WIN-CITY BAJQLY. SENTINEL ;H YEAR. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 12, 1906 PRICE 5 CENTS I HE END. Hearing Enters Upon Final Fhase Before nat'e Committee. Full of Spectator Stcrttary of the Treasury Carlisle Began Argument -$n for These Opposing Relation a a Member ot -jte Other Concluding Ar te Foilow. , Tb PfiillneL i.y;TOS. Ai:il 12. Alter ...Lns oer lime ean , I:, u the lisht of Reed ti apwtle ot Mtrmon '.tin 'hi seat ill the ts :.' entered upar. i's 1,1 morning. cW'l.i-' arguments ol vuuu- b.s.ii' shortly after 10 :ii striate committee lJPP?IJElUPIfJ WEAKER. COURT 10 DECIDE. it In i Vesuvius Seems To Have Sub- Accordance With Time-i sided to Some Qtent In me rast tew Hours. Honored Custom Grounds Will Be Thrown Open To rhiHrpn F Act or Mnnrtsu i h Art Still Being Emit (Hi. Concert By Marine Band to Follow "Egg-Rolling." Dowle's Troubles Will Be Ful ly Aired at A Legal Hear- Ing Soon. T I PROPOSAL 51 ted. Thouiandt of Refugees in Naples Leads to Determination of Authoritier to Place the City Under Martial Law. Many of the Refugee;- Stirving. Attorney Say No Trouble Is Feired Either In Courts or In Zion Oowie Wants to ' . l , PUNS ANOTHER TOUR It Is Being Considered AtA It Will Be Made In Summer ef' Jo,nl Conference In New 1907 and Will Embrace A! York This Ailernoon. Great Deal of Territory.) Prmclhlv Ac M.irh i lll Thw Proposition Is Mad In Response I J W i'lUVII W 1902 Tour. i By, Wire to The Sentinel. , flv Wire to Th Seaunol ! WASHINGTON. April 12. Monday I will be "Egg KoUins Ia" ou the White House giouuiU- ami yjungstois of Washington are hard at woik color ing specimens of haul boiled product, or decorating baskets in which tc oar iv them. I,: accordance with tlme- honoitd custom the president has gien oitliis that the grounds be opened between 9 a. m. and 1 p. m., "for children only." -f-YWMlW TTTO-datnC this I no Marine nana win give cert south of the White 12 - Presl I City. He Say Spend the Remainder of His Life in , Br Wire t Th 8rattnL u WVSHIW.TOV Autil dent R.Kevelt I planning another By Wire to The Sentinel. extensive imn. It will be mad In j CHICAGO . Auril 12.lowie will ... . - - .. iu.,- .... .k- ,ki..i x - t t . i . .. . . , . . ; nuilllitt I iu a ..v a etuii i h ts. i c'ude s has Tin ain and' xbl'' " Rive ear to . hnn , Th, Mil, r , ,s ! , ,,- ty hear the result of M(dl)J of cilits and Bet taiu-j NEW YORK. April ISImportn.t . . 1 visit Zkn City yesterday. Wtlin ; ,,,.. hUu ,., k. .t.ii,Ud devtlt.umeitfe ar xpectett at x tS to Operatorr' Propotton te Submit Differences to Original Anthracite Commission. Miner Will Insist OA Having Member to Tads Bishop Spalding's Place If This , Plan Is Adopted. Ht Being Unable to Serve Now. a. !: ...:: . much ,erri!,M.v hU fa xpecte(t at nils aliuiwi conf.-rerce 'ot oxTatr and mtncM fatuous r at'tht aftemoon when Mitchell submit elude Ihi- txtluslun of either l le.. . . ,.. iu..-. !hl r.i Iv tn arhtnitum nnxKntal hr A Krttuti ua-lum 6a arrived jor Voliv fiom the council of their Th(1 ....ij,, ha alreadv prumined'the .nralm Howvter. M trttaer hire to assut in tue work of relief. Lw. n.,;.. ,ji. h:. ..' .... i . ' ... . ...: k. toavy. Is anxloua t return ta M x!ro iej8tII ((( .Mi)U,lM,. AKrlouMural Colieite H t th uxht thai neullall.m Ul b where he plans to spend the n main I. .v.iuniliia iliirlnn ih firnt eek if brok.