H. dinar : Painting, j Decorating. j If its new we have 'Personal attention all work. Phone 471. M Foi (iimple try Graham Crackers m different froia the ordinary giuhm cttcken dilferent in biking different in Boi different in pecking. More palatable more satisfy ing more nutritioua. Made of the purwt Graham flour and baked ia a manner undentood only by tie National Biacvil Compaay. Chicano Professor Staked $25,000 on His Veracity, Appetite and Self-denial. CHICAGO, April 9. Prof. Adolph Glitck, who holds the degree of doc tor of philosophy from the Univwalty tf leinberg, tialatia, yesterday staked his piopeny in this city, valued at I.Ti.uiltl, on a wager that for or3 year lie will not utter a single falsehood and eat nothing but raw. uncookeel foods. He is to fast thirty-six contin ;jus hours every week and forego pleasures of every .description. Hudolph Jones, a neighbor, takes tho olhef end of the bet, having de livered to the stakeholder deeds fur property as good as that of Gluck. Tiio professor's philosophy Is put thus In tabule'"form: Lung ceintinued mendacity will In tlmo lead a man to a condition of "sad satiety." In which he will flr.d It more pleasing to dis card the trimmings of his conversa tion and reduce it to the scriptural "yea, yea and nay, nay." 25c Packages. At all Druggists. i , , Hotel Property at Auction. Saturday. April 21,. 130 at 8:30 a. m., I will sell at public miction, all jtho personal effects in my hotel at Kevncrsvlllp. The iron and brass beds, .wash stands and other furniture , In the rooms is comparatively new. ;At the same time I will also sell sev eral fine Jersey cows, also thorough bred Berkshire,' Poland China and .Black Essex hogs, auto lot of farming tools and farming Implements. ' This hotel building, consisting of seventeen rooms, will be for rent af ter May 1, This is the most valuable piece of property and best location for a hotel In Kernersvllle. For further Information apply to nr. C. C. Sapp, Winston-Salem, N. C. i If you want your Build: I done at once, or a bill o: : Building Material at once, we are prepared send it out for you iff diately and can quote f prices that will interest f I We also carry a full lifl! Mantels, Grates, TM Anything , in, Buildiug H Fogle Bro. ' Phone 85 Salem, -N. C. Sherry and cocktail glasse's. field. Think of your Easter suit and hat. then go to McDowell & Rogers. Notice! Having qualified as admit""; !of J. Felix Mliler. 'decea-ed. . : j Winston. N. C, this Is i:;"; nai.iu k....in,r .i-.in,d itna.n-.' ' lUH hALP , late of said deceased tu P'-'- A plot of ground on 12tb street near T.iberty street. 130x245 feet, the Old Show Ground, will be sold as a whole or in lots. Apply to J. C. Conrad. .-Hi 1 H1 .1 -.1.1. ihn ,.n,l.r!LMI'U ' HIP lilL-lll WHI1 i'r it..... -. , before March 27. 1M7. or tt- c' i will be plead In bar or thei. 'All persons indebted to s 7 i will nlease make nronint pa,!".J j J. E. JORDAN. Admi I March 27, 1906. , , :.

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