-n off. Another dlurniiet Is cou-f.l(,, hfls K!veu the toriared lnhabi- iioue i ,,i, i im. !,. ., ,v J,.,- . i 1 luma ui Ul.. lltt Wl,u Mir nullUUI.UIllft ' . .1 Lt. If. ! I ... crounds. afli r the er rolliuK. for thei. u . - ,Mh,, "lv June. I!i7. and today Indicated t .anitcii.tru. .;,! taction and befaiel. , ,h(K m.hA ,,, ,,,., ,rt i . . . '" " ! Whilo Ul papets have m.l beet. ,.,..,,., iv Smith that he w.iul.; The miiuiV cale coiumittie . f sp.rf.Uots. mostly wo-1 . . ttMt, s;"ro ,n" ""I""1" okll,fr.ed by Dowle. !t is reported they t.xtl ,. irlu ,, MlchiMR to at- made material chanrl I u i . . v . ....... v, vinu.ira if !u"iii nnn iiiii.i r. in nn.'. i 1 1 mi if m.r Secretary ot ireasm. i.rPfcident and Mrs. Roosevelt will .,irii.o. iMUeM-iiunj, ...... ,j f,m -from lh. south irtim i " ' - " "7 . ' of the Whltt and Archie and Qutntln will join tin thions of chil dren on the lawn. Pmoot's retention in the nir the (,Hiifng argument. l',.;; by Attcrney A. S. :i. ut Snn;;;.' counsel. The St'titlnet. NCTliS'. 4pnl 12. A largo the most prominent sjcio ; ilii:iin:lnopists of the a . 1 1 an ' represetitiitlv'FS of id WesHin play Kiii'.iiiit as i h ns.idtibied here to at (i uvr.ii'.oii of playground I'li'-li was called for the I iirsanizing a National As-oeiaiion. Among l Hie Joseph Lee, of BdS laitiicr (lulick, Selh T. 1 My .oi. T.- . of Mis Si.iile American, .MeDiittvll, Clinton Rogers fnniniissioiier H. It. V. Mc- P'r. Henry S. Curtis nnd Wellcr. Iiiiigton playgrounds com- I glvu a banquet to the Nat- iticiin.k AsKJciatlon at the . looms i his evening. Com M.H'Fntland will preside, r.i of the house and senate iiiiniiie. s will he present liver addrestts. U BE FILED SQDN. 1 Tie. Sentinel. 'TON. Apt 11 12. A rec 'hm the department of "I'ctt furi her steps against ui Oil Company, as cundi i,arr "''' Hi to justify, is lit " the must stiiking feature ,f Hi(in to be Htibmlttod to ' by Cunnnissiontr of Cor 'tins Cailield oh his Inves t!)e Siamlard Oil affaire ,v ''it' house resolution, er ago. I AFTEH SWAMPS By Wl-e to The 8ntlnel CHICK AM A I" li A , Tenu., April 12. Today being the anniversary of An iliews' famous laid, the monuiuent eiecied by the survivors of the raid to the participants in the Chicamauga National Park was decorated with flowers this morning and during the day it wax visited by many hundreds of people, anions them oiany veterans. The fair.ous raid was one of tht most during !.-.eii'-'U of the Civil war. On the. morning -of April 12, ISC', Capt. W. A. Fuller left Atlanta In charBt of a passenser iraiu on the Wvsiefn & Atlantic railroad. Whea he rrachtd Marietta a party of strang i)t , dKssed in cltizeiis' clothes, biNtided the tinin and paid their faivn to Uiffeunt poiiits. They claimed to be nfugets from thu Yankee lines Joining the Confederate army, but were really dlsgulsel Holdlers, volun teers from Sill's brigade, Mitchell's coips, t. S. A., commanded by Janus J. Andrews, a citizen of Flemings burs, Ky.j At Bis Shanty the Unit'.: stopped for breakfast. Whllj the passengers and nearly all members of the crew were la'ing. the raiders took posse.-slon of tiifc tiaiu and started tho engine, which bor..' tho name "(i. nvnil" In thj direction of tine Cliickamanga River, Captain Fuller and several members of thu train crew started iu pursuit on a hand-car and cumpelLd tho raiders to Eliandon the- "Get ml" at a point (between Ringgold and Giaysville, where the furl gave cut. Of the twenty-two m. n who took part, in the raid ,;lght were executed in. Atlanta as spies, six were paroled, to' City Point, Va ulJ eight escaped from prison in Atlanta. Tho object of the raid was to burn the bridges on the line if the Western & At lain ic railroad and thus rut off tho Confederate army from its base of supplies. The raiders, were to lecelve $00,000 In the event of. sue cess. or. the city but tho deluge of hut mud an. locks censed early this morning." While the outlook is more hopeful the giivtrmneut has decided to place Naples ur.d.r martial law. This Is i pt. cau'iocary measure as with ha. mii-centei utal .commence- the np.rat.ira' pioHltl..a but thff lar fight either in Zioti City r in the courts. i I 1-ater. It has be u stated since the above was written that IXwle will re- 1 turn to Zlon Ci;y to live and that hordes of refugees In the city without Jlnk.ab.l, ,,.;,. nl nmy be effwted; or food an outbreak migtit oc cur at any linn. ' Famine relgtrs In the city and thou sands have no place to akep. The fall of ashes Is quite heavy today. ton predicts there will be no l''';,r-! ,ent of Mh higau Agricultural Col T DESTROYED BY FIRE. lege at Lansing. OFFICERS ARE ELECTED IT T. P. I. At tho serend ciuarti rlv confeiene nn mil tuieau r. .nuivii mm uikiii- , A - . venting th'.' nre from spreading in.) uuii.niin vtiuiuuLiru iuuui a it- Iist night 'about 9:0 o'clock th barn of Mrs. John Haues, r,u V' t Fourth street, was destroyed by fiie. .Vast of the r.tro savrd from d.stiuctlon. The fire conipauiea respoii.ied vc.j y and did good work in pie wrt of its work in regard to the s. lec tin of a lot for' the proposed new house of worship. It has been prac tically decided to erect a handsome Thuich on the site of the old one. It is the purpose of tho committee to i.'cure plana at once and to begin work ou the edifice tome time this ytar. " , The elect iou of delegates to the dls--rict conference, which will be held at Advance In July, was deferred until :he third quarterly conference. Pre siding Elder Scroggs, who will com plete his second round ot the Win ston district, will go to Itlrmlnghnm, Ala., next month to attend tho general coiifoience of the Southern church. He is one of the delegates from, the Western N'oiih Carolina conference. Til'' Sentinel. I. Ainu 11. The State 'iucai ion during a session ; ; -h! , :i, ployed Frani; "f Ons;i)vvcouutyt ab spe v to piotect and look after f the State in the vast -"nip lands owned by the as! Jo for educatbii,l ' Onslow, Junes and adja- TATE SENATOR LARED NDT GUILTY r- T''e SentineL s- C, April 12. The trial "-a'or Eugene S. Blcase, :l1 the murder of his Joe Ben Coleman, in f-1 . f'Tlria-ist r . j'irv irturnea a verdict of NUT DAS NARROW ESCAPE MEATPACKING INDUSTRY By Wire to The SentlneL WASHINGTON, April 12. The cen sus bureau has i,-,su d a report on slaughtering and meat, packing li.ilus tiy of the Ui iied States! ' showing that in the past fhe years the number of establishmouts has Increased from 21 to 929. The capital invested has) increased' from $189.1 98.2fi-t to $237. C99.H0; uuiiiber of wage earners in crtasyd from 10,22" to 12.075; wages l!iid increased from $33.1."i7.olu to t".4 17.57 1 and va'ue of products from .$7S5.of.2.133' to $'.113,911,021. Miss Mattie Crews, aged" .iix.ut 20 vears, w ho lias b en ig' lit for the Soul hnn Railway at Walnut Covo for a year or more, took an ou"-ase i t laudanum last night a"d fu an hutir or more fears' wtie etiter;a,iuii, fact she would die." Miss Crews received u few days ago that she was to be '.niusfer red from the agency at Walnut Cove to Ore Hill. Yesterday an au.litor t was sent to the Cove to check up her hooks. These, were found to be In not very good shape, though no intima tion was made that Miss Clews n ihort iu her-accounts: H appears that the i nves ligation and report that she was to be transferred cans, d !' young lady to become despond"nt. This is given as tho cause of her tak ing the laudanum. Parties arriving heielhis afiernoon from Walnut Cove report her condi tion. .such that tlic attending physic Ian F.ays she will recover. The r.poit that, tho fU was po slhly caused by the catelessiie is of the negro driver Is s'u.l to bo inc r rert, although thu ot.j-iu of tlie lire Is kue. n. The damage doiv tie Haines amounted to about $'oo. It la thought that, tho hiss was covered by iniur a nee. The reports- nubmltted at ,th afc mial meeiitig of lVt It. Ninth Car.h lia division. T. P. A., h. Id In the rwr lor of Hotel Phoenix last night, were highly gratifying. They showed that Post B had made splendid pr.igr. hs apai to he but two motrl float tooa or subnilsKlona upon which both aide t may spi t, namely eight hoar dsl and the- propiftlon of operator that A nductlbii of ge be coimlilereel a well as Increase. The miners are, willing to accept the old ant bracts'" strike coiumiasloo U Arbitral sjitfi-' tUu but will tiialat that enLhj in. mix r be ' appointed by PrealdelU R Kisev. lt to take (hi p!ac of Bishop Hpaldtug. The operators wilt mako s no olij.rtlons to this dvnia'Q nr inlrt'K'. Th. sub-cominiKec will practically demand all orlalnal dvmanda submit- th mist vein The nn nitiemliln mini , ',,. .ui. ..... ,.i :ed to the auihraclt commlMiloa wlt'i uera ijm, huh teinc himiui. .fi,.. vi.i.m of thd wholtt utate divialou. T.n a- FEDERA L The Hardin-Davis Bankruptcy Case May Last Until Next Week. NCE TONIGHT. F"l dance will bn civen w ,10.-n p"innHnMtifo.... ... iu.. ; Ed their visitor's at the 'unisht. About 15 coti- !'cilite .ind music will be Italian orchestra. T Special to The Sentinel. . RALEIGH, April 12. THf feutral Labor I'liioi-., composed of various llnhii rti o-tntfi f t.r nf Ilntriirh lin vicinity, has adopted resolutions re- I.adie hs well as gentlemen are cordially Invited to nd the-eTiis-ig exercises of the Y. M. C. A. night school in the Y.-M. C. A. gymnasium tonight. The program of tlw exi r- cises Is' published on the fifth page. Hev. W. M. P.obbins; of Advance, was hre this aftemoon. returning from Greeiuboro. Mrs. Bobbins,, who is viritiiig In tiu latter city, will go hon:. Saturday. Mrs. Wreiin and Miss Cheatham, tf Durham.- are the gjets of Mrs. Jas. K. Norfleet. , Mis. James Kobbins, of Raleigh, ar rived this afternoon to spend Ea-iter with, relatives. l.'u.a y w ill During Temporary Suspension of This .Case This Morning Notorious Block ader Was Tried And Convicted Nine Prisoners to Be Carried to At lanta Tonight. Will Blackburn Trial Have to Be Postponed? Gov ernment Summons Blackburn's Pri vate Secretary as Witness. Special lo The Sentinel. -GREENSBORO, April 12. Culled Slates Marshal Mllllkan and three tepiitlea leave here tonight for A1- lanta. taking to the penitentiary nine prison rs sentenced during thu pres ent term of the fiderat court. With B. F. Sprinkle, who was taken to At lanta last week, this makes ten sen tences as a result of the criminal cases on t-lils court's docket. ; Th. re was afl Interim in the trial of tho Hardin Davis bankruptcy rase in the federal court this morning long enough for the trial of Sid Matlock, a noted brorkmler of Caswell county. Defendant Introduced no evidence, the jury convicting him without lea' the bar. Judge Boyd sentenced him to' the penitentiary for IS months. Ma lock has been evading the officers for threu years and on three differ.T.t. occasions .prevented a r rent by liie rale resistance and show of fire arms. Umr .Sunday he was caught and after a lively fusllado the officers captured him and landed him safely In Greens boro jail. The bankruptcy ease bids fair to (Consume all of this week and possibly plications were (lied last night and Secretary Wilson t i he expects this post to have r.:it ls than lajj mem bera by May 11. when the' Stale T. P. A. Convectioa convents In Greens boio. , The officers, .director and commit tee chosen las', night ar aa follows: President, J. J. Norman, of Whv kton-Kalem; 1st vice pi.-slileut, F. S. Vnnay, of Wlr.titon 8alm; Ind vice prt .lileut, 8. C. Peiii. tit R. idsvllle; secretary ami trwisutvr, P. T, Wilson, of WInMon-SuItmi. Board of Dlitctors: R. T. Btetllnan, chairman, Gtt. W. Coan. Sterling Smlllu A. G. Click,, of ElKIn, and E. II. Gibson, of K. rnwhvllle. Tho chairmen of thn varlotis com mlttee arn as follow; Railroad committee, P. R. Musteii; press, B. II. Marsh; hotel. J. A. Dean; legislative, W. R. Leak; employment. W. N. Reynolds; filek and relief'. W. L. O'Brien; physician, i)r. D. N. IXil ton; chaplain. Rev. E. H. Crosland. Delegates to statn convention, to be held Iu Greensboro May II, wcie St'lected. At this convention tftato of fleers arid delegates to the National convention, to be held la Buffalo, N. Y., on Juw 11,. will be elected. Del gates from Post B a is- as follows: It II. Marsh. W. R. Ieik, K. T. Stedman, J. J. Norman, Sterling Smith, W. i O'Bilen, K. C. Cllnard, II. C. Korn.r, F. S. Vernay, J. A. Dean, E. W. Carroll, of Wlnstmi Ha icm; T. 8. Fleshmau and E. II. Gib son, of Kerr.ersvllle; J. W. Waynick, of Greensboro. th exception tf thn demand kt uitloi rtcojn!(lon. . The . pern or will donbilrs .ask for ailjoiirnnient thls aftenwMm. In the event ef nbsoluln refuml ol opera- ' irs trt accept the miners' propoMl Mltelitil will rail a con. -nt Iou of (bit mtn workers at WUkfabarre th lr ler part of uext week and plac a full report of 'negotlatltnx Ix'fore It. Jh.) srriko would th.'t; be called by dalq- gales. . t ' "COLO BRICK" MAN DIES ' next. In, this event the term of court at Statesville would have to ! dis continued or tfostponed. Whether tho st-ssioii of the district court will sidetrack 'the siM-cial term if circuit court called for the trial of th.' Blackburn cat. Is now getting to he a question. Blackburn' private secretary, John Crouch, was fcerved with a subpoena New Ad"-tisements. Waiklns' Book Store. Easter r.ov eltley. James S. Dunn. An Invitation it you wish to buy or rent a housf. PxiplesS at local Bank. Report, of condition at clime of business April fi J. T. Joiner. Special , sale on laundry soaps, about. Ialf price. Meyers-W.-stbiook Co. Specials foi tomorrow and Saturday. , The Miss'-s Martin's Ladles' Fur nishing Parlor. Further' tnent in' regtird to Raster reduction sale. Shapiro's Sample Store. Indies' fine sample hose lr.. A. C. Voglt r Son. New arrivals In refrigerators, ice iox.s, porch, and lawri goods. Mclie ft Rogers Have au at tractive ad. calling attention to their Immense lln. of clothing. Rom nbacher at Bro. An attractlvu line of specials In every department 'for tomorrow ami Saturday. -Bennett. Gento & Co. R-lJisrt in attractive pag.j ad. on Shoes, Special lo Th Bentlujjl, RALEIGH. April 11 II. P. llalr, one tif the threa "gold brick" , itioh brought ! to the p'"ltenJJary in Jup, 1901, fur in attempt to "bunco", Mr- Paul Garratt. died In the penitentiary here aat affermxin. Ills wifo fame from New York a week ago lob with him. She left with tho MtnJr. for New York last night, Ui.t bod- having been turned over o hr..Jlp had been an atteudant' In thti hoSpltil lepaitiiivul of the piUoa ever alucv bo wa-i committed. lf! two accom plices Iu thq rrtpie for which he M erving tho setitettcs wero l(ow(f.t and Daly. The lutter was psrdonel more thsn two years ago and Howard Is still In prison, llawley was aer Ing a ti n year sentence. '.. . The men had stiotig and wealthy friends In Chicago and New York and Ihilr trial heoiuin one of the most famous ever held In tb Stale, whllw afurwards neither money nor Indu ftite were spared In'effoits to secure pardor. NATIONAL LEAGUE BALL Much interest is being nun if .! : e-tl nkih baseball game to be p.ajed this mornlig lo appear a sta wltnwtsibere Saturday between 1avi0Mb nnd H Wlrs to Ths Bmtlnat NEW YOUK, ApTil !2.-Tho baae ball f.asoiv i,f the National League opens tula in both. thn East and Ibe Wist, This af'inooii lk0n will play at Brooklyn. New York at Phila delphia, t'lii'-ago at Cincinnati, and 'Pittsburg at St. Lou!, 1, Tile .season Will close OB OrX)b"T 1 wl;h fhc va'ilous cluli playing In tin if ow n divlslo is. Boston w ill clono in. New York. Philadelphia at Brook lyn, Chicago a) Ilnaburg, and St. Lotils at ( Incintatl. , " The umpire selctd for thi Rea son are Henry O'Day, ! Rol)"rt Kmslle, f. E Johnstone, William Kelm, W. 1J. CarnnlTlnJJ. II. Conway. Easter Shoes and Oxfords. I'tine't. Gentry at Co.'s showing of Easter oxford is unusually large. showing all the hew shapes, styl" for the proiecuGon In Ihe trial of theiWske Forsi ttolleges. BMh trains and leathers. This firm has the solo questing all friends of organized labor to refuse to purchSy ' products of iwat a passenger on the train to High Point manuTacttirers until the Greensbmo last evening. kclud-out employees-there are rein- -The graded schools cked today stated with union privileges. 1 until Tuesday murning. be jcLiigreasman nextweek. It is Impos-jare atroaKthU year and a flae cot- agency for the well known Bryd-ui mie to dlecover the nature of his I test is expeeb d. 'an.; w t tv,u:... i... t siiries layior, a (ttudeut at and the The Cntnegle Dr. Turner, of Nortn Hkesrtoro, iesunumy or trie purpose or inj gov ciilment In havlag him summoned. A. H. Eller and Cicero Tlse went to Vado Mcum Springs this afternoon. Kr!pp.-ndorf Dlttwau shoe Davidm College, came, in this after-j for ladles. Sow ptge ad. In this utsot. noon to arrange for the baseball game here Saturday between Davidson and J Mrs. J. W, Cartfr Is quits sick a? Wake .Forest, 'her home on Swuthslde.

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